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Donghae opened the door into the dimly lit space, sidestepping to let a couple guys by on their way out. He knew he was early, but that was just how he was. An early riser, an early arriver for work, appointments, meetings. Apparently dates, too. Though he hadn't been on one in far longer than he would like to admit.


He was also always an early leaver from these sorts of places, when the rare occasion arose that he found himself in one. Most of the time he excused himself from the conversation when co-workers or friends were trying to get him to come along for drinks, or food in the evening, as it also usually led to rounds of drinking after. The times that he was coaxed to join, however, he was usually pressured to drink something at the insistence of those around him.


Which typically ended in him hissing at the bitter taste and burn of liquor on his tongue, and scowling at the offending drink, which was apparently a mood killer to everyone else. But Donghae couldn't help it, he didn't even really like the taste of light beer. He also just preferred to be more health-conscious. Either way, at that point they wouldn't really have objections when he'd leave early. He was always happy about this, since he very much preferred his evenings to be for the gym, maybe a walk, and reading a bit before an early bedtime. That way he could rise early again the next morning and carry on his routine.


So it was probably no mystery why he was single.


Not only did co-workers and friends stop asking him to come out drinking, but he missed out on one of the main opportunities to socialize and meet someone.


Which was why, when his sunbae – a professor at the same university who he very much respected and considered a friendly acquaintance that he shared mutual other friends with, hence they were aware of each other's preferences – asked him to go out, Donghae didn't turn him down. He figured he would take the chance. The guy was very nice, and they got along well the times they had chatted during breaks or passing in the hall. He'd never thought of him in those terms, but that could change if they got closer outside of a professional environment, right?


Still, as Donghae made his way to sit at what he determined to be a more inconspicuous corner of the bar, a bit away from the chatter of other people, he couldn't help but feel out of his element again. But since his sunbae had suggested the place, Donghae would try to go with it.


It was a nice, stylish and trendy but lowkey place, as bars went. (He guessed, he'd been in very few.) Maybe because it was a gay bar so it suited a certain taste of clientele. It was probably the second gay bar he'd ever been in, though. As well as a good number of years since the last one, so he felt acutely aware of the majority of the other patrons probably being at least a decade younger.


“What can I get for you?”


Donghae was startled as the attractive bartender (who might as well have apparated from thin air,) spoke in front of him. Which apparently amused the man, his eyes looking down at him in an entertained mischief like he was trying not to smirk too much at his overly jumpy reaction.


“Oh,” he turned in his seat a bit, pursing his lips, “Uh, I'm not much of a drinker...but I'm waiting for someone...I guess I should probably order something,” he played with his fingers, eyeing the bottles behind the bar as if they would rescue him from this awkward interaction. “Can you recommend something?”


The bartender leaned forward against the bartop, resting his hand on his hip, “I can make you something, on special,”


“Oh, okay,” Donghae nodded, out of his depth. On special was probably good too, if he wasn't going to enjoy it, at least getting a discount was something. He would leave it to the expert.


The bartender winked at him and turned to the back of the bar to get to work. Donghae knew that was just the playful flirtatiousness that went along with working at a place like this, but he could feel the heat rise to his face. It didn't help that the bartender was extraordinarily handsome. He was probably the main reason anyone came here.


Donghae really hadn't been on a date in a while and it was showing.


Like clockwork, his sunbae appeared next to him, on time for when they said they'd meet. Donghae leaned forward a bit stiffly, feeling slightly flustered and like he was caught at the worst moment, while the professor slid an arm around his back and squeezed his waist.


“Have you been here long?” he asked.


“No,” Donghae shook his head, sitting back down as his sunbae sat beside him, “I just ordered something...”


At that, the bartender turned back around to take his date's order too, though Donghae noted he didn't grace the professor with a wink, then returned to finish them.


“It's so nice to see you out in the wild,” his sunbae smiled, adjusting his glasses, “I've wanted to ask you out for a while, if I'm honest. But we seem to be like ships passing in the night most of the time,”


“Oh, yeah it's nice to have a chance to get to know each other better. You usually stay later with your office hours and I leave after practice or to go to games, so aside from lunch we don't tend to cross paths that much do we?”


“Here you are,” Donghae nervously broke eye contact, turning with a bit of relief as the bartender interrupted, setting their drinks in front of them.


What appeared to be some kind of whiskey, by Donghae's guess, for the professor. For him, a pale green cocktail with ice, lemons, and sprigs of mint in it.


“This is?”


“Special mojito,” he smiled, long enough for Donghae's heart to flutter a bit, but then he turned away again after an, “Enjoy,” to both of them.


“So,” his sunbae cleared his throat, drawing his focus back, “Let's get to know each other, hm?”


Donghae nodded, taking a small and cautious sip from his drink, mostly because he didn't know what to say next. He prepared his face to try to maintain a neutral expression upon tasting it, but to his great surprise, discovered it not only didn't burn or taste bitter, but was actually light and refreshing. Like a citrus juice with a sweet and smooth hint of mint. So he found himself drinking it easily, listening to the professor talk and answering a question now and then.


A while later, his sunbae excused himself to the restroom, and Donghae finished the last bit of the mojito.


As though summoned by the tingling sense that a glass was empty, the bartender appeared in front of him again, “How was it?”


“Oh! It's really good, actually. I like it! I think I'll have another, please,”


The guy chuckled, sliding his empty glass away, “And how is your date going?”


“Ah,” Donghae faltered a little, “Well,”


“Not as good as the mojito, then?” he asked in a faintly teasing tone. “He likes you, though. That much is obvious,”


“I guess. It's just...I don't really see it being more than a friendly thing, myself,” Donghae admitted. Though he didn't feel very tipsy ye

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Happy Eunhae Day everyone! ♡

This idea has been in my notes since last year. Hope you enjoy the flirty tension and silly fluff!


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simjang #1
Chapter 1: This is really so cute!! 🥰 i think we need more of these two! I would love to know how they'd go on 😊😊😊
Lavender05 #2
Chapter 1: It’s unfair to have thus in one shot 🤭 i demand to have a sequel for this 😂 and see the mojito making at home hahaha
UGH OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. your stories are realllyyyyy one of the best for me 😭 this is the kind of eunhae story i was apparently looking for to cure my eunhae-less life these days? THANK U SO MUCH FOR THIS!! gosh now im wanting more of this bartender and tennis coach dynamic 😂
Chapter 1: Eyyy so cute 😉
Chapter 1: sweet and kinda y :3 I really liked it, and would love to see more of this little story. thank you for sharing <3
sujul33 #6
It's so cute. I love it. Thank you for sharing :)
970 streak #7
Chapter 1: .A special mojito hooked Donghae fully into the bartender's arms. I love it.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Soft4heechul #8
Chapter 1: Thanks for this! I love it 💕