Take a Leap of Faith

Take a Leap of Faith
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Disclaimer: This fanfiction is purely a work of fiction and is not meant to offend anyone. It is a product of the author's imagination and should not be taken seriously.

Yesung had always been a reserved and introspective person, even as a member of the world-renowned K-pop group Super Junior and the resident chaotic crazy people of the K-pop industry. He was content with his own company, often lost in his own battle with his thoughts and his music, rarely paying attention to the world around him. But that all changed when Kyuhyun, the cute but bratty evil maknae, joined the group.

At first, Yesung found Kyuhyun to be a bit of a nuisance. He was always causing trouble and teasing the other members, never taking anything seriously. But as time went on, Yesung began to see a different side of Kyuhyun. He noticed how hard Kyuhyun worked to improve his singing and dancing skills, how much he cared for the group despite his mischievous antics.

Yesung found himself drawn to Kyuhyun's devilish charm and sharp wit. He couldn't help but smile whenever Kyuhyun would make a snarky comment or play a prank on one of the other members. And as they spent more time together, Yesung began to see a softer side of Kyuhyun, one that he kept hidden from the rest of the world.

One day, while they were rehearsing for a concert, Yesung found himself lost in thought as Kyuhyun sang a ballad. He was mesmerized by the way Kyuhyun's voice seemed to wrap around him like a warm blanket, filling him with a sense of comfort and peace. And when Kyuhyun finished the song, Yesung found himself applauding with tears in his eyes.

That was the moment when Yesung realized that he was in love with Kyuhyun.

At first, Yesung tried to ignore his feelings. He was afraid of what the other members would think, of how Kyuhyun would react. But as time went on, his feelings for Kyuhyun only grew stronger, especially with the maknae being all cute and clingy to him.

Yesung and Kyuhyun had been dancing around their feelings for each other for a few years now. Both were too afraid to take the leap and confess their true feelings, fearing rejection or damaging their friendship. They both had their reasons for their self-doubt, with Yesung being a reserved and introspective person who often second-guessed his actions, while Kyuhyun's bratty exterior was just a cover for his own insecurities.

Despite their mutual pining, they continued to dance around each other, unable to make the first move. Kyuhyun would tease and flirt with Yesung, testing the waters to see if he could gauge a reaction. Yesung, however, remained oblivious to Kyuhyun's advances, brushing them off as nothing more than Kyuhyun being his usual playful self.

Their friends and fellow Super Junior members noticed the tension between the two but were hesitant to interfere. They knew that Yesung and Kyuhyun needed to figure things out on their own, and any outside interference could potentially make things worse.

One day, during a break from rehearsals, Kyuhyun finally decided to take a leap of faith. He pulled Yesung aside, away from the rest of the group, and sat him down on a bench in the park. Yesung was confused but followed Kyuhyun's lead, wondering what was

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Chapter 1: This was so precious and sweet and soft and I’m screaming because of how cute it was!! (*´꒳`*) You wrote all the descriptions and feeling so beautifully and I just wanna hug Yesung! Kyu will hug him more and more though so it’s okay

So many emotions in this whole thing and every moment of it was so good and sweet. I love how tender and reassuring Kyuhyun is with Yesung! Making sure that he knows he’s loved and deserving of it and it’s so touching how precious they are with each other

Kyuhyun loves him so much and Yesung deserves every bit of that love and even more and they both know that and Kyu will make sure he receives all of it! I just need them to hug and never let go!!! (´∀`)

Thank you so much for writing this beautiful and sweet story with these two and thank you for sharing it as well!!! I loved every second of it and it can definitely make my days better whenever I reread it ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
390 streak #2
Chapter 1: because you love me, hyung = damn right Kyu! Yesung loves you so much that made me jealous! LOL