A Girl and Her Cabin

Little Misfortune
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Somewhere in a cabin deep in the woods, there lives a tall girl with straight black hair and a distinctive mole on the side of . Inside, you can see rows and rows of cassettes and CDs. She likes listening to music as it brings her peace of mind and concentration whenever she has to work on a project. If she has to go out, she has her iPod with thousands of songs saved. She also has all sorts of tea in her kitchen. There's nothing more she would love to do forever other than drink tea and listen to her music in this cosy cabin.

You see, she may look and act like any girl in her teenage years. But if you look closer, you'll realize she's peculiar. For starters, she lives alone in a cabin deep in the woods. Second, she just recently moved. Lastly, what makes her so different from other teenage girls is she is neither a girl nor in her teen years. 

This teenage girl is an agent in disguise but not the kind of agent you might imagine or have seen in movies. It is a spirit animal disguised as a human. Her mission in this town is to collect the souls of the name on the list. The list is short and unremarkable. It's simple and perfect for a newly graduated agent. But things aren't going the way that she expected. Retrieval operations usually only last a couple of weeks. She arrived and rented this cabin five months ago. But only three souls have been collected. To make matters worse, some of the souls have gone missing.

She has sent a report to her supervisors regarding the missing souls on the list. Just today, she received a letter that they have successfully tracked the lost souls' whereabouts. However, they'll need more time to investigate their current location. She was more interested in the contents of the second page, however. It seems they have added a name to the list.



Name: Ningning Yizhou

Code: Lady Misfortune

Age: 8 years old

Characteristics: Long brown hair, red beret cap, red coat, brown satchel

Third Grade Student, Open Fields Elementary School


Mother: Erica Yizhou

Age: 28 years old


Father: Henry Yizhou

Age: 32 years old



1201 Pine Road

Open Fields, SS 66520


Lady Misfortune has developed the ability to see beyond Pandora. Retrieval is a high priority. 

Be advised: the veil will not work on target. Maintain distance and keep contact minimal. 




The girl burnt the letter and took one last sip of the tea she's been drinking while reading. "I've got my work cut out," she thought. If the girl wanted to return to Senersedee and enjoy a cup of tea while listening to music in peace, she better start working. She stood up and took her blue shoulder bag. Beside the mirror was her Primeve staff. It is about five feet tall and made out of wood with engravings of runes and symbols. A blue gem as big as her fist is embedded at the top, and the base is sharpened to a point. The staff is awarded to all new graduates of UST and is used for both offensive and defensive purposes. She debated whether to take the staff with her or not. After all, she's better with her fists during a fight than with the standard-issued weapon. 

"It'll be a pain to carry this around, but it has its uses," she muttered while grabbing the staff. With one last look in the mirror and double-checking that her iPod is in her shoulder bag, she set out to look for Lady Misfortune.

It didn't take long for her to locate Lady Misfortune. She found her in her front yard conducting a tea party with handcrafted dolls. Lady Misfortune used leaves and cans for plates and cups, dried mud for cookies and a tree stump as their table. The girl changed her form into a rabbit to get closer to the party without being noticed. Based on the conversation, the tea party was going well. The rabbit can't help but be amused by the sight. It reminded her of the tea parties that she had with her friends back in Senersedee.

"Hello? Is someone out the

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idk who cares about this story but I'll only update this when aespa drops their teaser.


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