Past coming alive

The Extend of Love

"Jeongie, are you okay?"

"I'm scared..." The 18-year-old Minjeong trembles in her girlfriend's embrace, "They found out about us."

"What do you mean?"

"S-Somi and the girls... they saw us together yesterday in the backyard kissing and t-took a picture of us. I think they are going to upload it..."

She could feel the latter freeze up at the revelation.


"Hyun... I-I'm sorry..."

"No... Jeongie I'm sorry." The taller shook her head and sighed, "I should have looked around and check that's there nobody before doing it..."

Minjeong looks up to her girlfriend, "What should we do now? I'm sure Somi wouldn't just let it slip... you know how much she despises people like us..."

"I will do anything to protect you. To protect us, Minjeong. Just leave it to me."


Minjeong trusted Chaehyun whole heartedly. Afterall, they had been together for almost two years and no one knows and cares for her more than her lover.

But Minjeong should have knew.

Their love or rather her love, weren't strong enough to fight for them.

"I should have knew that you're a dyke, Kim. You never look or fangirl over the hottest guys in our school and you freaking rejected Soobin when he asked you out" Somi scoffed, "What a shame to your pretty face."

"I didn't believe Chaehyun when she said you liked girls. Now I feel disgusted being friends with you for the three whole years without knowing who you truly are." Dani spits shaking her head in annoyance.

Jihyun added on with a grimace, "Please dont tell me you have a crush on me before and all those hugs were more than plantonic ugh."

Minjeong had no choice other than allow those hurtful words to hit her because what hurt more was her very own girlfriend who promised that she would protect her, standing there by the side of their - her ex clique doing absolute nothing to stand up for her.

The whole time while she was being confronted by the other three girls, Minjeong was trying to get Chaehyun to look at her but she never did. If anything, she looked as cold as ever.

Chaehyun wasn't being like herself.

This isn't the girl she fell in love with.

This isn't the girl who assured her that she would protect her; would protect them.


What was going on?

"C-Chae   " she attempts to call out her girlfriend only to be shut off with the most painful word she ever heard from her lover.

" off, you disgust me."

Minjeong's world crushed down just like that.

The following weeks and months in school were worst then hell. Hearing downgrading remarks and false rumors about her took a toll on her mental health.

The once outgoing and bright Minjeong became distant, aloof and quiet. But Minjeong was still able to bear that much insults and bullying as long as she still get to see Chaehyun from far away laughing with their friends.

But there was only so much hurt Minjeong could bear.

"Stop following me around for 's sake, Minjeong."


"Stop calling me that too!"

Minjeong swollows back her tears. At this point in time, she already knew there was no more us between them. All she wanted to know was why Chaehyun did what she did.


"Spill what you want before Somi and the girls come searching for me."

"W-Why... Why did you not keep to what you promised me...?"

"What do you mean?"


Minjeong clenched her fist.


"Bab Chaehyun. You promised. You promised that you will p-protect me... protect us."

For a second, Minjeong saw how guilt seeped through the taller's orbs but it was short lived when a loud booming voice hollered behind her.


"Chaehyun! What are you doing there with the dyke?"

The cold and expressionless eyes were back and Minjeong thought that Chaehyun would once again ignore and walk away from her. She was prepared to feel a pinch in her heart again

But god, she was wrong.

Minjeong would have preferred if Chaehyun had walked away and ignored her like how she would.

She had never expected a sudden slap across her cheeks and a scoff following after the painful action.

"Please stop following me and leave me alone, loser. I absolutely do not like girls and definitely not you."


Minjeong had to get away.

Before she loses herself completely.




Promises were made to be broken.

Winter should have learned her lesson with her first heartbreak. But no, the foolish her still clung on to Karina's promises. Trusting that the older would never do anything like what Chaehyun did.

Karina knew exactly what happened with Chaehyun. She wouldn't do the same thing right?

Well, obviously she was wrong.


Her girlfriend wasn't there beside her holding her hands and protecting her from the group of girls who suddenly cornered her up the moment she stepped into the school.

No one was there.

She was alone.



"Oh, look. Its Winter the dyke."

not that name again...


It had been a week.

A week since Winter was involuntarily outed.

A week since she had to bear with the insults hurled towards her and the disgusted and sometimes pity gazes thrown to her as she walks around the school. And Winter knows that it is just the beginning lf hell.

A week since Karina had last talked to her or had seen her.


"We should have knew when she turned Jaehyun sunbae down." Lia snickered, "Only these kind of girls would turn him down."

"Are you dating that Chinese girl you are always with?" Yeji cocked her brow, "What was her name again?"

"Ah! Ningning isnt it?" Chaeryeong smirked towering over the shorter figure, "Soooo you guys are dating? She's the same kind like you?"

Winter widen her eyes and immediately shook her head, worried that her bestfriend would get dragged into the matter.

"Leave her alone! She's innocent."

"ohh protective." Yuna chuckled, "Judging from your response it seems like Yeji is right though?"

"She's not!" Winter frowned deeply.

They could say anything they want to her but if they ever touch her bestfriend, Winter would definitely not sit back and watch.


"You know," Yeji narrows her eyes sharply, walking closer to Winter till the shorter's back hit the cold lockers, "I kind of want to see what would happen if I call Somi here and tell everyone what happened back in your previous school. I heard that it's quite a fun story of how you were caught."

Her blood ran cold at the said name.


How did Yeji know about Somi?

Was she the one who sold her off?


Of course it would be Somi. She wouldn't just leave me alone even when I moved to a different city huh?

"What are you guys doing?"

"Oh hey, Giselle. Look who we have with us."

"Its the dyke!!!" Ryujin added on cheerfully and swings and arm around Giselle.

Winter looked away, not wanting to meet the Japanese's eyes, afraid that the girl might spill what she know about her and Karina. Her hands grow clammy and her anixety heightens. All she wanted was to just get out of here.

"Hey! Leave my bestfriend the alone!"

Wild Ningning came running towards them, pushing Yeji away. She grabs Winter's wrist and pulled her behind her in a defensive stance.

"Ning! Don't." Winter stops the Chinese from landing a punch on Yeji's face. Ningning's face flared red in anger, "Let me go! This need to learn how to keep her filthy mouth shut!"

The five girls less Giselle erupted in huge amused laughters, gaining some attention from the rest of the students.

"oh look they are so sweet protecting each other." Ryujin chortled, "and you still deny that there's nothing going on with you two?"


"Hey, you monkey looking ," Ningning glares at Ryujin menacingly. The latter's face contoured into a look of disbelief and anger.

"Stop those stupid assumptions you guys have in your ed up mind. We are nothing but bestfriends and I believe that as her bestfriend, it is my duty to stand up for her and slap anyone of you who dares to make Winter upset."

"We are living in the 20th century for goodness sake. Stop being so closed minded you doofus. You guys are just going to rot in hell if you keep making these innocent people's lives miserable."

Ningning narrowed her eyes, "This is the last time I'm warning you guys. Leave Winter alone."

Without hearing any more of their opposition, Ningning swiftly grab her bestfriend and stormed away from the scene leaving the five girls red in embarrassment and anger. They could see the other students muttering under their breath, some seemingly agreeing to the Chinese's speech.


"What the ." Ryujin groaned, "I'm going make their lives hell in here."

"How dare they make a fool out of us..."

"Ugh... where the hell is Karina?" Yeji rolled her eyes, "We should ask her to make a rule to stop these people from coming to school. What a waste of the school resources."

Giselle only stood there quietly and stares at the two small figures running away.


"Yeah where the hell is Karina..." She mutters softly under her breath, "when your girlfriend needs you."

"hm? Did you say something?" Chaeryeong questioned.

Giselle only casted them a look of disapproval before shaking her head and walk away.


"What's wrong with Gi?"

"I don't know. She's have been always the weird one. If she wasn't rich, we wouldn't have even included her in."





While Winter's extremely grateful for Ningning sticking up to her ever since the rumor, at the same time she felt bad that the latter was now invovled in the situation.


"Why the hell did you just stand there and let them say those words to you!" Ningning frowns deeply, glaring at her bestfriend who cowers at the strong gaze. Seeing the older in the vulnerable state brings a tug in her chest.


Sighing, she walks over to the blonde haired and wraps her arm around Winter's shoulder.


"Are you okay?"

Winter attempts to throw a weak smile at her friend, "Would be a lie to say yes."

"Seriously. Cheer up, Win. I'm sure there are still a few people in school supporting you."

"I doubt so." Winter chuckled.

"Whatever, you still have me. I will never leave you."

"I know," Winter smiles, "Thank you."

Ningning then pouts, "You should have let me know earlier that you're into girls. It would have saved all of my efforts getting your admirers to you."

"Well I didn't know you would take it in so well..."

"Please, I'm not like those close minded ex-bestfriends of yours back then." Ningning rolled her eyes, "By the way. If I ever see them or your ex-girlfriend don't hold me back from slapping the hell out of her."


Winter giggles, "Oh no worries, please be my guest."


"Maybe just not do it in school. I don't want to risk you getting expelled."

"You're the only one I have here."


Why does this sentence hurt more than it should?


The blonde pressed her lips into a bitter smile, ignoring the pang in her heart as she thought of the school's president.


"Can you still attend classes? Or do you want to go home?"

"Don't be silly."


Winter would never forsake her studies just because of some weird clique coming after her for liking women. She could take all of the insults and bullying from them. It won't be as worst as what she experience back then.




"Of course, I will still go to class... We have a test coming next "

A loud 'ding' rang off her phone.



Hey, are you okay?

Winter frowns at the message from an unknown number. Noticing her friend's expression, Ningning leans in to see what her bestfriend was looking at.


"Who is that?"

"I don't know."


Who are you?


oh sorry.

Giselle here.



"Giselle sunbae?" The pair of bestfriends muttered in chorus.

"You know her? Why is she suddenly texting you?"

"I don't know?"


A crease appeared in the middle of her forehead as she stared at the two syllabus name.


How did you get my number?


Um. From Karina.

We just wanted to check up on you.

I'm sorry for whatever words and whatever my friends had done to you.


We just wanted to check up on you?

Why can't Jimin text me personally?


"Karina sunbae? You guys are that close that you gave her your number?" Ningning squinted her eyes in suspicion, "Now she got Giselle sunbae to text you?"

"Is there something that you are hiding from me Winter Kim?"


It would be fine to tell Ningning about it right?


"Look Ning, I'm going to tell you something. But you have to promise me that you will keep it a secret. Okay?"

The Chinese tossed her a look of curiosity, "It is not what I think it is right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me first."

Winter gathers her remaining courage and exhaled deeply before looking around to ensure that not a single soul is near their proximity. To play safe, she leans in to her bestfriend's ear.


"I'm dating Jimin."

Slowly backing away, Winter monitors her bestfriend's expressions closely. It was neutral at first, then a look of confusion the next second, then her confusion morphed into disbelief.


"I knew it!!!" Ningning stood up and roared, "I ing knew it."

"I knew there was something going on between you two! Oh my gosh! That is why she kept lurking around our classes!"


"Keep your voice down!" Winter pulls her down and glared at her, "You have to promise me that you will keep this only to yourself. I don't want to get her into any trouble because of me."

Ningning sighs, "For how long already? That you guys have been dating."

"Hm.. almost a year."

"What?!" Ningning exclaimed, "and you are only telling it to me now?"

"I'm sorry."


Ningning blinks in confusion, "T-Then what about her and Jeno sunbae? Aren't they dating?"

The blonde immediately glared at her bestfriend and shook her head, standing up for her girlfriend.


"They are not! She just went out with him because her friends were getting suspicious of her since she was always like you said, lurking around our classes."

"Oh god... what is this?" The Chinese shook her head in dismay, "If she's your girlfriend then where the is she when her freaking good-for-nothing friends were throwing s at you?"

"Why isn't she here with you?"


That hit a sore spot.

Winter looked down on the ground. With the silence she's getting from her bestfriend, Ningning had a hunch on what was going on.


"Please don't tell me she's ghosting you. If she is, I'm gonna kill her with my bare hands."

"What? No...I mean I don't know. I haven't really heard from her ever since the rumor went around..."

"Winter... That's a whole week already."

"I know..."


"Have you contacted her?"

Winter shook her head and muttered softly, "I don't want to disturb her..."


Ningning could feel heat rising up to her neck and then to her face. Pinching the bridge of her nose to calm herself down, she grabs her bestfriend's arm to force Winter's attention on her.


"Look, you know I'm very willing to stand up for you and protect you but you have a freaking girlfriend and you need to tell her to do her bloody job as a girlfriend!" Ningning flared, "What kind of girlfriend leaves you alone to fend off those losers coming after you? Why in the world is she leaving you alone at times like this?"


"Calm down, Ning. I'm sure she has her own reason..." Winter chose to defend her girlfriend.


Maybe she's busy finding out who was the one who posted the post on the school's instagram. (although she already knew that it was Yeji's doing... maybe she should tell Jimin too.)

Or maybe she's busy handing some president duties...

But... a text or call wouldn't hurt right?


"Oh my gosh... Winter you can't possibly just accept things just like that!"

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Confront her about it! Ask her why is she ghosting you!"

"We will risk her getting caught."

"So what?" Ningning cocked a brow, "You guys are in it together. I'm sure when the rumors were leaked you guys did talked it out right?"


Winter nibbled on her lower lips, not knowing what to respond. Knowing fully that her bestfriend is right about her words.


"Ugh, this is so messed up. Promise me you will talk to her. You can't just handle this yourself."

"I...I will try."





She lied.

It has been a good three days since she confided in Ningning. Yet, she still haven't found the courage to shoot a text to her girlfriend who was still, 'ghosting' her. Winter tried to convince herself that she just didnt want to disturb the busy president.

But deep down, she know the reason why she has been avoiding initiating a conversation with Karina.


Because it would hurt even more if Karina were to ignore her when she reaches out. That it would hurt more if she initiated a talk but Karina just decides to brush her away or even worst, block her off. Just like how Chaehyun did.

Rather than that, Winter prefers to give Karina some space and wait till the latter comes back to her.

It has always been this way.

No matter what, at the end of the day, Karina will still be in her arms.


However, Winter was losing her trust in her girlfriend as every single day passed by without a word from Karina. The bullyings from Yeji and friends was still bearable. They have yet to get to the stage of getting physical with her and Winter could handle some stupid ignorant remarks about her.

But what she definitely could not handle, is the sight of her very own girlfriend in the arms of the school's vice president.

Winter have absolutely no idea why the heck were they doing at the rooftop which was meant to be a space for her and Karina only.

She couldn't comprehend why in the world was Karina hugging Jeno at their hideout. Didn't she say that it was all just for show? What reason could it be for them to be hugging each other when there's no one for Karina to lie to?

Winter scoffed, feeling her knees getting weaker as she stares at the pair at the entrance of the rooftop.

Before a choked cries out from her lips, Winter cups and wipped off the tears that was oozing out of her orbs.

She immediately turns away, and took a deep breath to calm herself down.


So much for wanting to come here for a breather.

The short-haired clenched her fist at the side of her skirt and sighed heavily. She was about to leave the rooftop to find another place to escape when a voice called out to her hesitantly.



"G-Giselle sunbae."

The senior was quick to see the blood-shot orbs and the stained cheeks. It didn't take her long to realised that Winter cried and was still trying to stop herself from crying.


"Are you okay?"

No, I'm not.


"Yes, I am." Winter puts on her brave front and aimed a faked smile, "What are you doing here?"

"Jimin asked me to come up here, I guess she needs a talk?"

Talk huh?

So she can talk to Jeno sunbae and Giselle sunbae, but not to me?


"Hey, Winter?"

"Ah yeah, I guess I shall not hold you back then." Winter bowed and immediately took her leave.


Giselle frowns worriedly as she watches the small back of the girl slowly fading off.

It was obvious that the girl wasn't okay.

"Why is she lying?" Giselle muttered under her breath, shaking her head before she opens the rooftop door.

and there, she found the answer to Winter's tears.


Heck, she wasn't even Karina's girlfriend yet she could feel her blood boiling on behalf of the innocent junior.


"Are you being for real, Jimin?"

The pair broke apart with a surprised Jeno and sobbing Karina staring up at her in confusion.


The Japanese-Korean raked her hair in annoyance and clicked her tongue as she approached them, giving a hard glare towards Jeno who looked away, feeling intimidated by the girl.


"What the hell is he doing here?"

"I was just comforting Kar   "

"No one asked you," Giselle shuts him up, "Scram."


Jeno sighs and nodded, scrambling his way of out the rooftop before he continues to be at the receiving end of Giselle's glare.

"Giselle." Karina sighs. She knows that Giselle didn't particularly fancy Jeno but she was being overly rude to him when he didn't do anything wrong, "i broke down and he just happened to see me."


"Well guess who I saw when I came up to find you?"


"Your girlfriend," Karina's eyes widen.

"...and she was crying."


Karina cursed and before Giselle could blink, the vice-president was already running out of the rooftop.

"I hope you fix this, Jimin." Giselle shakes her head and decided to spend the rest of her period chilling on the rooftop.




baby where are you? why are you not in class?

please, it is not what you think it is.

he was just comforting me because I was breaking down.

i love you, minjeong

please don't ignore me?

im worried... ningning says she doesn't know where you are too...


Winter shuts off her phone that kept ringing off with new notifications and calls from her girlfriend. She throws her phone far away from her and sank her head down her pillow instead.

She doesn't do this often. Skipping school was bad. And she doesn't advocate it. But the longer she stays in school, Winter knew that it is only a matter of time before she burst out and head to the senior's hall to land a punch on the school's most popular guy for hugging her girlfriend.

She was so tired.

Both mentally and physically drained.

Her eyes were swollen and tired from all the crying she did the past hour. All she wanted was to just sleep the pain off and not think about anything else.


When she opened her eyes again, it was already night time. Her room was dark and she had to adjust her sight to get a better view of her dimmed room.

"Ugh..." A pain shot up to her head.



She pressed her palm on the side of her head, hoping that it would somehow ease the pain.


A deep husky voice breaks through the still night and honestly, Winter was not surprised to find her girlfriend still in her uniform, lying next to her in bed. She was the only one who has extra keys to her apartment.


"Migraines again?" Karina sat up and attempted to hold Winter's head and give the younger a head massage like usual. But Winter swiftly ducks away, making Karina's hand stay afloat in the air awkwardly.


That one word came out colder than how Winter expected it to be. But you couldn't exactly blame her. She just wanted to be alone now and not deal with Karina's excuses again.


"baby..." the older calls softly, hands reaching out to grab onto Winter's. It was dim but the lightstands that were shinning outside was enough for the couple to get a glimpse of each other's wornout face.

"please... let's talk..."

"So now you want to talk?" Winter scoffed, "After ghosting me for more than a week?"

Winter know she was letting her emotions get ahead of her. But she has been dealing with the silent treatment from her girlfriend for more than a week.

"I...I... you weren't talking to me too..." Karina defended and Winter was quick to snap her head towards her girlfriend and cast her a look of disbelief.


"Seriously? Jimin. H-How am I supposed to talk to you first when you are the one who broke your promise?" Winter loses control, "You promised that you will be by my side. But a week has passed. A week of me being harassed in school. Yet, the only one who sticks to me is Ningning."

"Where were you?"

"then the next time I see you, you were ing hugging another man." Tears burst out of Winter's eyes again, "and you tell me not to misunderstand that?"


"Tell me how would you feel if you are in my shoes." Winter clenched her teeth, "Heck, I really don't want to talk about it now, Jimin. We will just end up fighting and hurting each other's feeling."


"We don't have to fight, jagiya... We just have to talk..."

"Minjeong... I'm sorry. I just had to take time to process and think about things." Karina explains, now kneeling down infront of the younger to take a better look at her girlfriend.

Immense guilt hits her when she see the tears and the pair of swollen eyes. She brings her thumb up to wipe away the fallen tears, relieved that Winter didn't push her away.

"I had a lot of things on my mind..." Karina cradles her girlfriend's face into her palms.

It was then when she realised that it has indeed been a week or more since she last saw this beautiful creature. How did she even survived? Her mind was overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty that she didn't realised that she neglected her girlfriend and the promises she made.

God... she feels like the worst human being on earth right now.

"You know I hate to end the day without resolving our arguments... You don't have to talk... Let me just do the talking okay?" Karina could see the tiredness in the shorter's eyes. When Winter did not respond, the older just took her silence as an agreement.

"The past week was very overwhelming for me... I was busy with my duties and also trying to find out who pull that instagram stunt on you. I know that Yeji and the girls threw nasty comments about you when I wasn't present. Believe me...okay?" Karina sighed, "I did tell them to stop pestering you and leave you alone but they turned their backs towards me and asked if I supported the homouals."

"...what did you say?"

"I...I couldn't say anything. Giselle saved me and I managed to avoid answering it. But I'm sure that Yeji has her suspicions on me."

"I was afraid. Yeji knows my parents. I will be doomed if they get a wind of it..." Karina winced at the thought, "I know it may sound like excuses to you."

"Jimin, it isn't just anyone who is bullying me." The short-haired barks, "It's your so-called friends! I get your worries. I really do. But must you really hang out with Yeji and the group?"

"Winter... i am not staying friends with them because I want to. You know that..."

"Yeah, its your father." Winter laughs bitterly and buries her head into her hands, "I dont know how much longer I can deal with this on my own, Jimin."


"Minjeong please... I'm trying my best to help you behind the scenes... you've got to trust me."

"I do trust you, Jimin."

"But I don't know how long this trust can remain the same if your actions don't follow true your words."


Those words sounded like Winter was going to give up on them and Karina didn't like it. She scoots closer to her girlfriend and looks at her with a pair of begging eyes.


"Please, dont lose hope. I love you so ing much, baby. I will go crazy if I lose you..." Karima confessed, arms wounded around Winter's neck as she snuggles herself into the younger's chest. She tightens her hold around her lover's neck, afraid that Winter might slip away from her.

"I love you too... I'm sorry for acting this way." Winter apologised, walls breaking down at her girlfriend's sincere pleads.

"There's nothing for you to apologise for baby, its all my fault... I promise to be better for you..." Karina whispers and leans in to kiss her girlfriend, allowing her lips to convey her deep feelings for Winter.

At the pair of soft lips touching her own, Winter lets herself drown in another promise that Karina made.




The following days were getting better.

Not the bullyings of course.

But it made Winter feel better whenever Karina would toss her a small smile when they coincidentally crossed paths (it might be planned on Winter's side). Or when Karina would indirectly stop some students from coming up to her with another set of insults by giving false warnings that their professor wants them in their class early.

Small little action from Karina was keeping Winter's trust and it was enough.

At least for now.


"I guess you guys made up?" Ningning questioned her when they passed by Karina again with the couple sending discreet smiles to each other.

Winter gave the red-haired a little nod.

"Things are better now. I think?"

"Winter..." Ningning sighs, "If things are better, why is still not walking you to school and standing beside you when people come at you?"

"I told you Ning, she has her own reason. And I...understand."

"There was a pause there, Kim..."


Winter rolled her eyes, "Fine, obviously, I want her to be my by side and stand up for me. But look, you know why she can't exactly be with me now and I know she is doing her best to help me. So can we just drop this?"

Ningning couldn't understand. Yes, Winter did mentioned to her that her girlfriend was surrounded with homophobics. Like her own circle of friends and also most importantly her family who would definitely react negatively if they were to find out about the couple. But how long could they hide? The truth is bound to be uncovered.


"Don't you think its better for you to call it off with her?"

"No, Ning. I'm not giving up on us." Its been the ninth time the chinese had urged her bestfriend to break up with the president. And it also have been the ninth time Winter rejected the idea adamantly.

"Look Ning, I'm not asking you to understand her but can't you just support me and my decision?"

"I do support you, Win." The red-haired shakes her head, "I just don't want you to get hurt."


"how long can you guys hide it from her friends and family? If she is that scared of them, what are the chances of her really holding true to her words to fight for you?" Ningning questioned, hoping to knock some sense into Winter.

"She said she will protect me if we are met with the worst scenario and I will put my trust in her. So drop it, Ning. Please."

Seeing how it was difficult to change her bestfriend's mind, Ningning could only nod her head and pray that Karina doesn't let her down.

If not, Winter's trust will not be the only one going down.

Ningning will do everything to make sure that she brings the president down too.




"If she is that scared of them, what are the chances of her really holding true to her words to fight for you?"

Ningning's words has been replaying in her head like a broken recorder for the past two periods. It would be a light if her words did not just feed her anxiety further.

She won't right?

If we really get found out, she will still fight for us right?


All Winter wanted was for the bell to ring and that she could finally finish her last period. So that she could run back to her crib and get a breather to escape from the harsh reality and stop Ningning's words from repeating in her brain. But of course Yeji and friends had to make her life more miserable.

Winter groaned, looking down at her drenched outfit and scoffed when she heard the familiar group of high-pitched laughter. Their bullyings were getting worse each day.

Clenching her fist, the short-haired looked up and gave the leader a death glare ignoring the droplets of water falling off her bangs.


"oh look at who is glaring at us now?" Yeji chuckled and feigned a look of fear, "I'm so scared..."

"Did you guys did this?"

"Boo, what you gonna do if it's us?" Ryujin lamented, kicking the empty bucket away then took a step closer to Winter.

Winter remains calm and stood rooted to the ground; not fighting and not giving in either.

"Where is that stupid best friend of yours?" Ryujin quirked a brow, surprised that the red head had left her friend alone.


"She's not stupid!"

"blah blah," Lia snickered, "Your voice is so annoying. Just shut up."


Not wanting to argue further, Winter bottled up all of her anger and wordlessly took a step aside, avoiding Ryujin. Just as she took another step forward, the damn monkey-looking girl just had to stick out her leg tripping Winter.


"Ouch..." A painful gasp slipped out of Winter's lips as she falls flat on the cold ground. But nothing hurts more than being the receiving end of those hysterical laughters.


If only she had one pounce of courage within her right now to punch Ryujin in the face.

If only.


But she was powerless.

She was outnumbered.


And so, the only way for her to escape this is to remain still and to wait till those bullies gets bored of her.

That's how it has been.


"That hurt huh?"


Well no dumb .

What do you think?


"Nah, look at her still able to sit up. She's probably okay to take on another."



No what do they want?


Her questioned was answered when Winter felt a hand grabbing her chin harshly. When she glanced up, her heart thumped rapidly in fear at the hand that was raised up in the air and the smirk plastered across Yeji's lips.


It was clear what was to come.


Gulping, Winter closes her eyes shut hoping that it would somehow make it less painful. But the expected slap never came because of a saviour who appeared in the last minute.


"What's happening here?"




Winter shoot opened her eyes, craning her head slightly to see her girlfriend standing at the entrance with Giselle beside her. A wave of relief washed over her at her girlfriend's presence.


Ah... my savior's here.


"Oh Rina!" Yeji chirps, getting away from Winter and skipped towards the school president who had her eyes now fixed on Winter.

The younger immediately avoided the wine-haired beauty's gaze, not wanting to see the emotions that is swimming in Karina's system. Part of her were glad that now the bullying would stop. Yet, another part of her hated that Karina had to witness all these.


"What are you doing with her?" Karina questioned again, her tone firm and serious.

When she saw Winter's current state, her blood boils all the way up to her head. It was taking all of her self-control to not lunge herself towards her friends for making her girlfriend into that state.

Drenched, hurt, pitiful.


"Just having some fun." Chaeryeong answered with a shrug.


"Yeah fun."


The leader of the pack laughs, her orbs glimmering with mischieve as she stares back at Karina. The school president harden her gaze. However, Yeji was not even one bit affected by the other's threatening glare. There was obviously tension between the two most popular girls and both of them weren't planning to step down and give in.


Winter observed them with careful eyes.


"You should join too us sometime too, you know?" Yeji giggles fakely, but Karina gave no reaction to imply that she thinks that it's a laughing matter.

She probably figured out that the president weren't in the mood for any jokes. So Yeji raised both her arms up in surrender.


"Fine, maybe not today?"

Karina didn't respond and kept her straight face on.


"Geez, no fun." Yeji pouts then looked at her side-kicks, "Let's go girls."




Winter sighs to herself, relaxing her back against the counter as she watches the bullies leaving the restroom one by one.


The last to leave was Yeji and before she left, Winter saw her whispering something to Karina that evidently made her girlfriend tense up; her body rigid and her orbs shaken in fear. Winter could literally feel it in her bones that it was something bad.


"Hey, you alright?" Unexpectedly, it was Giselle who came to her aid. She offered a kind hand which Winter accepted with gratitude.

"Y-Yeah. Thanks."

The senior pressed her lips into an apologetic smile then turn to her bestfriend who was still rooted to the ground, seemingly drown in her own bubble of thoughts. Giselle sighs and runs a hand into her long locks before staring at Karina in disappointment.


"Yoo Jimin."

No response.


"Yoo Jimin."

Still no response.



Not only did the said girl got frightened by Giselle's scream. Winter did too.


Giselle was always the calm and chill one and it's probably the first time Winter had heard or seen the senior speaking so loudly.



"What?" Giselle scoffed, "What in the world are you doing?"


"Are you going to just stand there and do nothing? Your ing girlfriend just got mobbed by your supposedly friends, Jimin."


Karina finally snaps back to her senses and takes a few steps forward to reach out to her girlfriend carefully, "Are you okay?"


The younger nibbled on her lower lips and gave the senior a brief nod, slightly shivering because of her damped shirt. Karina saw it and took off her swimming team windbreaker that she was wearing. Just when she was about to put it on her girlfriend, she realised that her name was stated at the back of it.


She halted her actions immediately and turned towards Giselle, "C-Can you fetch my dry gym clothes in my locker for her to change out?"

Giselle cocked a brow, "You have a jacket, Jimin. Your locker is far from here."


Karina tightens her hold around her jacket, "I...It has my name behind it."



Winter felt that blow in her gut. She knows that it was Karina's way of hidding their relationship but it doesn't mean that it didn't hurt. Especially at this kind of situtation.


"Seriously???" Giselle hissed, her brows furrowed in disapproval.

"Giselle." Karina sighs, "Please."


"Fine..." The Japanese shakes her head, letting out a sigh of disappointment. She was about to leave the couple alone however, Winter stopped her.


"I-Its okay sunbae." Winter flashed a sad smile towards Giselle, "I will just get to my locker its near here."


"Jagi. You will catch a cold. Stay here."


Winter ignores her girlfriend and headed straight to the door.


"Baby!" Karina catches her wrist, "Please, stay here."

"I'm fine, Karina." Winter takes her hand away and leaves the pair of bestfriend in the restroom.


D-Did she just...called me...

Karina's eyes stayed trained on the smaller's back. Her heart and brain tells her to chase after Winter but her body was frozen in fear.


"I'm disappointed in you, Jimin." Giselle clicked her tongue, "Seriously? You wouldn't give her the jacket just because you don't want anyone to see her in it?"

"I...It's to protect her."

"No," Giselle barks, "It's to protect yourself."




As much as she wanted to stay for her last period, Winter knew that if she were to stay any longer in the damn school, her panic attacks would re-surface and that is the last thing she wanted. Without changing out of her dampened uniform, the short-haired was quick to make a dash out of the school compound and took a cab back to her apartment where she could finally breathe.



The said girl instantly lifted her head up and widen her eyes at the sight of a worried 50 year old woman emerging from the kitchen.


"M-Mom? What are you doing here?"

"I took a day leave and wanted to check up on you. Why are you back so early from school? I wanted to pick you up... Hey, baby why is your uniform wet?"


Winter didn't want to cry but when she saw the face that she had been missing for months, the little girl just broke down crying in the arms of her mom.


"Shhh... Everything is okay, mom is here."

Clenching on her mom's shirt, Winter sniffled as the older tried to calm her daughter down.


When she felt the sobbing ceased, she then walked her daughter to the couch and grabbed her hands.


"Sweetie... what's wrong?"

"I...I'm scared."


"People were talking about me again..."


Mrs Kim's face fell at the trembling voice of her youngest daughter. Wrapping her arms around Winter's the older sighs and caressed her back gently. She didn't have to dig for more information to know what exactly happened to her daughter again.


"Do you want to move to another school?"

"I...I don't know."

"Is it because of Jimin?"


At the mention of her girlfriend's name, Winter felt another ache in her chest. She chokes out a sob and sighs.


"Jimin. Did she..." Mrs Kim frowns and Winter immediately shook her head.

"No she didn't. She did not lay a hand on me."


The older woman released a sigh of relief, "She better not. She promised me and your brother not to let you go through the same thing twice."

"Yeah, she did." Winter smiles bitterly, "I...I just hope she sticks to it till the end..."

Mrs. Kim cast her daughter a look of pity, "I will have the documents ready just in case you want to leave immediately okay?"

"D-Do you not trust in Jimin?"


All Winter wanted to hear was for her mom to assure her that Jimin will never break the promise she made to her family just a few months ago. But of course, Mrs. Kim would want to prepare her fragile daughter for the worse.


"We trusted in Chaehyun too, Minjeong."


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addicted03 #1
Chapter 8: Can’t believe I just found this story, where have you been? This is soooo good so far, I love how much character development both Jimin and Minjeong have gone through so far. I am so ready for the fluff, the angst and everything else in between. To more long chapters! Thank you for this.
215 streak #2
Chapter 8: damn i wonder what would be chaehyun and karina's reaction having the same ex 😭
Chapter 8: I’m ready for angst. Hahahaha
Ammsone009 #4
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Chapter 8: omg finally! can’t wait for their fluff gfs era after all the angst they’ve gone through. anyway, i’m up for the final blow of emotional ride when chaehyun and karina find out they got the same ex.
Winter_rose #5
Chapter 8: I read this in one sitting, can't wait for the next one
crimson_snow #6
Chapter 8: I got so curious about Chaehyun's story with Minjeong 🫣
Chapter 8: aaaahhhhhhhh my heart ❤️🥺🥰
Chapter 8: finally read this in one sitting! so beautiful i need mooooore
joyie4ever 16 streak #9
Chapter 8: Thank you for this🥹 hope they find their happiness
lmlo123 #10
Chapter 8: <3 thank you for this... this sweet thing.