Healing Potion (2/2)

Of Cauldron and Kitty

Three months passed uneventfully but blissfully. Woon still chose to stay in his cat form all the time and never showed his interest in transforming into a human. Kyuhyun didn't mind it and loved his familiar just the way Woon is. His usually quiet life became more colorful. His regular clients even told him that he smiled and laughed more since he had a familiar, and it made him grin like a fool. He used to think that living alone is the best but now he couldn't imagine his life without Woon. Not only did the adorable black cat lighten up his boring life, but it also brought more clients to the shop.



And it resulted in more people flirting with him...




"Hey, handsome, do you want to enjoy some witchy ritual with Noona tonight?"

"Sorry, but we only accept gold as a payment here."


Kyuhyun shot down the witch's advance awkwardly as he didn't know where to look. The client today was an attractive witch in a revealing dress. Although he wasn't interested in dating, he was still a man with a need and wavered when being seduced. Plus, he rarely hung out with other people of his kin (except his few friends and seniors) so he had no clue how to deal with this kind of situation. The witch's teasing giggle only made him blush harder so he quickly ushered her out of the shop politely. Ugh, better finish her request quickly and end this deal before the witch actually seduced him. He headed to the workshop to prepare the material and ingredients but...




Kyuhyun snorted. The first thing he saw in the workshop was Woon sitting in a cauldron that he needed. He tried to pick up his familiar but the feline growled deeply as a warning. He didn't want to force Woon out so he just conjured another cauldron.


"Meow! Meow!"


Kyuhyun chuckled. As soon as another cauldron appeared, Woon climbed into the new one while his lower body was still in the first cauldron. Did Woon want to play with him? He made another cauldron appear in mirthful curiosity.





Kyuhyun almost laughed but covered his mouth just in time. With three cauldrons on the table, Woon kept his lower body in the first one and put each of his front legs in each remaining cauldron. He conjured another cauldron, making it four in total, as he was curious how far Woon would go...


"Pfft!! Hahahahahahaha!"

"Meow! Meow! Meoooow!!"


Kyuhyun laughed out loud while the kitty protested. Because all of his limbs already occupied the first three cauldrons, Woon shoved his head into the fourth one. The black cat's cry echoed within the stone cauldron and made Kyuhyun wheeze harder to the point of doubling up. It took him almost ten minutes to stop laughing and he would have laughed for more if his familiar didn't hiss at him. Kyuhyun grinned and picked up the black feline from the four cauldrons, kissing its face to coax it.


"What's wrong? Does Woon not want me to brew a potion for that witch?"


"Aww, are you jealous of her? Don't be~ In this vast world, I only want Woon~ And I can't turn down my client's request. Sorry."


Kyuhyun kissed the annoyed kitty's pink nose but Woon hissed and used its soft paw to push his face away. The black cat then jumped out of his embrace onto the table and kicked one of the cauldrons with his hind leg, but Woon no longer tried to put himself in the cauldron. Kyuhyun chuckled and waved his hand, removing the excess cauldrons. His familiar made a cry as if he was pouting but the long tail came to wrap his wrist. Kyuhyun beamed and picked up the feline, letting Woon stay on his shoulder.



Woon refused to get down from his shoulder, even when the witch came to retrieve her potion. If anything, Woon wouldn't stop rubbing his head against his face while the witch tried to chat with him.




"Didn't Woon already think of you as his mate?"



Kyuhyun stared at Senior Hyukjae as if the older wizard had lost his mind. He glanced at his familiar who was playing with the tiger familiar and couldn't imagine Woon being his lover at all. Unlike his senior who met his boyfriend slash familiar in a human form, he had never seen Woon as anything but a black cat so it would be inconceivable to develop any romantic feelings for Woon. Kyuhyun shook his head.


"Nah, I only think of Woon as my cute familiar. It's actually better this way too because Woon doesn't want to transform—"






A cloud of black smoke appeared in the shop out of nowhere. When it was gone, a young man with vivid dark hair looked around and stopped at him. A pair of familiar golden eyes full of curiosity tickled his heart and Kyuhyun suddenly got flustered, especially when he looked at the man's pink lips... Is that his beloved familiar Woon? Hyukjae's teasing whistle pulled him out of his trance and he realized that the newly-turned familiar was from head to toe in a room with other people besides him! Kyuhyun hurriedly took off his robe and wrapped the shorter man's body.


"Woon, what happened? Why did you suddenly transform? Are you feeling unwell?"



A charming deep voice interrupted him. The human Woon hugged his torso and looked up with bright innocent eyes.


"Donghae said he'll teach me something cool and play with me. Can I go home with him and Master Hyukjae?"


The cauldron on the table cracked at the word "Master Hyukjae" and the room temperature suddenly dropped. Kyuhyun's brows twitched and he felt annoyed for no reason. He was about to turn down the request but couldn't say no to those pleading golden eyes. In the end, he sighed and nodded, and got more annoyed seeing Woon's face practically light up. His familiar left him immediately after getting approval and jumped at Donghae who picked him up with a beam. Before he got to say anything more, the trio disappeared into white smoke...





Why did he feel like a wronged husband whose wife ran away to her parent's home?




One week later...



Kyuhyun wanted to murder someone, particularly a married couple named Hyukjae and Donghae. Ever since Woon came back from a sleepover at the Lee residence, his familiar kept staying in the human form and drew unnecessary attention from other people. If Woon in a black cat form was very adorable, then the human Woon was downright drop-dead gorgeous: sleek black hair framing his small oval face, sharp coal brows, almond-shaped eyes that twinkled like a star, cute prominent nose, pinchable chubby cheeks, and compact lips that formed a heart shape while smiling. His familiar in a human form was so good-looking that many witches and wizards dropped by his potion shop just to get a glimpse of the former black cat. What annoyed him the most was Woon's attitude toward all the flirting attempts! Woon always glanced at him and looked away to smile charmingly at the suitors.


"Of course, my master doesn't mind us getting closer. Surely, Master would want to see me, his familiar, finding a perfect partner~ Meow~"


Indeed he minded it!! How could he let any unreliable stranger sweep Woon away!? He blamed his familiar's change on the Lee couple. Woon used to be an obedient kitty until whatever that erted couple taught him! He was relieved to see that Woon was no longer anxious about being among other humans but...





"Kyuhyun, meow, can I sleep with you...?"


What the hell did that crazy couple teach his familiar!? Kyuhyun cursed his seniors in his heart while exerting all of his willpower to not look at that pair of smooth and slender legs. Although Woon stayed in his human form during the day, his familiar always turned back into a black cat at night to snuggle with him. He was preparing their bed as usual when a spoiled and whiney voice called him. He looked up and almost had a heart attack seeing the dark-haired man in only a long-sleeved white shirt that reached about his lower thighs— his shirt. Woon pouted. His eyes almost resembled molten gold, sparkling and dazzling. The smaller man climbed onto the bed and crawled on four toward him, causing the ed collar to spread. Kyuhyun blushed when he saw a flash of the man's chest and quickly looked the other way. He could feel his ears burn hotter when his familiar sat on his lap. Even though Woon slept on his lap all the time, his heart never raced so crazily like this before. Did his view on Woon change because his familiar was no longer a cute kitty but a seductive man?


"Kyuhyun~" Woon rubbed his cheek on his chest, "why are you avoiding me? Do you hate my human form? Am I not cute anymore?"
"What? No! Woon is and will always be my cutest familiar! It's just..."


Kyuhyun took a deep breath and tried to think of potion formulas instead of the soft and warm bottom pressing on his crotch.


"Cough, Woon is too cute now that I don't know where to look..."

"Just look at me only, meow!"


Woon grasped his face and tackled their lips together. Kyuhyun almost pushed the other party away out of instinct but a familiar sensation and taste completely stunned him. This softness and sweetness... reminded him of the stranger from the night when he caught a cold... Could it be? Kyuhyun turned the tide and cradled Woon's nape to deepen the kiss. His familiar's mouth was warm and enticing. In fact, even Woon's body in his arms was also getting hotter...






The man in his embrace suddenly disappeared into black smoke. He thought Woon changed back into a cat form because he was flustered. However, it wasn't his cute little black cat that stared at him but an entirely different being... A dragon. And not any ordinary dragon but a black dragon, one of, if not the rarest species of divine beasts. It looked exactly like an illustration he once saw in a tome, minus the smaller size. The dragon was about the size of a human child with gorgeous scales the color of obsidian. A pair of bright golden eyes stared fixedly at him while the dragon nuzzled closer. Then, he heard a voice speaking directly in his mind.


'Kyuhyun, will you let me stay with you if I give you my power?'

"What...? Woon, is that you? What do you mean?"

'I really like you so I want to stay with you forever! However, I know that humans won't like me unless I offer something. But I only have this much power left after my five former masters broke our contracts... Hey, Kyuhyun, you won't lie to me, right? Everyone said that they would come back to me but no one did after getting what they wanted...'




"Worst of all, that wizard wasn't the only one who tried to take advantage of the dragon..." 



What Senior Siwon said came back to him. So, the tale was true and Woon did get betrayed by five humans in the past, resulting in losing an enormous amount of his mana. No wonder his familiar preferred a cat form because it used little mana to maintain it. Although he still didn't understand why Woon had to stay in a human form for the past few days, he needed to comfort his distressed familiar first. Kyuhyun petted the dragon's head.


"Shh, Woon, you can stay with me and I don't want your power. I only want you to be happy. Whether you're a cat, a human, or a dragon, I like you all the same."


The black dragon didn't say anything anymore, just snuggling and curling on his body to find a comfy spot. Although Kyuhyun had a hard time breathing because the dragon Woon was heavier than the kitty Woon, he let Woon sleep on him and coaxed his familiar until the black dragon snored quietly. Kyuhyun smiled. The Lee couple might unnecessarily teach weird stuff to his familiar but at least it led to them finally talking heart-to-heart. Now that Woon knew he wasn't interested in the dragon's power, his familiar didn't have to keep the human form and wasted his mana anymore. Their peaceful daily life of a wizard and a cat would return!



Or so he thought...




A few days later...



"Woon is still cute today as usual~"

"Thank you, meow!"



Kyuhyun almost added too much mana and exploded the vial in his hand, trying so hard to not cast a curse on a client who shamelessly flirted with his familiar. After that faithful night, he thought Woon would turn back to the cat form forever to conserve his mana but he was wrong. The next day, he woke up to see Woon in a human form happily sweeping the shop. There was a pair of black cat ears above the dark hair and a long black cat tail at the bottom. Moreover, a pair of onyx dragon wings were fluttering in joy at the thin but firm back. His familiar had become a gorgeous hybrid man now and even more people dropped by the shop to see his familiar, much to his extreme annoyance. Woon had also taken a liking in fitting pants that highlighted his slender legs and sleeveless vest with a low-cut collar that revealed his lean muscular arms and gorgeous neck. Kyuhyun felt like poisoning clients every time he saw them openly gawk at his gorgeous familiar. Seriously, his familiar is too beautiful! Rather than a dragon or a kitty, it seemed like Woon had become a charming incubus...




"Kyuhyun, let's sleep together!"

"Woon... How many times have I told you to wear pants?"

"But I don't like it..."


Woon pouted and came to hug his arm. The long cat tail also curled and patted his hip in a calming yet flirtatious rhythm. Kyuhyun gulped, feeling his ears burning hotter. He didn't know why but Woon liked to wear only his white shirt to bed. Although their heights were around the same, the human form of his familiar was thinner and smaller in terms of his frame. So, his shirt practically became pajamas for Woon. The loose collar occasionally revealed Woon's milky cleavage and if he looked long enough, sometimes he even saw rosy buds that made his mouth dry. The change in his familiar attitude confused him. Kyuhyun realized that he might be romantically and ually attracted to his familiar and felt guilty. Is he going crazy? Taking his familiar as his wife? No, that was just wrong. He needed to nip it in the bud before he started thinking with his lower head! Kyuhyun reluctantly detached the clingy hybrid man from his arm.


"No, Woon, I won't sleep with you unless you're in a cat form."

"But Kyuhyun told me that you like me no matter how I look... So, Kyuhyun doesn't like my human form? You lied to me... Donghae and Master Hyukjae also lied to me... This plan didn't work!"


Huffing loudly, Woon left him and sat down on the bed, pouting and crossing his arms over his chest. The fluffy cat tail swatted from side to side showing the man's annoyance while the cat ears stood straight and constantly flicked. A pair of black wings on his back also flapped rapidly as if they wanted to smack something. Normally, Kyuhyun would drop everything to coax his familiar but he noticed something else first. He sat down behind the fuming hybrid man and hugged him.


"Woon, what do you mean by that? Can you tell me?"

"Humph! Donghae and Master Hyukjae said that I need to stay in a human form if I want to win your heart but they lied! You barely hug me now that I'm not a cat!"

"Win my heart? But my heart is already yours, Woon."

"You don't get it, Kyuhyun!"


The black-haired man threw his hands in the air and shoved off the arms around his waist. Then, Woon swiftly turned around and straddled his lap, grabbing his collar and shaking him.


"I really, really really really really love you! I want you to only look and smile at me! I hate it when other men or women flirt with you! I want to tell the whole world that you're very cool and you're my master. Mine and mine alone... But you never see me as anything more than your pet..."



Kyuhyun cradled his familiar's chubby cheeks and made him look up to meet his gaze.


"You're a dragon so it's in your nature to be possessive. Are you sure that what you feel for me is different from your hoard of treasure?"


"Do you love me?"

"I really love you!"

"Do you want to be with me as a lover?"


"Woon... My beloved Woon..."


Kyuhyun's whisper was hoarse and cracking as it got harder to suppress his desire. He wrapped the smaller body and caressed along the curve of the spine until he reached the base of the long tail. Using his thumb and index finger, he squeezed and rubbed the area in circles, before clenching his fist around it and moving up and down the shaking tail. He pinched his familiar's chin with a free hand and lifted the gorgeous face up, leaning closer until their breaths mixed.


"...Do you truly understand what will happen after this? If we become lovers?"

"...Yes, Kyuhyun, I want to make love with you."


Immediately after the last syllable fell off the luscious lips, Kyuhyun kissed the hybrid man with great hunger like a carnivore tasting rich flesh for the first time. He growled when Woon kissed back just as hungrily and pushed the naughty familiar onto the bed. A mere sight of his beloved Woon beneath him almost drove him insane with love and desire— a pair of cat ears leaning forward atop messy dark hair, seductive golden eyes practically begging him, flushing cheeks, parting red lips, a sneaky tongue the alluring lips, flawless neck inviting to be marked, trembling wings that radiated eagerness, and undoubtedly smooth skin hidden beneath the white shirt... Finally, Kyuhyun lost it and pounced on his familiar after the expressive tail curled around his wrist and pulled his hand to slide under the shirt hem hiding the slender thighs...




That night, one wizard and one divine beast had signed a contract greater than that of a master and a familiar; as deep as the wizard's and as intimate as the dragon's arms around his beloved human.





The next day, Kyuhyun was in a good mood all day and smirked whenever a client asked Woon why his outfit is very reserved today.




Once upon a time, there was a lonely dragon living deep in the mystical forest. One day, a wizard offered to be with the dragon and they bonded through a master-familiar contract. The dragon loved its master with all of its heart, even transforming into a human so it could live with the wizard. One ordinary day, the wizard said he had to travel to a place where the dragon couldn't step foot on and made the dragon waiting for him after taking all of the dragon's treasures. Having complete faith in its partner, the dragon waited and waited no matter how lonely it was.


But the wizard never came back.


Not only the first one, but also the second, third, fourth, and fifth humans who made a promise but didn't keep it. The only thing that came back to the dragon was the severe, unimaginable pain of breaking the oath. Again and again, the contract was broken after the humans got what they wanted from the dragon; be it magical power, treasures, or even a part of its body. Every time its master left, the dragon wanted to leave its lair and find the master but it got worried. What if the master came back and couldn't find it? So, the dragon held on and kept waiting. Until the seasons changed and repeated. Until its health and wealth diminished further and further. Until it couldn't even maintain its majestic form...



Finally, the dragon who had become a weak kitten accepted the truth that no one would come back and decided to seek eternal slumber.



The great dragon, now a mere little cat, left its lair for the first and last time to wander the mystical forest. He made up his mind. He wanted to leave the world where he would be surrounded by beautiful and gentle nature. The black cat kept traveling through the vast forest until he couldn't even lift his feet anymore. Falling on the soft ground covered by colorful leaves, the former divine beast closed his eyes and accepted his end...


Only for him to wake up in a warm and fragrant embrace.


The human was a young wizard who had his large hand on the black cat's body, transferring mana through gentle touch. The divine beast no longer wanted to be fooled so he quickly ran away. However, he couldn't shake off the warmth and the smell of the human so he kept coming back to watch the wizard at night. The more he observed the human, the more he wanted to taste the forbidden fruit called trust again. For that reason, the black cat didn't run away and agreed to be the kind wizard's familiar, taking yet another risk to fall in love with a human; his final gambit...







"Woon, where are you~? It's bedtime now."


Kyuhyun walked into the workshop to look for his wife slash familiar. He smiled as his heart swelled from immeasurable affection, already sensing the black feline's presence without searching the room. He knew that Woon was hiding in a cauldron on the table but pretended to be clueless. Faking a searching attempt and call, Kyuhyun purposefully stepped closer to the table with his back to it. Then, when his back completely faced the table, the eagerly waiting familiar jumped out of the cauldron and pounced on the wizard's exposed back while crying excitedly.



"Ah! You caught me again, Woon, baby~"


Kyuhyun chuckled and picked up the happy black cat to carry in his arms instead. He kissed the damp pink nose and snorted when a rough tongue enthusiastically his face. Suddenly, the feline disappeared into black smoke and a dark-haired young man with vibrant golden eyes beamed at him instead. The human Woon hooked his arms around his husband and master's neck while still grinning.


"Kyuhyun, I love you!"

"I love you too, Woon, only you..."


The wizard and the familiar leaned into one another until their lips left no space between them, exchanging a wordless oath with their hearts that they would be together no matter what may come.






This time, the dragon won the gamble.




Author's note:

Happy fluffy end! 😺

Who could resist cute kitty Woon? Not Kyuhyun definitely xD Now our wizard Kyu won a jackpot, getting both cute cat and gorgeous y partner (2 in 1!)

Next week, I'll revisit and update Objects of Love series after a long while! Please look forward to more fluff kyusung!


Take care and love you!  <3

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Chapter 2: Omg Yesung as a cat is beyond cute and gorgeous.
Thank God he finally found his other half, who love him unconditionally
PathxX #2
Chapter 2: Too cute, too cute >.< I love this story and caught myself shedding a tear from Woon’s story T_T
_MyName_ #3
Chapter 2: A perfect ending! So sad for Woon, his story made me almost cry.. and he thought he would only be loved if he gave something :( lucky he found Kyu! I'm a little curious, what did EunHse teach Woon...? I have a guess but still :D
Elf_cloud24 #4
Chapter 2: Sweet story 🥰
401 streak #5
Chapter 2: awwww... what a sweet happy ending kyusung story~ <3
pinkeussi #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god you are always my energy recharger
Chapter 2: I'm sorry but this ending is too sweet for my heart, ack!!! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡

the amount of Kyu's patience to hold back fr hot Woon is quite admirable 😆 I'm shock that kyu didn't pounce on yeye from the first time he saw his human form 🤭 and maybe thats what the eunhae couple was also thinking 🤣
Papiixbabi #8
Chapter 1: Thank you for this authornim. This makes my heart flutter. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach 😍🥰
Chapter 1: This is soooo cute 🥰 but i'm mad at those bunch of user wizards who took advantage of woon's kindness, 😤