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If anyone had asked her what she wanted to be when she was a kid, Aera would say that she want to try everything.  She want to be a doctor, a teacher, a singer, an actress, a rich person. Anything. Because she was taught by one of the caretaker that as a kid, they are free to dream because then we will eventually found our own path. And at that time, Aera had foolishly believed that she was free to dream. Why not? She's just a 5 year old who does not have any idea that she just lost her parents. Not even a single relative would want to take her with them, with an excuse that they can’t take anymore people in their household. 


Growing up she keeps on dreaming to become and to have a lot of things, and one of the things that she has dreamed of is to have someone who would love her and make her feel like she actually does belong in this world. She would wake up in the morning and fall asleep at night only to dream of the same thing over and over again because she knows that it is possible. She always sees them on TV and when she walks by a passerby who walks hand in hand. So she keeps on dreaming. Wanted to have that one thing that she's so envious of. 


At the age of 16, she finally came upon her first love confession from the most popular boy in her highschool. A senior who is known as the school bully, Jang Hyunwook. It starts when Aera had just arrived at school and was walking towards her locker when a hand had stopped her from walking even further. A girl was standing in front of her. Aera knows her too well. Kim Minyoung, also a senior who shares the same class as Jang Hyunwook, has passed her a small note. “Lucky you, our Hyunwook doesn’t really pass a note to someone. It is always the other way around.” Kim Minyoung said and walked past her. 


Meet me at the rooftop during lunch. _JHW


After she had read the note she proceeded to walk to her locker only to stop at the nearest trash can to throw away the note that is now crumpled at her hand. Unknown to her, not only Kim Minyoung saw what she did, but Jang Hyunwook himself, with a few of his friends, had seen what she did. All of his friends start laughing at him, Jang Hyunwook himself smirks at what she did and keeps on looking at the direction she just walked. “Feisty, I like that.” he said and all of his friends kept on laughing when they heard him.


And it was also at the age of 16, when she experienced her first love. She still remembers that day like it just happened yesterday. 


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736 streak #1
Chapter 5: 🔥👌🔥👌🔥

So far, I am loving this! I wonder what happens next!

Thank you!

736 streak #2
Chapter 4: 🔥👌🔥👌🔥

That ending though... *sighs*

736 streak #3
Chapter 3: 🔥👌🔥👌🔥

Things are surely getting more interesting by the minute and the ending got my attention. Hmm. Can't wait to see what happens next!

736 streak #4
Chapter 2: 🔥👌🔥👌🔥

I adored the first chapter and how her life was explained, starting from her dream jobs to her first love and how everything went from there! I loved it and surely looking forward to reading more!

736 streak #5
Chapter 1: 🔥👌🔥👌🔥

All the characters are quite interesting so I am looking forward to seeing how this story develops!

Thank you!

736 streak #6

I am looking forward to this one!
