fate is annoying, and so is winter kim

yu, under my protection
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Chapter I

a/n: Italic text = character's thoughts





“Dispatch reveals famous actress Karina Yu was spotted leaving a fancy restaurant with fellow co-actor Jeno. They are rumoured to be getting to know each other after the two got along while filming their show.” 


Karina is sitting at the counter of her home kitchen and in her 26 years of existence and 5 years as an actress, she has NEVER facepalmed so hard after reading an article. Not only is Jeno not interested in women, but he is also her best friend. The two of them were classmates during their University days but every photo of them together was hidden from the public eye to not arouse any suspicion and/or issues. She breaks out of her trip to memory lane when she feels her phone vibrate on the counter. Her manager’s calling.

“Hey Gi, what’s up?” Karina questions as she walks to the balcony overlooking the city. ”Rina, I’m so sorry about what’s happening. I’ve already talked to the company about it. They will release a statement that it was just a ‘project discussion’ dinner. Nothing more.”

Giselle has been her manager for the last 5 years of her career. She’s also a long-time friend of hers. They used to stay in Karina’s luxurious apartment during their university days but Giselle insisted on getting her own place after they graduated. She says it has something to do about “learning to live in solitude like a monk in the Himalayas” or something. She never really understood that nor questioned what Giselle really meant by it. She did respect her old roomie’s decision though. Karina took theatre along with Jeno while Giselle was a Management student. The three of them are the best of friends even now. Even though they rarely get to hang with Jeno seeing as he’s a male celebrity and fans always lose their when they see men and women go out together that they end up creating elaborate scenarios in their heads. Like can’t men and women just be friends people?? It’s 2023!! And the man isn’t even straight! Although the public doesn’t know that. South Korea isn’t really accepting of queer people yet. Again, it’s 2023!!

“I just need you to lay low until the situation blows over okay?” Giselle adds.

“No problem for me, I love staying at home. Thank you so much Gi, and I’m so sorry for troubling you.”

“It’s alright Rina, you couldn’t have seen this coming. Even Jeno was shocked by the news. He said something like ‘I swear I thought I look fruity enough to not be mistaken as her lover’ like he doesn’t act like the straightest person in public. It’s pretty sad actually.”

”You bet. One time he told me his CEO talked about having a gay friend to him and he randomly replied ‘I like s’ with a straight face.”

”Maybe he meant chicken s. Anyway, before I forget Rina, the company also hired a personal bodyguard for you.”

“Bodyguard? For what?”

“Well, you’ve been receiving a ton of death threats lately and—”

“There’s no need for a bodyguard Gi, I’m sure those death threats are not serious”

“It’s better to be safe than sorry Rina and besides, the company already hired one. We’ll be meeting her tomorrow at the office. I’ll pick you up okay?”

Sigh. Karina thinks it’s a hassle for her and for whoever they hired. She thinks having a bodyguard is unnecessary because she doesn’t believe the death threats are true. They mostly come from users of the bluebird app anyways. But she concedes, she knows the company is just doing their best for her as one of their most famous star. She does bring in a lot of money after all.

“Alright, Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Take care there alright? See you tomorrow”

They bid their goodbyes to each other and the dial tone signals the end of the conversation. Karina decides to call it a day and mentally prepares herself for whatever happens tomorrow.






The building stands tall in the middle of Seoul. Karina and Giselle arrived early to meet with the bodyguard the management hired for the actress. Both of them are in the conference room when the doors suddenly open, revealing a 5 foot 3 slim woman, dressed in a red button-up polo paired with a black blazer, high heels, and strikingly bright red hair.

“Hi! I’m Giselle, Karina’s manager.” Giselle introduces herself to the red-haired girl. Is she okay? She’s not blinking.

The girl standing in front of Giselle is doing nothing but staring at her. It kinda makes her feel nervous and constipated. Like when she drank five coffees at Karina's aparment when she was in college trying to chase a deadline. Safe to say she occupied her room's bathroom for a half day and poor Karina was worried as hell because of all the cursing and praying she hears whenever she passed by Giselle's room. 

“Uhm. I’m Giselle? Hello? Are you there?” She waves her hand in front of the woman. The girl doesn’t seem to acknowledge her existence or the fingernail that’s dangerously close to the bridge of her nose. It’s l

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I'm waiting for update
Chapter 1: cuteee
No_looksies #3
Chapter 1: Oooh this is very interesting!!!
Thank you for writing this author nim!
Chapter 1: interesting!
21 streak #5
Chapter 1: Just make sure they take their meds 😅😅
Chapter 1: 😍😍😍💅💙❄
Jamess #7
Chapter 1: woah this seem interesting 😁🤣👍👍
573 streak #8
89 streak #9
Chapter 1: I liked b99 a lot! Super excited for the next updates 🤣
Shxxreyn #10
so good