🌷 : Nobody Knows

Blank Space




The weather is quite hot, but enough to feel the warmth of morning sunshine. Freen was already at the school waiting for her bestfriend. She sat on the bench near the football field ... Watching some students playing and enjoying  while some lie down on the grass reading books. She took out her phone and expecting to see a message from someone but there was no reply. 



"Where is she? where are you Rebecca?" Freen whispered, while thinking about the other girl ..she suddenly heard a noise coming from the two guys who are talking very loud.






"Nathan...You really sure that you can make Becky fall in love with you?"



"Absolutely... she's my childhood friend. Her parents adores me and our family are very close."



"Dude you like her since childhood and still you don't stand a chance. Hahaha!"



"Oh come on Heng, you don't know anything about girls. They just wanted to act like they are very hard to get but once you found their weak spot.. sooner or later she will have feelings for me..."



"Really? what is Becky's weakness?"


The boy scratch her head before answering. Yeah right, even if he is childhood friends with Rebecca Armstrong the only thing he knows is that Rebecca doesn't like spicy food.


"Well.. she hates spicy food...."



"Hahahahaha!!!"  Heng laugh so loud. "Dude...you don't know anything about her except the fact that she hate spicy food. All of the students know it! since last year the members of student council were requested to put information about our likes and dislikes in the University newspaper." 



"Hey! I was the first one to know it since she is my friend."



"Dude you know what? Just make a move to Becky...There are guys and girls lining up to flirt with her everyday.. Since both of you are popular you better hurry in making a move..."



"Woah...yeah right. I'll do my best to get her."




After Freen overheard the two guys talking about Becca. She walked away as far as she can. Her blood is suddenly boiling with jealousy and intense feeling like she wanted to punch the guy. Is she jealous? Maybe. Is she starting to fall in love with the girl she just met a week ago? Maybe. But this is just a crush. Nothing less nothing more. It's fine to have a crush with Rebecca since she really doesn't know if the girl really like girls too. Freen decided to grab a cup of coffee and texted her bestfriend to meet her at the University Cafe.




"Good morning! Welcome to Sola Cafe!" The tall, short black-haired woman greeted. Smiling widely to her first customer.



The girl was too starstruck to see the person in front of her.



She looks like a model and like a character in anime movies. 



"Uhm...yeah G..good morning... Can I have a small hot caramel macchiato?"



"Okay..anything else Miss?



"Uhm... that's all.."



"Okay, here's a piece of cookie since you are my first customer here... what's your name?"



"Oh wow! Thank you. My name is Freen"



"Such a unique name..."



"How about you? What is your name?



"I'm Lux Sulax"



"Oh... your name is familiar...ermmm.....I think I heard your name before..."



"Well I do modeling... I'm also a brand ambassador"



"Oh right! That's why you look so familiar...but why do you work here?"



"Hang on..." The woman gave the coffee before answering. " I own this cafe..."



"Woah! really? But why here? I mean inside the Uni?"



"My uncle is the School director and gave me permission to build a cafe here."



"Oh! I see... "



"Haha...yeah. and besides there are lot of pretty girls here "



"Hahaha yeah.."



"Oh? so you agree with me?"



"Wha..what?! ermm.... I think girls here are much cuter compared to other Universities I mean...pretty and smart."



"Haha! mmmm... Oh well here comes my regular customers..."




Freen slowly look behind her and saw that the members of student council are walking towards the Cafe. Rebecca was also there laughing with Irene. She covered her face with her hand thinking of the best way to avoid the group. 



Lux notice the weird reaction of the girl in front of her.  "What's wrong Freen? You okay?"



"Uhm yeah it's just that ...I'm surprised that the members of student council are here."



"They are always here....there is a VIP room only for them.."



"Really? well do you have other exit? because I don't want to meet them..."



"Well I have ... at the back of the kitchen ...."



"Can I go inside? Plea---"




Before Freen could finish her sentence... The group already opened the door. All of them greeted the owner. Freen couldn't move, she wanted to see Becca but she also want to go out and runaway from them. She was about to stand up planning for her escape plan when her bestfriend suddenly called her.




"Freeeeeeeeeennnnn!!!!!"  Nam shouted loudly. She ran towards Freen and hug her.



"Nam.....why did you call me so loud?" The girl whispered and didn't make any move.



"Oh....sorry...." Nam said and looked around the cafe. She then realized that the Student Council are behind them watching the two girls.





"Let's go..." Freen pulled her bestfriend and didn't make eye contact to anyone. She even ignore Rebecca who was on the other side of the table staring at her.












I woke up last sunday morning feeling happy. When I open my eyes, Freen is alreay gone. I stood up and look for her but then I saw a letter on my dining table with a message "Becky, I didn't wake you up. My mom called and I need to help her at the Flower shop. Thank you last night." Ah so P'Freen went home early. Suddenly, I heard a loud knock from my door and when I opened it...I was a bit suprised that my brother visited my condo to check on me. Oh yeah, Richie... He told me that I should go with him and visit our home. Our Mom and dad misses me he said... I took a quick shower then went out with him. There goes my rest day....I spend my whole Sunday with my family. We watch soccer game, play with Bonbon, and had a delicious dinner that my mom cooked for us. I forgot to text Freen but she didn't text me either . I kept thinking about her. I kept thinking about last night how she smelled like vanilla ice cream and how she wants me to hold her hand because she can't sleep without her favourite blanket. Isn't she cute? It was already 11pm I decided not to go back to my condo and just sleep in our home. 


I only had six hours of sleep. Not enough.. but I need to go to school. Everything was already prepared my uniform and shoes.                                                    My body guard, Mr. Chen , was the one who brought me to school...but then I realize when I get off the car...I left my phone at home. Gosh, why did I forget it. I walked around the campus to look for P'Freen but I can't find her. Students kept on greeting  and waving at me. I just smiled at them but the only person I want to show my smile is not around. Soon Irene joined me together with Noey then we saw P'Saint, Punnisa, Heng, and Nat. All of us decided to go at the Sola Cafe and there she was... seating alone talking to P'Lux.....She isn't moving and didn't even bother to look at me. Why? What's wrong P'Freen? Why are you avoiding me?






"Okay class...before you go. You have homework... I want you to write a poem" Ms.Teayi said .



Freen raised her hand.  "About what Ms.Teayi?"



"Whatever comes to your mind. I want you to write about your feelings...what's deep within your emotion..Okay?"



"Yes Ma'am"




"Okay good. Class dismissed .."






As soon as the class ended Nam rushed to her bestfriend.


"Freen? are you okay?"



"Yeah...." Freen sighed. 



"No you're not....what's wrong?"



"Actually, something is bothering me...that feeling when you started to like someone and you try not fall in love with them because that feeling was just a week ago, but you felt like you've known that person for such a long time..."



"Woah! You like someone???? Why are you telling me now?"



"Nam... I just want to keep it for now, okay? "



"So...who is this person? "



"Can't tell you....." Freen stood up. "Let's go...I'll help my mom at the shop."




The two girls  then went outside. They saw some students blocking the school gate. Freen saw Rebecca talking to a young man  standing in front of a  luxurios car . She heard students gossiping like bees.



"It's Richie...that is Rebecca's brother"


"Oh my God he is cute too"


"They look like twins!"


"Woah! beauty runs in their blood."





Freen walked straight out of the crowd and Nam follows her.



"Woah woah slowly Freen..." Nam said still wondering that's going on to her bestfriend.



"Everyone is going crazy with the Armstrong siblings...." 



"Becky's brother is cute..."



"Yeah.. right..." Freen said rolling her eyes.


"Freen really...you're acting strange today ...but if you need someone to talk to...I'm always here to listen." Nam said feeling concerned.


"I'm sorry Nam....I think i'm not feeling well today... see you tomorrow." 


Nam nodded and hug her bestfriend.









"Is it always like this? Students taking pictures and always following you.." Richie said teasing his sister.



"Shut up..by the way thanks for bringing my phone."



"Well...always at your service. Do you still have class?"



"No...I wanted to go back to my condo..."



"Oh then get inside the car now before everyone tries to kidnap you Hahaha!"



"Shut up Richie!"





Rebecca then get inside the car and when she opened her phone. She received a message from Freen.



10:30 pm | Sunday

🐰: Nong Beck? You still awake? My mom and I are so busy at the shop. So many customers...  hope you had a good day. 



6:00 Am | Monday

🐰: Good Morning Nong Beck...see you around the campus.




Rebecca wanted to text back but she realize maybe that's why Freen ignored her. Maybe the other girl thought that she's mad because she didn't reply to her messages.



"You okay Becky?" Richie asked. He notice the facial expression of his sister pouting and sighing. 



"I'm good ...It's just ...I don't know...I can't describe my feeling ..."


"Is it about a guy? How are you and Nat?"


"What? What about Nat?"


"Well the guy likes you...."




"Give the guy a chance...I mean we've known him since childhood. Nat is a good guy..."


"Oh Richie...you don't know who I like...."


"Hahaha you sound like you are allergic to guys...as if you like.." Richie paused for a second and slowly looks at the girl beside him.


" Keep your eyes on the road...I know what you're thinking."


"Becky...tell me. Do you like girls?"


"I don't know .... I just like the feeling when i'm with that certain someone. "


"Certain someone? who's that someone?"


"Nope... I can't tell you.. "


"Ohhh my sister likes a girl....i'm curious. Okay, since this is one of your secret. I'll keep it."


"Well I don't care anymore if you spill it to anyone. "


"Woah woah! Are you Rebecca or Patricia? Hahaha!"


"Shut up! Just drop me off at my condo."









Freen throw her bag and jump to her bed. She checked her phone and still no reply from Becca.



*Knock knock!*



Freen's Mother opened the door. " Freen can you please go to our shop? I'll be meeting some clients tonight."


"Ehhh??? But Mom...I have homework."


"Then do it at the shop...."


"It's already 6:30pm.... "



"Just close it at 7pm okay? I better hurry now. "








Freen brings her notepad and pen. She started to think of the best topic for her poem but nothing comes to mind. She noticed that some flowers are getting dry and sprayed it with water.



"Hmmm...tulips, daisies, roses, and dahlia...wait... sheeshh...why is it hard to think something about the poem." Freen talked to herself while spraying the flowers. She heard the sound of chimes from their door. She continued spraying not looking at the person who entered the shop. " Sorry we're already close. Come back tomorrow." Freen said still not paying attention to the customer.











"But I wanted to buy a flower........ her name is Freen Sarocha"







The familiar voice she was longing to hear.


Freen then realized that the person was Rebecca.





"Becky? what are you doing here?"



"Well I decided to visit you since you ignored me earlier at the cafe."



"I'm...welll sorry...you are not replying to my messages."



"I left my phone at home and I went to bed early last night...."



"Ahhh...I...see...I thought...you don't want to talk to me."



"Ooohhh so that's why you are ignoring me... Am I right?"



Freen is so shy and just nodded. "Well ...again...sorry if I ignored you at the cafe."



"So we're good?"



"Yeah...but are we lowkey friends?"



"Lowkey friends huh? I guess so. Since both of us doesn't want to be caught hanging out by students at the Uni...."



"Yeah we're better like that, Nong Beck."




Rebecca walked closer to Freen and all of a sudden she hug her tightly. "Gosh, you smell so good..."



"Ehh??? B...Becky? why are you sniffing me?" Freen said and her heart starts beating fast again.




"I feel safe when i'm with you, P'Freen"



"Me too...I...can't explain why..."



"P'Freen....Nobody knows about our friendship.... But I just wanted to ask you something...."




"What is it, Becca?"






"Would you be my comfort zone? Because right now.....You are like my safe place"
















"Yes, Nong Beck..... I'm willing to be your comfort zone. I'm always here for you."






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story19 #1
Chapter 6: Omg, i hope authornim did not abandon this story i just read the last chpater 1st to see if it is completef, shoot, i was too hook and bam, end of chapter. Last update was oct 27. Geez.
Chapter 6: Update please ..that Nathan need to be slap triple hard to realize who the hell he is
JuReen_Sloth #3
Chapter 6: This Nathan needs a strong slap for doing this. Wtf!
Chapter 6: Sorry it took me a few months to update a new chapter. So yeah...getting busy lately.
Chapter 5: 💖💖💖💖💖 MORE, PLEASE 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Love the story.. update please
Alyazm #7
Chapter 5: 😭😭😭😍😍😍😍
Will update soon guys kinda busy I’m just currently overseas (Philippines)
1188 streak #9
Chapter 5: Get your head out of your Freen 🤣
Alyazm #10
Chapter 5: Omg this is good, please continuation