𝒜 𝒮𝑒𝒶 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇

𝒜 𝒮𝑒𝒶 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇

Maybe the impulse didn’t make you think that it wasn’t such a good idea to be with two total strangers in the middle of the ocean who offered you the boat ride for really cheap. You didn’t really know what they were saying as you didn’t speak the language, but the way they started laughing and making very uncomfortable hand gestures suggested that right now you weren’t safe. Your phone of course had zero coverage and it was either them or the waters infested by sharks.

What to do? How could you be so reckless?

“Please don’t come closer!” You begged, extending your hands.

They both laughed louder coming for you. This was it. When you felt one of the men at your back typing your poor wrists together while the other his lips, disgustingly so, you decided that it was far better to die by hungry sharks and not be touched by hungry men. This couldn’t be happening.

“Look!” You genuinely yelled when you saw something shiny and pink swim underneath the boat.

They both saw it and for a moment they let you go to look over the gunwale after they both gasped. You could’ve tried and found something to defend yourself with, but instead, you were just as hypnotised going to the gunwale yourself to try and catch a glimpse of the moving sparkly thing that went from side to side.

What was that thing? Was it dangerous?

You went to look inside your bag for your camera to catch something, anything while it kept moving, but just when you were ready to take a picture the boat seemed to have bumped into something, making your camera fall overboard.

“MY CAMERA!” You screamed remembering the endless instalments to finally make it yours.

As you extended your arm uselessly the sparkle got more visible, as if not afraid of being filmed anymore coming closer. One more bump on the boat and you were next in the water feeling a pull of your arm and an indescribable speed, bubbles and lack of oxygen…

Was this your end?


“But you have to understand that because your tail is one of the rarest in our species, you’re the one who must always and at all costs stay deep in the ocean.” Minho reprimended. “My tail is a dark purple and easy to camouflage. There’s no other reason why I was chosen as a safety keeper, Suho.”

“I don’t care! I hate it here like this! I don’t want to just be the prince of the seven seas who hasn’t swam outside the palace grounds.”

“Suho.” Xiumin cleared his throat. “Ahm… your tail literally glows in the dark and it’s freaking pink.”

“Thanks for reminding me. I totally forgot about that.” Suho replied sarcastically, making all the guys laugh.

“Not only his tail.” Kai added innocently. “His full body is so-”

“Kai!” Taemin yelled. “Keep quiet please.” He whispered for his buddy to not add anymore salt to the wound.

“Not everyone can have these pretty dark colours.” Minho joked.

“You should be busy thinking about your marriage though. Why are you all so upset all of a sudden about your situation, Suho?” Sehun inquired.

“I’m not getting married to a mermaid I don’t know, and before anyone cleverly asks me to get to know her. It’s a no! NO~!

“I think we should let Suho rest for a bit.” Minho suggested pushing everyone outside Suho’s chambers.

No one seemed to understand what was going on with Suho lately. It wasn’t the issue with his glittery scales or his body that irradiated light everywhere he swam. Suho’s heart was feeling tight lately, so tight that he felt he was going to explode if he didn’t just swim out of his window and to the surface that moment.

Suho watched his friends leave the palace as he swam upwards. He never in his entire life dared do such a thing disguised, needless to say he would never have thought of doing it in the presence of all the palace, including his friends and the safety guards. He heard numerous calls from everyone, even the danger wave calls were set off, who only sea creatures could hear knowing something big was happening.

Suho was determined to at least die this way and not just in his chambers from heart pain, and his decision wasn’t in vain.

After swimming kilometres and losing a dozen safety guards in his way, he finally felt at ease when he devised what he heard and read about. A boat floating above him sent him calling waves. Indescribable ones that sounded in his ear. Female fast heartbeats of fear. Each one calling his name asking to be rescued by him and only him. Suho had never felt this way like at that very right moment. Not when he had all the mermaids of the kingdom and the far seas attend the ball his father had organised. Every mermaid of every colour and shape was there, and even if he undeniably liked the attention and how all eyes were on him, what he was feeling right now was stronger than all that, a hundred times stronger.

Suho needed to meet the source of all the feelings he was feeling.

He swam right and left hearing the pleas of a female in danger, most probably what they called a human. The horror stories about the species that killed all living things in the ocean as well as trash it and make use of it cruelly. Surprisingly the only other species to have been known to mate with the merfolk according to history. However, never presenced by any of his ancestors or the royal family.

Suho felt uneasy. How could he possibly get outside the water? He couldn’t breathe there and maybe he’d die if the burning light from the golden sphere where humans got their energy from. It was said merfolk couldn’t be exposed to it. Even with all those dangers, Suho was still wanting to see this female calling him.

Unknowing of what else to do Suho hit the boat with his tail with all his power. He swam to the other side hitting again making a small artefact fall in the water. He caught it getting extremely close to the surface, and just then he saw a glimpse of the female calling him, thinking, if he cannot go to the surface, he’ll make sure to bring her instead.

She won’t be needing that golden burning thing, all she needed was right beneath her.


“Shhh. Don’t move a muscle, there are two hungry massive sharks outside.” You heard a melodic voice and a pair of arms around you. These ones were soft to the touch and welcomed.

You didn’t move. You were just appreciating how you were underwater, unneeding oxygen, understanding a language that you didn't speak, and how despite how strange this all was you felt at ease being hugged by a sea creature. You could appreciate the sparkle as well.  He literally eradicated light. Everything around you was shining somehow. That's how you felt safe even though there were sharks outside of the cave you were in with this creature that had human arms but a fishtail. You had a million questions but you didn't want to disturb your saviour/capturer.

“They’re not going to move anytime soon. Your odour is way too strong.”

Did he mean you stinked? You knew it wasn’t time to get offended, afterall, you didn’t know what was holding and giving you the ability to breathe underwater.

“I’m going to have to get out and distract the sharks. Stay here till it’s safe to take you back where you belong.” He explained.

He removed his arms from around you feeling your chest heavy and choking. You turned around to face him with a million thoughts combined. How was this creature so absolutely mesmerising? How did he lit the cave with his existence? How did he have such beautiful human features but a shiny fishtail? And why did you feel like you were drowning?

“You can’t breathe.” He stated looking worried. “Alright, I’ve never done this before in my life, but I know it works. Will you let me?” He pointed at your mouth. “I just want to help, I have to put my mouth over yours-”

He didn’t finish his sentence when it was you who attached your lips to his like a passionate kiss position. He corrected you by taking control, opening his mouth in a way that your lips were no longer visible. He blew on your mouth feeling instant relief and the ability to breathe even better than when he had you between his arms. He detached himself relieved knowing that it worked.

“I’ll go fix things. Please don’t leave the cave until I’m back.”

You nodded watching him swim with such elegance, his tail blending with the water making it glittery. The sharks following him hypnotised.

You rewinded everything that happened in the last 30 minutes, and it made absolutely no sense. The silence and the darkness of the place you were in not helping the cause and your nerves.

How were you able to swim the way you did and more importantly, breathe underwater? Were you just kissed by a merman? Or better said, did you just kiss a merman? What was happening? What was this situation?

As your mind went crazy with questions you were faced by yet another out of this world creature, just like the one you just  kissed. This one seemed bigger but just as handsome. He was tan and his tail was a dark shade of purple. Handsome and breathtaking, however his demeanour was not as friendly, no kisses were to be exchanged with this one. His frown visible and the sharp, harpoon pointed right at you.

“Are you a human? How are you able to breathe? Did you creatures manage to create an artefact that allows you to breathe like we do? Or are you perhaps not a human? Identify yourself right this instant!”

“I am a human. A good human though.” You extended your hands in front of you. “One of your friends gave me the ability to breathe underwater and even speak your language. I’m harmless, I come in peace.”

“Suho? Where is he?” He came closer with the harpoon almost touching your throat. “If you touched a single scale of him I’ll make sure to make you suffer before I send you back to those savages.”

“No, no no no. You got it all wrong. I fell off my boat and some sharks were coming and then, Suho? Is that his name? He just offered his help and he asked me to wait here. That’s all, I swear.”

“MINHO!” You heard Suho yell swimming right in front of you in a protective manner. “Put that thing down! Now!”

“How can you trust those creatures? Have you not learned anything? You even gave her powers! Your parents wouldn’t be so happy to learn all this.” Minho sighed, lowering the harpon.

“It just happened! I didn’t plan this.”

“Would you care to explain? What made you do such a thing?”

“I need to see some things, Minho.”

“And I need to report this to your father.” Minho swam away.

Suho held your wrist swimming behind him. “Listen to me, friend!” He stopped him from swimming any further. “Nothing is going to happen to me.” Suho smiled. “Give me till darkness, and I’ll be back.”

“If by the dark line you’re not back, I’ll tell your father.” Minho threatened. “And you.” He pointed at you. “Don’t dare…”

“Minho.” Suho held both his forearms for him to look at him. “Trust me.” He hugged him, squeezing him exaggeratedly making you giggle.

“Hey! Stop it! Your female creature here might get the wrong idea.”

“I love you.” Suho blurted.

“Yeah yeah. Just be careful.” Minho swam away giving you another show with his beautiful dark purple tail, as if turning the water into a darker shade as he swam away.

“Are you alright?” Suho asked you. “Can you still breathe alright? Anything hurting you?”

You shook your head. “But I guess I can’t stay here forever.”

“I guess not. You don’t even look like the humans I’ve seen above us. I look more like them than you do.” Suho scrunched his nose thinking.

“That is because I’m not from Korea.” You explained. “The land above us is called Korea. I come from a very far land, very far from here.”

“I see.” He nodded his head. “My name is Suho.”

“I’m ___, very nice to meet you and thank you for saving me, Suho. But why did you? I didn’t think your kind is real, meaning that humans usually have accidents like mine and they’re never saved by merfolk.”

“Do you trust me?” Suho asked, taking your hand. “I mean, I just like you said broke all the rules to save you, so you should trust me.”

“I do trust you, but I won’t forget what I asked you. I need an answer.”

“Then come with me. I’ll swim fast, so it might be too much for your wrist. Would you like to ride on my back?”


“Are you shy? After you kissed me?” He smirked.

You looked away covering your face. “I was short of breath.”

“Alright, that excuse can work. So I’ll be the one bringing you to my back. Unless you want me to hold you at my chest.” He pointed and you followed his hand and you wished you didn’t.

So distracting…

“I guess I’m also good to look at even for your kind.” He smiled beautifully. “That’ll make things easier for me, because you’re very nice to look at even without a tail.”

“Alright, so if we’re going to be swimming I need to take off a few layers of clothing, and as you’re a merman you won’t be scandalised.”

“Clothing?” Suho scrunched his nose in question.

“These things that I’m wearing. I can’t move.” You explained removing your jacket, your shirt and even your pants looking like you were almost fighting with them, Suho finding it extremely amusing and laugh worthy.

“Do all humans undress this way?” He covered his mouth.

“It’s because I’m wet. Fabric is super hard to remove wet on the body.”

He nodded amused with all the information you provided.

“Now I’m free.” You announced coming closer behind him, feeling a little bit embarrassed, even though he wasn’t a male of your kind, you thought he still was a male.

A very powerful one at that.

“You’re taking my back then?” He asked, pulling your arms at his neck. You confirmed bringing your knees at his sides, an action he flinched from finding your bare legs attractive in a very strange way, indulging the feeling under his fingertips. “Hold on tight.” He announced swimming at the speed of wind.

You were unable to see anything despite your new acquired underwater vision. His speed was indescribable, so much so that you figured you could have travelled across the seven seas feeling the water getting warm and cold and everything in between.

“Suho.” You rested your head on his shoulder, your voice sounding cute and desperate inside his ear. “Are we there yet?”

Suho stopped to look at you. You were extremely dizzy from the movement, perhaps Suho underestimated that you were still human no matter what powers he gave you. He lifted you bridal style slowly swimming upwards till you were out of the water. He swam further to the deserted shore pushing you with his hands till he no longer could push, his body completely out as you lay on the white sands.

“We are, open your eyes.”

You slowly did sitting upwards finding yourself in a paradise-like place, all while Suho was on his belly looking at your face as he folded his arms.

“Where are we?”

“This is the only human world place I am able to see. It’s because it’s and no real threats can be encountered.” He explained making eye contact with him for the first time out of the water. “I have tried some of your delicious food and even the heat of that thing I can’t look at. Did you know merfolk think we burn if we get out of the water?” He stopped talking as he smiled. “Why are you looking at me like that? I thought you got used to my shape already.”

“It’s because I feel I’m dreaming and I don’t want to forget the features of the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.” You simply stated.

Suho smiled, turning around, propping himself till he was seated next to you. “I could say exactly the same.”

“I don’t believe you, you merfolk are beautiful, even your friend Minho, so your girls must be stunning.”

“They are but no nothing caught my eye like you did.” He admitted looking ahead.

“So, do you kiss? As an act of affection? Can I kiss you, Suho, even though I’m not short of breath?”

“Kiss?” He rubbed his chin. “I’ve only heard of married merfolk kissing as an act of affection, and we… well we’re not even the same species, having said that I know that soon you’ll have to really place your lips over mine to be able to breathe. Saving me like I did.”

“But that’s still kissing.” You smiled. “We can do it for saving and pleasure purposes.”

“Then so be it.” He leaned over capturing your lips himself. “What else is to do?” He broke the kiss feeling energetic, just then you realised he had gotten rid of his fish tail being replaced by a pair of very human legs, and…

“SUHO!” You pointed, covering your mouth after gasping at his bareness and the new addition at his crotch area.

“Wow!” He admired. “It’s hard.” He commented feeling himself. “I guess you can teach me how to use this.” He smiled at you pulling you underneath him.

“NOOO!” You yelled at the top of your lungs when the alarm of your phone rang. “WHY CAN’T I EVER FINISH A DAMN JUNMYEON DREAM!?”


You were beyond pissed that morning. Ready to fight the people on the bus while you commuted to work.


Where your colleague and researcher was none other than Kim Junmyeon. Gay and taken by Choi Minho. Both sent from Korea for six months and your frustration was like no one’s when he directed you a greeting.

Today it was busier than usual, a full school was visiting the marine research centre and you couldn’t stand anything or anyone, so you decided to have your lunch at the canteen at the very far tables next to the kitchen where it was stuffy and humid, where no one would bother you there, right?

“Escaping the little children?”

You were startled by his melodic voice and cute English making you choke on the cereal bar. A nut landing just right at his shoulder when you turned to face him while his boyfriend laughed over your misery.

Perfect, the day couldn’t go any worse.

“I’m sorry.” You stood to wipe his shirt.

“Don’t be. My mistake after all.”

“Are you sick, ___? You have such dark circles.” Minho mentioned lowering his tray in front of you on the table taking a seat uninvited.

“So smooth, !” Junmyeon slapped his back. “Don’t mind him, ___. I apologise.”

“Not at all. Your boyfriend is right. I had the most roughest night last night.”

Minho pushed his chair backwards, laughing loudly, almost falling to the floor. “WHAT?”

“Ahmm, Minho is not my boyfriend. What makes you say that?” Junmyeon frowned after he rolled his eyes at Minho’s behaviour.

“What, babe? Come here.” Minho kissed Junmyeon’s cheek.

“tard! Stop it!” Junmyeon pushed him. “I’m serious, ___.”

“It’s exactly that.” You explained. “You’re so… close.”

“We’re both straight and single.” Junmyeon defended.

“Wearing makeup, kissing your friends, sleeping in the same bed and even having showers together doesn't make a person gay. We don’t have fragile masculinity.” Minho added.

“Choi Minho.” Junmyeon ran his hand over his face. “Can you please stop?”

“I don’t know how it is over in Korea, but I swear you’re fine being open here.” You took your tray aiming to leave.

“Minho.” Junmyeon spoke, holding your hand. “Can you please leave us alone?”

You looked at his hand holding yours puzzled. You watched Minho take his tray winking at you taking his leave.

“What the ?” You pulled your hand free taking your tray sprinting out of the canteen even before Minho did.

You went to the quiet room, where the fish tanks were lit and felt nice and quiet. You wanted to understand what just happened. Maybe you were imagining things. Did Junmyeon hold your hand asking Minho to leave?

“___.” You heard him from the door, almost asking permission to enter. “Why did you leave?” You turned to face him watching how he came towards where you stood.

“I’m just stressed. I apologise if I made you uncomfortable.”

“I'm not uncomfortable.”

“I don’t understand anything.” You held your temples. “I’ve liked you since you set foot in the research centre. I’ve been dreaming of you every night without a grand finale. You’re just so… close to Minho so I assumed you were together and you just turned everything upside down as if nothing.”

“I like you too.” He held your chin. “Can I kiss you?”

He didn’t expect a reply and instead he tilted his head giving you an Electric Kiss.


A/N: So here it is mersuhito. Like the endless stories about him in my head ㅠㅠ

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Chapter 1: Loved the plot twist, it was so fun!! It happens to me more than I would like to remembet, yes, yes, dreaming of BBH......Then the freaking dog wakes me up at 3:30 a.m. because the cat is trying to play with her. ARGHHHH COME ON! HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR EXO YOU ANIMALS 😂😂😂 Seriously, this was too cute!
Chapter 1: Whoa, this is so excellent! I absolutely love it, especially the way it wrap up... so fun!
myungsoodaehyun36 #3
Chapter 1: Nice story, didn't expect the plot twist in the end 😂