I Am Glad She’s Our Captain

Curtain Call

“Becky is such a tease…” Freen mumbled to herself as she read the chat in her phone. It was the chat window that had always been on top of other chat — because of course she pinned the chat. She sat up from her position which previously laying face down on her bed, and rested her back to the bed support. She reread the chats again, enjoying the fluttering sensation inside her tummy.


bb: what does bb stands for, really?

You: It’s becbec. What else should it be?

bb: I dunno. Baby maybe? Because I save your name as “Baby 🐰

You: 5555 what’s that? Baby bunny?

bb: A bunny who’s my baby


She could feel the butterflies in her stomach went wild as she read Becky’s sentence. She looked at the time stamp and chuckled as she noticed it took her a good three minutes before replying to Becky. She was contemplating on how to answer to that chat, but she finally replied anyway.


You: Who’s your baby? The bunny?

bb: Yes, the bunny is my baby. And the bunny is you

You: Why am I the bunny?

bb: Because you have the bunny teeth. So cute


She smiled as her eyes glued to that particular bubble. It was nice to be called cute by the person she liked. She continued scrolling down the screen to read the rest of the chat.


You: Am I cute to you?

bb: What kind of question is that? You’re so cute, I might have a crush on you.


She put her hand on her chest, feeling how fast her heart beat because of what she just read. “Calm down, heart. She use the word might. Might be true, might be not!” She chuckled to herself as she noticed how silly she was. She tapped her chest couple of time before she continued reading the chat.


You: Good to know, because I also might have a crush on you

bb: Really? Is that why you always holding my hand?

You: Yes, but you’re the one who kissed me, remember?


Freen’s cheeked got warmed as she read her own reply. The kiss which Becky claimed as sisterly kiss occupied her mind. Even though Becky said it was only sisterly kiss, it was definitely not for Freen. It was the first time Becky’s lips grazed her own lips outside of the script, outside of the screen, without cameras around them. She could remember how her heart sunk the moment her ears heard from Becky’s mouth that it was meant to be sisterly kiss. How hard she tried to keep calm and acted as nothing happened after the kiss despite of the disappointment she felt back at that time. But it was what it was. Because of that, she decided not to think much about the action she wanted to do, she just wanted to follow what her heart told her.


bb: I don’t mind if you kiss me though


The last bubble in the chat window she opened had not been replied. She could feel her self turned into jelly after reading Becky’s reply. Of course Freen wanted to kiss Becky. And all those kissing scenes they needed to film were not helping at all. In fact, after all those kissing scene, after Nuttapong — the director already screamed “Cut!” to end the filming, Freen could not help to add one or two more kisses on Becky’s lips. But it was Khun Sam who kissed Mon’s lips. It was never been Freen and Becky. It was always Khun Sama and Mon.


A sigh escaped her lips as her thumb danced on top of the keyboard on her phone screen. She read it one more time before tapping on the send button.


You: As P’Freen or as K’Sam?


The reply didn’t come right away, she nervously waited for the reply but it didn’t seem to come anytime soon. She sighed again as she slumped herself down from sitting position to lay on her bed. She closed the chat window, and scrolled down to find one particular name in her Line contact. Once she found it, she tapped the name and the screen switched to another window chat. She tapped some words and sent it to that particular contact.


You: P’Nam, are you awake?


It didn’t take a long time until the person replied her chat.


P’Nam: Whoa, what’s with you two?


Freen furrowed her eyebrows, not understanding Nam’s response. Was Nam sending the message to the wrong contact? She was about to type on a reply when another bubble came into the screen.


P’Nam: Becky also chat me just couple of seconds ago

P’Nam: And then your chat followed after!

P’Nam: Eyyy, such soulmate, huh?


Freen immediately closed her chat with Nam and opened the contact name on the top of the list but then frowned when she saw no reply from the only contact she pinned in her Line chat. She switched back to her chat with Nam.


You: Becky chat you?

P’Nam: Yesss, we’re chatting right now

Freen kept frowning. How could Becky did not reply her chat, but she was chatting with Nam? Maybe they chat in different platform?

You: Where do you chat? Instagram?

P’Nam: Of course Line, you punk

P’Nam: What kind of person chat in IG?

P’Nam: It’s not convenient


Freen pouted now, knowing the fact Becky chat with Nam using the same platform, at the same time the other girl didn’t reply her message. She was now confused was her message hurt the other girl? Or was it rude? Or maybe chat with Nam was more fun for Becky, compared to when Becky chat with her?


You: What are you guys talking about?

P’Nam: Oii! So nosy are you?

You: Becky didn’t reply to my chat

P’Nam: Chat her again

You: She didn’t even reply to my previous message why should I chat her again?

P’Nam: Maybe she missed your reply, no? Because I spam her with my chat

Freen finally switched the chat window again to hers and Becky.

You: I am sad…

You: You chat with Nam but not replying my chat


Instead of getting a reply from Becky, a notification chat from Nam popped in instead. She tapped on the notification and saw the message which contained a screenshot of Nam’s chat window with Becky. Freen couldn’t see the whole chat. What was shown was only several lines from Nam and Becky’s conversation:


You: That kid sulked to me because you didn’t reply her message

Bec’s Freen: Really? Let me see her chat to you

You: No, it’s a secret

Bec’s Freen: P’Nam! She chat me again!

You: What she says?

Bec’s Freen: She said she’s sad because I chat with you but not replying her chat


Freen furrowed her eyebrows, reading the screenshot Nam sent to her. If her understanding was correct, seems like the two girls were talking about her. She immediately typed a reply.


You: Are you and Becky talking about me?

You: And why Becky’s name is “Bec’s Freen”?

P’Nam: Not telling! 5555!

You: Oii, P’Nam!

P’Nam: Oii, N’Freen!

P’Nam: You ask too many questions. I can’t answer everything at once

You: Ok, ok. Are you and Becky talking about me?

P’Nam: Yes

You: About what???

P’Nam: About you


Freen scratched her hair in desperation. She was now dying to know what Becky and Nam were talking about. She then decided to tapped on the phone icon on top of the screen but to no avail her call was rejected.


P’Nam: I am not receiving your call

You: Why?

P’Nam: I am busy

You: Busy doing what?

P’Nam: Chat with your Becky


Freen huffed in annoyance, then she decided to switched the chat window to her chat with Becky, and tapped on the phone icon in that screen instead. It took several rings until the person across the line accepted her call.


“Becky… why are you not replying my chat?” She sulked even though in her heart, she was happy Becky picked up the phone.


A soft laughed was heard from Becky’s side before the girl answered.


“Why Phi Freen? Do you miss me?”


Freen pouted her lips as she nodded in answer, forgetting the fact that the other girl couldn’t see her right now.


“I miss you, and I am sad because you chat with Phi Nam, but ignoring my messages.”


Another laugh was heard again.


“Are you jealous?” The younger girl’s tone was teasing.


Freen chuckled in answer, she wasn’t jealous at Nam. Why should she get jealous at the person who endlessly trying to make her and Becky an item? But, she was not happy knowing that Becky prefer to chat with other person than her.


“I am not jealous. I am just sad, Becky.”


“Why are you sad?”


“Because you prefer to chat with someone else than me. I am not that special to you.”


A loud laugh answered Freen’s statement this time. “You are special, Phi Freen. Don’t you know it already?”


Freen smiled upon hearing the answer. “How can I be special if you won’t even reply to my chat?”


“Hmmm… so all those snuggling and cuddling are not special to you?”


Freen’s cheeks turned red at the statement and her mind went to the moments she spent with Becky. In every sleep over they had, they now would instinctively hug each other to sleep. When they had their filming break, they would also snuggle on the couch in the waiting room.


“But still, I want to chat with you until I fall asleep.” She no longer sulked now as she realized that in fact, she might really be special for Becky.


“My baby bunny is so clingy.”


Freen chuckled at how Becky addressed her.


“That reminds me of something. Do you know what name Phi Nam use to save your contact in Line app?”


“I am not sure, but I can guess.”


“What’s your guess?”


“Is it Becky’s Freen? Or Bec’s Freen?”


Freen laughed at the correct guess. “It is Bec’s Freen. How could you know though?”


Becky laughed along before answering the question. “Because she sent me a screenshot of your chat and her. And I saw her naming you Freen’s Bec”


Freen clicked her tongue playfully. “She really is the captain of our ship, isn’t she?”


“I am glad she’s the captain though.”


“Me too!” Freen replied excitedly, earning a hearty laugh from Becky.


“Why though?”


Freen smiled as she weighing her answer. She took a deep breath after she decided to let Becky know the answer.


“Because she ships Freen and Becky, not Khun Sam and Mon.”




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The end. Thanks so much for reading guys! <3333


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226 streak #1
Chapter 12: This is cute 😍
Moon-dancer #2
Chapter 12: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰
Chapter 12: Finally... I can finish reading this story.
Thank you so much, Author-ssi...💜

I never like other pairing than Taeny before but after I watching every FB moment awww they are so sweet and so real eeaaa🤣

You know... I wish someday si Ateng as brave as Freen to hold ppany's hand in public like freen always hold Becky's hand

Cant wait other your new story👏🏻👏🏻
Ok pye pyeee...
Is it completed already? I'll be reading this one.. more fb fics authornim
marianee #5
Chapter 12: Yey!! Simple but so cute.. Thanks
Poppohoho #6
Chapter 12: Simple and nice. Thank you author!
Chapter 12: Awww the whole scenario of FB confessions is too cute too handle. Hehehe
Thanks author nim. Can't believe this already ended.
Guess I will miss your story.
JuReen_Sloth #8
Chapter 12: Thank you authornim for a simple but beautiful ending. Just nice without too much of exaggeration. My heart bloom from 1 sentence to one sentence.

Good Luck on finishing all your hiatus AU.
11 streak #9
Chapter 12: Happy ending for freenbeck 🥰
Thank you author. You are still the best freenbeck ff author I've ever know 😊
Can I hope for an epilog? lol
Chapter 12: Becbec's like Mon who asked P'Freen/Sam to be her girlfriend hihihi.. Aaaaaaaa.... So sweet and cute!
Thank you, author-nim. I really love it >.<