The End of Ashgate: Life after the cabinet

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Two months after, Shaire City, Registration and Documentation Center

Bora and Matthew sat tensed up in front of the social worker in Shaire City as they stared at the woman in front of them. They had come along with Na Jaemin and Nana to the registration office so they could give L.J a proper passport and documents as he needed them for a bright future.

“You’re telling me…” the woman in front of them said. “You’re telling me that you found an undocumented twin. Just like the undocumented twin from another family from Ashgate.”

Okay, so…. Bora and Matthew knew that Na Jaemin and Nana had come the same day as them to register themselves as two separate people. It was hard for them to move forward since university, money, and bank accounts came into play. Bora and Matthew exchanged looks for a split second before turning to her, confirming it to her simultaneously.

“Yes,” Bora said, nodding. “L.J was left on our doorstep.”

The social worker watched them from afar, still in awe at what was happening. After the incident in Ashgate, aka the domination of the fakes, Shaire City Resgistration and Documentation Center had gotten an upsurge of twins being additionally documented. There was also an upsurge of people coming to document others as deceased… for natural reasons, and not murder. Which was not really convincing. 

L.J stared at the woman in front of him. The woman shuddered at how his stare seemed quite unlike others.

“I was abducted seventeen years ago, it has taken all these years to locate my brother,” L.J said stonily.

“Brother from another mother,” Jeno echoed from the corner of the room. He had come to give L.J some “emotional support” in finally “getting an identity”. However, he wasn’t much help because L.J was not supposed to be from another mother.

“No,” Bora said quickly, shooting Jeno a glare to tell him to shut up just as L.J spoke simultaneously.

“No, we’re from the same mother,” L.J spoke, his eyes shifting back and forth, nervously.

“But different father,” Jeno added, Matthew turning to narrow his eyes on Jeno who didn’t know what he was doing wrong.

“Same father, but I’m from a cabinet,” L.J concluded.

The woman blinked. This wasn’t the first time she had heard bizarre stories about some cabinet producing babies. She wondered if it was just an Ashgate folktale brainwashing teenagers, or if they were consuming some type of drug such as shrooms or weed… They were a small town after all.

“I do have a question – Why are you registering Mr. L.J Lee under your family and not Mr. Lee Jinho?”

Lee Jinho was Jeno’s father, and it had come to a surprise to him when he found out there was a kid who looked exactly like his son. He, however, did not warm up to L.J yet and even upon meeting him, he found it hard to trust L.J.

Bora and Matthew understood the old man. L.J spoke different. Nevertheless, he did seem like he had some sociopathic tendencies as well. They both decided they’d register L.J under them until he’d turn a legal age of 18.

“We… We are aware of the lack of income Mr. Lee Jinho has as a single parent,” Matthew reasoned out, Jeno frowning at what Matthew was saying. That was not true… Jeno’s father was loaded.

“Hey, my dad’s rich. I have a Porsche, what do you have?” He blurted out, Bora regretting the fact that they brought Jeno along under L.J’s request.

Jeno’s question must have hit a spot because L.J turned around and hissed. “We have a Subaru.”

The social worker stared at the two, Bora letting out a dry laugh. “Siblings, am I right?”

“Alright….” The social worker said, drawing her eyes down onto the papers in front of her. “And you, Ms. Byun Bora and Mr. Matthew, are not married? I see both of you have different registered addresses?”

Bora nervously wrung her hands together, Matthew tensing up for a split second before he reached over to grab her hand, trying to make it seem like it was natural. He gripped it tightly.

“We got married in church. We have yet to register it under documented grounds… Uh.” He paused. “We got married three months ago, that’s why Bora moved to Ashgate. To the people of Ashgate, church weddings suffice.”

“The weddings was absolutely exquisite,” L.J added.

“They had great hamburgers.” Jeno gave the social worker a thumbs up.

The social worker nodded, looking back onto the papers. “After this meeting, please take a photo for your passport and identification cards. Ms. Bora, will you also be registering your marriage with Mr. Matthew Lee? We’ll need your newly changed marital status to be shown in your I.D card so you can account as legal guardian of Mr. L.J Lee.”

Bora blinked. “Sorry?”

“W-We… We haven’t spoken about changing her last name. U-Uh,” Matthew began, the social worker telling him that if they were to be L.J’s guardian, they both had to have the same last name as he did or some processes would be complicated. “Is it okay to hyphenate her last name?”

“Bora Byun-Lee?” Jeno asked, confused. “That’s a mouthful.”

“That’s up to you Mr. Lee. These are L.J’s papers. These are the steps to change Ms. Bora’s marital status. As you say you’re married, it is protocol to drop by and check on L.J Lee for the first year. Our visits will be sporadic. These visits are to see that he is under healthy conditions.”

“Ahuh,” Matthew mumbled. “Uh. Sure. We’re… building a house right now to ensure L.J has a home to stay. I guess.”

“We do?” Bora asked, her voice rising. “We do.”

“Don’t worry, as L.J is only one year under the legal age, once he turns 18 the protocols will be called off once he becomes an adult.” The social worker smiled, giving everything to L.J. “Congratulations. What university are going to?”

“We haven’t spoken about it yet,” Bora blurted out. “But we will.”

They left the room, Matthew muttering under his breath. “Great, now we have to build a house.”

“And talk about university,” Bora added, Matthew nodding. “And register me as married to you.”

Matthew looked uncomfortable, scratching the back of his neck. “I apologize, Bora. I didn’t know we would have to go that far.”

Bora shook her head, placing a hand on his arm. “No worries. It’s for L.J. We just need to keep this up for a year. It’s not that long. Divorce is always an option.”

Matthew was grateful that Bora was being so chill about marriage.

“Are Nana and Jaemin done?” Matthew asked Jeno who nodded.

“I think they are.” Jeno nodded behind them. “I just got a text message from him.”

Nana and Jaemin were also at the documentation center. Jaemin had already been registered the first month he stayed with the Na’s, however, both of them came to confirm a few things and Na Papa and Na Mama did not know what Nana had up his sleeve.

“You changed your name to Na Nana?” A voice echoed loudly through the speaker of the phone. “How dare you change your name to—”

“Mama,” Nana was saying, a hand reaching up to ruffle his newly colored bright pink hair. “Jaemin needs a name. Are we supposed to be both “Na Jaemin”?”

“Mother, I tried to stop him, but he insisted on changing his name into Na Nana.” Jaemin paused. “I told him he didn’t have to change his name to accommodate me in this new world. I could have just changed my own name…. maybe to… N.J Na.”

L.J stared at his best friend. “N.J Na sounds awfully like L.J Lee.”

“Na Nana…. Genius, right?” Nana asked. “You can never it up. Maybe I should have added another ‘Na’ so it’s ‘Na Nanana’ and introduce myself as Rihanna song lyric. Oh! Matthew hyung and Nurse Bora are here already. We’ll see you at home, Mama.”

“Alright, kids,” Matthew said to everyone. “To the Subaru! I need to talk to Doyoung about us renting a house…”

“Can I get a room in your house, too?” Jeno asked, walking alongside L.J who scowled.

“Tell him that’s a no,” L.J demanded.

“Fine, I’ll just share a room with you.”

Matthew shook his head, wishing to himself that the following year would be a smooth journey.

Four Months After, Apartment near Hayward University, Halloween Night

Bora and Matthew were in Shaire City. They had rented an apartment for a while to make sure Jeno and L.J were settled in. August was a few months ago and both Jeno and L.J were accepted into Hayward University. They had very basic classes and Bora and Matthew stayed with them to make sure nothing would go wrong. Mr. Lee, Jeno’s father, was paying Bora for keeping an eye on his son. Mark Lee was off to music camp, Matthew also on the phone, checking up on him.

“Hyung, today I learned how to make beats!”

“Don’t you already know how to do that?” Matthew asked moving away from the living room to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

Bora was combing through L.J’s hair with a wet comb, the male rapidly texting someone on his phone. There was a yawn, and Jeno stepped out of his shared bedroom with L.J.

“Morning,” Jeno greeted, Matthew chatting with Mark as he pointed to the plate of food on the table to signal Jeno to eat.

“It’s 6 pm, Jeno,” Matthew told the younger male.

“Woman,” L.J began, looking up at Bora who placed the comb down on the table. “The hair you should be fixing is that rathead’s.”

Bora kind of agreed. L.J was one who was always very well-groomed, unlike Jeno, who had his moments. Jeno’s hair was sticking out every where, L.J frowning at his other.

“Jesus, Jeno… Were you electrocuted in your sleep?”

Jeno yawne

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Beeen so busy! Had this in drafts for far too long! Don't be a silent reader -- Upvote, Subscribe, and Comment! (Hopefully), see you soon :)


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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 11: Baekhyun missing or just went to some adventure of his own haha...
suholeadernim #2
Chapter 11: I wish you continue this ;(
748 streak #3
Chapter 10: I loved the end! Mathew and Bora made a lovely little family with the boys. Now, I am invested in what exactly that marble will turn out to be and how it involves Sehun. I’m hoping you will decide to write it at some point. In the meantime, I am getting ready to start your new story. I am also enjoying ‘I’m Here for You, Always,’ your plots are always so interesting.
Chapter 11: Would this really the last, or there will be another bonus chapter about what happened to Baek?
Chapter 11: Last chapter 🥹🥹
findingalaska #6
Chapter 11: T__T So its discontinued! Really! Thank you for giviing us such a good story but istg, whyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Elderwise sounds like sth i would read! Sending love. xoxox
Chapter 11: I’m mad this is discontinued because LJ is so funny. I like how his issues are about fitting in Aether and battling “complex” emotions regarding Bora. It’s so cute how he calls her “mum”! Matthew being salty is so funny, he now reminds me of The Bracelet Club the more dorky he is. Thank you for such a wonderful story, I hope Baekhyun is safe in Elderwise even if it’s something that we may not get to read.
Chapter 10: For sure, you won't ever disappoint with your fantasy themed stories. I would make all your stories into a movie/series if I'm a producer hahahhha.
Chapter 10: I'm so happy that L.J finally got a home! Ashgate was prolly the most traumatic for everyone D:D. Oh Sehun is a new character now? I dint expect anything more, but if there is, count me in! The twins are hilarious NanaxJaemin JenoxL.J. Why is Nana calling L.J babes? XD that is funny. This story was more serious than the rest bt you did the fantasy tag justice <3 feels so unfinished in a way :(
somnambulis #10
Chapter 10: oooooohhhhh oh sehun's name came out