Girlfriend (and her quirky family)

My Crazy (Rich) Girlfriend (and her quirky family)
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"Remember, every treasure comes with a price." - Kevin Kwan, Crazy Rich Asians



When Winter stepped back to the plethora of glitz and glamor that is her girlfriend’s family’s guests; Winter made sure to put on her best polite smile – sure, half (most) of them were condescending and haughty, but none of them made a comment at her (yet) that she can use as an excuse to bite back at these sniffing dogs, and well with great drinks, delicious meal, and her beautiful girlfriend by her side, she figured that she already had the night in the bag.


She was wrong.


She spoke too soon.



That was only ten minutes after they left Karina’s Greek goddess mother and her bustling kitchen.



Granted, she should have figured that the night would be anything but normal from that point on.


Although, admittedly, this one was definitely Winter’s fault.





It all started when Karina was excitedly approached by this beautiful foreign-looking woman. Her girlfriend, bless her soul, eagerly welcomed the woman as well. Now, Winter was not jealous by any means, the interaction of the two showed a familial relationship – but after the interaction with her girlfriend’s mother; any interaction with a family member seemed to have cracked up Winter’s composure.


Wanting to at least be on the good side of the other family members, Winter made her first (and not only) mistake for the night.


“Hello, Aunty. My name is Winter. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Smiles Winter after being merrily and warmly embraced by the woman. The older woman loves affection no doubt about that.


Noticing that the woman did not respond, Winter lifted her gaze, only to meet the older woman’s teary gaze and her girlfriend behind the said woman doing a cross-motion with her arms and horror in her eyes.



“...But I’m not an aunty... I’m an unnie...” Karina immediately embraced the older woman who seemed to melt at the hug – or any hug for that matter. “Rina-yah, do I look old?”



“Ah, Sana-unnie... you know that’s not what Winter means!” Winter hastily nodded her head and tried to salvage the situation, “Y–yes, unnie! I meant that your charm and beauty were too elegant to be on par with the other unnies!”




“Yes, really!” After seeing the teary smile, Karina immediately changed the topic and properly introduced the two to each other. “Honey, this is Sana-unnie. She’s a good friend of Mina-unnie and Chaeyoung-unnie; their family is in business with us abroad. She is also the wife of one of Chaeyoung-unnie's best friends. Growing up, they used to visit Chaeyoung-unnie all the time, so I got to know them!”



The tactic seemed to have worked as the woman smiled brightly at the introduction, “Yes! Yuji here was a very sweet younger sister! But don’t be fooled! This sneaky brat always gave us headaches! There was this time when–”



“Okay! No need to talk about that silly stuff, I haven’t seen Tzuyu-unnie, is she not with you?”


Winter lifted her brows in amusement and interest at the nervous smile plastered on her girlfriend’s face, aware that it must have probably been a really embarrassing childhood story she didn’t want to be shared.


(And Winter had witnessed a lot of embarrassing stuff her girlfriend had done as an adult.)


“Ah, Chewy-ah is talking with Chaeng-ie over there, but I saw you over here with a pretty girl so I thought I should say hi!” giggles the woman, Winter flushed at the compliment of the woman causing the older to coo. “Hihi, you are really cute, Winter-ssi... I’m sorry about earlier, I must be sensitive because of my hormones.”


Winter smiles in return and brushes off the apology, “No need, Sana-unnie. I understand how pregnancy hormones can be.” The dead drop silence that followed the trio was deafening, enough to drown out the loud buzz of the ongoing party around them. And just like clockwork...


“...But it’s my period...Chewy-ah!” cries out the older woman with unshed tears.



Karina just closed her eyes, Winter just wanted to crawl into a corner and have the ground swallow her. Whole. Especially when a new voice joined them.



“Hey... what’s wrong?”



“I want to go home!”



Winter didn’t hear the rest, she cast an apologetic stare at her girlfriend who only sent her an understanding smile, and even pointed to the table by the drinks to meet her there; giving Winter the exit she desperately needed.



Just as Winter was planning how to pull herself together for the rest of the night, her eyes caught what seemed to be a toddler wearing a fluffy bear onesie waddling towards the long table, short arms outstretched as they tipped their toes to reach what Winter noticed was a very healthy-looking leafy green vegetables.


Odd, Winter thought. For a toddler to excitedly grab and sneak for a plate of vegetables. She was on her way to help the toddler when her girlfriend excitedly called her name – and when she turned again, the bear onesie toddler was gone.




(Winter forgot about the bear onesie toddler after that, it took her many days to realize who the culprit is behind the said bear onesie.


And what is behind the said bear onesie.


Realized that this is somewhat in relation to what Karina’s eomma cryptically referred to as the ‘matters to attend to.’ of Karina’s mama


Winter definitely understands why Mrs. Kang suggested for Karina to talk to her mama after.)




“Baby, I want you to meet some very special guests. They’re the stars of the night!” Winter choked on her drink at the word special, the last time her girlfriend said that she was almost turned into a stone by the glares her Greek goddess mother was throwing at her.



Composing herself for a moment, Winter furrows her brows at the strong hold Karina has on her waist as if the woman was ensuring that Winter’s weight would be leaning on her.


Ignoring the cheeky smile of her girlfriend, Winter plastered a smile to her face for the so-called ‘very special guests’ just to squint her eyes shut and almost buckle in her knees – if not for her girlfriend’s firm yet gentle hold on her waist.



The woman –there were two; a loving couple made obvious by the lingering gazes and smile they have for each other– that made Winter almost chant a prayer in Latin and shut her eyes from the glowing natural light the woman emits, literally looks like what Winter could only assume the modern version of the famous blessed mother.



Wavy dark hair, kind eyes that smiles along with every upturn of her lips, a constellation of moles that dotted around her face, and a comforting gentle demeanor.


Dressed in an asymmetrical beige chiffon dress, paired with simple yet beautiful stones of flower headband that brings out the woman’s angelic features.


(Winter didn’t have to take a double look to see if the jewelry adorning the woman’s hair was fake; not if its shining and glittering even in the dead of the night.)


The woman hasn’t spoken yet – but Winter only fears it will make her think of singing angels.


Winter almost whimpered in fear of the angel-look-alike woman.


Winter fears it’s the drawback of accessing her platinum gay card; it must be an exclusive perk that she is now able to access. To be surrounded by and recognize such beauty in her surroundings.


Or is her girlfriend just incapable of interacting with other simple ordinary women such as her?


Winter had never experienced being attacked with such beauties in such a short interval.


(A little backstory is that Winter never cared for her surroundings, much less cared about if the women in her vicinity are attractive or what – and why would she when she managed to capture the heart of her sunshine pop-idol-looking girlfriend?


Winter calls it an unfortunate exclusive perk of being upgraded into the golden platinum card of the alphabet community; others will have a better word for it – culture shock.)



Because Winter is starting to get terrified out of her wits by the … diversity of these women.



“Hello. My name is Mina. And you must be Winter-ssi. It is a pleasure to meet you.”


The slight whimper that slipped out of went unnoticed to the couple thankfully; but her not-so-helpful girlfriend only tightened her hold to her waist – not in a protective manner, but to allow and help Winter’s figure to lean on her much taller and fit figure.



Winter knows Karina will never let her live this down. She should have known to never trust that cheeky smile (that she had fallen in love with).



“Don’t worry. It happens all the time. I told you, Asia’s first love.” whispers Karina unhelpfully to her flustered girlfriend. Winter subtly pinched Karina’s arms – hard enough to make her teasing girlfriend yelp in pain.



“H–Hello. Mina-ssi. The pleasure is mine. Congratulations on your engagement.” Winter bows hastily to the couple. When she lifted her head, her gaze locked with the other woman beside Mina.



Bright round eyes contrasted with a heavy stare that somehow hints at mischief, full lips accentuated by the mole below her lips, high bridged slim nose, silver-blond short hair, and a shorter yet striking figure.


Wearing a white cropped blazer and a mini skirt paired with black tights, black heels, and a black purse.



Katarina Chaeyoung Yoo.



She reminds Winter of a fairy.



An insanely rich heiress and talented artist fairy that also seems interested in throwing Winter off a cliff…



“I’ve heard things about you, Winter-ssi.”




Winter decided to not make any more mistakes. She will play this as safely as she can, especially in front of the famed cousin.



Because Winter refuses to believe that these stumbles of hers will be the sole outcome of this night. The first time was obviously a mistake with her nerves – after all, she was immediately to meet the Greek goddess; twice was just coincidence, with her nerves still rattled by the said encounter with the goddess... and well thrice... no, she knows better now.



“Yes. Thank you. Me too, about you.” It was good enough in Winter’s mind, perfect even.



(It wasn’t, Chaeyoung saw it as an aggressive and unpleasant attitude, a challenge even)



“Lovely girlfriend you have, Jimin-ah. Her name suits her well.” The tension visibly rose at the comment, the easy toothy grin the older let out did nothing to hide the sarcasm.




Winter really wants to cry now and just go home.


It makes her want to wish for the simpler times, back when her only problem was her best friend’s solution for writing slumps was to date stupid college boys for her next song inspiration, and not freaking out if her girlfriend’s family members will turn her into a stone or throw her off a cliff or turn her into a stone so she can be thrown off into a cliff.




“Well, lovely dinner party you have, Chaeng. But I’m afraid my wife and I have to go.” interrupted a new, yet familiar voice to the couples. It was the same voice that appeared when Sana cried out for her wife.



“Tzuyu. Thank you for coming.” Winter wants to thank her again; twice, for unknowingly saving her with every appearance of hers. Even if Winter was the cause of her wife’s tears.



“Well, how can I say no to free drinks? You look lovely, Mina-unnie. The wife and I will make it up to you.” The elegantly dressed tall woman placed a chaste kiss on Mina’s cheeks in farewell, sharing only a nod with her best friend.



“Oh no, it’s fine. Is Sana-unnie alright?” Tzuyu smiled and even let out a soft laugh, “Yes. It appears that someone mistook my wife for being old and fat, so she is now sulking in our car... As much as I want to apologize for cutting our evening short, I am not.


I would thank the culprit... but due to the nature of the crime, I’d say it’s another condescending judgy relative of yours.” Tzuyu and Chaeyoung shared a knowing look, with Tzuyu even giving Mina a soft encouraging pat on her back.



Winter feels like she’s the one that needs that encouraging pat and not the holy angel.



“Adios, idiot.” salutes Tzuyu to Chaeyoung who only rolled her eyes. “Farewell, ladies.” bids Tzuyu to the remaining three.


“Take a bottle of any wine before you leave, Tzu.” Tzuyu only waved her hand, the two couples watched her tall figure saunter through the crowd before disappearing in their sight.


The four weren’t given another chance to interact when the booming sound of a gong echoed again.


Mina and Chaeyoung shared a look, with the former nodding before turning to leave their group, but not without giving Winter an encouraging smile and Karina a sweet soft smile.


Winter watches how Chaeyoung took hold of her younger cousin’s arm, whispering to the taller’s figure who just brushed off whatever concern Chaeyoung had with a smile, causing Chaeyoung to shake her head in disapproval and throw a firm look.


Winter ignored how her spirits weakened amid their whispering; at the sneaky glances the cousins threw in her direction, indicating that the two were indeed talking about her.



(And Chaeyoung was right to do so; her little cousin had been gone far too long, and it was obvious with her cousin’s optimism and lack of tact to prepare her girlfriend before introducing her to the wolves that are their world. The younger’s soft heart and naivety may soon be the cause of their relationship’s downfall – and Chaeyoung does not want to see her soft baby of a cousin have her heart broken just because of her ignorance.


Their Jimin should have known better.


Chaeyoung does not want to see how the others treated her relationship with Mina be repeated all over again. The world that they are in is just too cruel, and Winter Kim just found herself in a sea of hungry wolves.)



Chaeyoung left the couple with one last smile, mostly directed at Winter that somehow eased back her dampened spirits. The smile was one of acknowledgment– understanding even, and a bit of encouragement for Winter. They watched as her lithe figure followed the direction of her fiancée, greeting the latter with a soft touch at the dip of her back before whisking her away from the conversation the latter found herself into.


“They’re a beautiful couple.” remarks Winter. Karina nodded in agreement, eyes still following the now swaying couple. “They are. They deserve this... and we, my love, also deserve a dance.” Winter giggled at the exaggerated curtsy of her girlfriend.


“May I have the honor of dancing with the most beautiful girl in this room?”


“Pft. You just introduced me to the goddess of beauty, and the reincarnation of the catholic lady, and now you’re pulling this?”


“Don’t forget that I also introduced you to a sweetheart beautiful doll-like unnie and mistook her for being an aunty and pregnant.” teases Karina back to Winter who immediately covered Karina’s mouth shut.


It was useless, Karina was even giggling! The nerve!


“That was so embarrassing... and I made her cry!” Seeing the genuine worry in Winter’s eyes, Karina removed Winter’s hold in and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles instead.


“Don’t worry, love. You haven’t met them all and Sana-unnie is actually one of the sweetest people I have ever met–”


“That’s not making me feel any better, Katarina Jimin.”


“Hush. What I am saying is, she won’t hold a grudge over it and will understand that you were just trying to make…conversation.” ended Karina with a barely hidden grimace.


“It was bad, wasn’t it?”


“...Yeah, apparently, they were trying but it hasn’t– so yeah...”


“Oh my god.”



The couple’s moment was interrupted when a nervous-looking servant came up to them and whispered in Karina’s ears.


“Young Mistress, Madame has requested your presence. She says it is urgent.”


“Hm? Is she with eomma?”


“No, young mistress... Madame explicitly instructed for the Mistress to not be informed.” The knowing look that Karina and the agitated servant shared was of great understanding, and sympathy even.


“Mama begged you not to, didn’t she?”


“...Yes, Young Mistress.” Clearing , Karina was about to inform her girlfriend of the probable disaster that her other mother may be needing help (most likely saving) from –a disaster that may come in the form of the livid Mistress of the great house of Kang Clan; also known as Joohyun Kang– when a waiter accidentally loses their balance, a tray of drinks careening in their direction; mostly towards Winter’s direction.


So, Karina did what any sensible partner would do. She hastily (and dramatically) pulled her girlfriend to safety. Fortunately, neither was harmed, the mortified waiter immediately apologized, bowing and trembling in fear, Karina shrugged the apologies off with a smile, asking as well if the man is alright and what caused him to trip over.


“I have no idea, ma’am! It seems that I tripped over something! I am really sorry!”



(No one knew at the time, but the culprit came in a form of the aforementioned toddler-looking dressed in a bear onesie)



After reassuring the man that everything is alright and that there is nothing to apologize about, that was only when Karina noticed the sticky feeling in her exposed shoulders.




Glancing at her somewhat reddish and sparkling shoulders, Karina eased her girlfriend’s worries, glad that the dress she wore was dark enough to hide the possible and impending stain; glad that she would not have to change out of it, and most importantly that her girlfriend was not hurt in any way.


But she will need to wipe herself clean. “Hey, it’s alright. I’m alright... I’m just going to need to....”


Another voice joined in their conversation; another woman who seemed to have taken pity on their incident.


“Go, I’ll take care of her.” Karina turned to the voice and let out a sigh of relief. “Aunty Yerim.” The woman nodded at her and stood beside Winter, draping her arms at the startled girl. “Go, you’re going to smell if you don’t take care of that soon! Besides... you better hurry, didn’t Seulgi-unnie call for you as well?”




“I’ll keep her safe, don’t worry.”


Karina nodded with a grateful, yet hesitant smile; aware that she definitely will have to go one way or another, while hesitant about leaving her girlfriend alone, she’s also aware that her girlfriend is the safest she can be in the hands of her Aunty Yerim.


Placing a quick kiss on her girlfriend’s cheeks, Karina scurried off to fix herself and meet her beloved mama.


(Who is most likely now hiding in fear of her wife, resorting to requesting the presence of their daughter to probably get herself out of her wife’s impending ire.


Karina guesses this has something to do with the cryptic message her eomma has let her on with earlier.)


“Well, well, well, Winter Kim! I’ve heard so much about you– and before you say it! Technically! I am an aunty– BUT my age is more of in the unnie line. Confusing, I know. I’m the youngest cousin in the family so!”


“Oh my god.” gapes Winter, mortified at the obvious teasing of the woman who only nodded at her with a definitely not sympathetic smile.

“Yes, Winter-ssi. I know. Everyone knows. I also know that meeting the lady of the house almost made you pee your undies–”


“I did not!” Yerim raised a challenging brow at the younger’s challenge. “Did you really not?”


“No!... but I did think she was going to turn me into a stone to display me along with her collection of fallen prey...” laments Winter with a defeated sigh. Yerim snorts at the creative monologue and reference, sassily blowing her manicured nails to refute the younger’s worries.


“Nah, Joohyun-unnie wouldn’t display you in her lavender garden. She’ll recycle you and turn you into a pavement instead!” Yerim let out a delighted cackle at the sheer terror in the younger’s eyes.


“Kidding! Sheesh. You’re too tense kid. Lighten up! Joohyun-unnie is the kindest person you could ever meet... except you’re seeing and probably doing not-so-innocent stuff with her sweet, precious, and innocent only child... Yeah, good luck kid. You hit the jackpot to hell with that one.”


“I’m also someone else’s ‘sweet and precious only child’!” Yerim snorted at the rebut. “Yeah, tell that to unnie.”


“Her daughter may be hot! But that daughter of hers is also the root of my migraine!” At that, Yerim let out another hysterical cackle, only to soar into an almost coughing fit at Winter’s teary gaze.


“Ahhh. Oh Jimin, Jimin. To be blessed with the face of her goddess of a mother and yet be the embodiment of her klutz of a mama. Ohhhh, to be young and in love.”


Winter narrows her eyes suspiciously at the woman who kept wiping her imaginary tears. “Didn’t you say that you belong to the ‘unnie line’?”


“Hush, child. Respect the aunty. Anyways!” claps Yerim in excitement, “I am Yerim Park– the better Park, I want you to remember that. The youngest in the broods of the Kang-Yoo clan’s current matriarch’s generation line. I AM. YERIM PARK.”


“She meant to say she’s Seulgi-unnie's youngest cousin. Seulgi-unnie is the current head of the house... in a sense. But everyone follows her wife more, which I assume you have already met, thus quite understand why… Sooyoung Park.” added the woman to introduce herself at Winter’s questioning look.


Yerim scoffed in indignation at the appearance of another voice.


“Ignore her, she’s the lesser Park. Tsk, mommy surely didn’t have to have another child, let me tell you.”


“Idiot, I’m older than you!”


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Trumfeet #1
Chapter 2: Tor grabe yung isang nagcomment ahh nagpapakain daw ng pulubi amp, grabe sila kay terwin ahh
Trumfeet #2
Chapter 1: Magdasal kana ter,,,,,,
Chapter 2: The fact that you almost predicted ningning's actually insta username is hilarious 😭😭
danonymous #4
Chapter 2: This is amazing 😩😩 Enjoyed very much, thank you for writing it, author!
215 streak #5
Chapter 2: I really enjoyed reading this but I want more 😭
Yuwreee #6
Chapter 2: This is gold 😭😭😭😭😭😭💕
wonbwon #7
Chapter 2: NING 😭😭😭😭
perp24 #8
That frog scene 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 2: so chaotic goshhj, the comment of karina's fans at the ending😭😭
Rayxxx #10
Chapter 2: Karina is so cute here 😭😭