Part Five

What if?
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Part Five




When morning came, Taemin was aloof, behaving as if last night had never happened, despite both of them being in their senses. Despite his body carrying many marks of proof. Minho felt a bit guilty about that, although Taemin had allowed him to do it. But clothing couldn’t hide them, and Minho had realized that there were just too many when he had seen Taemin put on clothes after washing up.


Regardless of this awkward and guilty morning after, Minho couldn’t deny it had been a fulfilling night. He was cold to him again now, but in bed, Taemin had indulged and humored him in every way Minho wanted to be. They hadn’t really spoken much during the act, or even after it, but at least Minho had at least gotten to know a bit more about him. Taemin had a surgical scar on his ankle, and he had winced a bit when Minho had held him there, so Minho had asked. Taemin had confirmed that the rumor about getting injured during his military service was true. He didn’t expand on it further and Minho didn’t ask further. It wasn’t the right time then to further those questions, anyway. But now that Minho remembered, he really was curious. But he held it in, deciding to let Taemin be the one to start a conversation between them instead, and headed to take a shower.


When Minho had stepped out after washing up, Taemin had finished making breakfast. Toast and coffee. Exactly what Minho had made him. And as Minho ate his share silently, seated at the breakfast table, a couple of chairs apart from Taemin, he felt like this–whatever had sparked between them–had come full circle at this very moment. They didn’t talk much. Taemin refused Minho’s ride back to the city–but this time he gave a reason for it. He had some other people dropping by to see the house later that day.


Minho had nothing to do that day, he could have stayed. He wanted to stay. Despite what Taemin had said last night, Minho was counting on something to change. He had woken up with a different idea of how their morning would be–of course, Taemin wouldn’t do a complete 180, but he’d at least acknowledge whatever was between them and be… more familiar. Talk more. Try to be something with him. Or at least suggest it. But yeah, that wasn’t happening. He was sticking to what he had said last night and was determined to not let them mean anything. Thus, Minho felt like he had overstayed his welcome because of Taemin’s silence and nonchalance, and he left when he found the opportunity for it.


Minho was slow about it though, almost hoping an eccentric statement or an unexpected question would stop him. But nothing of that sort happened. It was expected but Minho was disappointed, nevertheless.


When he had stopped at a red light, he checked his phone. He remembered Taemin had plugged it in for charging along with his own when he had woken up. Minho sighed; Taemin acted so indifferent but he also did these considerate things. After unlocking it with his fingerprint, Minho noticed the missed calls and message notifications.


He stopped short when he saw Jieun’s name among his notifications. A dull throb overtook his heart, but it eased through the next second when he reasoned with himself. And then he checked the most recent text message he had. From Seonho.


You could have at least spoken to her on the phone. You’re just being a jerk now, Choi Minho.


Minho just sighed and called Seonho.


“I dropped by your apartment last night but you weren’t in. Where were you?”


“It was late, and I was tired so I crashed at a friend’s place here.”


“In Anwong?” Seonho didn’t seem convinced by his lie at all. “I don’t know any friends of yours that live there.”


“You know it's quite possible that you don’t know everything about me?”


Seonho had grown silent at his irritated tone. “We are playing soccer in the community park near your place. Jieun’s obviously not here, so come. Blow off some steam and let’s talk then.”


Minho sighed, realizing that he’d burst on her unintentionally. He wasn’t like this and it had been happening a lot more lately. And then he realized it was because of Jieun. She wanted him to be more open, and he’d made that change in himself—allowed himself to let his emotions affect him, and now it happened subconsciously. Habitually. Instead of keeping it in as usual, he burst open when his emotions reached a certain threshold. “I’m sorry, Seonho. And yes, I’ll be there. Let’s talk.”


Seonho’s tone softened. “Okay. Take care.”





Drenched with sweat, Minho finally flopped down beside Seonho, resting against the meshed fence that encompassed the soccer field in the community park. He had been subbed by Doyoung, who’d just gotten back from a coffee date with his girlfriend. Minho had to listen to him talk at a stretch—he was quite a talkative one. He took him through his entire week—about how things were going with his girlfriend, how his work was, where he went out, what he ate, gossip about the other rookie models, and all the rumors he’d heard flying in his agency. Minho didn’t mind hearing him talk as long as he wasn’t prying into his matters, which he used to do, but was respecting his boundaries better now. It was all because of that time when Doyoung had stumbled upon his album that was filled with Jieun's pictures. To make matters worse, it had been just a day after he had been dumped the second time and the guy’s curiosity and teasing had no limits. Minho had even caught him sneaking the album out—and Doyoung defended himself saying he was going to give it to Jieun to help get them together, but Minho had stopped him right there and revealed why he shouldn’t.



So Doyoung also knew about his “second break-up” now and also the fact that he was trying to move on. To be honest, Doyoung had been behaving more considerately towards him since then. Minho almost felt like the younger pitied him, but it wasn’t a superficial kind, but the genuine kind, and that stemmed from the fact that he cared. So Minho decided to be accepting of it.


Both Seonho and he watched the game for a bit more until they had caught their breaths.


“About last night,” Minho began, “I was with someone else.”


“Who?” Seonho asked, opening a bottle of water before handing it to him.


“A guy.”


“Just hanging out or something else?”


Minho took a long sip before he admitted, “Something else.”


“You could have just told me then, that you were on a date or something. I wouldn’t have urged you to show up.”


“Even if I wasn’t with him, I didn’t want to come, Seonho. Isn’t that a reason valid enough?”


Seonho grew silent in realization. “Sorry. I didn’t think that through enough. I just assumed you were doing fine. You had started to look all put-together again, so I just… wanted to give you the push you sometimes need.”


“I know,” Minho handed her back the bottle, and she drank from it before handing it back. “I know you have my best interests at heart. But to be honest, I don’t know myself what’s best for me or what the is going on.”


“Yeah.” Seonho laughed, “That’s literally the story of everyone’s life.”


Minho chuckled tiredly, “Yeah, but you get me.”


“I do. So what is it? What’s making you feel like that nowadays? The guy?”


“He’s a part of it, yes. I just… I don’t know if it’s too quick for me to be with someone else.”


“There’s nothing quick or slow about it. You take the time you need, that’s all.” Seonho rested against him, “If it takes less for you, good for you.”


“Ugh, you stink.” Minho winced away but Seonho just shifted closer to him to get on his nerves, laughing, and he let her be then. “So what now?”


“I’ll just rehash what you told me earlier.” Seonho began, “You want to. Isn’t that reason valid enough?”


“Yeah.” Minho grew a bit whelmed at the way she had helped him find the answer he was looking for–helped him see he had been carrying it all along. “Yeah. It’s valid enough.”





Realizing what he wanted didn’t quite get Minho anywhere. For one, he had no clue how to contact Taemin. Sure, he could dial the number he had on the file but it would be the company’s, and totally uncomfortable for him to reach him that way, especially when Taemin had mentioned how his interactions with other men were regarded because of his uality. Calling Chulsoo also was a no.


Thinking back, Taemin didn’t even seem like he wanted to further it, and that just made Minho feel stupid all of a sudden, because here he was, thinking if his desire to see him again was valid or not and wanting to do something about it, but Taemin had perhaps already given him an answer. Gosh, it .


So Minho got focussed on reorganizing his portfolio in his free time since assignments were scarce this month. He had only one this week, and another at the end of the month. Other than that he was into full-time editing. Chief Do and the others handled many huge assignments, thus there was always something to edit, so he couldn’t say he wasn’t busy.


Before everyone came in, he looked at the pictures he took in the streets every night after work. He’d been doing this a lot lately. He had submitted his pictures for the pictorial, but the fascination of taking pictures of the streets hadn’t left him yet. He had taken some too in Anwong and comparing them to the ones he had taken around his apartment was just so marveling. There was something different in every street, every alley, every corner. It hid a detail, a story, a history, or perhaps a start of all of those. It was how Minho viewed them. And the thrill of exploring and capturing those was something else.


Taking pictures of people didn’t parallel

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Chapter 8: I've READ it again Y_Y
this is really good. feels like watching the drama.
Thanks ^_^
2MinloveF #2
Chapter 8: Love this so much!!! 🔥❤️🥰
Chapter 8: Bacm here again because I miss you, I miss your story
ChoiSarisi #4
Chapter 8: Girl really said: im gonna make her regret and be denied for making ma baby suffer
And im supportig 😐❤
Chapter 8: This is a matured version of Woomin and I like it more 🩵 oh and can I flick Taemin's forehead for him? He can be not-so-nice toward him but he choose to be a spoiled brat instead 😭
Chapter 8: This is the Woomin character arc we deserved to see💙
2034 streak #7
Chapter 8: Although I feel like I want more of this story, I gotta say that it was a great way to end the story. You did an amazing job *does a standing ovation* the two were really sweet and I cracked up hard when Taemin said he had modelling as a backup plan in case he fails as a travel journalist but he also doesn't plan on failing. Also, excuse my language but I wanna say screw Jieun. I mean her realising she still had feelings left for Minho was way too late. But at least she realised that and kept her distance in the end instead of causing unnecessary drama in 2min's life. Enjoyed reading the story ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 7: Awwww!!! This chapter was so cute on so many levels. Anyway, I'm glad that two are dating now. Really enjoyed their siblings chemistry. And talking about the siblings, I recognise 3 of his sisters as SNSD members but is Miyoung an idol too or just an OC? Can't believe there's only one chapter left. Will be back later to read more ^^
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 8: No matter how many times I read it, it is just a wonderful story! :)
2034 streak #10
Chapter 6: Can't believe I haven't finished reading this yet anyway, done with the sixth chapter and I gotta say I'm glad that Minho has finally gotten over his fear of letting go. And like he said/felt in the chapter, sometimes it's okay to take your own time instead of giving yourself that unnecessary push. I kinda missed Taemin in the chapter. LoL... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^