How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You

How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You: A Guide by Lee Donghae

How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You

A Guide by Lee Donghae

1. Compliment them

"You dance really nice!"

"...? Thanks."

"A-And you fold clothes well. And the whole class thinks you're really cool!"

"...Did you kidnap Choco again? You already have Bada."

"What?! No!!"

2. Hang around them a lot

"Yah, yah, Lee Donghae let go!! I can't... breathe...!"



"Oh, woops, hehe~"

"W-Why are you being so clingy, we just saw each other last block, Hae!"

"Nothing, I just missed you... Is that wrong?"

"...Okay fine, just stop pouting."

3. Make them food

"I made you my favourite smoothie!"

"Oh? What's in it?"

"Avocado, some greens, a banana, and chia seeds!"


"Try it!"


"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it's so, uh, healthy."

"I'll make it again for you!"

"You don't nee-"

"I want to!"


4. Laugh at ALL their jokes


"Um, Hae?"

"Hyukkie, you're so funny!!"

"Uh, I was telling you about our homework for tomorrow."

"Wait, what?"

"Let me guess, you haven't started at all."

"Hyukkie, help meeeee."

"Stop crying, geez. Okay, so here's where you put..."

5. Hint that you like them



"I like you."

"...Yeah? I like you too."

"I mean I reaaaally like you."

"Well yeah, you're my best friend. You're a really important person to me."

"That's not what-I mean you're important to me too but-"



6. If nothing else works, just give them this book with all your attempts detailed inside

"H-Here, take this!!"

"Donghae? What's this?"

"Don't open it here!! Open it at home!"

"But, Donghae-"




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Chapter 1: donghae's so cute and adorable in here.
1489 streak #2
Chapter 1: ahahaha so cute!! hae you adorable dork!
1489 streak #3
Chapter 1: ahahaha so cute!! hae you adorable dork!
1586 streak #4
Chapter 1: Gah, that cutie. While his last effort should be super effective in conveying what he wants (especially if the book is titled the same), this was basically a list primarily detailing how Hyuk lets Ddohae have his way all the time and lives by his "as long as he's happy" motto. Which, more than anything probably indicates he already fell in love with him long ago. ♡
rui_girl23 #5
Chapter 1: This is uniquely baby Hae. Only Lee Donghae.🤭
1455 streak #6
Chapter 1: Hahaha cutie hae!! ^^ makes the day brighter!! Hyukeeeee, how dense are youuuu