데자뷰  :  How about a do-over?  :  APPLY OPEN
I'm giving you near total freedom to fill in your character's story as you see fit.
Aside from the face and the leader there are no set positions and your character can have any skillset (within reason).
current apps
ἔρως (eros)
Hated By
The Antis
She's as loved as she is hated. Pushed from the very beginning as center of the group, she was swiftly regarded as having potential to be a real it-girl if she did everything right.

But of course, this is not that kind of story.

The higher she climbs the easier she becomes to hate. There is nothing so loathsome as a person you've adored showing the humanity in the cracks of the facade. 

And now? Will she endeavour to fulfill her potential and do everything right this time? Or is it worth the risk of falling all over again?
insp. wonyoung, irene
either the kind of idolation that inspires as many people to hate you as it does love you (wonyoung), or the anger people feel when someone they've put much energy in worshipping turns out to be imperfect and different from who they imagined (irene). 

The way you do it is up to you, but make sure that, while the hate builds up and up and up throughout her short career, there is one big incident that really blows it all up at the end.
φιλαυτί (philauti)
Hated By The International Audience
This girl's fans gush about how she was born to be on stage. She shines as soon as the music starts and can put on a performance like no other.
It can be much harder to notice when your haters come from very far away. This girl did something to royally piss off a lot of international fans but she'd hardly notice as she goes through the motions of fansigns and music shows and variety. But go anywhere on twitter or reddit and there is disapproval to be found.

It can be ever so tempting and addiciting to seek out the negative opinions when you know they're there just waiting for you to find them...
insp. wonhee, bahiyyeh, yunjin
This one explores the dissonance of a hate train that you don't directly notice. As long as they don't do concerts abroad it might feel like everything was as before, but she did something to tick off ifans in particular and suddenly the crowd at KCON grows silent the moment you take center stage.
φιλία (philia)
Hated By
The Korean Populace
This girl's strength was in her making even non-fans love her.

Whether with her charm and sweet relatability or with her wit, she shines in the entertainer part of being an idol.
When a kpop-fan thinks of DEJA-BOO they think of eros but when any random office worked on the street thinks of DEJA-BOO they think of philia.
insp. eunchae, minji, yiren
The kind of scandal that has even ahjummas at the supermarket gossip about you. This scandal breaks the kpop-bubble containment, she can't even go get some kimbab at the convenience store without people knowing.
Inspired by Eunchae's that must be hard or Minji's bibimmyeon thing where an innocent comment gets blown up to ridiculous proportions. Alternatively it could be an overblown cultural difference mixed with xenophobia like Yiren's bowing scandal.
στοργή (storgé)
Hated By
The Company
She isn't hated on by any fan, she'd need to have them for that to happen. Instead there is something that happened to turn the company against her after her debut. Now she gets as few schedules as they can get away with giving her.
The forgotten member. The few fans she has are annoying in their devotion or borderline insulting in their pity. Maybe if she keeps the company on her side this time she'll actually get the chance to shine.
insp. Vivi, all of fromis tbh
ξενία (xenia)
Hated By 
Her Own Fans
Her controversy started it all. This girl got to be a part of DEJA-BOO for a few weeks at most. As soon as they debuted the vultures descended and her scandal was big enough that the fans themselves demanded her removal from the group.
Her career was cut short over a year ago as she went back to normal life. And yet she now finds herself back in time, preparing for her debut all over again.
Maybe this time she might actually get to be an idol?
insp. garam, soojin
ἀγάπη (agapé)
Not Hated Yet....
The group's brave and spotless leader, tasked with keeping the group together throughout all of this bloodshed without any of it landing on her shoulders.
At least, not yet.
There is a scandal on her horizon, a big secret that could ruin everything for her if it comes out and it fills her with fear thinking about it. Not even her members know, but what a relief it is when they get a do-over and she has the chance to hide it even better this time.
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DJB : bumping up the story, sorry for the empty update! Just giving it a little pulse of activity


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28 streak #1
Chapter 4: welcome back and take your time, rain!
this looks so promising!
one plot stands out in particular to me, but it's been a while since i did apply fics so it'll probably remain a concept for now ><
i'll be keeping an eye out for this, though! good luck!
Chapter 2: i'm really interested in this story and may have a girl to give you! just a few questions
1) if applicants were to collab, can they be each other's love interest?
2) is the pandemic still relevant in this story?
28 streak #4
Chapter 1: really interested in applying for philia and storage!!
Chapter 1: eyeing the philia plot 👀
Chapter 1: currently eyeing xenia plot 👀👀

but man this story is interesting- if i dont end up applying, ill def keep an eye on it ❤️
Chapter 1: All these plotlines are amazing and so well thought out, I love the mention of the specific inspirations too, I’ve wanted to do a character inspired by Wonhee (that poor girl’s hate train was insane) and philauti would be perfect for that, but pretty much all of them interest me so I haven’t decided which one I’m gonna go for yet^^
14 streak #8
Chapter 1: I have an idea for the eros plotline!
Chapter 1: these plotlines are so much fun omg, u rlly slayed it 🤩 i think i might have a girl who would fit one of these in particular huhu
Oooo I love this concept! Time loop stories are so compelling to me, this is such a cool idea for an applyfic ^^