Her Inspiration

Words and Melodies

“May we ask what is your inspiration for these two songs Ms. Kim?” Mr. Lee questioned the girl after Wendy’s shenanigans of introducing her to the newbie lyricist who’s surely not a stranger to Karina. The turn of events this morning had left the singer to fidget uncomfortably on her seat. She honestly never expected any of these to happen on a day where she doesn’t get much sleep the night prior. It only added to the nauseous feeling crawling on her head.


Karina saw how Minjeong gathered her breath first before speaking her mind, “I just want to capture two different acts of bravery, Mr. Lee.” She started with a knowing smile. The other occupants in the room cannot help but to have high expectations as to what the other girl meant by that, including the singer. As much as she hates to admit that.




“The one who finally mustered the courage to confess and the one who lets go of someone she loves.”







That little detail on Minjeong’s words didn’t go unnoticed by Karina. Unfortunately. Not fortunately since it actually evokes another surge of emotions within her that only one person can do.




‘One Way’ tells a perspective of someone whose mind is finally definite to confess to the person she loves… after of course, not letting her feelings out for quite some time.” Minjeong elaborated on the first song. The glint on her eyes while saying this is quite youthful and Karina too cannot help but to feel a sense of nostalgia.



Young love.



Hasty. Risky. But free.



“It is like saying there is only one way to all these and that is to finally let the other person know how much she means to you… in a not common way.” Karina is thankful that after their introduction, never did once the lyricist looks one her way. She cannot afford to look straight into her eyes while the latter is saying all these. Ever since, Minjeong’s way with her words was Karina’s weakness.


But ‘I like you’ is a cliche way to properly describe how I feel.


How about promising to tie your undone shoelaces for you?

Arranging Friday movie nights?

Bringing an extra jacket in winter time?

Memorizing the recipe of your favorite coffee?



The lyrics to the said song flashed to Karina’s mind again. Every word finally made sense.



The singer is somewhat glad for someone like Minjeong to handle the lyrics of her possible songs regardless if her very presence complicates everything.



“ ‘I like you’ and ‘I love you’ these days, albeit beautiful but aren’t these too used? Like a broken record and since it is mostly used, these sometimes made us skeptical if the feelings behind these words were true. Or people just use these words as labels for some fleeting feelings.” Her words left everyone speechless. Not even a clap was heard, just everyone nodding with amused smiles.


“How about ‘U-Turn’?” Her producer eagerly asked while trying to continue the conversation since it seems like everyone is too caught up with their thoughts and admiration to this person that’s speaking her creative inputs to her lyrics. Truly, knowing where the lyricist is coming from in forming every word is where the beauty of the song really resides.



“Well, that…” For some unknown reason, while she’s trying to come up with the right words to say, Minjeong’s eyes darted towards Karina. When their eyes met, the singer abruptly diverted her eyes on the papers in front of her. She even unknowingly reaches for it, scanning the papers clearly just trying to act cool. With the blatant display of Karina’s acting, a subtle smile grazed the lyricist’s lips.



“Usually we will think that the only one that is brave in this equation is the person who has decided to finally confess. I want to erase that notion.” Minjeong started.




“Letting go is also a form of bravery. Even more courageous than confessing actually.” The lyricist trailed off. With much emotion in her eyes, she looks at Karina intentionally. This time, the singer cannot tear her gaze away from the latter.



“Setting free of the person you love the most despite wanting to really hold on, is an act only people who are selfless, brave enough, and who loves too much can do.” An unconscious blink of an eye was all it took for Karina to feel like tearing up the moment she heard those words coming from the younger girl.



“I used those two road signs to represent those two acts to make the title a little more subtle. I couldn’t think of anything that would best exemplify those except those road signs.”




“Wow.” she doesn’t know who let out that word amongst the people inside the room. Her booming heart, aching head and tears wetting her eyes as she looks at Minjeong who is also staring directly at her at that moment were all Karina could feel.



After a few moments of staring, Minjeong was the one who broke it - unconsciously clearing and soon looks at Mr. Lee anticipatingly. Wanting to hear any thoughts from the latter, the respected CEO of a famous entertainment company.



The man just chuckled lightly and pointed at Karina.



“Both songs were really good so I have no problem with that. But you should ask our singer over there. She gets the last call to everything.” Mr. Lee playfully uttered.



With that being said, Minjeong freely looked at Karina. A smile was plastered on her face at the thought of not stealing glances anymore. Karina, on the other hand, clutches on her chair’s armrest a little too tight, clearly not wanting to be put on the spot at the moment. Moreso, Minjeong’s expression since they were introduced only smells like an impending ‘complicated life’. The playful glint on her eyes is also evident. The singer might want it more if the latter is not giving her any inch of her attention or maybe glaring at her or giving her those sad looks. But this?! Karina isn’t sure what the reappearance of Kim Minjeong would bring to her life.



“I already said that those two songs were what I like the most.” The singer uttered under her breath.



Minjeong nodded while still sporting a smile, a little subtle this time.



“Oh…okay, seems like we are settled then. Great! hahahaha.” Wendy interjected with an awkward laugh in the end, trying to lighten the mood. At the back of her mind, she wonders what is the deal with Karina. The singer isn’t this hostile with someone she just met. Well, Karina could be a handful when she is not in the mood but never to a staff member, especially not to someone who is behind her songs.



“I’ll try to finish the title song with Minjeong by the end of this week so kindly wait.” the producer added with a bright smile. Wow, she really should be awarded as a producer of the year. It is so not easy to be in between these two. Wendy is not sure if anyone also notices the cold war which is only initiated by her lovely singer. But a thing she is sure of? Her hoping the two would get along seems already a far-fetched idea.



“Please do so. We cannot delay this one.” The CEO encouraged the two. “I have a meeting a few minutes from now, I should probably go. Let us just discuss this album again once the title track is finished. Meeting adjourned.” After saying his ‘thank you’ and ‘goodbye’ to everyone, he left the room with hurried steps. Each of the staff followed suit.



Soon, Wendy was left with the two.





The air was thick. The producer can feel it creeping into her as Karina and Minjeong just stared blankly to a particular thing in front of them.


Not wanting any of this tension anymore, Wendy decided to break the silence by asking a direct question, “Is the two of yo—” of course, she will get cut off by Karina.



“Shut up.”




“I got to go.” the singer simply bid, she didn’t even look back again as she made her way towards the door.



“That was just…” Wendy trailed off. Not really wanting to paint Karina as a bad person to someone whom she just got acquainted with.


“Rude.” Minjeong continued with a slight nod of her head.




She lets out an amused laugh at that. Even though that was what she will describe Karina’s behavior, that was still a bold comment to say to a famous singer.


“Sometimes, she can really be a handful.”


“Yeah.” Wendy immediately agreed.




“W-what?...Why would you know tha—” so much from getting cut off today.


“I need to go too. Thank you, Ms. Son.” Minjeong didn’t even let her continue her sentence. The younger girl immediately went out of the door.


What in the hell is going on with those two? The producer cannot help but to ask herself that question over and over again.




Karina sighs for the nth time, trying to make herself get comfortable with her new position. She is wide awake again. This time she is sure why she cannot sleep. It is not something medical-related, this time, it is someone-related. That dimpled smile keeps on hunting her.


She groaned in annoyance as she faced her right side of the room. Giving up. A glass of wine isn’t so bad. Well, it has been her way of trying to get a wink of sleep ever since. The pressure from everyone, eyes watching her and a broken relationship to which she is the reason - weigh her down every night. When everyone is asleep, she is wide awake. When there is no schedule, flashy outfits out of the way and cameras turned off, the singer is just like everyone else. A broken soul with her dreams achieved but always unguaranteed. In short, Karina is living a temporary lifestyle, a blissful fleeting fame with someone permanent being out of her life.


Is she happy? Maybe. This wa— is her dream.


Is she contented? Probably. She now can provide what her family wants.


Is she loved? Could be. Her fans always show their support to her.


But if you would ask her if she is truly loved for who she is. Her answer would be different from the previous questions.


No. She knows that in the industry she is living in, nothing is permanent. Sooner or later, people will idolize another singer. Someone more talented, more pretty or more fresh. Regardless, she has come a long way already. She has given up various things. Her time, her effort and her.


Karina has another dream to fulfil this time. To make this decision of hers…worthy. At least.


Her achieving that is sailing smoothly lately. Meeting a certain lyricist again had made it extra hard and challenging though.


She continued to drink her wine. With hopes of finally getting drunk in order to fall asleep.



After some time, she feels restless. Maybe it is her thoughts getting the best of her or probably the glasses of wine she had drank that pushed her to look for a certain number on her phone’s contact list. An unnecessary act for she memorizes it like the back of her hand.



A ringing tone echoed on her penthouse as soon as she clicked a button on her phone. Her nervousness about the person on the other line picking her call up, didn’t kick in at the moment. One, it is three in the morning. Two, it has been so long since they had last talked. Third, she might have changed her number. Fourth, the girl might have blocke—.




“Hello?” a groggy voice answered. Karina felt her face grew pale as everything registered on her slightly hazy mind. She had just drunk called her ex for pete’s sake! Well, for the record, she didn’t expect for the latter to pick her call up. She had hurt her. Hurting her.



“Jimin?...” At the mention of her Korean name, Karina’s cheeks immediately heat up. With that one word, it unravels every emotion she tried to keep away in relation to what she had labelled back then as her greatest love. The one she gave up for her career.




“I…” a moment of silence followed. Just their heavy breathing echoing on their phones.






“W-well, I just want to say that let us keep what happened between us back then a secret.” That wasn’t what she wanted to say.





“I don’t want anyone finding out about us.” That too. She isn’t supposed to say that.



“I see…” The latter dejectedly replied.


“I can do that.”


“Thank you.”


“Is that the only thing you called for?” the person on the other line asked. 





“I see…”


It is evident that they were both calculating their actions right now. To hang up or to continue talking. To say what’s really on their mind or to pretend like everything is working out just fine.


The singer was on her way to bid her goodbye when the receiver called out her Korean name again, “Jimin-ah…”


Instead of replying, she just awaits for the latter to say what’s on her mind.




“I can do what you have requested. It is fine...:"






"You can keep me as a secret all you want. But this time, you cannot push me away.”




With that, the call ended. She just heaved a deep sigh, knowing that these were her own doings. It is always her fault. Now and back then.


It is now definite that Karina will never get to have a peaceful sleep.




After receiving a text from her producer that she should come to her recording studio, Karina immediately heads out. As much as she does not want to see the lyricist, is her excitement for the album’s title track.


With an excited smile, the singer opened the door to Wendy’s safe haven in the company. But such smile was immediately thrown away off her face as it is Minjeong’s figure that welcomed her. The latter too was stunned on her arrival but she soon recovered and bowed to the artist as a sign of acknowledgement.



Well, this is awkward. Ever since she set her foot on the room, never did any one of them say anything.


Karina opted to just tap her left foot on the floor impatiently and uncomfortably, shooting daggers on her phone as Wendy is still not replying to any of her texts.




A knock on the door, pulled them somehow out of the awkward atmosphere. Karina slightly thanked whoever was behind the door.


“Ms. Kim, here’s your ordered coffee.” A staff member informed warmly, handing the cups towards the lyricist. After saying her 'thank you', Minjeong closes the door.




Now, they are back to square one.




“Here.” She offered. The singer looked up at the outstretched hand of the latter.


“Ms. Son isn’t here yet. So…” Minjeong reasoned out. 




Karina badly wants to decline but her favorite drink, coming from her favorite coffee shop, is just too hard to not be accepted.






“Thank you.” Karina mumbled in a low voice. She then reaches out for it, causing their hands to touch. If her eyes widened at the contact or if her breath got hitched or her heart started beating erratically at the sudden contact, the singer made sure not to make it obvious. Same goes for the lyricist.







She was on her way to finish the whole cup, when Karina decided to strike a conversation. Being awkward with each other will surely not do the both of them any good.




“I really like those two songs…” she started.


Baby steps, Karina. Baby steps. You are doing good. She mentally chanted.



“You’ve got a really great inspiration for them.” She praised the latter. Compliments should be given where it is due.




Minjeong looks at her before answering, “You are.”


“Huh?” her response came immediately at the younger girl’s words.


“I said you are. You are great, Yooji.” This time, it is that nickname.



. This is bad. Karina thought.




“W-what?” She chose to feign innocence this time.


Minjeong lightly chuckled at the clear display of pretense, “You’re really bound to just be a singer, Yooji. You are bad at acting.”




“Y-yah! How dare y—” she grumbled at the blatant insult but soon was cut off by a smiling Minjeong.



“You shouldn’t be that surprised. I promised that to you, didn’t I?




“I d-don’t know what you are talking about.” Karina denied, even though a 19 year-old Minjeong’s words at that time were actually tattooed on her mind as well as the event that followed suit after she blurted out those words.








“Let me make you remember then.” With that, the lyricist rose up on her seat, and with calculated steps, she walked towards the singer.




“H-hey…” instead of getting trapped in the couch, Karina immediately decided that it might be best if she would just head towards the door. And so she did but it was futile. In fact, it may have worsen her situation.



The singer was on her way to open it when a hand landed atop hers and closed the door. Still quite dumbfounded at the turn of events, she soon finds herself just looking at the brown orbs that hold so many emotions staring directly on her own. With her back against the door and Minjeong’s hands on her side, the singer just accepted her doom. Karina just sighs in retreat.




“I told you…” Noticing that the latter isn’t looking at her, Minjeong carefully holds the latter’s chin.



“You were looking at me at that time, Yooji.”



“S-stop this.”



“You usually don’t remember what I am telling you, huh?.”



“You cannot push me away this time. So you better just let me.” Minjeong continued with conviction.





“Since when did you get this bold?”








“Shhh…” a finger grazed her lips which immediately prevented her from uttering another word.




“Another word from you then we could just skip this talk and proceed to that part, unnie.” With the addition of the last word, everything just seems so intimate in a snap. It leads Karina’s mind to reeled back to the past. Smiling girls, them holding hands, going on dates, hugging, kiss— she immediately brushed the last thought away.





Seriousness flashed through the lyricist's eyes as she uttered her next words, “Every work that I have done, does and will do from the moment I have met you…”













“Will always have a touch of you, unnie.” Just like the old times, Minjeong leaned closer towards her. Their noses touched as the distance between them grew thinner. Breaths now mingling together with their hearts beating profusely…




For some odd reason, Karina finds her eyes closing. Awaiting…













“What’s up! My dear lyricist and singer!” A booming familiar voice echoed through the studio together with the swinging of the door. This causes the two to stumble on the nearby wall. Instinctively, Minjeong put her right hand at the back of Karina’s head, protecting her from any impact.








“.” Karina cursed under her breath after seeing the shocked look of her producer as she took a peak on Minjeong’s shoulder.



“ indeed.” With the same thoughts in mind, the two immediately break away from each other. They even unconsciously flattened out their clothes which was a wrong move. If anything, it only heightened the suspicious looks Wendy were giving to them.




“I-it’s not what you think it is.” The singer reasoned out.




“Of course it is.” Wendy playfully uttered with a knowing smirk.



“You know I am not against you doing it. But please do lock the door—”


“Unnie! ” Karina whined. “I swear! You are clearly reading this wron—” she got cut off again, now she is getting frustrated. The singer pinch Minjeong’s side for she isn’t even trying to clear things out. She was the one to even start this.


The action didn’t go unnoticed by the producer, her smirk widened almost immediately.


“Yeah, yeah. I'll leave the two of you then, bye! Let’s have a 30 minute break although we haven't even started yet.” With one last teasing glance, Wendy closes the door.


A second later, it opened again. The producer’s head peaking, “You can continue it now.” Karina is the one who closes the door this time with a loud bang. She looks at Minjeong and immediately feels her annoyance shoot up at the laughing lyricist.


“Ouch!” the younger girl lets out, after feeling Karina’s slap on her shoulders. Followed by another one and another.


“Y-yah! Stop it!” she tried to dodge while looking for a perfect chance to catch the latter’s hands.


When she successfully did, Minjeong smirked knowingly. Pulling the older girl towards her, she then plants her lips on Karina’s own. Albeit just a smack, it was enough to render the singer speechless and was also enough to make the lyricist really happy. It has been a while since she felt this sensation. A very beautiful feeling as always.


“A kiss followed suit after I said those words, unnie.” Giving the girl a time to recover before they get back to work, Minjeong went out of the door with a triumphant smile and cheeks heating up.







To be continued…






A/N: How was this? Hope y'all like this one. Feel free to comment <3 Advance Merry Christmas! :) 


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Chapter 2: this is so cutee ^*^
Chapter 2: hope they will be happy now
Chapter 2: 😍
573 streak #4
Chapter 1: Oh this looks good
Chapter 1: ❤️❤️❤️