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Chapter One

Three goddesses of destiny, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, sat down in front of their looms once more. They held a spool of the black thread that had been cut in half. The Goddess of Love and the Moon had just cursed the five Lycan Gods within and bestowed upon them the black thread.

Clotho, the spinner, would spin the thread of life, Lachesis, the allotter, would measure it out, and Atropos, the cutter, would ultimately snip it, determining the end of life.

But what happens when new life needs to be created? The three fates would gather together to spin a new thread, imbued with the potential for life. Clotho would begin spinning, using the finest fibers of the universe, while Lachesis would measure out the perfect length for this new life. And Atropos, instead of cutting the thread, would tie a knot at the end, signifying the beginning of a new journey.

As the thread was spun, the three fates would infuse it with the necessary qualities for life, such as strength, resilience, and vitality. They would also imbue it with a unique purpose and destiny, which would guide this new life on its journey.

The three fates used the black thread to weave the life of Konstantin’s mate. They weaved the whole day as they mapped out various events in her life.

“She’ll be given beauty like her mother’s. A charming wit like her father’s.” Clotho said as her fingers roamed over the loom.

“A great power which we shall bind until the day comes that she can use it with responsibility,” Lachesis added.

"A pure heart, love, compassion, and understanding that can't be matched," Atropos said as she infused the fabric with these admirable traits.

"But a pure heart makes it easy to be hurt, to trust completely, and to be weak... . . . Aren’t we too hard on her when Konstantin’s mate has destined a short life, but a pure heart too?” Clotho made a wistful comment. Once the three Fate stopped looking at each other, their fingers on the weave froze.

“A pure heart is rare, and it comes with many difficulties, but it is very rewarding,” Atropos argued.

“Then it is a good thing that her mate is strong and steady. . . Someone who will complement her and take care of her pure heart. Someone who needs her dazzling light to brighten up his curse.” Lachesis said as her fingers roamed over the threads.

Lachesis picked up a shimmering black thread and her sisters smiled at her. “Konstantin’s thread,” Atropos remarked.

“Yes. He is strong and powerful. He will protect her, and her heart will tame him. Because of her, he will be able to see the light through his curse. His strength will be her shield and her light will keep away the darkness in his heart.” Clotho said.

“Isn’t it too early to merge the threads together? Konstantin has not chosen a body yet.” This time it was Atropos who argued.

“No, sister. The time is perfect. The girl will grow up knowing that her heart belongs to someone. She will bear his mark once she is born. It is only with him that she will know what love is and that will save her from being hurt. On the other hand, he will always be there for her, and he will always protect her always.” Lachesis replied.

Atropos took the thread and it glowed brightly. The black thread complemented the gold’s brightness while the gold thread added beauty to the black’s stark appearance.

“Beautiful.” The three Fates said as they stared at the pattern in front of them.

Their eyes fell on the beauty of the black and golden thread that was intertwined. Starting now, two souls will be inseparable. Two hearts were already joined together. One will always feel the other.

“It is done.” The three Fates proclaimed in unison.


That was like living through a nightmare. Her mother is cooking up one of their favorite meals while humming to herself. Her father was watching the news with his feet up on the coffee table. Her sibling, meantime, is lying on the couch, chatting on the phone with her pals.

In many ways, she feels like the course of her life was set three years ago. She received a lovely upbringing from both of her parents, who are both wonderful people. Her little sister was only a year younger, yet she was always there for her. She exemplified qualities that she wishes she possessed, such as courage, spontaneity, and bravery. She had the enduring impression that she was the baby of the family her entire life. She was a baby born of miracles, to put it plainly. Her mother informed her that she was so sick that doctors didn't think she'd make it through the night, and that she spent most of her childhood in hospitals.

She did well in school, was praised for her efforts, and gained many friends. Because of what happened on that day many years ago, the once-perfect woman is now fractured.

After almost a year, she broke and retreated farther into her self-imposed prison.

She found solace in the idea that the fort's walls would keep her safe from her tormentors.

It took her two years, but she finally decided to put herself out there and try making new acquaintances and going on dates. It took another year before she could engage and touch someone without feeling physically sick.

When she thought, her life wasn’t going in the direction she wanted, she thought of violence and revenge.

All of a sudden, she isn't the fragile, impoverished young woman that everyone always thought she was. She diligently practiced self-defense, learning what she could until the sickness returned, and she had to stop.

The one remaining member of her family thinks a new beginning would be great for her but doesn’t realize that she is now cold and detached.

She still has her morals.

For now.


“You new around here?” She instantly locked her phone screen and looked up at the male in front of her, her eyes quickly noticing his school uniform. “Haven’t seen you around here and I know everyone in town. Want some company?” The boy grinned.

With his masculine, daring, and clean look, she can only give him her -off sweet smile. “I prefer eating alone.”

His attempt at flattery did not stop and continued to grin like a Cheshire cat. “I’m Jay, and you’re. . .”

“Not interested.” She said, looking away from him and quickly gathering her books from the table.

“Fine. I don’t want frostbite on my anyways,” He bit out, shooting glares her way. From the corner of her eye, she can see a group of high school kids chuckling at his attempt at a one-night stand.

Looks like I won’t be coming back here, she thought and placed the bill on the table then quickly grabbed her backpack when she started noticing the rest of his friends advancing her way. Seeing that she will be attending the same school they are in, the last thing she wanted was drama.

She had just stepped out into the street when she felt a tight hold on her wrist. Her entire body froze over, her stomach plummeting and her senses numbing in an instant. She can only feel his skin against hers, and the sensation makes her want to scrub her skin raw. When she turned around, she saw a boy her age in the same school outfit.

As if sensing her discomfort, the boy instantly lets go of her wrist and shoves his hands in his front pockets. “Sorry about my classmate over there. . . he does that to everyone who wears a skirt,” He told her, carefully gauging her reaction, but Moon just gives him a kind smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

“It’s alright, thank you for. . . apologizing for him I guess?” She chuckled.

“So, you do laugh!” The boy’s expression brightened, grinning widely as if he has just seen a miracle. “I’ve seen you in the café for the past week, in fact, a lot of people noticed you, but we thought that you seem unapproachable and didn’t want to intrude. But, anyway. . .” He heaved a sigh as if catching his breath. “My name is Eunwoo. I just got here a month ago, so I’m pretty new to town. Even if, I think I’m pretty popular in school just in case you want to stick together so I can protect you.” Eunwoo puffed his chest at his attempt to air out the awkward atmosphere around them.

Moon bit her lip to hide the small smile threatening to come out of her lips and held out a hand. “I’m Moon, and thank you for the offer, but I’m a big girl. I can protect myself.”

Eunwoo’s hand is warm as it clasped around her small ones, shaking it firmly before it drifted to his side. “Moon. . . that is an interesting name.” He teased, shoving his hands back in his pockets again.

Moon shrugged at this, completely used to the reaction. “My mom had a dream of a giant wolf in love with the moon."

“That is weird,” Eunwoo grinned at this, finding it to be amusing causing the latter to smile in response.

“What can I say, I’m a weird girl. So just a heads up before your friends start noticing. I don’t want you embarrassed for talking to the weird girl.” She shrugged.

Eunwoo laughed, “Then we must be the same because trust me, I know how it feels to be different.” Although it was light, Moon notices the seriousness in his tone.

After bidding goodbye to her newfound friend, she headed to the bus stop to head home. Did she just make a friend? She can’t remember the last time she made a friend, but that was years ago. She was in and out of the hospital and it was impossible to keep them.

Moon entered the home in front of her, where they were surrounded by lush greens and trees. Her aunt specifically chose this house for them, thinking that what they both needed was to be with nature. But she can see the lies behind that façade. She did it so they don’t have neighbors.

“Did you take your meds this morning before you left?” Aunt Gyuri asks as she placed the fried chicken that she had ordered for delivery. Her aunt rarely cooked at home, the woman was so busy with work and taking care of her that she didn’t have time to. Moon instantly felt the guilt creeping up and she welcomed it like a familiar friend.

“Let me cook next time, not just that, but let me get the groceries too,” Moon told her, before adding. “And yes, I took my meds. You made sure that I don’t forget every minute.”

Her aunt gave her a stern look before adding more rice to her plate, “What I need you to do is focus on school and your health.” More rice. “If you want to help out, I need you to do that, understood?” This time she’s piling more meat on her plate before Moon could stop her. “You need to eat more; you are getting skinny.” Aunt Gyuri said with finality and Moon can only nod.

She shoved a spoonful of rice in to appease her aunt. “How was your day today?”

Aunt Gyuri heaved a sigh before gulping down her wine. The woman rarely drank in front of her, she only did so when she was too stressed to notice.

“I was at your new school the whole day today. Since you’re starting school in the middle of the semester, I had to ensure that your teachers will understand that you may be in and out of class due to your appointments.” She said and added more food to Moon’s plate when she noticed that it was now half.

She suddenly felt sick.

Moon noticed that her aunt hasn’t taken a bite of her food, “I’m getting full.” she said and put her utensils down. Her hands lightly shook as she gulped down the rest of her water. “Thank you for the food mama. I’ll take care of the dishes,” She smiled at her sweetly before kissing her on the cheek and proceeding with her task.

“I haven’t heard mama in a while,” Her aunt smiled lovingly, before finally starting to eat. “So I was on my way home and passed the café you like to hang around in so much. I saw you talking to a boy. . .” She trailed on and stared at her with teasing eyes.

Moon can only roll her eyes, glancing back slightly as she started the dishes. Putting away the trinkets that were in her way. “I just met him there and he was just apologizing for his rude friend, that was it.”

Aunt Gyuri frowned at this, “Was someone rude to you? What’s their name?”

“Jay something, but I got it covered. You made sure that I know how to defend myself,” she said, wiping her hands dry.

“If somebody bothers you in school, promise to tell me?” Aunt Gyuri says her expression is like that of Moon’s mother.

“If it gets out of hand and I can’t handle it, you’d be the first to know.” Moon smiled and kissed her cheek again. “I’m heading to bed early, goodnight.”

“Don’t forget that you have an appointment with Dr. Cho after school, I’ll get off work early to pick you up—“

“No need, I know how to get there. I spent the first day back in Ulsan making sure that I know my routes remember?” Moon lifted a brow at her.


She spent all her day walking around and staying at the café she has come to like. She never wanted to admit that going to the hospital gives her anxiety, but her aunt didn’t need to know that. Her list of medical visits will just continue to pile on if she stated she’s suffering from panic attacks. . . again.

It has only been 6 months since she got off Prozac and her sleeping medication that had such a hard pronunciation, but then she rememb

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I will be MIA for like a month and a half. I'm in the process of moving so will be busy.


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KoosUniverse #1
Chapter 8: Your writing is superb. It’s so refreshing to delve into this universe you created. I haven’t been this emotionally vested in a story, in characters like this in years! Please continue to keep writing - I will read all of them!
Just re-read this, that’s how much I love this story.
5655just #3
Chapter 10: this story is utterly amazing ❤️❤️
you spoil us too much with your long chapters mahala! can't wait for the next one. I'm always looking forward to it 😍
Hulalalo #4
Chapter 10: Beautiful chapter as always ♡♡
KissAssy #5
Chapter 10: I am IN LOVE. This book was recommended to me by a friend, honestly after reading the synopsis I wasn't sure if I was going to be interested in it. I'm not really used to the whole fantasy buff but I read it because my friend really wanted me to. And color me intrigued. WOW just WOW! The world building and the way you wrote Jungkook is so HOT. This is a supernatural romance book and mates DONE RIGHT. And the way Jungkook decided to go after the thirteen bastards IS GLORIOUS. I can't wait until this book is finished. Color me a Konstantin certified fan 🥺
749 streak #6
Chapter 10: This was such a beautiful chapter. We got to see the all the love and commitment that Jungkook has for Moon. The last scene was everything, and Moon’s last statement sums up current events perfectly. Can’t wait for Konstantin to go down the rest of the list. those bastards deserve all that he dishes out and more. Looking forward to your next update.
GoldenDove #7
Chapter 10: I'm crying 😭 this chapter is perfect
sheys0 #8
Chapter 10: I can't believe my last comment manifested! Nice update~
sheys0 #9
Chapter 8: The lost memories!!! Did he somehow gained them back?
sheys0 #10
Chapter 8: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1528150/8'>hollow</a></span>
Its been a while since I found a story here in aff that interests me to the point that I read all chapters in one sitting. I was hoping to read more, but I guess the waiting game begins!