once in a lifetime

let’s just trust each other, once again



[OFFICIAL] Jang Wonyoung of IVE first appearance of KBS Web Drama!




wonyoung staring at her currently messy coffee table, focused on something—an opened book full highlighted with pink stabilo that happened to be her web drama scripts. her thumb staying ever since God knows on her lips, cannot stop fidgeting. 

apparently, something that highlighted on the page is the main reason of anxiousness over her—till the point she cannot even move even for an inch for one hour—untill now.

it was not like she didn’t happy when the company signed her—debuting— as a main role on web drama, she loves it a lot—trying something new will always be her favourite after all. but her current worries is—once again— all highlighted in pink that says ‘wonyoung lean in to give sunghoon a little peck on his lips’

she never signed up for that

actually, the reading session before—it’s like two days ago—never mentioned this thing (that’s the most important one apparently) and she cannot hide her shocked when there's a line with her name on it, saying things like ‘she should lean in to give a little peck on the sunghoon guy lips’ —she even had to checked it for a couple times just to make sure.

the thought about it almost—almost—makes her faint on the spot. 

it wasn’t like she hate the sunghoon guy anyway, she adores him but not in that way— when 'that' feelings got involved, you know?— nor shes up for that little peck thingy—oh God, call her exagerrating but she’s for sure in urge to faint anytime soon.

after a couple hours—she didn’t realised it’s already late— of thinking what should she do to face whatever gonna happen in the future—includes daydreaming of possibility that something magical might happen— like, the cursed lines all gone for example. finally, her brain decided to do something reasonable; as in go to the most reliable and experienced person in the house and that’s no other than ahn yujin, the current—unexpected to her—leader of the group.

yujin; someone she relied than anyone else—even gaeul; who's clearly the oldest— and undoubtedly experienced in acting before, right? —ill take that as a ‘yes’ because she had a softlens commercial film way back in trainee days— it would be great if she just come over and asking for a tips? (what kind of tips though? yujin obviously inexperienced in everything called love—include the kissing thingy) okay, she's not sure about having a tips from the older but the ahn yujin still her 'unnie' anyway, someone she could trust wholeheartedly. a small talk about this 'little peck thingy' wouldn’t hurt, right? 

so, there she is, in front of the leader’s room, not forgetting to curse herself first because she—once again— not realised its already 1 am and yujin’s probably in deep slumber by now.

after cursing herself enough, the next thing happened is yujin’s room opened by itself, revealing ahn yujin who’s already in her long white pajamas, hair falling on her shoulder and also not to mention, her mighty infamous thick glasses. 

it—secretly— makes the younger's heart skipped a bit

“wonyoung? you startled me!"

the ahn yujin had her hands on her chest—she didn’t expect any guest in current time anyways, don’t blame her—obviously cannot hide her shocked. it does make the younger chuckles—and surprised—a bit.

“uh… that’s…” the younger paused a bit, trying to calm herself first "okay, yujin unnie im kinda needed some hands?” heck, she even questioning her own word choices. 

the older let out a small chuckles to the younger’s antics, her eyes started scanning the younger to found the younger—so-called-script—on her chest. smiling teasingly, yujin leads the younger going inside her room.

"ill just get a water, wait a bit" 

and with that, yujin excused herself, leaving the younger—who's currently suiting herself on yujin's bed, giving a look at the older's plush—a gift from rei—and the older's mighty imac setup that explain much why the older should wear the thickest glasses in the world. 

after a couple minutes of waiting the owner of it’s room, yujin revealed herself with a glass of milk in hand, still managing herself to wear infamous michievous smile all along.

"okay.. what’s our actress need to rehearse anyway?" yujin suiting herself beside the younger, still on her teasing mode.

at least it makes the younger a little better

"okay, i need a hand from the pro" wonyoung calmly stated, trying to play along with the older— they’re used to it anyway— "and here, in this house, we have the most experienced, the master of acting, no one other than the mighty ahn yujin" wonyoung—trying to—seriously stated each words without a pause.

on another side, yujin just cannot stop laughing with the younger's antics—it always never failed her—until the younger need to stop the loud—why she's so loud anyway?— laugh with a playful hit on the older's arms. 

"okay, okay, focus ahn yujin" the older trying to focusing herself—still trying to mufle her laugh— diverted her eyes on to the younger's drama scripts. 

wonyoung let out a pout—a cute one— fakely trying to show that she's upset—which failed miserablely because the older just thought she's cute after all. 

"okay" yujin—trying to—sounds serious for now, averting her gaze from the scripts to the younger's eyes. "what's the matter?" 

and with that, the younger cannot thinking of anything else aside 'there's a line that says i should give a peck on to sunghoon guy's lips but i didn’t even know if that lines ever exist before, because it was changed at the very last second'. but instead of blabbering things, she's trying to come with a decent one.

"okay, i think i needed a little advice?" the younger paused a bit, trying to catch up some air "and i think theres nothing more reliable than someone who were experienced—" 

"stop that" yujin butted in, all laughing again because the younger's words. 

the younger cannot hide her smile on the sight of ahn yujin, in her mighty thick glasses—it always does something to the younger— having eye smile all along because of her. truly #bestthingeverhappened in life.

after a couples of laugh, yujin—once again— trying to focus on to the younger's concern— it always hard to focus because sometimes the younger just cannot stop herself to tease the older.

"okay, where is it?" yujin carefully asking the younger who'd currently stopped laughing because a sudden urge to faint. finally she is going to talk about that stupid peck. 

wonyoung taking a deep breath, opening her script and proceed to show the older that thing—she doesn't want to say it by now. yujin, currently having a deep thoughts about the 'uncomfortable' gestures from the younger ever since she came on to her room and wondered why, the jang wonyoung—someone who always appeared bright and composed yet just look like a lost child right now. 

then the highlighted part of the script hits her like a truck; it makes her jaw dropped, cannot really trust her eyesight—even though she had her glasses on. she try to read that line over and over again for a minutes—that feels like an hour. trying to understand what that’s really mean. yujin averted her gaze to the younger—who currently having her eyes all over her, patiently waiting for the older's reaction.

"okay? this? jang wonyoung?" 

yujin going mute for a while because her mind going all over 'lean in to give a little peck on sunghoon's lips’. oh God even thinking about it just irks her in so many way—if thats possible.

just... what in the world the writer was thinking?


the endearment slips out casually, trying to calms the older—because the younger could sense an anger comes from the trying-to-look-composed ahn yujin, it does scares her quite a lot because the ahn yujin rarely shows her anger to other people—includes her.

"okay? sorry i got lost a bit, but i know much better that you would never signed up for this thing. so, what happened?" 

yujin trying to stay calm—for the sake of the undoubtedly frustated jang wonyoung, she didn’t want to add another stress to the younger for raging out of the blue just because the idea of jang wonyoung, her current most precious team mates, should having her very first kiss—should i underlined that for you?— with the sunghoon guy, just NO, not even on her most horrifying nightmare.

wonyoung averted her gaze on her lap, tapping her fingers all nervous. 

"okay yujin unnie, first of all, we had our reading sessions like two days ago and there’s nothing wrong with that—you know like the sudden urge to have something like this on the script?—nor someone in that room mentioned something like that even for a bit” the younger paused a bit, just to make sure the older got her point first. “but, soon after, exactly earlier this morning, our manager oppa handed me a thing-so-called ‘newest—revisied—script' and casually said ‘wonyoung-ssi, this is the newest version of the script, they did revisied a little this and there, but i still haven’t checked it—just yet’” wonyoung mimicked their manager a bit—yujin trying her best to not burst into laughter because she did find the younger extremely cute—aside the need to smack her manager alive.

“i— you little pup, do you still with me?" 

yujin—still trying to stifle her laugh— managing herself stay composed a bit.

“go ahead, bunny

wonyoung cannot stop herself to playfully rolling her eyes and gave the older a little pout.

“okay, after our lovely manager—who didn’t bother to checked whatever’s going on inside the script— handed me the script, i read it all over again from the very first page and i swear to god, jjinie i cannot be more surprised than it already is because all of sudden i have a BUNCH of skinships with sunghoon and to my surprised that was all nothing until i reached the page with my name on it SHOULD LEAN in to give sunghoon a LITTLE PECK on his lips. oh my god, jjin i swear to god, call me exagerrating things but im legit almost fainted in my room.” 

"and it wasn’t because i hate sunghoon anyway, i mean... you know we're colleagues after all, we've been together for a couple months in music—you little pup why you're all smiling right now?" 

the kinda exagerrating explanation cannot hide the older’s admiration to the-used-to-be the youngest of the group. just please, take a look at the way wonyoung talking with her deep—currently rare— voices, a pinchable—kissable one if she could say— cheeks, and the—

“ahn yujin, once again, i didn’t came here to see you all mocking me”

the second one got the older back into the reality

stupid yujin, stupid brain.

yujin cleared —clearly trying to ease the moment but failed miserably because wonyoung clearly look upset like a little bunny. 

“okay, first of all, you're too cute and i cannot handle it"

the first one got the younger’s cheek all flushed—she just hate it whenever yujin could get her the second she's trying to stay mad on to her; just why.

“stupid, i know im cute but i didn’t come here fort all cheesy compliments” wonyoung trying to hide her flushed cheeks with playful slaps on the older's arm—it makes the older laughs despite her nervousness creeping over her.

“okay, second of all, im still processing things and i think we should called manager oppa; try to come up with something—a decent one— to at least changing things as it used to be”

wonyoung—as if got a sudden fresh air, abruptly nodded and grabbed her phone out, almost immidiately calls their manager.


‘hello, wonyoung, honestly im about to call you’

“great, just in time, oppa” wonyoung cannot stop herself to rolled her eyes “you know what i've gotten into by now, i guess” 

‘pretty much and im afraid i cannot say no to the production team because the company already accepted it’

“oppa, wonyoung barely hitting her twenties and this is what she got? which side you are on honestly?" yujin not-so-playfully butted in.


“dont yujin yujin me, as i've told you before oppa, i have a faith on you, no, WE have a faith on you, don't ruin it with something like this"

'i know yujin, it just, i didn't expect it would be turned out like this'

yujin inhaled a deep breath, hands already occupying wonyoung's phone.

"oppa, just please do your thing like 'getting me into the meeting for example?' i wouldn't mind"

'im afraid i couldn't do that yujin'

"im afraid that i couldn't obey" yujin sternly answered the obviously frustated manager in another line.

the jang wonyoung—feeling left out from the conversation—couldn’t processed thing because, first of all, it happened to fast to her own liking—she cannot catching up. second of all, what in the world ahn yujin gotten herself into?

after a painfully long pause, they could heard a loud sighed from their manager;

'ok, just be prepared, i’ll pick you two in 6, see you tomorrow, yujin, wonyoung'

and the call just ended like that, leaving the horrified wonyoung all confused beside the older.



ahn yujin, what in the world we've gotten into...






"i dont know if you were allowed or not, yujin, i've talk to the company and it seems they are not happy at all" the manager warned them from the driver seat; obviously terrified about what would possibly happen with the duos—quietly prayed for whatever that is; just don't ruined the duos barely rising carreer. 

on another hand, the said duos just nodded their head, hands on each other—terribly nervous—this is something she's never done before and hate to mention, kinda unprofesional of her to butted in wonyoung's problem and whatever the said 'professional' do for business. 

but no avail, this is about her wonyoung, her team mates, her sister, her sibling—whatever you named it. this is about someone awfully special for her and she cannot just letting it slide easily.

"yujin unnie, you dont have to do this" the younger—for a nth time—trying to convince the older to backing away because;

1. this is kinda unprofessional—it really is

2. she's terrified for whatever would happen if yujin butted in to her problem—thats the least thing she want to happen, 

3. yujin might get into trouble because of her—the awful thing could possibly happen and she didn’t signed for this.

“buckled up jang, there’s no time to backing away"

yujin playfully trying to stay persistent eventhough deep down she's—also—terrified with whatever the outcomes would be.



okay so here we goes, nothing.




"oppa, can you pull over at starbucks for a while? i need an iced coffee." wonyoung politely asking their manager—who'd just having the best fight she's ever seen earlier with the production team.

all of that just because of her and that stupid little peck—screw that.

as if knowing the need actually is, the manager drifting his attention to the exhausted duos—who'd painfully driving in silence after the confrontation scene ealier.

"yujin unnie, you want some?" 

the said yujin unnie just nodded timidly—obviously tired of everything just happened; devastated is an understatement.

the manager just nodded and proceed to ordering their coffee, leaving the duos in the car—giving them some space for a while to talk whatever they should do.

after a deafening silence, wonyoung tried to face the older—who have her head leaning on to the window, eyes closed and the obvious 'exhausted and devastated' engulfing her body. 


the endearment loosely come out; desperately trying to have the older attention, wonyoung had her hands softly caressing the older—surprisingly—cold one. once the older drifting her attention onto her, the younger trying to create the most genuine smile ever, just to let the older knows that she's fine—after all, having yujin in her lowest truly something grateful enough even though not gonna lie, she's devastated as well but seeing the older blaming everything on to herself just, beyond devastating.

"won, im sorry—"

"don’t you dare" wonyoung playfully cut the older's word, hands staying just a top the older's one. 

yujin silently had her eyes on to the obviously exhausted jang wonyoung—who'd her eyes still on the older's hands. trying to not bawling her eyes out because wonyoung truly needed the peaceful moment by now.

"there’s no one to blame, jjin" wonyoung—surprisingly—hoarsely voiced out. still not confident to face the older; the younger just had her eyes on yujin palms.

"we've already getting this far and i cannot be more thankful to have you all along by my side and it wasn’t just today jjin, but also in almost of all my lowest point." the younger finally couraging herself to look into the older's eyes—who'd already tearing up— screw them; she want to cry so bad right now. she's trying her best to stay composed.

please just for this one ride and im done, i could bawled as soon as ive reached my room.

"the fact that you're staying with me cringingly makes me feel ease" she's still trying to come as playful as they used to but the older's—who's surprisingly a crybaby— already in tears by now. 

“so, i cannot say anything rather than thank you jjinie, thank you for staying with me, once again" 


as if the world just collapsed; that’s the last thing wonyoung managed to say before her eyes betrayed her.





earlier today

"it’s kinda a surprise to see you, ahn yujin, please take a seat” the production team lead—trying his best to manage— smiling to the looking confident but lost puppy who just got into the room along with wonyoung.

the ahn yujin along with the younger bowing to the said production team, taking a seat beside wonyoung—it was her manager’s— eventho she’s feel like running away from the current scene, she's trying to stay—look—composed, for the sake of the currently pale jang wonyoung beside her.

“okay? should we started? seeing a new face makes me wonder if there’s something worth to talk to”

yujin couldn’t be more annoyed than it already is—moreover seeing the name tag with ‘writer’ in front of those who currently seated just beside the lead of production team.

“honestly, i didn’t know if it’s worth of your precious time or not” yujin calmly—at least looks calm enough— stated. “but, im sorry i have to, no I NEED TO interrupt the IMPORTANT meeting today” yujin taking a pause, having her eyes on to sunghoon—who’s confused as everyone in the whole room.

“is that okay? sunghoon-ssi?, writer-nim? producer-nim?” 

the whole room couldn't hide their nervousness—also confuseness— because what in the world ahn yujin trying to do though? 

“as long the producer okay, i wouldn’t mind” sunghoon—despite his confusions, still looking friendly as ever—thats what wonyoung likes about him. 

“go ahead ahn yujin” the producer mockingly pushed the leader

with all honesty, what wonyoung badly wants to do right now is taking yujin out from this mess, cancelled everything and be small. yet, in another hand, the ahn yujin trying to straighten her composure; eyes all over the producer—trying her best to not showing how annoyed she is.

“first of all, let me introduce myself, im ahn yujin, the leader of ive” yujin paused a while just to bowing a little and roaming her eyes all over the room. “second of all, the reasons of im tagging along with wonyoung today is; something happened—without her concent and judging by your looks, producer-nim, i think you know already what im implying to” 

the producer just nodded timidly, seeming uninterested for any interruption. “so?” he pushed more

“is that wasn’t written on the contract? i mean wonyoung didn’t signed up the paper for that kissing scene actually” yujin clearly offended with how annoying that "so" just come out from his mouth; just pure disgusting.

“it always happened ahn yujin, you just didn’t know how our world works"


his words just irks yujin even more—in need to just smacked him alive by now. 

“in my defend, wonyoung barely hitting her twenty” yujin trying to stay firm, even though the producer seems not having a little of yujin lame excuses.

“so what? you twenties didn’t allowed to kiss or something? it just a little peck ahn yujin, don't waste my time for nothing, we all didn’t have all day to talk about this and as long as i know, your company not having an issue with that after all" the producer lazily stated; more like annoyedly stated.

“it could breaking her innocent image?"

“is that all? you don't have to act all innocent for the rest of your life ahn yujin”

a painful uncomfortable silence engulfing the whole meeting room; yujin just loss of words at how the producer could easily just throwing all nonsense things to wonyoung.

"im sorry but i think what yujin trying to say is, wonyoung didn’t want to do it and yujin’s here trying to discussing with another idea or maybe something to cover the part that wonyoung feel uncomfortable to do so" finally, their manager gained his voice back.

“and i think there’s nothing to change because it already all set” the producer stated firmly with eyes on yujin.

that’s the last thing wonyoung want to hear from so-called-producer today. letting out a deep breath, wonyoung's eyes—finally—meet the producer’s one.

"producer, yujin unnie wouldn’t know all the fuss if i didn’t told her in the first place" wonyoung paused, just to hold the older's hands beneath the table—trying to soothe the older. 

"and with all of my respect, actually i didn’t want to do any of the unreasonable skinships along with the kissing scene because it just… i mean i was agreed to do a skinship that were written on the script before. but, after all the sudden change that makes me uncomfortable in so many way possible, i don't think i could following the contract again" wonyoung paused a while, silently getting up from her seat. standing just beside the confused ahn yujin.

“lastly, im aware this is truly unprofessional of me as the barely rising idol, this is my debut drama after all. but, if you all keep adding things like this and even disrespecting my colleagues like this, i’ll better resigned by now.”

"im truly sorry everyone, i don’t think i could do this anymore, im officially asking to get removed from the drama"

just like that, wonyoung finished her long speech with a big bow.




yujin and wonyoung arrived arround 8 pm, just in time when their team mates having a dinner in the living room—currently watching the drama that leesoo grow fond of; something she always ended up tell the other members to watch. it’s cute, just like wonyoung used to bragging her favourites to all of the member of her former group; izone. 

"unnie!! where have you been, let’s eat together!" leesoo just cute as the maknae should be, excitedly waving her hands towards the duos.

"you ordered pizza again?? i want someee" the leader stepped in, abruptly sprinted towards the maknae, opened to having a bite of pizza from the maknae's hand. it’s makes the whole living room full with laughter from their team mates.

wonyoung smiling fondly on to her current team mates, hands slipping on to the youngest hairs, it softly.

"ill get showered first, don’t you dare to finish the pizza without me" wonyoung playfully stated—trying to look ease as she headed to her own room—her current safe place.

quietly opened her room; suddenly feel emptier than earlier. wonyoung couldn’t think about what just happened in her life. starting from her announced debut in web drama, reading session, a sudden coming of the newest script, the yujin's scene—with all of her heart she still cannot forget how they treat yujin earlier, and lastly the loneliness in her own room.

wonyoung, hold her last straw of tears that threatening to out; quietly locked herself in the bathroom, bawled as soon as she is all alone.




the older softly knocking the younger's room, the younger taking a deep breath before setting a smile—obviously a fake and tired one— and proceed to opened the door for the leader. 

"unnie? what's the matter?"

"can i come in? i want to share the pizza with you" the tone yujin's used is; saddening, frustated, desperate, but honestly wonyoung cannot put the fingers on it; her mind still cannot stop terrorrized her ever since stepping out from the meeting room.

wonyoung—still smiling, nodded a little.

"come in then, im hungry anyway" wonyoung try to lightend the mood; which kinda works a tiny bit.

the older settling herself on wonyoung's neat bed, placing the pizza on the nightstand. her hands—out of the blue—making it’s way to get the younger into her embrace—which shocked the younger in any ways possible.


"wonnie, im sorry" yujin mumbled on to the younger's stomach; tighten her hug to supressing the tears that threaten to out—she feels pathetic.

"yujinnie, we've talked about this and honestly there’s no one to blame" rather than myself

"you're losing the opportunity—"

"it’s nothing than the way they treated you earlier, you don't deserve that" wonyoung straighten the older's position, only to meet the swollen eyes of the older.

"look, jjinie..." wonyoung positioned herself beside the older, taking the older's hands. "there's really no one to blame" the younger paused, trying to set a genuine smile for the crybaby in front of her.

“but, here’s a thing, im truly sorry to involved you into this mess" the younger landed her eyes on to the older's hands, smiling sadly "and thank you, for helping me, for standing by my side, even now—when the problem probably all done— you're still thinking about me and blaming youself in process" wonyoung trying her best to hold her tears, afraid making the older feeling low on herself even more.

"jjinie, i cannot thank you enough for everything you've done and i hope you're not blaming youself for this because this one is no one's fault." the younger's eyes never leaving the older's teary one. 

the said jinnie just nodded with eyes full of tears, taking wonyoung by waist to hug the younger close.

"the feeling's are mutual you little bunny, thank you for always being positive despite this thing is probably putting our career in risk" 

wonyoung just smiling at the 'bunny' nickname,her hands cupping the older's cheeks to wipe the older's tears. 

"as long as i have you by my side, i cringingly thought that i could do anything" wonyoung playfully stated, success cracking a wide grin from the older. 

"ew, cheesy" the older, still wiping her tears off stated playfully.

"you liked it anyway" 

the older shrugged out playfully "we never know" 

wonyoung just smiled at the teary ahn yujin, helping the older to wipe her tears off.

"but thank you for relying on me, once again, jang" the older finishes off with a huge smile and proceed to bring the younger into he embrace.


no, i should be the one who thanked you so much jjinie

thank you

once again




manager oppa

'hello wonyoung, im here to inform that you're no longer in the web drama. the news will up soon, im sorry'



[BREAKING] Jang Wonyoung of IVE decided to not joining the KBS new web drama due to personal issues.










hello, this is li

this is my very first fanfic after a while and also my very first full fic of annyeongz. truth to be told, i were enjoyed writing this one and i hope you all enjoy it as much as i am!

thank you.




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Chapter 1: my baby annyeongz 😭