I See You

Reborn Young [Discontinued]
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I See You




It is Seohyun's usual time to arrive at school. She enjoys walking to school, especially when the weather is nice. Today, she is walking through a beautiful aisle of cherry blossoms, feeling carefree. However, she suddenly hears some noise coming from her right. Curious, she steps into the bush and looks through the woods to investigate. Her curiosity quickly turns to concern when she hears grunts and cries from a student. She immediately stops walking and lowers herself, trying to stay hidden.


Amidst the sounds of punches, cries, and grunts from a particular student, she muttered, 'What in the world is happening?' Feeling the ache in her heart, she hesitated to intervene. Instead, she knelt, opening her shoulder. 'Thank goodness I have it,' she thought, retrieving her mask. She paused, noticing she was in her usual teacher attire. Spotting Yoona's jacket placed by Mrs. Im in her bag, she swiftly put it on before rising to her feet. 'Time to teach these bullies a lesson,' she resolved silently, steeling herself before stepping into the fray.


"What the, who the—Mask girl." Jungsang quickly stopped beating a poor student when a noise came on and he was delighted to see the masked girl they'd been trying to find. "I'm glad you're here."


"Stop this instant!" Seohyun announced as she pointed at him.


"Or what?" Junsang chuckled sarcastically along with his three friends. "Are you going to beat us like the last time?" he let go of the student as he approached her close.


Seohyun stepped backward. 'This kid doesn't get scared.'


"Yah, do you know how you humiliated us? Our leader beat us almost to death." 


"Leader?" She raised her brows as she stepped more backward.


"Yeah, our rich leader who was so good to us but when he learned we were attacked by you, they thought we were like other weak bullies out there. They want us to find you otherwise, we will be in trouble. So come to us, and just skip hurting. Hmm?"


"Who the heck is this leader?" She continued to ask, getting curious about it. 


Jungsang snickered as he briefly looked at his friends and the scared male student. "You'll know if you come with us, mask girl." He said and attempted to grab him by her arm but instead, she dodged it and hit him in the face. "Ah!" he cried momentarily. "What the-"


"Why don't you tell me first then I'm going?" Seohyun offered.


"." Jungsang quickly advanced and threw his fist but for the second time, she dodged and he dropped to his knees when she kicked his legs. "Ah, !" As he rose back, she met him with a high kick on his face which completely dropped him to the ground.


Jung Hyeop and Insoo hastily rushed to his side and helped him back to his feet.


"Yah, fight her too." Junsang frustratingly asks his friends. 


"YAAAAAAH!" Junghyeop and Insoo instantly advance to avenge their friend but only to get beaten and they join Junsang on the ground, trembling in fear.


Seohyun sighs as she slowly approaches them. "So tell me... who's this leader and you guys are afraid to get beaten by them?" asked her sarcastically. However, a group of male students came onto the scene. She eventually started fighting them but they got baseball bats that were swinging from left to right, front to back. She can't continue it without getting hit so she decides to run away. The students immediately chase her around the school.




"Wait, is that my jacket?" Yoona/Yuri realized something the moment Seohyun disappeared from the distance. "Holy, that's mine." He hastily ran to his classroom and expected to see her but she wasn't there yet. "Of course, she won't be in the classroom with that mask," mumbled him as he took his seat.


"You guys heard what happened?" Suddenly one of his male classmate students rushed to the room with a loud voice. catching everyone's attention. "Junsang and his friends were beaten by the masked girl."


Besides, Yoona/Yuri, everyone gasped and they immediately left the classroom. 


"So... " Yoona/Yuri ponders as he recalls what happened earlier. "She beat the bullies?" He exclaimed and quickly covered his mouth. "Holy, . Just when did she start beating students?" He doesn't remember his girlfriend sharing such a story from school. 'Damn, is that fine? I mean, she's a teacher and...'


"There's a lot of bullies in this school, I'm so glad someone is taking action while the school principal is just being blind to it." 


He heard a student saying it out loud from behind which made him turn his head. He smiled at that classmate a little as he turned his head back and crossed his arms. 'Yeah, that's right, Seohyun's doing the right thing. Aish, I just hope she won't be caught.' He's said worriedly. 'I hope she's fine right now. That was a lot of bullies earlier.' He sighs heavily. 



In the meantime, Seohyun has returned to her office, discreetly applying the back pain remedy she acquired. Earlier, she was struck from behind at least three times, causing her significant discomfort.


She let out a huge sigh as soon as she was done. She leaned her back to her executive chair as suddenly she recalled what she had heard earlier from male student Junsang was bullying.


"I don't know where Yuri hid the SD card. I swear to God, I'm innocent." 


"SD card, what was in there? What does Yuri know?" She softly says as she tries to figure it but she barely knows the Kwon personally. Besides the fact that he's the son of a hotelier and an outcast, she has no idea what Yuri has been doing. "Since he lost his memory, the bullies are harassing the other students who may know about that SD card."


She sighed once again as her gaze went to her desk and just then, she realized her bag was nowhere to be found. "Wait... Aish, I left it there." she remembers she didn't take it with her when she ran away. She hastily got up and rushed outside. She heard her name being called on her way but she just waved her hand in the air and didn't stop running until she was out of the building. 


She was almost nearing the woods when she passed through a lady with her bag. She stopped and turned her body around to block the certain woman. "Um, excuse me but... can I know if that bag is mine? I think we have the same design. If you don't mind it."


"Oh, this is yours? I just saw this between those bushes." Tiffany handed the bag with a smile. 'So we finally met.' She thought at the back of her head. She wanted to visit Yuri like before but she had to meet his teacher and somehow felt glad to met her first.


"Ah, let me check first." Seohyun received the bag and she confirmed it was hers upon seeing her stuff and ID inside. "Thank you so, so, much!" She exclaimed feeling grateful. 


"You're welcome. You're lucky I got curious about the flowers there. And then I saw this." 


"Are you visiting someone in the school? I could help you if you don't know the way."


"Oh, thanks but I know the way to my friend's classroom." Tiffany said as she flashed a friendly smile.


"Who? I mean, your friend could be my student. I'm a teacher, to be honest. I'm Seohyun." Seohyun said as she stretched her hand out.


"It's Tiffany and... " Tiffany hesitated to mention Yuri as she paused. "It's fine, I know my way." 


"No, I insist. Please?" 


She chuckled in disbelief. "Fine." however, she somehow can't continue to ignore her. 'She's... a good teacher, I think.' She thought as she started walking with her. "I'm visiting Yuri, Kwon Yuri." So she mentioned it nonetheless.


"Oh, Chincha? That's great, he's in my class." A big smile immediately formed on Seohyun's face.


'Whoa, she has a bright personality, isn't she?' Tiffany immediately thought the latter's face was as bright as hers when she smiled. 'Aigoo, she's approachable too... no wonder Tae-tae was easily fond of her. Aigoo...'


"Do you mind sharing how you're acquainted with Yuri, by any chance?" Seohyun found herself giving in to her intrusive thoughts and asked Tiffany.


"Her sister and I are friends. We both grow up together." Tiffany didn't even mind sharing it. She's proud of it. 


"Oh, that explains. Thank you." Again, Seohyun flashes her bright smile causing the older to scoff. 




Yoona/Yuri Yuri has been having a good meal in the cafeteria since Tiffany visited him. Her presence in school has made him extra happy and it was easy for him to enjoy his meal in a place where nobody wanted to sit with him.


"Our younger sibling is excelling in school," Tiffany beamed at the teen, "do you know how proud your sister is?"


"Yeah, she keeps telling me to keep doing this and that. And you." 


"But isn't it sad no one in school is celebrating this with you?"


"You noticed that, of course." He chuckled softly. "But I'm fine. I don't mind them." He smiled assuringly before he took a spoonful of rice into his mouth.


Tiffany smiled back. "I'm glad I can visit you like this. I missed visiting you at school." she can't help but mention.


"You do?"


"Aigoo, you don't remember indeed. You see, I always visit you whenever I have the time, especially on days like this when everyone's feeling the Monday Blues. But I'm different, I like Mondays more than anyone else. You know, it's the start of the week and I want to start it always with a good vibe. And so, I always visit you, bringing you lunch meal." 


"You want to see your favorite friend on Mondays, isn't it?" Yoona/Yuri teasingly said earning a giggle from the older one.


"You can say so." Tiffany said as she took a bite of her hamburger. 


"Thanks, Noona. I'm glad I am friends with you too."


"We've been friends since childhood, don't you ever mention that."


He softly giggles as he continuously enjoys his lunch meal. Tiffany's gazes however landed on the teachers behind Yuri, realizing Seohyun was just eating nearby too.


"By the way, how is Ms. Seo as a teacher?" She needed to know. 


Yoona/Yuri's head immediately turned behind and he smiled when he spotted her. "She's the best teacher in this school." he didn't even have to think of it twice.


"Chincha? But she's only your science teacher, right?"


"Nope, she's also our homeroom teacher." He corrected. "And guess what? She had been disciplining students that are being naughty. I get to experience it." he said with a brief smile.


"And you like that?"


"I mean, I did something bad, I deserve it."


Tiffany scoffed and shook her head. "This is the first time I know a student likes to be punished."


"But that didn't happen anymore. I learned my lesson immediately." Yoona/Yuri said with a grin.


"Well, it's good to be disciplined. As long as she's not taking it for granted." 


"She's not doing it. She's a kind person." Yoona/Yuri confidently claimed before taking a few gulps of his water bottle. "Thanks for the lunch, Noona. I, really, really love it. I'm too full." he exclaimed as he rubbed his belly.


Tiffany chuckled softly. "I'm probably going to visit often if you keep doing that." she casually patted his head and smiled brightly.


Yoona/Yuri involuntarily blushes, but soon becomes aware of it. He shakes his head and discreetly glances at the teacher's table, relieved that Seohyun isn't noticing.


"Here, I'll give you some allowance." Tiffany handed some cash to him.


"Um, but I have my card."


"I know but it's still good to bring some cash. You can't play some arcade games if you use the card." She explained reasonably. 


"Oh yeah, thanks." Yoona/Yuri smiled gratefully. 'So Yuri loves the arcade too. Something we have in common.' She thought in the process.


"Anyway, I should get going. See you tonight in the mansion." Tiffany got up as she said it.


"Should I walk you to the gate?"


"No, I'm fine. Go back to your classroom once the bell rings."


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1120 streak #1
Chapter 11: Lol Fany become serious and probably upset when Tae mention she'll meet teacher Seo that's why she immediately said see you later and hung up the phone...
Chapter 10: Omoo, yuri in yoona's body. Then Seo kiss her >,<
1120 streak #3
Chapter 10: Oh so now it's Yuri's turn to live as Yoona... But what about Jessica? Is the really her or Yoona's soul in Jessica's body?
Chapter 9: Yoona back to her body? Really? How about yuri?
RunningTRussia #5
Hi, I just located this story looks pretty cool! Thanks for continuing this yoonhyun story
1120 streak #6
Chapter 9: Oh so Yoona is back in her body?
multistory #7
Chapter 8: Look forward to your next update.
1120 streak #8
Chapter 8: Oh so i think the reason why Jessica hasn't been around is she must've entered Yoona's body?? and oh Seo be careful from now on...
Fire_trek 340 streak #9
Chapter 1: This was an interesting start to a great story! I can’t believe fate brought YOONA and Seohyun back together again(although she’s a “he” now) I’m happy to see where this goes
1120 streak #10
Chapter 6: Cliff hanger hehehe 😁😁😁