The Friend

Reborn Young
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06 | The Friend




"Um, so Teacher Seo, how do you like the hotel?" asked Yoona/Yuri, breaking the silence with his girlfriend/teacher. The navigator indicated that the ride to the station would only take 30 minutes, so he took the opportunity to strike up a conversation.


Seohyun smiled briefly and responded, "I like it. The room is spacious and the view is nice."


"I haven't looked around but my father has told me it's packed with foreigners during summer and Christmas. They have a lot of activities during those times."


"It's a hotel for a reason. But more like a hotel resort." She figured the place was bigger than a normal hotel.


"It's a five-star hotel for a reason." Yoona/Yuri corrected earning a scoff from Seohyun. He giggles in the process. 


"By the way, where did you get that skills of yours?"


"Hmm? What do you mean, teacher Seo?" 


Seohyun couldn't help but be honest with her young student after watching his game earlier. "I find it hard to believe how you beat Taeyong, who is an ace player of the tennis club. I haven't heard you play tennis before, but watching you move from side to side was like watching a professional tennis match."


'Is this... a compliment?' Yoona thought at the back of her mind. He smiled as his cheeks blushed. "It's just the way... I play, Ms. Seo." 


"Chincha? The other students are surprised too." Seohyun additionally says.


"Um... Let's just say, I watched it on TV and copied it." He sheepishly lied.


"Or is it... from your father?"


"Oh, I played tennis with my father earlier... yeah, it's probably from him. I mean, he beat me in three sets." Yoona/Yuri chuckled softly as he recalled what happened during the match against Yuri's father.


"Now that makes sense. What's your father's name? He's probably like a retired tennis player."


"Kwon Sang Woo, Ms. Seo. But I have no idea if he used to be a player."


Taking her phone out, Seohyun searched the name on the web and there were a lot of articles about him, especially his profile. She opened one of them and read his bio. "Oh, just like I expected."




She showed the screen to Yuri. 


"He was a tennis player back in the nineties. He retired when he got your grandparents' hotel." She explained and smiled at her student. "It's in the veins of the Kwons, isn't it?" 


Yoona/Yuri is surprised. "Y-yes, it looked like." 'Yuri probably knows tennis beforehand. He wasn't just showing it to others, that's why the school is surprised.' He thought and was glad he didn't have to lie more about being a skillful tennis player.


"Glad you're playing it too. I think I heard you never joined any club." Seohyun said happy for her student. 


"I just hope I won't get more hate playing it, Ms. Seo."


"And why would you get it?"


Yoona/Yuri was about to explain it when he realized he was only going to concern his girlfriend. "Um, you know, I'm so good." So he decided to play it.


Seohyun scoffed. "Hell no. Just continue with what you love to do. Don't mind them, araso?"


"Yes, Ms. Seo. Thanks." He replied, fluttering quietly. 


Moments later, they reached the police station, and as much as Seohyun wanted to be dropped off only, her student insisted on coming with her to the station. She got her scooter back and when it's the time she'll drive it, Yuri's car is accompanying her on the road. She keeps glancing at Yuri's side while the latter is watching her from the window's car until she reaches the apartment. 


"Ms. Seo, good night." Yoona/Yuri waved his hand while smiling brightly from his seat.


Seohyun can't help but smile back too, waving back her hand. As soon as the car leaves, she turns and jumps in surprised when she meets Mrs. Im's eyes a few steps from her. "M... Mother." She greeted her awkwardly.


Stepping forward, Mrs. Im squinted her eyes at the young teacher. "I think it's the first time a student drop you home, Seohyun-ah."


"It is. Isn't it cool?" She grinned only to receive a slap on her arm.


"You're a teacher, for Christ's sake!"


"He seems friendly compared to when we first met, I just realized it."


Mrs. Im sighs and smiles. "Fine. I'm just kidding. Also, I know you're loyal you're to my daughter." She said and turned around to walk inside the apartment building. 


Seohyun hastily caught up with her and she wrapped her arm around the older woman's right arm as they walked to the elevator, smiling happily. 




After a good and refreshing shower, Yoona/Yuri rolled himself to the bed and smiled like a fool as he thought of his moment with Seohyun. He feels like she knew him and it's making him giddy all over. He pulled his comforter on his head and kicked his feet in the air. But he suddenly heard his phone ring on top of the nightstand, he pushed back the comforter nonchalantly tilted his head to his left, and rolled his eyes in annoyance. He grabbed it nonetheless and answered Taeyeon's phone call.


[You're still awake?]


"You called, how am I going to sleep, noona?" he asked back playfully.


Taeyeon softly chuckles. [I know right? Anyway, did you get home safely? Heard from our father you left after the match without even saying goodbye to him.]


"Oh, I did. Father hasn't gone home though."


[He's staying in the hotel, so he wanted me to check on you.]


"I see. He's probably going for another business trip."


[He will have a trip to Incheon. For three days. So who won the match?]


"This also the reason you called, wasn't it?" He knew Yuri's sister would only just .


[I was curious you know. So who?]


"You know he's a retired tennis player, right?" 


[Who wouldn't know that? He's absolutely one of the best tennis players in this country.]


"Did he win a lot of trophies?" He got curious about it.


[Five Olympic gold medals, third-time US Open champion and awarded best coach of the year 2000. That's nasty! I just remembered that when I saw your video playing tennis. I thought you got it from father.]


Yoona/Yuri got up from his bed and made his way out.


[Yah, are you still there?]


"Let me check his study. I think I didn't notice the trophies there."


[It wasn't there.]


He stopped in his tracks. "Where?"


[His bedroom. In his storage room there.]


He turned and took five steps back to stand in front of Mr. Kwon's room. "Thanks, Noona. I'll check it." He hung up and slowly unlocked the door. He was greeted by dim lights so he turned it on when he walked in and was met by a spacious room with a king-size bed, a huge TV screen, and sofas. He hasn't gone into the old man's room so he doesn't know where to go yet. He checked the first door he saw and realized it was a walk-in closet. When he checked the second door, that's when he confirmed it was the storage room and as he walked in, he was greeted by books, boxes, and tennis rackets hanging on the wall. The trophies were on a shelf.


"Whoa." he's agape as he gets closer to the trophies. 'My dream to go to the US Open... he did it when he was in his twenties. Can't believe a hotelier gave up his tennis career.' He unconsciously picks up the US Open trophy and reads the name. "I'm so jealous of you, Kwon Yuri. You have a champion father." he pouted cutely. 


Suddenly his phone beeps in his left hand. He placed the trophy down and checked the message from Taeyeon. Much to his surprise, she sent a lot of videos of Yuri's father playing tennis in the US Open. 


Taeyeon Noona: You might want to get inspiration from our father's career as a tennis player back then. 


He smiled when he read her message. He decided to finally leave the room and proceed to return to his room so he could check the videos, spending his entire night just watching Mr. Kwon's matches as a young professional tennis player.




Upon returning from his engaging meeting with the Sales Department, Junho found Taeyong patiently awaiting his arrival in the serenity of his office.


"What are you doing here?" asked him as he took his seat in his executive chair. 


Taeyong gets up and approaches him at his table. "Hyung, can you lend me some money?"


"Seriously?" He chuckled in disbelief. "You're the one asking me that after yesterday's loss to a rookie?"


"It wasn't because I was outplayed yesterday that I lost the match, It was because the racket I used was old. I need new rackets to beat him."


Junho chuckled sarcastically. "It's the skills that beat you, Taeyong-ah. I mean, I think you need more practice since you just got back from a break."


"That's why I am asking you to lend me some money. I promise I will practice hard this time to get my revenge."


"Aigoo, where's your parents to lend you a new racket?"


"You know they're against my tennis career, right? I don't think I can ask them again." Taeyeon sighs audibly. "Please? You're the only one I think can help me with this." He desperately added.


Junho scoffed and was about to react when he heard his phone beeps on the side of the desk. He casually picked it up and was surprised when he received a notification about Kwon Yuri being confirmed to be a candidate for next month's annual inheritance selection. "."




He looked back at Taeyeon and quickly got up, he handed him his black card. "Make sure you get the strongest racket. And promise me you won't only beat him with this game... but beat him... for real if you win this time." He firmly instructed.  


Taeyong received the card in both hands. "Yes." And answered with determination. He then bowed and left the office.


Junho returned to his phone and read the entire announcement from the company's Board of Directors. His name was there along with other two gentlemen who were working in the company as managing directors just like him. 


'The next selection will be added as points for the next three months. Good luck to everyone.'


"I just need to get on top next month so it's easy to win the last three months." He muttered as he gritted his teeth.




Peeking his head behind the door, Yoona/Yuri let out a huge relief sigh when he realized their teacher hadn't arrived yet. He was late and thought he would be scolded. Fortunately, their teacher seems to be much later than him.


However as he walked in, he noticed there were only ten students in the room.


"Where are the others?" ask him to no one in particular.


"Oh, you're finally here, Yuri-ah. We don't have a class for our first subject." One of them answered him.


"Chincha? Ms. Seo is absent?" 


"Nope, there's apparently a school meeting right now. In the auditorium." 


His eyes doubled. "That's why there are few of you guys only?"


"Yes, we don't want to waste our time there." They laugh when they hear it from their classmate.


Yoona/Yuri quickly left the classroom and hurried down the empty hallway. "No wonder there aren't many students," he muttered to himself. When he reached the auditorium, he scanned the room for his classmates but instead saw Jessica. Luckily, there was an empty seat on his left, so he took it and greeted her. "Good morning, Jessica-ssi," he said with a bright smile and a wave.


"Anyeong, Yuri-ah." Jessica greeted back enthusiastically.


The student next to her looked at him with a giggle. He didn't mind and shifted his attention to the stage, where the vice principal was talking to students. He smiled unconsciously when he spotted Seohyun, sitting behind the principal, among her co-teachers. 


"Can I ask you a favor?" Jessica suddenly whispered to him.


"Yeah, sure."  He replied immediately.


"I want to go somewhere, can you come with me? At our lunch break."


Yoona/Yuri nodded. "No problem." 


"Thanks." She giggled lightly before returning her attention to the stage.




After the teacher left the classroom, Yoona/Yuri casually got up from his seat and joined his classmates as they made their way out. A hand hastily grabs him by his arm and he is surprised when Jessica starts dragging him. 


"Are you in a hurry?" he asked. 


"We only have 2 hours of lunch break. We can't waste time." Jessica replied as she looked back at him.


He gently grabs her hand and holds it instead and leads their way out of the building. Some students are once again giving them weird stares but none of them cares until they reach the parking lot.


"Why are we here?" Jessica wonders.


"It's faster if we use my car." He explained and opened the car door in the backseat.


"O-okay." She understood and hastily stepped inside.


"So where are we going?" he asked as he joined her inside too.


"Aren't you going to drive?"


"Oh, my driver isn't here. I'll call him first." He took his phone out and stepped out of the vehicle casually.


Jessica giggles in amusement. When he returned inside, she shared the address of her home before the driver arrived and Yuri was the one who told the driver about it.



After twenty minutes of driving only, they pulled over in front of a convenience store. Jessica leads the way to her home while Yoona/Yuri follows behind. 


"This is our house now. Um, can you help me get my saved money stored in a small container?"


"What? Why don't you get it?" Yoona/Yuri didn't expect to hear it from his friend.


"I actually can't get inside, Yuri-ah. I wanted to get the money I saved back then and buy my mother a new sneakers she loves."


"Why can't you?"


"I don't know, I just can't. Please?" Jessica grabs her hands and holds th

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1130 streak #1
Chapter 11: Lol Fany become serious and probably upset when Tae mention she'll meet teacher Seo that's why she immediately said see you later and hung up the phone...
Chapter 10: Omoo, yuri in yoona's body. Then Seo kiss her >,<
1130 streak #3
Chapter 10: Oh so now it's Yuri's turn to live as Yoona... But what about Jessica? Is the really her or Yoona's soul in Jessica's body?
Chapter 9: Yoona back to her body? Really? How about yuri?
RunningTRussia #5
Hi, I just located this story looks pretty cool! Thanks for continuing this yoonhyun story
1130 streak #6
Chapter 9: Oh so Yoona is back in her body?
multistory #7
Chapter 8: Look forward to your next update.
1130 streak #8
Chapter 8: Oh so i think the reason why Jessica hasn't been around is she must've entered Yoona's body?? and oh Seo be careful from now on...
Fire_trek 350 streak #9
Chapter 1: This was an interesting start to a great story! I can’t believe fate brought YOONA and Seohyun back together again(although she’s a “he” now) I’m happy to see where this goes
1130 streak #10
Chapter 6: Cliff hanger hehehe 😁😁😁