Third Meeting

The One Who Drank From The Fountain of Youth



In some cultures, ladybugs were a sign of luck. 

Kyuhyun didn’t really believe too much in those things, after all, as someone who lived in a world where what an average human would consider as mythical, if he had never heard about a certain ladybug deity who granted luck to its children, then he had no reason to think it was real. 


However, while traveling the world, he came across a bazaar in the north. Bazaars were always one of his favorite things to come across in his travels; you could see the state of an empire and culture just by walking through them. The way people sold their products, what products they sold, and the state of the humans selling those things could tell you a lot about what environments they grew up in, which always had been something interesting to his curious eyes.


In this one, there was stale selling jewelry. 


Kyuhyun wasn’t really fond of jewelry; it tended to bring attention to oneself, one he didn’t really want, plus it always felt itchy on his skin, heavy, and for that, he never really liked wearing it. However, it didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate their craftsmanship; so many little details in such small objects deserved at least to be looked at and, sometimes, praised. 


But one thing in that one stale actually captivated his eyes, amongst all the fine jewelry. 


A ladybug hair comb. 


Kyuhyun hummed while picking it up to inspect it. From what he remembered, in the part of the world he was in, ladybugs were considered lucky, something to wear during a marriage for good luck or any significant event. 


The hair comb was pretty. The ladybug had an intense red painted on her, contrasting nicely with the little golden dots on her back, a small blue flower near its head, while the pins of the hair comb were white. 


It would look good on Yesung, he thought. 


Kyuhyun widened his eyes a bit at the thought. He hadn’t seen Yesung for a long time; another ten years had passed, and it seemed Yesung was doing his best not to be found by him. 


He missed him; he sometimes wondered if Yesung also thought about him. If it hurt as much. 

Ladybugs were a sign of luck, they said. 


Maybe he’ll be lucky enough to put it in his hair one day. 


With those thoughts in his head, he decided to buy it; he looked at the sun furtively, and he could hear his father chuckling at his silliness. 


It didn’t matter, even if the ladybug proved not to be lucky; the next time he saw him, he’ll have a nice thing to give to Yesung.


Maybe ladybugs actually didn’t grant luck.


However, on this day, after buying the hair comb, coincidently, or maybe someone actually granted him this luck, on the road to another town, he met once again a man with hair whiter than the snow and eyes sharper than a knife.


He couldn’t believe his eyes.


When he crossed his path on this road, Yesung looked at him, clearly shocked, as he genuinely didn’t expect him here, which, to be fair, he probably didn’t.


Kyuhyun saw in his eyes how if he didn’t say anything soon, Yesung would probably just run away. 


“Good evening, Yesung.” He smiled, “I told you we’ll see each other soon.” Yesung seemed to pause at that and arched an eyebrow.


“You consider ten years to be ‘soon”?” And oh, how Kyuhyun missed this voice. 


“I’m glad you counted! And yes, ten years is such a short time for people like us, isn’t it?” You could hear actual mirth in his voice through his smile and the playfulness of his tone.


Yesung didn’t answer that; he just kept looking at him with this seriousness that he understood fast characterized him. 


And finally, after what felt like an entire year, he sighed. 


“You really should stop looking out for me, Kyuhyun.” Kyuhyun faked a gasp at that.


“Oh my, how entitled! Who is looking for you? I’m telling you,  a coincidence! Every time we met until now was one! After all…” He smirked.


“You made sure we couldn’t meet another way, am I right?” 


Yesung kept looking impassively at him at the accusation; it wasn’t like he could deny it. Kyuhyun knew all his attempts to find him were stopped by Yesung, and Yesung knew he had actually searched for him before. 


Yesung sighed again, giving up. 


“Well, it was good seeing you, Kyuhyun. I-”


“Wait.” Said Kyuhyun, cutting him off instantly, and seeing how Yesung looked at him, he clearly didn’t like that.


Kyuhyun approached Yesung a bit more until his arms could reach his head. At the same time, Yesung kept looking at him carefully, ready to flee or maybe seeing those eyes to fight before he did anything he could consider a bad idea. Kyuhyun just smiled.


“Please don’t move; I promise; I’m not going to do anything bad.” 


“Just what-”


Before he could finish his sentence or simply leave, Kyuhyun took the hair comb hidden inside his jacket and put it softly into     Yesung’s white hair, touching those hair strands briefly in the process. It was soft, Kyuhyun thought. He wondered if Yesung’s abilities could also make his hair that soft and healthy; the answer was probably yes.


Once it was nicely put into his hair, Kyuhyun moved back and looked at his job.


The red contrasted so well with the white hair, as he thought. The ladybug looked like it was resting on snow on a winter day, and the blue flower looked even more like a winter flower against his colorless hair. 


But the most beautiful sight was once again Yesung’s face, with those widened eyes and blushing cheeks. 


Kyuhyun just really wanted to kiss him.


But it wasn’t time yet. It wouldn’t be welcomed, even if Yesung wanted it, and that he wasn’t even sure of, he would push him away. He knew it. 


So instead, he smiled softly at his face and let Yesung decide what their next move should be from now. The floor was his.


Yesung kept looking at him, eyes wide as if he didn’t know exactly how he should react to this, and then softly pulled his arm up to touch the hair comb in his hair, still locking his eyes with Kyuhyun. 


“... Ladybugs are a sign of good luck.” He whispered after a while. Kyuhyun's smile widened, but he still didn’t say anything.


Yesung finally closed his eyes for a second, and then suddenly, he sighed. When he opened them again, he looked once again at Kyuhyun. 


“You’re not given up, aren’t you?” Yesung said, resigned. It made Kyuhyun chuckle.




“... Fine. Do whatever you want.”


Kyuhyun's eyes brighten at that, and finally, a real chance! 


“Thank you for the gift, Kyuhyun. I like it.” Yesung touched the ladybug in his hair as if he thought it could fly away at any moment, as if it was going to disappear. He then looked at Kyuhyun again, still serious, still with caution in his eyes, but without the tension, he used to carry around him. Kyuhyun considered that a win.


“Can I hope I’ll see you soon then?” He said with apparent hope in his voice. Yesung smiled softly at that.


“Weren’t you the one saying ten years was a short time for immortals?” He back a little bit. 


“Ah, but Yesung, you see, even a short time without seeing you seemed like an eternity!” He replied with the most dramatic tone he could muster.


Yesung just kept smiling at him; it wasn’t much, just enough to stretch his lips a little bit, but to Kyuhyun, it already looked really beautiful. 


Yesung looked up at the moon in the sky. Kyuhyun never really liked doing so, it would feel like he was provocating the moon, and as one of the sun's sons, he never really felt comfortable doing so. 


After a while, he looked back at Kyuhyun again with piercing eyes, but without animosity. 


“I have to go now. Goodbye, Kyuhyun.” He nodded at him and started to walk away, passing him at the same time. 


“See you soon, Yesung.” He said back. 


Yesung stopped himself from walking away and looked back at him. He looked briefly at the moon, and then his eyes were on Kyuhyun again. 


“Yes.” He smiled. 

“See you soon, Kyuhyun.”



I actually wasn't sure what to write with this keyword, ladybug, but then I remembered that ladybug could be considered as a lucky sign sometimes haha, I try my best!

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Chapter 10: So beautiful! It really captures your attention 🥹. Thank you for the wonderful story!
399 streak #2
Chapter 10: Gyaaaaaaa~ (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)

It's too cute! I can't!!!! (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
Chapter 10: Kyu being a cheeky brat but got teased by his shy love instead hahaha
Can we get kiss(es) in the next extras, Author-nim, please?
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 10: Yes, finally!! A flustered and speechless Kyuhyun is just adorable, now waiting for the next meeting and the greeting ;)
sernflows #5
Chapter 10: Yesung pulled 'uno reverse card' to Kyuhyun 😂😂
such a cute kitten, Yesung was so shy to kiss Kyu but then said Kyu is all he need for the next centuries!!! ugh my poor heart is weak 🫠
and reading your end notes, I expect there'll be more extras yep? but I'm hoping that they don't go separate way again and end up living and have journeys together 🥹
399 streak #6
Chapter 9: Finally! An update! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

I can't wait for the extra ♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠)
Chapter 9: This conclusion somehow reminds me of them in real life. They are so different, opposite of each other even, but satisfyingly complete each other.
Ah, my delulu heart hahaha
Anyway, can't wait for the extras. It must be awesome, as all your fics are, Author-nim
399 streak #8
Chapter 8: Beib, you are still here, right?
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 8: I was wondering at some point if Yesung also has some sort of powers.. it must be a burden, but in situations like this merciful.
It's so lovely to see Kyuhyun trying his best to get Yesung to see also the good things. And it seems like he's starting to succeed :)
_MyName_ #10
Chapter 7: This is so sad... I think he was scared and also desperate not to suffer the same fate as his family. But just focusing on that one goal left him unable to really think ahead, what happens after he's immortal. Hopefully with Kyuhyun's help Yesung can finally put that all behind him and look forward to the future.