Part One 🍁

The Dark Hooded Thief
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Part One



I whip my head at the person’s hand that had snatched the last strawberry puff on the rack and giving the person a glare. My hand was about to grab it before out of nowhere, he stole it from me. Yes, correct, a he! And no I’m not going to fall for him. Even if this man probably has the most attractive set of eyes I’ve ever laid eyes on but no! I can’t fall for a thief! 

Grumbling quietly under my breath, I stare at him. This is not what I want to experience after stressing about classes and that damn upcoming ball at the end of this month. It's not easy to get into town alone without having Kyungsoo babysitting me at the side. However, this thief, I notice has similar height to that of my best friend. His dark aura also reminds me of that grumpy old man, though, this man here is more peculiar.

Curiously I check him out, staring at his dark appearance which consist of black shirt and pants, a wide and long black cloak. He has dark matching black hair, messy and falls like curtains over his light caramel brown eyes. He has the hood of his cloak over his head, making half of his features hidden in shadow and absolutely giving the look of a true damn thief. He probably is because he stole my favourite puff!

"That’s mine” I say, trying to sound nonchalant and reaching out my hand to take the puff from his hand but he moves his hand away from me, hiding it behind his back and letting out a light snort. 

“I picked it first so it’s mine” 

I purse my lips, “I saw it first! I was about to grab it-“

“But you’re not fast enough” he cuts me off. I scoff, not hiding at all the glare I’m showing on my face. He raises his eyebrows, slowly letting out an amused smirk and tilting his head as if he’s mocking me. I swear I could see a line (or another few) on the end side of his cheek and disappear into the cover of the shadow of his hood, making me wonder how long his scar is. There is also a strange glint in his eyes but I know he just wants to mock me. 

God, the nerves he has! 

“You think you can intimidate me with your glare, lady? You’re intimidating as a little kitten”

I huff, getting annoyed at this man

His smirks getting wider when I continue to glower at him, clearly finding me amusing for him. He takes one step back and waves the puff in his hand at me. “This is mine, little lady. I grabbed it first so it’s mine” He continues to wave with a smile that’s too cocky before he walks to the bakery's owner to pay for it. He keeps watching me with amusement while he sees me glaring at him, at the same time my mouth pouting sadly at the sight of that strawberry puff. 

It’s rare to get something strawberry flavoured here. Strawberries are quite expensive to buy and rare to get, along with some other fruits. Only high status nobles as well as the royal family often have access to them. It’s been two weeks since I last ate one of them (the last one was from our tutor, gifting everyone one) and so to see it got taken away right under my nose by some man is preposterous! 

“I can hear you cursing me in your head, lady. Not so ladylike aye?” 

The man had moved away from the counter, walking to me to pass, heading to the door and having that amusement and delight smirk plastered across his face as he watches me. I scoff, crossing my arms and pursing my lips. Keep calm Junhee, just keep calm. He smirks, enjoying my reaction and continue to set his eyes on me even when I turn away from him to buy the rest of the buns I’ve picked and paid them. I walk passed him and going out the door while ignoring the man.

The sound of the door opening and closing after I went out indicating maybe he had step out the shop as well. I glance behind my back and indeed he is there and looks like he's following me. I frown, turning to the front again and trying to ignore him but he keeps following me.

What's his problem? Why is he following me?

It's creepy and weird. The way he is dressed also adds to the ominous creepiness of this situasion. I wander through the alleys, taking shortcuts to get to my destination faster. It's stupid of me to take paths that are silent and dark but I have no choice if I want to get to my academy faster. The sun has set, making the area dark and gloomy and truly, I just want to enter my academy premise before anything can happen. 

Even after a few minutes, the man is still following silently. behind me. He doesn't do anything, doesn't say anything. I really don't know what his problem is or if he wants something from me. I want to just halt in my step and confront him face to face but a big part of me telling me to continue walking. 

It's nothing strange to encounter something like this. The kingdom is not a hundred percent safe either, dangerous people and creatures are lurking as well, but so far this person doesn't do anything to me - well except for stealing my puff. I grumble when that thought pass through. 

When my academy building is in view and I passed the big entrance gate, I stop and turn around to see if he would follow me inside. Like I expected, he didn't get in and only stand there near the wall a few meters away from the gate. It's hard to figure out his expression with the shadows covering his face but I can still see the sparkle of his eyes and the strange glint in them as he stares at me. 

However, even in the night, I can easily spot the smirk he's openly giving me. The slight tilt of his head with his obnoxious smirk plastering on his hooded face. It's creepy, he looks creepy, there's this strange dark aura he's emitting and dangerous but somehow I can only feel annoyed by his presence. It's because of his smirk - his smirk is annoying. And not to mention, he stole my puff! 

I want to turn around and leave but before my feet move, he leaves first; giving a head bow before disappearing into one of the alleys, somehow getting rid of all the lights that illuminate his path. 

“Weird” I mutter quietly, eyes staring at the alley he vanished into. The urge to place my light balls into that alley so that I could see where he's going is high but I push it down. It's none of my business and besides, I don't know the guy. All I know is that he stole my puff! 

I scrowl, pouting in disappointment of not getting a strawberry puff after an exhausting day. 




"What's with you" 

I turn my head to look at Kyungsoo who had taken the seat opposite me, a tray of his late dinner in his hands as he sets it down the table. After that weird encounter with that puff stealer, I decided to go to the eatery to eat my buns and have dinner with Kyungsoo. Looking at the buns I bought reminds me to that strawberry puff that I couldn't get earlier and Kyungsoo just had to witness my pout as he comes along. 

Sighing, I shake my head. "Nothing"

He scruitinize me with his glare, again reading me and trying to unfold all the secrets out of me. It's annoying when he does that. "Spill" he tells me, more like commands me. I roll my eyes at him, snorting.

I purse my lips, humming for two seconds before making up my mind to tell him. "You know I went to town" I start. He gives a nod, urging me to continue. I sigh, "I couldn't get that strawberry puff earlier. I was late" I roll my eyes, remembering the scene earlier. "Some jerk stole the last piece from me" Grumbling under my breath as my mind conjuring that man's hooded face again.

His black hood, his mesmerizing light brown eyes staring at me, his pale cheeks tinted with the slightest pink hue with his black messed up hair like he had gone through his hand in his hair countless times. God...he's like a piece of art...if he didn't stole my puff! I grumble again, internally slapping myself at my own thoughts.

I hear a deep chuckle, seeing Kyungsoo shaking his head in amusement. "You and your damn puff" 

I pout, "I love eating them" 

"Sure you do" he smiles teasingly. "Get over it already. I'm sure there's some more in the other bakeries, we'll try to find them tomorrow" 

"I went to three bakeries earlier and all of them sold out! You know how hard to get it in this season and that was the last one! That freaky dude bloody took away that puff from me. It's ridiculous, I hate him" I say, my tone didn't give away how annoyed I am. Kyungsoo laughs, having heard the words from me before he leans forward to ruffle my hair, just so to annoy me further. I glare at him, pushing his damn hand away,

"Quit it, you're ruining my hair!" 

"You're such a baby" he comments, sitting back down on his seat. I continue to pout at him, he huff. "Stop sulking already, we'll get your goddamn puff soon" He tells me before he grabs back his spoon and points it at my pouty and scrowly face. "Are you going to behave like this at the ball?" he adds, mocking me. I purse my lips, shrugging. "You're going to make all the men run away from you even before you can get a date" 

I snort at that, waving my hand. "I'll go to the ball alone, I don't care for a date" I say before giving a look at the man in front of me. Kyungsoo raises one eyebrow when I start to smile at him, "Besides, I have you" My smile grow wider at his deadpanned expression. "You're gonna be my prince at the ball" 

He snorts, starting to dig in his dinner. "No thanks, I'll pass. Go find some other prince to go with you. It's bad enough that I've already had to babysit you on every other damn day" 

I cluck my tongue, both annoyed but somehow expected at his answer. I shake my head in amusement at him. "So if you're not going with me then who'll going with? Hyein?" I tilt my head teasingly, watching his reaction. As expected, he's glaring hard at me but I absolutely able to catch that pink hue tinted on both of his ears, making me chuckle at his embarrassed face. 

He almost throw his spoon but swears instead at me, prompting me to laugh louder. He groans, " you" before resuming to eat and ignoring me for the rest of night.




Kyungsoo was not that petty and couldn't hold grudge over me that long because on the next day, when he went out to town with his friends, he brought me that strawberry puff that I craved so much. I gave him a sweet big hug and a lot of kisses which in return he scrowl at me while trying to push me away - it's not like I didn't expect it from him, it's fun to annoy him. 

The next day, he comes to my room and giving me his hard stare. "Don't wander off" The grumpy man warns me, leaning his body at the doorframe and watching me picking up my red cloak from the chair in my room. I blink my eyes innocently at him as I smoothen out the thick fabric in my hands. He purses his lips, "I know you, you'll go off to god knows where, leaving your group behind and then freak us all out" he points a finger at me, "Don't wander" he repeats, widening his eyes slightly with warning. 

I snort at his overly dramatic warning, wearing my clock and clipping the strap upfront of my cloak. "Kyungsoo, we're just going to find the animal, there'll be nine of us. You don't have to worry about me" 

"Who said I was worry about you?" He blinks his eyes, giving me a blank stare. I scrowl before snorting again, waving my hand dismissively at his direction. "I know you worry about me, you love me too much" I say, giving my flirtatious wink at him which he deadpanning me in return. 

Mentally I laugh at his reaction.'s so hard to impress this dude.

I wrap my small satchel, containing a few gold coins, a compass and a pocket knife, wrapping it around my waist before walking towards the door and walking out the room. "Chill you grumpy pants, I'm not going to wander" I say, hearing Kyungsoo closing the door behind me before his soft padding feet following me. I glance at him, "It's the same forest we've been to. Everything looks the same so I don't think I'm going to wander off"

He huffs, glaring annoyingly at me with doubt spreading over his face. 

I ignore his look, "Besides, if you're so worried, you should come with us" 

"You know I can't, I have a club meeting and Chanyeol will be annoying if I don't come" 

"Hmm" I hum at him, shrugging. "Then just go to your gathering, don't worry about us" I give a smile, hoping to ease his hard gaze. It didn't, he keeps giving me that strict look of his. "You better not stray away. Don't come crawling for help if you're eaten by a bear" he warns again, prompt me to pout at his words before clinging to his arm. He tries to shake me off but I tighten my hold on him like a koala until he sighs and lets me be.  

"You're so annoying" he mutters

"And you still love me" I smile, leaning my head on his shoulder and raising my eyes to peek at his reaction. He grunts but I can see the subtle nod of his head. My smile widen as we walk through the hallway. 

It is quiet as we are walking towards the main square, heading to the gates that lead south of the Kingdom. Every once in a while during the walk, Kyungsoo gives his words of wisdom to me, about taking care of myself when he's not there to babysit me. I roll my eyes at him, "I'm an adult, Soo. Have some faith in me, I'm not going to get in danger" 

He scoffs, "That's what you said last time before you get stabbed" he turns his head to me, giving me his infamous glare. His words bringing back old memories, at that time when we went to the north forest during spring break and I had wandered off on my own which at the end I ended up fallen off a tall hill and landed harshly in a messy pile with a thick branch stab to my abdomen.

I grimace to wasn't a pleasant memory. 

"You're lucky Chanyeol was with us and heal you or else you would bleed to death" He continues, huffing in annoyance with a shake of his head. "My fire couldn't do  at such situation. If Chanyeol wasn't there you wouldn't even be here now" he adds, clearly wanting to get his words into my head. I can only nod, assurring him one more time that I'm going to be ok and safe. 

Before I leave with the rest of my friends, I give him a hug. "I'm going to be ok, Soo. Just don't worry about me and instead, how about you go ask Hyein to be your date" I tell him which he tries to smack my arm but I grab his wrist on time with a chuckle at his expected reaction. I smile at him when he glowers at me, "Just ask her and I'm sure she wants to" I wink at him, slowly placing his wrist down. "By the time I'm back tonight I want to hear all about it, ok?" 

He snorts, "As if" 

"You can do it Soo, I know you can do it!" I cheer for him, even though he's clearly starting to get flustered by my action. "You're the most charming and sweet man I know-" 

He snorts again, an amused smile on him. 

"-so I know you can do it, fighting!" I smile widely and cutely at him, giving him some support. 

He shakes his head before pushing my body away from him with a nod at the white horse I'm going to ride. "Just go, you idiot" Both of us laugh as I get on the horse with his help, he pats the horse and waving his hand. "Bye Soo! I'll see you tonight!" I shout at him over my shoulder as I follow the rest.




The air is quite cold, indicating the autumn air season. The sun is shining on top of us and there are a few people walking at the streets before the seven of us meet with silence. The longer we ride, the further we are from the bustling sounds of the towns people and the closer we are to nature. Green fills our vision as we finally entering the clearing and the start of the forest.

Joon brings his horse to slow until it stops, his eyes looking around the foliage. He glances behind his shoulder at the rest of us, "Let's go, the baby pegasus must be around here somewhere" he says, "Yunjin saw the animal wandering towards this area, right Yunjin?" 

Yunjin, who is riding a brown horse, nod her head as she looks at the forest before looking back at us. "Yeah, I saw her and I think her wings got injured or broken or something, that's why she couldn't fly off but wander off with her legs" 

"It's a she? Did you get that close to her?" One of the other boys, Jongdae asks her, raising his eyebrows. "I thought that baby ran off whenever it saw humans" 

"I didn't get close enough, it ran off before I could do it" Yunjin tells, agreeing on Jongdae's word about the baby's fear on people. The girl has a smile popping up on her face as she shrugs, "The baby looks so cute and pretty, I just guess it's a female. Besides, her fur looks pink" 

"It could be a male too" Rina who is next to me chimes in, a cheeky smile on her. "Even you boys can look pretty in pink too" she adds, prompting me to laugh as her words make my mind randomly imagine a certain grumpy man back at the academy wear a pink ball gown. Seeing me laugh, Rina laughs as well along with Yunjin who smiles amusingly at us. 

"You girls are weird..." Doyoung comments with a shake of his head before he glances at Jongdae and Joon. "So, what do we do first? Look around with the horses?" 

Joon hums, in thinking before he nods his head. "I think so, we'll scout around the forest where it's wide enough for the horses to pass through and if it gets too thin, we'll drop off the horses and continue on foot" he tells us, looking at each one of us. "How's that?" 

Minjeong who's next to him merely nods, "I don't mind but can we go to the waterfall afterwards? I love to see that area" she says, looking at Joon with smile while fluttering her eyelashes. Doyoung, Jongdae, Soyeon and Rina groans out before Joon can opens his mouth, "We'll go there but we have to find the pegasus first, ok?" he tells her, his eyes stare at her with such tenderness that the four people groans again. I smile in amusement at their reaction. 

"This is why we shouldn't bring a couple with us" Haechan comments in the background, having a disgusted face on him as he watches the couple talking lovingly to each other. I chuckle when I heard him, Rina hears too and nods her head in agreement. It is another minute of talking about why Minjeong is following us and how to bring the baby pegasus safely before all of us start our horses walking into the forest. 

I raise my head, staring at the high and thick trees decorating the whole forest with wide enough spaces for us to ride through with the horses. It's been a while since I went to a forest, the last one was the forest at the north part of the kingdom where that terrible incident happened. It's not that traumatizing but it's still makes me anxious when I remember it.

We scout the area, already about six hundreds meters from the entrance and there is not a single appearance or a hint to the whereabout of the baby pegasus. We found a few birds flying above and sitting on the branches, a few curious rabbits and a sleepy looking fox on a rock, but other than that, the forest is peaceful with no indicator of the baby. The sun is still shining above us, the light coming through the gaps between the trees and illuminating the area. 

About an hour later, some of us already letting out heavy breaths and sighs. "Where do you think that baby wander off?" Jongdae fills in the silence, looking around at us. "It's been an hour but we couldn't find a single hint, not even a blood stain or anything" he sighs and stretches his arms. "My is already sore" 

I had to push down the urge to laugh at his expression and at how he rubs the upper part of his bum. Soyeon laughs openly at him, "God Jongdae-ah, you look old when you do that. How old are you again" she teases as she still looks fine riding her dark brown horse. 

Jongdae scoffs, pouting his lips a bit "I'm only 20, I'm not old! My is just sore....It's been a while since I ride a horse" 

Joon shakes his in amusemenf at their interaction before stops his horse and turns to us. "How about we take a rest? It's been more than an hour, I think it's time to take a breather and the horses need rest as well" 

Me and Rina shrugs at the same time before following us with agreement to Joon's words. The said man nods his head at a particular direction, "Let's head to the waterfall to rest. We're already close to it and there's water so the horses can have a drink too" he says to all of us before start to ride his horse towards his said destination. 

"No wonder I recognize this path" Doyoung comments as we follow the man. "He's indirectly bringing us to the waterfall while we're searching" he continues, staring at Joon and Minjeong who is talking to themselves. I have to agree with Doyoung, I do recognize the path and realized it a while back that Joon made our search in the direction of the waterfall. "I thought we're searching for the pegasus first before going to the waterfall" Doyoung adds while stretching his back like Jongdae. "But I'm not complaining, my back is sore too"

Jongdae, having heard his comment, nodding his head. 

"Hang in there guys, the waterfall is close by anyways" I reply to him with amusement in my tone. "I thought you ride horses every week, you should be fit for riding by now" I say to Doyoung. 

He shrugs, "No matter how many times I ride, I still get sore" 

With a few of us groaning about having their butts sore, the area slowly become humid and cooling, telling us that the waterfall is close. Minjeong smiling brightly, bringing her horse to a run, making Joon laugh and run after her. Soyeon and Haechan snort at their interaction but soon glance at each other in some kind of glint in their eyes before Soyeon smirks at him, "Whoever the last one is a rotten egg!!" she shouts before galloping fast following the direction of Joon and Minjeong. 

"Yah! Wait for me!" Haechan yells and takes off as well with Jongdae, Yunjin and Doyoung following behind. 

I raise my eyesbrows at their enthusiasm before landing them on Rina who is still riding close to me. We look at each other. "You don't want to follow them?" I say to her and she shrugs. "Nah...I prefer to ride slowly" she answers as she takes a deep breath and looking around the high branches of the trees around us. 

"It's beautiful here" she comments as she stares at the trees.

I nod, following her action. "I know right....It's so peaceful here" My eyes looking around and spot a flying squirrel up on a branch, gliding its body to another branch. I chuckle in amusement, "Cute" I mutter under my breath. 

"But you know...this forest is not all that peaceful" I hear Rina says beside me. I turn my head to her, confusion written on my face. "What do you mean?" 

She hums, "My uncle said that this forest is enchanted" 

I blink my eyes, "Aren't enchanted forests supposedly be nice and peaceful?" 

"I know right but my uncle said that even if forests looks peaceful, it's still dangerous to be in and especially this one" she says and I look at her, giving my attention. "He said that this forest gives off weird aura, people experiencing spooky things and some of the towns people vanished when they went in here. Haven't you heard any of these?" 

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[TDHT] I couldn't finish the story this week 😅🙏 Sorry...


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AiiSoo #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: They friendship is so sweet. I’m glad that Baekhyun understands that Junhee and Kyungsoo are more like siblings. I doubt if Jongdae is Junhee’s boyfriend, he won’t be jealous of the closeness of Junhee and Kyungsoo. So it’s very fortunate that Junhee has Kyungsoo as her best friend and Baekhyun as her boyfriend. I hope Baekhyun can adjust well in society. I’m sure that Mr. and Mrs. Do are nice people.
Thank you for this update..! It was nice to read the heart-to-heart talk between Junhee and Kyungsoo.
Chapter 14: I logged in to see if the story had been updated and look what I saw! 😭 I'm sooooo happy. I will read it as soon as I am free. 🥺
byunieee #3
Chapter 14: Nooo, dont feel bad, cause you have a life too i'm already thankfull that you continue this story
What baekhyun see in the alley ??? Kyungsoo is just a dependable brother to junhee
747 streak #4
Chapter 14: I really enjoyed the quality time between Junhee and Kyungsoo, they have such a sweet friendship. Thank you for the update, looking forward to the ball.
Chapter 14: I love junhee and kyungsoo's friendship.. we all need kyungsoo in our life!!
Chapter 14: Kyungxjun moment is so cute🤭
Nlnz2016 #7
Chapter 14: Thanks for updating. Missed your story.
byunieee #8
Chapter 13: Finally the curse of the black pearl is gone, baek is happy with junhee, and they are bonded too, junhee friend too slowly accept and give baekhyun a company, i wonder what will happen at the ball, thank you for updating
AiiSoo #9
Chapter 13: Aww… they were sweet. Or in Sehun or Kyungsoo’s words, ‘disgustingly sweet’ to each other. Hahahahah. It’s nice that Baekhyun and Junhee were able to have a normal date. I guess this was their first unofficial date?
They were so cute though. I’m curious if Daehyun will recognized Baekhyun at the ball.
Thank you for this update..!
747 streak #10
Chapter 13: This was such a sweet chapter, and it’s good to see them both so happy. Kyungsoo is happy as well, even though he would never admit it.😂 I can’t wait for the ball, something tells me there will be a lot of surprises. Thank you for the update.