Lost and Found

Lost and Found
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One, two, three, four...


Karina silently counts in her head while she continues to empty the ice coffee resting between her palms. It's coming, she knows it.



"So how is Wendy doing?"


Just in time Karina thought before taking her lips away from the plastic straw of her beverage. It's the same old starter conversation of her best friend every month they see each other for dinner. And just like any other time, she just simply smiles before giving her best friend a cautious warning signal.




The younger girl pushes back her chair a little and gently dabs the non-existent crumbs on her lips before brushing away the slightly uptight tone of her best friend. "Come on, Karina. It's a tiny bit funny, admit it." Giselle started trying to bring up some lighter air in the atmosphere but Karina wasn't having it tonight. 


Karina places her drink on the table before meeting her companion's gaze. "It isn't for me, Giselle." She was tired. It was a Friday night and all of the week's stress from her job has caught up with her. She surely wouldn't let any kind of insult or joke about her girlfriend slide at the moment.


"Okay, okay. My apologies. My bad." Giselle quickly answers with both of her hands in mid air as if accepting her fault. "But on a side note how are you both? I mean any progress?" She continues. The defeated shoulders and weary eyes of her best friend speaking more volume than her words.


"Don't you think you've waited long enough?"


She's been with her for how many years now and Karina wouldn't deny that she wouldn't be against it if they'd move on a faster pace. But at the same time she understands her girlfriend. Besides she have always been good with waiting.



"It's been two years already, Karina! How long  does she need!" A pitch higher than Giselle's normal voice pierced through her ears. She knew that she meant well. Giselle have always been like that. She might be loud sometimes but she's the softest person she knows.


"Giselle it's okay. I'm okay. I'm perfectly fine with waiting for her."


Knowing well enough that Karina wouldn't budge, Giselle took the liberty to order a bottle of wine to at least calm her temper down and extend her patience with her stubborn best friend.





"What are you doing?" Winter's voice startled Karina causing her to shut the windows a little too harshly that she almost hurt her fingers in the process. 


Karina automatically places her hands on top of her chest to calm down her frantic heart. "Now why would you scare me like that!" She mutters as she stood on the same spot still in shock. Winter who was sitting up on the bed with her back against the headboard let out a series of soft chuckles at the goofiness of her girlfriend. She gently taps the empty space of the bed beside her and says, "Come on. What are you still doing over there?"


Having recovered from the sudden freight, Karina turns to her side and once again grabs the latch of the window. "I'm unlocking it. What else do you think." She mumbles after successfully opening it.


"I know. But why?"


"What do you mean why?" She asks. A deep frown forming on her forehead as she stare at the little figure sitting up on the bed. "He might come tonight." Karina added as a matter of fact after giving the small opening a quick glance revealing a fairly calm night sky outside.


Winter's gaze falls down onto the sheets on her lap. She takes in a huge amount of air before finally releasing it away. "Keep it shut, Karina."


The thick eyebrows resting on Karina's face were slowly inching closer as she takes into account the words that she just heard. "Are you sure?" She asks again. Confusion has turned into worry this time around.


"Would you like to sleep in the other room?" Winter quickly says with irritation in her voice. She doesn't want to have to repeat herself fearing that she might take back her decision.

"No ma'am."


She didn't need to be told twice.

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Chapter 1: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Genniee #2
Chapter 1: oh my god. that was beautifully written PERIOD
winter_chan22 #3
Chapter 1: I love the implication of peter pan in this story. I sympathize with winter’s situation because it’s true that we keep holding on to something that greatly comforts our wounded heart. And no matter how childish that ‘comfort’ is to some, we shouldn’t jest about a situation we don’t even know how deep-rooted it came from. It won’t hurt to be more understanding to someone’s struggles. Who knows, we can actually save life from being an understanding person right?
crimson_snow #4
Chapter 1: I never thought it would be this deep and profound. And the part where Giselle called Winter Wendy as a joke was a good way to show that if we only knew everything about other people, we'd probably be a lot more understanding. Giselle was just being a comforting best friend wanting to make light of Karina's situation, but I'm sure if she knew Winter's pain, she wouldn't see the humor in her joke too.

I also love how Karina was so patient with Winter, how she worked hard to eatn her trust, and how she didn't think less of Winter despite Winter's "childish" requests and actions. She loves Winter with her whole heart and while she has her own hopes of advancing their relationshop, she respects and supports Winter's own hopes.

And Winter, my heart just breaks for her. Honestly, I think everyone has a part of them that wants the same thing Winter does. Go back to the time they knew they were loved, the time when they never had to live through their pain everyday. It especially broke me because Winter seems to know it's impossible, that Peter Pan wasn't real. But she has to hold on to something right? She has to have something to believe in, or she wouldn't survive her childhood. But I'm relieved she has Karina who loves her with her whole heart.

As always, a great story from you. I've always loved the depth of your stories, but this one might just be my favorite so far. Thank you for writing wonderful stories.
573 streak #5