3. Still

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For the last four days, I have been trying to ignore the message I received from Kaia's girlfriend for various reasons. One of which is the person in front of me.


"Where do you wanna eat today, Wills?" Noa excitedly asked.


It's my birthday and I promised to treat her to lunch today. It's not like I have a choice. She never really left my side ever since that three-word breakup with Kaia. Although she does not say it out loud, I know she's secretly looking out for me, afraid that I will suffer from countless breakdowns if she leaves me alone.


I just chose our favorite pizza place. We often eat here when the cafeteria food . In fact, we ate here so often I ended up meeting Kaia for the first time here. And no, Noa did not know that. Everyone at school who knows about my relationship with Kaia, including Noa, thought that we met during that one time Kaia accidentally spilled coffee on me.


But that's a lie. Actually, we have been secretly talking months before that. She actually ended up spilling coffee on me because she was startled that I was from the same school. We were just casually talking online without exchanging personal details before that. It was easier to open up with a stranger after all. 


Noa and I were just casually enjoying the rest of our free time before dismissal when Yana approached me. 


"Willow, someone is looking for you outside."


I saw Noa's eyebrow raised when she heard that, probably asking for my explanation but I just shrugged. I'm clueless too! I immediately stood up and before I can even make it out the room, I saw the unusual crowd right outside. They all looked excited and some are giggling and whispering with each other.


I halted. There's very few people who can cause such a reaction... did Kaia come to see me? I gathered myself and slowly walked out to see Kaia.


Only to end up disappointed and scared. It was not Kaia, it's her girlfriend...


She was leaning by the door while listening to music through her airpods. Her eyes were closed and her arms were crossed as her she taps herself with her slender fingers. She must have felt my presence so she opened her eyes and removed her airpods before facing me.


When our eyes met, I almost wanted to run away. Is she here to confront me about what happened? But my fear was immediatel

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Narutinho1 #1
Chapter 4: I hate being one if those people who beg for an update…….. but pleaseeeeeee. This is too good😭😢😥
Narutinho1 #2
Chapter 4: I think (G) has a crush on (w).
This would explain a lot of things, plus it could make Fic more interesting than it already is
Narutinho1 #3
Chapter 4: Aaaaa continue please😭
Chapter 4: Too many red flags here 😭