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**TW: mention of blood (previous chapter recap)


Baekhyun POV


Instead of heading to the restroom as he said, Baekhyun's feet led him in the direction of the lockers. As he got closer, the uneasy feeling in his gut grew stronger. He walked quickly as if someone was chasing after him. The instant he turned the corner, he realised what that uneasy feeling was. 


**His eyes settled on the scene in front of him. There, rising to her feet, was the very person he had been talking about to his friends just 10 minutes ago. He watched as she advanced towards the three students leaving a trail of blood behind her. The floor looked as if someone had painted it red and it was growing bigger as every second passed. He had to do something to stop this. If it was going to go on any longer, that girl would most likely bleed to death.**


Baekhyun was about to call them out when he heard something that made his voice stuck in his throat. "omilia". His eyes widened and his ears started ringing. Was he hearing things? *I'm not dreaming am I? Did she just say that out loud?* 


"—I want you to express the pain on your faces as I stand here and watch the life in your eyes fade away. Then I want you to forget this encounter ever happened. You guys had a disagreement and fought with each other." He gasped at her words while staring at the girl in shock. 


Baekhyun watched as she slowly turned her head around to face him. His eyes settled on her glowing blue eyes watching the craziness in her eyes fade only to see the shock take over her whole features. He heard a faint "No one is supposed to know." slip out from her lips before he saw her eyes roll back and she fell forward. 


With speed he didn't know he had, he rushed over to catch her just before she could hit the ground and potentially hurt herself even further. He heard 3 other thumps hit the ground and look over to the three other students only to see them knocked out on the ground. 


*What the did I just get myself into...* Baekhyun thought to himself. 


Hana POV




Everywhere Hana turned, black was the only thing she saw. Her body felt heavy and it was as if she was suspended in the air. She felt the same sensation of air leaving her lungs before a splash of water hit her and she snapped her eyes open. Immediately, she curled up and started coughing and gasping for air before the pain hit her full-blown. Her whole body ached as if someone had beaten her up for hours. After she calmed down and the pain had turned to a dull throb, she noticed the white ceiling above her and roamed her eyes around the room she woke up in. Hana realised that it was an extremely familiar place, one she frequented often when she was injured. 


*Why am I here? I feel fine though* Hana thought to herself before slowly sitting up. She got her answer when the school nurse came through the doors. The nurse saw her sitting up and hurried over to her exclaiming in surprise.


"You're finally awake! Oh my god, I was worried when you didn't wake up. You were so weak and almost bled to death."


"H-huh...? I almost bled to death...? What happened to me?"


"You don't remember? A student along with a few school staff brought you and 3 other students here! The headmaster has been waiting for you to wake up so he can ask you what happened."


It was then, that it hit Hana. She had snapped and used her power when she didn't have much strength. The last thing she remembered was staring at the new student in shock at being caught before a black curtain swept over her vision. * this isn't good. I need to get a hold of that guy and make sure he doesn't say anything. If not I'm doomed.* Hana clenched her fist.


"Uhm do you know where to find the student that brought me here then? I need to speak to him!" Hana said to the nurse in a rushed tone trying to get out of bed.


"Dear, you just woke up and can't be walking out of bed so soon! You need to eat and replenish your energy first. You can see him later." The nurse pushed her back onto the bed.


"But it's really important! I need to find him right now!" Hana frantically said. She was on the verge of pulling her hair out in frustration.


"Dear just sit down alright? I'll get that student to come here instead. Do not go anywhere and I'll be back with food for you." The nurse said with an authoritative tone then walked off.


Hana tried to calm down telling herself that she should trust the nurse to bring him here but she couldn't calm down no matter how much she tried to. She couldn't risk anybody knowing about her gift so she was planning to make him forget what he saw once he came. She kept biting her fingers and not even 10 minutes had passed by before she decided that she didn't want to be in bed anymore.


Hana stood up and almost fell back down when a pang of dizziness hit her. The nurse had been right but she grit her teeth and closed her eyes forcing the dizziness to go away before opening them and slowly walking forward. 


Hana stepped out of the curtains to survey her surroundings. It was only then she noticed three bodies laying on the beds directly opposite her. The very people who made her unconscious for 3 whole days. She balled up her fists in anger. She couldn't believe that because of them, she had revealed something that she was to keep a secret forever. To someone, she didn't even know at all. Who knows what he'll do to her now that he knows?


Hana took another step towards them when the door burst open again and she heard the nurse cry out to her.


"Didn't I tell you to sit down?! Oh my god, dear, you are going to be the death of me I swear. Hey student! Help me bring her back to the bed."


Hana raised her eyebrow at the last sentence and looked up to see the guy she had been frantically asking for when she woke up. He had a worried look on his face and was walking towards her. He reached out for her arm but she quickly pulled away and glared at him saying.


"I'm fine. I can walk by myself." Hana staggered back to her bed. She could hear him trailing behind her.


"Here is your food. I need to leave to do something so just eat your food and I'll come back later to clear it. The headmaster will be coming down later to talk to you as well. If you need anything, just ask him to do it alright?" The nurse set her food down on the table and left again.


When the nurse left, Hana just sat on the bed. She could feel the silence beginning to become slightly unbearable so she opened to say something but the boy in front of her beat her to it.


"Are you feeling better Hana...? When I came, you were pretty weak and fainted immediately." The boy said worriedly.


Hana snapped her head up to face him. At first, she was stunned by his looks. From his fluffy yet silky-looking hair to his round cheeks and sharp jawline to his pale, soft pink lips. She trailed her eyes all over his features taking in his beauty before she met his eyes full of concern. Her face flushed red at the realisation that she had been staring at him.


Hana cleared before replying to him. "I-i'm fine. I just need to eat and replenish my energy. How do you know my name?"


"Uhm. I asked Chanyeol about it during lunch...? I'm Baekhyun by the way." He replied with a confused tone.


"I see...well uh... about what happened..." Hana trailed off thinking of how to approach the topic of what happened 3 days ago.


"I heard from the others that you're the student that

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Did some minor editing on the prologue! Chapter 1 will be out soon once I fix all the grammatical errors :D Also I wrote it while I was on my phone which is why it isn't that great lol


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Chapter 3: Omg! Now Chanyeol is in the picture. This is getting more and more interesting ✨
Chapter 1: I am really excited!
746 streak #3
Chapter 3: OMG! I loved this chapter! Another interesting chapter and no the POVs are not confusing at all! LOVED IT! And the ending as well. *smirks* Chanyeol is in the picture! Can't wait to see what happens next!
746 streak #4
Chapter 2: I really enjoyed this chapter! It's quite interesting and the ending was surely a mystery with Byun's appearance! Can't wait to see what happens!
746 streak #5
Chapter 1: OMG! I loved the prologue as it gives information on how it all started! It's got me hooked and interested in seeing what happens next!
746 streak #6
The plot is interesting and I am looking forward to reading this one! <3
maknaeeunri #7
Chapter 3: Baekhyun knowssss~~~~~~

Whats nexttt!?!? Chahyeol your standing infront of your sister 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Gayandi #8
Chapter 2: Wow..your story is so good
Chapter 2: it is very interesting omg
maknaeeunri #10
Chapter 2: Woooaaahhhhhhh 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Nextttt chapter pleaseeeeee