Can't Help Falling in Love

Can't Help Falling in Love

It was a beautiful sunny day when Taeyeon first met the man. Not like she officially met the man, but her gaze unknowingly landed on the beautiful figure of the man who sits on the bench under the big willow tree near her faculty. He looks sorrowful and weary but despite all of that his face is exceptionally beautiful.


Taeyeon is an admirer of pretty things. It’s her weakness. And at that moment, she really wanted to run to the man and hug him tightly, whispering sweet nothing to his ears until the sorrow melted from his face. But she didn’t do it. For now, she is content just watching him from afar. 


That is until she started dreaming about the man. She remembers his face, even though she only saw him once. His bow-shaped lips, his clear skin and even his feline eyes. He looks like a combination of a hamster and a fox in Taeyeon’s opinion.


After the fifth time dreaming about the nameless man, Taeyeon is determined to get to know him. Hoping that she can be close to him. And if Lee Taeyeon is determined, she can do anything to achieve her target. So began her quest to befriend the pretty man.


Her first step is observing the man and people that surrounded him. From her observation, she gets to know that the man is his senior. Taking art and culture majors as well. How come she never caught a glimpse of him before?


But her question was quickly answered when she was meeting with her friend to discuss a school project. It happens that the man was also in the cafe they are at with two of his friends. He didn’t look as sorrowful as the first time they met but still sadness lingered in his face.


“I’m glad to see Kibum oppa smiling again after what happened to him. Can’t believe what happened to their relationship. They look like a match made in heaven. Well but life isn’t a fairytale I guess.” Yoora’s words confused Taeyeon. Her friend knew this man?


“You know him?” Taeyeon asked casually, trying not to sound so eager.


“Hm? You mean Kibum oppa? Not personally, but his relationship with the school vice president has been the talk of the town lately.”


“School vice president? You mean Lee Jinki-ssi?”


Yoora nod eagerly and with the encouraging looks Taeyeon gives her, Yoora started to tell Taeyeon the tale of Jinkibum, as Yoora phrased it.


“So, he is being dumped by the school vice president? After two years of dating??” Taeyeon is trying to summarize the story. She started to hate the vice president for making her man miserable. Wait, her man? Wake up, Taeyeon-a! He didn't even know you. Taeyeon scolded herself.


“Eung, and Kibum oppa have been skipping classes ever since. He just started attending the class recently. I feel bad for him because when I first saw him, I thought he was so pretty and I couldn’t believe someone had the heart to leave him.”


Taeyeon's heart sting from thinking about how hurt he felt when the vice president broke up with him. She wants to punch the vice president square in the face.



After almost three month observing and stalking the man, Taeyeon started to make a move. She spent her time getting to know and remembering his schedule just so Taeyeon could be in the same place as the man. Until one day she gets the chance to talk to the man. The man is in the cafe as he usually does after his afternoon class. Taeyeon is not stalking him, no she is not. She is just learning the pattern and trying to be in the same place with him at the right time.


Taeyeon wants to make an unforgettable first impression, thus she confidently walks toward the man wishing that she didn’t make any mistake on introducing herself. But it seems like her lucky star has faded away. While walking, she accidentally steps on her shoelace and falls forward, face first into the man. Her heart throbbing fast when she realized that the man is currently embracing her.


“Are you okay?” asked the man. Taeyeon couldn’t even lift her face to see the man but she managed to nod her head and flew from the scene.


“You are a fool, Lee Taeyeon!” She cursed herself while sighing in regret. Gone is her chance to give a nice first impression to the man.


After the incident, Taeyeon didn’t dare to make another move. She just opted to admire the man from afar.  But it took a toll on Taeyeon's performance in her studies. She often daydreams and misses the content of the course she was in.


“Lee Taeyeon, please pay attention to the course or you are more than welcome to walk out from this class.” scolded her teacher when for the nth time she couldn't answer his question.


“Hey, I don’t know what’s wrong with you, Taeyeonnie but these past days you are spacing out a lot. Even missing turning in some homework! What happened to the diligent and smart Taeyeon?” her close friend finally asked her one day.


“Eh?” Taeyeon looks hesitant but after sighing, she started to tell her everything. From her newfound crush until the incident that took place a few days ago.


Her friend laughs hard and Taeyeon just slaps her in the arm.


“Yah! quit laughing, wouldn’t you?! I really embarrassed myself in front of the love of my life and you are laughing? What a best friend you are…”


“No, but.. Taeyeon-a” Jeong Min still can’t contain her laughter, “I don’t know that he’s your type… you don’t even know if he’s bi!”


“It’s not that he is my type or whatever, min-a… but since the first time I met him… his face never left my mind… haah, I really want to be close with him…”


“You could just approach him at the Gala Event, Taeyeonnie! I heard that he will come!”


“After what I’ve done with him?? after the incident? I don’t think so, min… I don’t even have the courage to look into his face anymore…”


“Ooh, come on yeonnie! It’s just one mistake and I doubt he’ll remember you! You’d better make a move before you ruin your life just imagining things.”


“I don’t know, min… I’ll… let me just think about that first..”


“Hey, hey, Lee Taeyeon, look at me!” Jeong Min has it enough. She knows that her friend is beautiful and courageous, also she is flirty and knows how to make a man bend on their knees trying to accommodate her will. She can’t believe that this particular man could make Taeyeonnie become timid.


“You know, ever since I knew you, I never once saw you fail at charming a man! You can get everyone, remember? You said it yourself! This time, it’s no different. Just use your charm and he will fall in love with you instantly! Come on, you can do this, yeon!” “You could wear that pretty dress of yours to the Gala, bet everyone would only have eyes on you!” Jeong Min added with a glint of naughtiness in her eyes.


Taeyeon slaps her again in the arm, but she is considering being brave and making another move once again.



Gala event comes too fast for Taeyeon's liking. She spends her time trying to find the best way to charm the man in her dream. Jeong Min has helped her to get some important information of whether this particular Kim Kibum is gay or bi. Turns out, there’s a chance for Taeyeon because before dating the Vice President, Kim Kibum also happened to be dating the popular cheerleader from his high school (although Taeyeon didn’t know how the hell Jeong Min got this information).


After much consideration, Taeyeon comes to the conclusion that the best way to charm this man is by being her own self. So, she prepared her prettiest dress and upped her make-up game. 


Jeong Min has praised her endlessly when she showed up in front of Taeyeon’s apartement to go together. Wearing a light blue A-Line dress that accentuated her figure. She let loose her wavy hair and put a silver headband on top. Her makeup is top notch, the best makeup she ever done in her life.


Arriving at Gala, Taeyeon could feel many pairs of eyes directed to her and Jeong Min. Smirking a little, Taeyeon started to search for her target. She spots Kim Kibum having a conversation with his friends, but the look on his face couldn’t be recognized as happy. She didn’t have a chance to walk closer when the Vice President approached Kibum’s circle and she saw two of his friends walk away from the ex-couple.


‘Good, they would be getting together, wouldn’t they?’ she thought bitterly while walking away from the scene.


Taeyeon sulked for the rest of the night, feeling heartbroken when the story didn’t even begin. 


“Yah! What did you do here? Why don’t you make a move already?” Jeong Min scolded her when she found Taeyeon sitting lazily in the corner of the room.


“What’s the use of making a move, min-a… He is already getting back together with his ex.”


“Huh? Where did you hear about that? He’s…”


“I watched the vice president approaching Kibum oppa… I guess he wants to get back together…” Taeyeon cut her off before Jeong Min managed to finish her sentences.


“You are really an idiot, Taeyeon-a… why did you always assume things before checking the facts… They are not getting together. My friend heard Kibum oppa rejecting and walks away from Jinki oppa!”


“So… I still have a chance…”


“Yes! Now, go get him girl! Go, go!” Jeong Min pushed Taeyeon into the direction where Kibum was seen taking a drink.


Taeyeon gulped and took a long breath. She confidently walked straight into Kibum and purposefully shouldered him, causing the drink in his hand to fall into Taeyeon’s hand and dress.


“God! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” Kibum is busy extracting a handkerchief from his pocket and trying to dry Taeyeon’s hand.


“No, it’s okay, sunbae-nim…”


“But your beautiful dress is getting wet! God, I’m very sorry, I’m not paying attention to where I was going!”


“Really, it’s okay sunbae-nim… I’m okay.” Taeyeon gives him her prettiest smile, hoping Kibum would start paying attention to her face rather than her dress. 


Kibum finally looks at Taeyeon’s face after he’s done drying her hand. His eyes flashing confusion then realization hit him.


“Oh! You are the one that fell in front of me a few weeks ago right? Your face looks familiar!”


Taeyeon’s face was blushing, so he remembered me, she thought.


“Ah yes… I’m sorry for troubling you that time, sunbae… I didn’t even say my sorry properly.”


Kibum just laughing and said


“Don’t mention it! It’s me who should be apologizing! I ruined your dress! How can I ever repay you?”


Feeling confident as ever, Taeyeon hold her signature smile, look straight into Kibum’s eyes and make her first move,


“Maybe, you can take me to dinner, sunbae-nim.”


Kibum looks a bit surprised but he too, finally smiling and nodding his head.


“That would be my pleasure.”

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961 streak #1
Chapter 1: Taeyeon finally got to date the man of her dream.
Thank you so much for sharing. Hoping this will be good for Bummie, too.