marathons & accusations

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Six years ago, Minjeong was running.

Running away from her parents.

Running away from her dreams.

Running away from her lover.


The only thing Minjeong learned from the past six years of her life was to run. It seemed that it was her defense mechanism whenever something happened that she didn't plan or something went wrong with her plan. For her, it was easier to run away than to be bombarded with confrontations.  


Run, Minjeong! Run.


And that was what she did. She ran away. For all the times that she did, this was the third time she ran away from Jimin, running away from her again. 


A coward you might say but that is what she is. She was afraid. Afraid of confrontations, consequences, and rejections. The confrontation was on the top list, though. She was never a fan of it, a person demanding an answer makes Minjeong really uncomfortable. It was really irrational of her but it was one of her flaws. 


It was all too much for Minjeong. Her sight, was blurry, because of the stream of tears cascading down her face. Her heart was torn in half. She felt like screaming, yelling, and cursing at Jimin for being judgmental. But most importantly, she just wanted to hate the other woman but she just couldn't.


She went to her table and gathered all of her belongings and went to get to her home. Her home has a pair of big doe-eyes and brunette hair, her daughter, Minjae.


~an hour before the disaster happened~


After hours of lovemaking and spending their whole morning and late afternoon exploring and marking each other's bodies, Jimin watched Minjeong, her body spent from many rounds of lovemaking. She woke up an hour prior to the brunette. Their limbs were tangled together and god, the way their fronts were pressed against one other was probably the most wonderful feeling in the world, but Jimin had to feel Minjeong again, to be inside of her again but she held back and stare at her beloved with longing and contentment. 


Jimin was staring at the perfect woman that the god took time to make. She caressed the bruises and marks that she left on the brunette's skin. Pride and happiness swell in the heart of Jimin knowing that she was the one who made Minjeong writhe beneath her. 


Do you feel at times that when you became extremely happy the consequences of it would be the saddest thing you'll ever feel?


That's what Jimin's thinking right now because while something incredible happened earlier, it would be entirely different once the brunette wakes up. 


Aside from Jimin admiring Minjeong, there were many questions that were going through her head. Questions that drive her insane. For the past five years, she didn't know what did she do wrong for Minjeong to break up with her. Jimin thoroughly thought of the reason for Minjeong's disappearance from everybody's life but found nothing. Jimin searched everywhere for her, using her assets to be able to find the missing brunette but it was as if Minjeong vanished into thin air. Right now, all Jimin wants is to always be beside her and make up for the lost time.


Jimin's thoughts were interrupted as she felt Minjeong stir beside her. She slowly opened her lids, her doe eyes adjusting to the lighting of the mellow sun in the middle of the meadow before she tilted her head to glance at the figure beside her.


The brunette smiled brightly and stole a kiss from the swollen lips of Jimin while her hands wrapped tightly around Jimin's body, giving an appreciative and apologetic look as she saw the back of the woman. She pushed her head to the executive's neck, sniffing and leaving soft kisses on Jimin's soft skin.


"I'm sorry." The Minjeong muttered, dangerously close to Jimin's ear. The executive just shrugged it off and pulled Minjeong closer to her to properly kiss her. 


Wanting her questions to be answered, Jimin took this opportunity to ask, she risked this cuddling session after their lovemaking for her to be cleared of confusion.


"Why did you leave and run away?" Jimin hugged and s a hand on Minjeon

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happy valentine's day po siguro


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imnotchal #1
Chapter 10: naur this is so sad. minjeong went through so much 😔. btw when will the next update be?
Jiminjeongaseul #2
I miss this 😢
jmjdumpx #3
i miss this 😔
Soumyapunz5 #4
Please update ahhhhhhhh
Chapter 10: ahhhhhhhhhh still so good!!
abcde_fghijk #6
Chapter 10: Please update tgis author
Jiminjeongaseul #7
I miss this story
13 streak #8
update when 😔
plutoooooo #9
Waiting for u
Jiminez #10
Chapter 10: Happy Family? when?😭