Thought I've Never Love (Love Like This Before)

Joohyunnie, Seungwannie, Joohyun, Seungwan (WR)


“Hey, Sooyoung!” Joohyun calls Sooyoung.

“Hey, unnie. You sound better.” Sooyoung says truthfully and in a way, Joohyun does feel better.

“I think… I am better.” Joohyun admits.

“That’s really good!” Sooyoung chirps.


“… how’s Seungwan?” Joohyun finds it easier now to say Seungwan’s name, unlike all those weeks ago.

“She’s doing well. Seul and I haven’t been coaxing her to get back out into the dating world.” Sooyoung tells her and Joohyun tries to smile.

“That’s good to hear.” She chuckles.

“We’ve been setting her up with people, but Wan’s stubborn and won’t agree to any of them, but then we found this girl from her middle school! And Seungwan agreed to her.” Sooyoung says and Joohyun feels slightly disappointed.


“… when’s her date?” Joohyun has never been not impulsive.

“In a week, why?” Sooyoung is oblivious to Joohyun’s thoughts.

“Can you do me a favour?”


Joohyun does something really stupid again and doesn’t think about the consequences, but she hopes she won’t regret it.


She asks Sooyoung to stall Seungwan’s date— why? Because she’s going to intervene and do something she’s been thinking about for weeks.


Phase one was complete, now onto two.


“…Joohyun?” Seungwan asks.

“Hi.. Seungwan.” Joohyun takes a deep breath.

“... I didn’t expect you to call me.” 

“I know. I didn’t expect me to call either.” Joohyun chuckles and Seungwan frowns in confusion.


There’s quite a silence that settles upon them because Seungwan got a sudden call from Joohyun and Joohyun didn’t think or plan what to say during the call.


“Have you been well?” Joohyun thinks it’s a good conversation starter.

“Good, I’ve been good. I’m feeling much better.” Seungwan tells her and she’s glad to hear that.

“…How have you been?” Seungwan asks.

“Good too.” 


It’s silent again and Seungwan can hear Joohyun’s soft breathing. Joohyun can picture what Seungwan was doing on the other side of the call— she could see Seungwan chewing on her bottom lip.


“Um.. I heard you had a date this weekend.” Joohyun doesn’t ask for clarification, rather she just states it.

“Yeah… did- did Sooyoung tell you?” Seungwan asks.

“Yeah, is that okay?” Joohyun questions and Seungwan just hums as an answer.




“I’m going to something really stupid.” Joohyun tells Seungwan before she says it. Seungwan just spins the ring around her finger nervously as she waits for Joohyun to say what she wants.



“Can you… can you not go on that date?” Joohyun gulps and Seungwan frowns a little.

“… you can’t ask that from me, Joohyun.” Seungwan says quietly and Joohyun closes her eyes frustratedly.

“You’re still in love with me right?” Joohyun blurts.

“Joohyun…” Seungwan’s almost warning her.

“Please, just please- I know I’m rash at times and really stupid most of the time- but just trust me on this… don’t go.” Joohyun rambles and Seungwan bites back the tears welling in her eyes.


“Please… just this once. Give me a chance and I’ll prove it to you- just… I need a little more time.” Joohyun bites her lips nervously.


The line goes quiet and Joohyun’s anxiety grows in the pit of her gut.


“… There’s no one I trust more than you.” Seungwan tells her.

“Okay. Please don’t regret me.” Joohyun says.

“I’d never.”


The call ends and Joohyun puts her phone face down on her bed before she gets up and heads to her bathroom. She splashes straight cold water onto her face and looks at herself in the mirror.


What am I doing?



Phase three:

Clean yourself up, get yourself together and do it for yourself and for the sake of Wannie.


It’s past the autumn holidays and Joohyun hadn't seen Seungwan in person for three months. A quarter of a year without seeing Seungwan, hugging Seungwan, speaking to Seungwan, eating with Seungwan and even having sleepovers with Seungwan.


Joohyun stated that she would reevaluate about Seungwan’s and her relationship carefully and see where it leads on from there, but she scraps that plan because she did no reevaluating and only thought of Seungwan’s embrace and her gentle smile.


Joohyun thinks about Seungwan for the whole of the break and only Son Seungwan occupies her mind.


She dreams about Seungwan sleeping beside her, holding her hand, leaning in-

Joohyun almost pulls her hair out at the thought of Seungwan.


Joohyun trims her hair, cut’s wispy bangs and dyes her hair a lighter shade of brown.

She thinks of the time Seungwan had tried to dye her hair purple and she shakes her thoughts away.


Joohyun still can't stop thinking about Seungwan and she thinks it’s going to make her head or heart explode because thinking of Seungwan makes her feel weird things.


She doesn’t know what the ‘weird things’ are.


Joohyun tries to go out more to forget her weird feelings about Seungwan.


Joohyun became close friends with Taeyeon and Tiffany too. Joohyun and Tiffany terrorise Taeyeon every time they meet up, but the other woman is okay with that. They check in with Joohyun from time to time as they come over and just laze around or all three of them go out together. Joohyun doesn’t feel like a third wheel between them because they both give her as much love too.


Joohyun misses one love, though.


“I think your new hair looks great.” Taeyeon compliments her as she eats Joohyun’s cooking.

“Really? Thank you.” Joohyun beams.

“Ugh, Bae Joohyun, this soup is to die for. Please give me the recipe.” Tiffany groans in pleasure and asks Joohyun.

“Will do Tiff, I’ll give it to you.” Joohyun shakes her head, chuckles.


The couple leaves for a scheduled dinner and they ask if Joohyun wants to join, but she tells them she’s already made plans.


Really, really, stupid and rash plans.


Joohyun buzzes with energy and dashes around her apartment as she puts on outfits and takes them off. She has no clue of what she’s doing because she’s never thought about dates so hard before. She’s never put so much effort and she’s never worried so much.


She puts in so much effort because she finally realised what the weird feelings for Seungwan were and she now has to do something about it.


“You got this, Bae. You’re pretty and confident!” Joohyun points to herself in her bathroom mirror.




“No I don’t got this! What if I up again and Seungwan doesn’t speak to me anymore?! What if Seungwan doesn’t want to see me?!” 



“Nope, nope, nope. You’re gonna do this and not back out! Okay!” Joohyun hyped herself up in front of the bathroom mirror one last time.


Joohyun dresses herself and puts on a white T-shirt, pairs it with a pink cardigan, and finishes it off with a pair of blue jeans that she cuffed at the bottom since the length was annoying her. She checks the time a couple of times and has no idea what to do with her new hair, so she just brushes it and pushes back her wispy bangs.


She puts on a necklace Seungwan had bought her once for her twentieth birthday. It’s a simple gold necklace with a flat heart charm, but Joohyun thinks it’s really pretty, and anything from Seungwan, she cherishes wholeheartedly.


“Bye house, wish me luck!” Joohyun blinks to realise what she said, and laughs before sprinting outside.


Seungwan learns peace for the first time in a couple of years and she’d thank Seulgi and Sooyoung for taking care of her for so long. Seungwan’s had a makeover outside and inside. Her hair is cut short and dyed almost jet-black, her make-up is brighter, she smiles a little more, laughs with her heart and is getting better. She believes she’s getting better and is sure she’s making progress. Seungwan’s closer to happiness every coming day. Seungwan thinks the break she had for herself really helped her think and reevaluate the things in her life.


She reevaluates her friendship with Seulgi and Sooyoung and decides she is forever grateful for them.


She reevaluates her family and thanks them for bringing her up to be a good and kind person.


And she reevaluates Bae Joohyun, her best friend and decides that there’s no world, earth, planet or life where she wants to be without Joohyun.

She wants the older girl to be there for every remaining part of her life, even if she still loves Joohyun in a way Joohyun doesn’t love her.


Plus, Sooyoung and Seulgi had found a girl she went to middle school with and she was kind of excited to meet up again. Seungwan insists it’s not a date, but Seulgi and Sooyoung say otherwise.


She returns to her own apartment a couple weeks before the uni break ends and decides to settle back in since she had been taking much of Sooyoung and Seulgi’s space.


Seungwan takes a deep breath in when she keys in the number to her apartment.




Seungwan enters her apartment with a fresh mind and a smile because she had underestimated how much she’d miss this place. She misses her couch, she misses her TV, she misses her shower, her bathtub, her kitchen and just missed this place.


This place where Joohyun had been all over.


Seungwan misses Joohyun. She admits it deeply, but doesn’t regret the time she spent without Joohyun. As hard as it was for both sides, it allowed them both to sit back to reflect on everything and about their relationship. It’s common knowledge that neither of them want to live without each other, but then they may have to live with the fact that both think differently about each other if they’re willing to come back to each other. 


Seungwan tries her best to not fret over Joohyun as much and instead smiles more, and thinks positively and only remembers the good times she’s had with her best friend— not those times where she had been hoping too much.


Seungwan doesn’t hope for too much anymore and instead lives within the present.


The present where she will meet up with Joohyun again at campus and will explain everything in proper sentences and then somehow, they’ll be best friends again. She doesn’t know who will make the first move, but she hopes it’s her who does it.


Joohyun makes the first move suddenly and takes Seungwan off guard. It’s not even the start of school again yet and Seungwan’s plans of rekindling their friendship at the beginning of school shuts down. She didn’t expect Joohyun to contact her so soon when she was still recovering and becoming happier. She’s sad? Relieved? Mad? Somewhat kind of glad?


She was meant to be thinking of the ‘not-date’ she was having with that girl in a week, but now all she could think of was Joohyun. All the progress she made during the break went straight to the gutter.


Seungwan huffs and she doesn’t know if she’s feeling sad or somewhat angry at Joohyun for saying such reckless things.


Don’t go on that date?

Who does she think she is?


She’s her best friend.

Her overprotective— sometimes overbearing, pretty best friend. That’s who Joohyun is and Seungwan kind of doesn’t want it any other way.



Sooyoung seems suspicious the coming day she’s meant to meet up with Sejeong. She had told Sooyoung to cancel it because Joohyun asked her to, but Sooyoung kept insisting for her to go. She also had asked Sooyoung if she was talking to Joohyun earlier when she found Sooyoung shouting into the phone, but Sooyoung had just shook her head and smiled sweetly.


Seungwan’s confused.


After that phone call she had with Joohyun four days ago, she had been restless. She barely got a wink of sleep because her mind was full of Joohyun.


All her feelings that she tucked away suddenly came back up and flooded Seungwan’s mind. Seungwan was very close to start crying or was close to ripping all her hair out.


She doesn’t know what she’s doing.

She’s hardly thinking straight, but when did she ever?


Seungwan only thinks about Joohyun.


She should think about Sejeong.


Seungwan still doesn’t get her mind off of her best friend.


Seungwan blinks hard and frowns when she sees her.

Her in all her ethereal glory.


She looks different. Better or worse, Seungwan can’t tell by the expression on Joohyun’s face, but she can make out a sort of determination that settles in the crease between Joohyun’s brows.


Why’s Joohyun here? 


Approaching me??


Sooyoung had indeed helped stall the date, but she actually just cancelled it and apologised to Sejeong. Luckily, she was okay with it and just went on her way. 


The date she had ‘rescheduled’ for Seungwan was actually a surprise date with Joohyun.


Sooyoung even thought Joohyun was a little out of her mind, but she listened to Joohyun and agreed to it because she just really wanted Joohyun and Seungwan to have a realisation and finally do what they both wanted.


Seungwan doesn’t move from her spot in the town centre.


She was meant to meet Sejeong at the town centre, but here is Joohyun. At the spot they were meant to meet and was getting closer to her by second.


“Joohyun? What are you doing here?” Seungwan asks and her eyes widen when Joohyun pulls a pretty flower bouquet from behind her.


They’re blue carnations.


Seungwan smiles a little, but it disappears when she looks back up because she’s very confused at the moment.



“Are you Son Seungwan?” Joohyun asks and Seungwan is even more confused, but Joohyun seems adamant, so she plays along.

“…yes?” Seungwan answers hesitantly.

“That’s great! I’m Bae Joohyun. Your date today.” Joohyun grins and hides her nervousness behind her smile.


It then clicks in her head.

This is why Sooyoung was acting weird.

She was scheming with Joohyun.


“Look, if this is your way at getting back at me, I’m sorry for shutting you out Joohyun, just-”

“It’s not.” Joohyun cuts her off.

“I’m not getting back at you and maybe in fact, I’m actually trying to get with you…if you know what I’m saying.” Joohyun winks and Seungwan malfunctions.


The older girl extends her hand out.


“Shall we?” 

Seungwan sees Joohyun’s trembling hand and her heart feels a familiar tug. She grabs Joohyun’s hand tightly and pretends it doesn’t make her heart flutter like all those times before.


Joohyun thinks her hand is sweaty in Seungwan’s hand and feels very panicky, but Seungwan hasn't complained about her sweaty hand yet— which doesn’t reassure her, instead makes her more nervous.


Joohyun has planned an entire day ahead of what Seungwan likes to do.


One, eat at a market and get all different kinds of food.


Two, go to the musician’s corner café, so Seungwan can enjoy some quiet music as well as eat good sweets.


Three, Seungwan dreams of being walked back home to her apartment and Joohyun will just do exactly what Seungwan has dreamed of.


Joohyun smiles unconsciously as she watches Seungwan’s eyes light up at the different food stands scattered across the streets and pathways.


There’s spicy seafood skewers, tteokbokki, fish cakes, candied fruit and more.


Joohyun let’s Seungwan lead her as the younger girl pulls them along to an omurice stand. Seungwan speaks in quick Japanese with the stand owner and Joohyun only picks up the word omurice once, then they suddenly have a number ticket.


They get their shared rice container and Joohyun opens it for Seungwan as Seungwan collects their utensils.


Joohyun spoons a good amount into the plastic spoon and blows on it.


“Ah~” Seungwan blushes when Joohyun’s there standing in front of her with a spoon coming close to .

“I’ll eat it if you won’t.” Joohyun teases and Seungwan closes around Joohyun’s spoon before she can.


Joohyun doesn’t expect that action from Seungwan and a blush blooms on both of their cheeks.


They finish the omurice and head around to other different foods. Seungwan is fed a lot by Joohyun and she can’t really find anything to complain about.


Seungwan’s hand naturally finds its way to Joohyun’s and they continue on their way. They get on another train and Joohyun seems to be looking at her destination on her phone, but keeps pulling away so Seungwan can’t see.


Seungwan pouts.


“Are you not going to tell me where we’re going?” Seungwan asks with a faux frown.

“Nope!” Joohyun grins and her eyes crinkle away. Seungwan smiles at that and can’t find a reason to be mad at that face.


Seungwan gasps once Joohyun stops at a place.


It’s a café– and not just any café, it’s the musician’s corner, where people perform live and you can order beverages and sweets at the same time. Seungwan had been wanting to go here, but hadn’t found the time to.


“Joohyun! Oh my god!” Seungwan unconsciously jumps up in the air and hugs Joohyun tightly. Joohyun is taken quite off guard and Seungwan seems to not think before she did that as when they pull away, a blush takes form on both their faces.

“Uh, let’s- let’s go.” Joohyun clears and lets Seungwan walk in front of her to enter the café.


It’s so calming when they enter because there’s quiet chatter of conversations, people waiting tables, and musicians setting up their stages.


They find a small table  on the second floor by the railing, so that Seungwan can look down at the stage easily. Joohyun smiles fondly before the waiter comes around and places two menus in front of them. 


Seungwan's cheeks are hurting from smiling, and the menu choices seem so tempting, she doesn’t know what to get, but she finally sets her sights on a bubble tea order, and a side of red velvet cake to share with Joohyun– who gets a hot chocolate.


Joohyun just smiles when the waiter takes the menus away along with their orders, and Seungwan feels a bit conscious when Joohyun’s looking at her through gentle-looking hooded eyes.


“..quit looking at me like that…” Seungwan turns away from the eye contact with Joohyun, and Joohyun only grins. Joohyun reaches over the table and links their hands together– surprisingly Seungwan, but the younger woman doesn’t pull away.

“Like what?” Joohyun smirks and Seungwan blushes as she shrinks into her chair.

“Like…” Seungwan can’t articulate her words when Joohyun’s looking at her like that, but she doesn’t say anything either because then it’ll mean something.

“Like you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid my eyes on?” Joohyun says softly and Seungwan blinks. 

Joohyun grins when Seungwan blushes a bright pink and yanks her hand back.

“S-shut up.” Seungwan grumbles and Joohyun just laughs.


The waiter comes around and they quietly sip on their beverages as well as taking pieces from the red velvet cake slice. A few singers have sung and some even danced on the bottom floor where the stage was.


“...Thank you to everyone who’s enjoying our performances!” A performer was on stage as she spoke into the microphone. Seungwan sat patiently looking over the railing, and Joohyun chuckled at Seungwan’s eagerness.

“Today, we have a very special performance for somebody very special. This is a rendition of cool people by ChloexHalle.” She spoke and Seungwan lit up upon hearing the song title. “This is thanks to a special request from J to S at table 28!” 


Joohyun’s smile grows wider and wider as she watches Seungwan turn back slowly to find that their table number was 28.

“You… you requested a song for me?” Seungwan asks, her cheeks betraying her as another blush grew on her face.

“I did.” Joohyun nodded.


Forgive me now my heart, it don't know where to start

My ceilings fell apart


The song began and Seungwan watched the performance attentively, while Joohyun watched Seungwan.


But darling when you smile it's like the rain dries out

Now there's no more room for clouds


Joohyun loves Seungwan’s smile when it’s gentle, when it’s menacing, and when it crinkles the side of her eyes.


When you hold my hand it just reminds me of

There's still cool people in the world


Joohyun remembers all the times Seungwan has been there to hold her hand to keep her warm. 


Joohyun reaches over the table and holds Seungwan’s hand again, this time with intent as her grasp is not fleeting but firm as she doesn’t link their hands, but grasps Seungwan’s whole hand with her own.


When you hold my hand it just reminds me of

There's still cool people in the world


Seungwan blinks and finds herself staring right across at Joohyun. Joohyun’s eyes are vulnerable, open and bare– like this time around, Joohyun’s laying herself bare for Seungwan like she once did.


Thought I've never love, love like this before

I let go then I run and we run with the rivers

You helped me fly, you give me life


Seungwan’s feels the air knocked out of her lungs when Joohyun’s still staring– like her eyes can reach the depth of her soul, and she might just be able to reach down into Seungwan’s body and grasp her heart tightly and warmly.


Seungwan rests her head on Joohyun’s shoulder as the older girl rests a comfortable hand on her knee.

Joohyun puts a gentle hand on Seungwan’s head.

“You’re cute, Wannie.” Joohyun smirks softly as she faces Seungwan.

“I know.” Seungwan loses herself in Joohyun’s eyes.


She drowns deep, deep, deep into those gentle brown eyes. 


Seungwan falls in love all over again and her heart beats just like it did when she was fifteen.


Seungwan keeps her hand in Joohyun’s as they get off at their station.


Seungwan walks a few steps in front of Joohyun— still holding her hand and Joohyun can only see the back of her head. Seungwan is even pretty from behind, but Joohyun guesses only she thinks like that.


The night grows quiet as they climb the stairs of Seungwan’s apartment. Neither speak a word and find it hard to. The time spent was chaotic, loud, pure bliss and a dream both would live in forever, but of course, the day ends and both have to get back to their lives.


The lives where Seungwan and Joohyun are both in a rough patch and the water between them are quite deep to tread through.


The lives where neither know what their feelings for each other are anymore.


Joohyun stands behind Seungwan as she keys in the code for the apartment.


She enters and turns around to face Joohyun. She doesn’t feel ready enough to let Joohyun back into her apartment and back into her heart so soon.


“…did you have a good time today?” Joohyun asks and she can see how Seungwan begins to fidget with the side of the door.

“I did… thank you, Joohyun- for today.” Seungwan smiles yet it doesn’t fully reach her eyes.

“Good… that’s good.” Joohyun nods as she tucks her loose hair behind her ear.

“I hope you enjoyed today too.” Seungwan says.

“With you, I’d enjoy anything.” Joohyun makes Seungwan’s heart flutter and it confuses her so much.


“… can I ask you something- it might sound very odd.” Joohyun fiddles with the hair behind her neck.

“Odd is okay.” Seungwan shrugs as she recalls their friendship having many odd conversations.

“I know I’m a lot to you. I’m one person, yet many people to you. I’m a stranger, best friend, I’m Bae Joohyun, the girl you’re maybe not-so in love with anymore.” Joohyun gulps and Seungwan frowns a little. Seungwan has no idea where this was going, but she knows Joohyun is nervous to speak. The older girl had been nervous all day.


“But, who am I to you now?….Who do you want me to be?” Joohyun asks.


She wants to know.


Joohyun has been so much to Seungwan and so has the younger girl to her.


She’s been a stranger, schoolmate, friend, best friend, and she’s been Seungwan’s. Joohyun has always been Seungwan’s and she hopes that’s what Joohyun was to Seungwan.


She wants to know where she stands now.


“Where do I stand now, Wannie?” Joohyun looks up and meets Seungwan’s emotion filled eyes.

“…I don’t know.” Seungwan bites down on her bottom lip. 


She really doesn’t know.

She hasn’t made her mind up yet.


“Okay.” Joohyun nods. “That’s okay.” Joohyun smiles sweetly and it makes Seungwan sad because even after she said an unsatisfying answer, Joohyun still has the heart to smile.


“I guess this is the part where I say goodbye?” Joohyun humours and Seungwan’s eyes tear up as she smiles her best.

“I guess so.” Joohyun ignores the tears welling in Seungwan’s eyes and her own eyes too.


Joohyun steps back and lifts Seungwan’s hand to . She places a gentle kiss on the back of Seungwan’s hand.


“It was nice meeting you, Son Seungwan.” Joohyun lets go of Seungwan’s hand as she stands back up. “Goodbye, Wannie.” 


Seungwan can’t find her voice.


She watches sadly as Joohyun descends from the stairs without looking back. 


Seungwan hoped she would look back.




Joohyun goes home and doesn’t cry.


She probably would have, but she’s kind of tired of crying. She has been for so long and she’s dead tired of it.


Maybe this was closure in a way. 


Joohyun walks home with her eyes trained on the night sky.


The stars are beautiful and it reminds her of her beautiful girl.


Seungwan, Seungwan, Seungwan.


I love you, I love you, I love you.



It rains.


Joohyun sits by her window as she watches the clouds begin to darken. 


She moves from the window as she readies herself for bed as she showers first.


She brushes her own hair and stands by the window in her living room as watches as the rain begins to fall harder by the second.


Joohyun has a love-hate relationship with rain. 


Occasionally, rain would be soothing and nice to listen to.


Usually, it was too loud and sad-feeling for Joohyun— especially when it stormed and thundered.


She hated thunderstorms.

They were loud, abrupt, noisy and just really frightening for her poor heart.


She used to be never alone on thunderstorm nights. She’d have Seungwan with her as the younger girl would cuddle her and sing to her softly, but tonight, her Seungwan wasn’t here tonight.


She hasn’t been here in a while.


Joohyun closes her blinds and puts a Taylor swift vinyl on to block out the thunder noises.


Joohyun makes herself a cup of chamomile tea and blows on it as she takes a seat on her couch. She spaces out for a bit as she blows on her ta gently– unknowingly making it grow cold.


She spaces out quite far when she doesn’t notice the series of urgent knocks to her apartment door.


She jolts out of reverie and puts the cup down quickly and runs and almost slips when she runs to the door.


She glances at her peephole quickly and thinks she’s hallucinating when she sees Seungwan on the other side, but then realises she’s not hallucinating as she unlocks her door quickly to reveal a puffed out Seungwan.


“Are you okay?! Did you run here?!” Joohyun shouts, but quietens down halfway because she knows she lives down the hall from an elderly couple.

“I know, Joohyun.” Seungwan breaths out.

“Know what?!” Joohyun almost thinks for a second that Seungwan must be more insane than her, but in no world would that be possible.


“I know who I want you to be.”


How this came about was after Joohyun had gone home after their impromptu date. 


Seungwan closes the door and sort of just stands there— staring at her closed door.


What now?

Seungwan asks herself.


It didn’t sit right with her how Joohyun had ended the date.


Joohyun had told Seungwan it was nice meeting her and ended it with goodbye.


Seungwan didn’t like any word of what Joohyun had uttered.


It felt like a final goodbye and Seungwan disliked every part of that.


She doesn’t want to part ways with Joohyun— ever. Not in a million years. 


Seungwan doesn’t care that she’s in love with Joohyun and she doesn’t care if Joohyun won’t ever return her feelings, although this night has confused her so much.


But one thing she’s not confused with is the fact that she wants Joohyun in her life. She doesn’t care how unorthodox Joohyun may be in her life now, but she just cares if she gets to see and touch Joohyun.


There’s not a life or time where she wants to be without Bae Joohyun— her Joohyunnie.


Seungwan has a realisation that she has to do something before she loses Joohyun completely.


And so, without a thought for the first time, Seungwan rushes out of her apartment without bringing anything else but her phone with her as she heads straight to Joohyun.


She doesn’t realise it’s raining until she stops in front of Joohyun’s apartment building.


She jogs up the stairs quickly and knocks on Joohyun’s door, but she thinks it’s too soft when Joohyun doesn’t answer.


She can definitely hear music on the other side, so Seungwan assumes Joohyun is either cooking, cleaning or just simply dancing.


Joohyun still doesn’t answer when Seungwan knocks again and an unsettling panic makes its way to Seungwan’s gut.


Did something happen to Joohyun?

Oh my god, Joohyun- open the door!


The door swings open and Seungwan’s fist almost makes contact with Joohyun’s face.


Her words get caught in when she discovers that Joohyun is completely fine, but she looks kind of drained. Seungwan saddens at the thought that it had to be because of her.


Seungwan shakes her negative thoughts away and gathers what she’s going to say to Joohyun.


“I know I’ve been kind of an for leaving you and shutting you out for so long and I’m really, really sorry for doing so, but it helped me a lot and I know- I know what I want now.” Seungwan rambles with her adrenaline on high.


“… What do you want, Wannie?” Joohyun asks quietly with a newfound hope in her.


“I want you. I want all of you, Joohyunnie.” Joohyun’s heart jumps big when she hears that nickname. She’s been wanting to hear it for so long.




Neither knows who leans first, but it’s a mess of hands in hair and hands all over.


Seungwan savours the feeling of soft cherry lips on hers and she moans when Joohyun’s hand sneaks its way up her shirt. The door closes and Joohyun moves backwards and they both fall onto the couch with Seungwan on top. The kiss is hungry, but no aggression is present. Instead, the kiss is soft, gentle, warm and of pure ecstasy.


Seungwan may have wanted this longer, but both girls had felt the same with each other within the moment.


A tongue slips into Joohyun's mouth and she lets out a moan in satisfaction and she blushes a bit when she finds herself not able to keep it together. Seungwan moves down to place light kisses down the length of Joohyun’s neck and Joohyun’s hands travel around Seungwan’s back as she breathes heavily and begins to feel warm all around.


Joohyun finally gains consciousness when she feels Seungwan’s knee set between her legs and she blushes bright red and pulls away (even though she kind of doesn’t want to).

“Wait-wait, wait..” Joohyun pants and loses her words once she meets Seungwan’s face. Seungwan’s cheeks are pink and her lips are completely swollen. 


Joohyun believes she’s seen the most beautiful thing in the entire universe.


“You don’t want this?” Seungwan pants heavily and blushes when she finally engages with her brain and realises she had been very forward. She’s never done something so bold and reckless in her entire life, but it felt extremely good.

“No, no- I mean, yes I do want this, but this is going wayyy too fast.” Joohyun holds Seungwan steady with both hands on Seungwan’s waist as the younger girl straddles her.


It’s not a bad ‘oh’, instead it is a very flustered oh from Seungwan. Her face lights up red and she hides behind her hands.


Joohyun grins with joy as she watches Seungwan cower in embarrassment. 


“Hey, beautiful.” Joohyun holds Seungwan’s wrists gently and pulls them away to reveal a very flushed Seungwan.

“Did you know that I love you?” Joohyun cups Seungwan cheek and Seungwan leans into it.

“I know.” Seungwan smiles and Joohyun beams at seeing her favourite smile.


“You’re really pretty.” Seungwan tells her— this time, sober and not drunk on graduation night.

“I’ve heard that quite a lot.” Joohyun smirks and Seungwan’s eyes fall on Joohyun’s alluring lips.

“Well, maybe you should hear it more often.” Seungwan leans down.

“Maybe I should hear it from you more.” Joohyun leans up.


This kiss is less hungrier than before and much softer, but it’s more of broken kisses as Joohyun pulls back each time and kisses her chastely. Seungwan giggles at Joohyun’s antics and her laugh breaks the kisses.


Joohyun will never get sick of Seungwan’s melodic laugh.


“What’re you doing?” Seungwan grins as Joohyun looks up at Seungwan with growing love.

“Making. up. for. the. kisses. we’ve. wasted.” Joohyun kisses her between each word and Seungwan’s heart plays a happy tune.


Joohyun does it innocently and Seungwan doesn’t mind any harm when the older woman puts her hand under the hoodie Seungwan was wearing.


Joohyun frowns and breaks the kiss.


She moves her hand around Seungwan’s stomach and feels the area up. Seungwan has no idea what Joohyun’s doing and is kind of confused, although it does feel nice having Joohyun’s hands on her body.


“Abs?” Joohyun questions and Seungwan’s face grows with smugness, making Joohyun regret bringing it up.

“Yep. Hardly worked on them, they’re just there.” Seungwan hardens her abs against Joohyun’s palm and Joohyun rolls her eyes.

“Shut up.”

“Make me.”


Joohyun leans up forward and tilts her head to Seungwan’s neck and she doesn’t kiss Seungwan– teasing her as she Seungwan’s bottom lips wetly. Seungwan grows needy and makes a noise in frustration and Joohyun grins before she connects their lips once again.


Their hands and legs are intertwined as Joohyun rests her head in the crook of Seungwan’s neck. Seungwan listens to Joohyun’s soft breathing as the girl lies on top of her and she pretends she can still breathe with the older woman on top of her. Seungwan has no idea how long they have been at it, but with Joohyun’s body close to her, she doesn't care about anything else in the entire world.


She’s just so happy.


Joohyun’s also happy. Even when she’s relaxed in the arms of Seungwan, she still is smiling in a daze of Seungwan as she rests her face in the crook of the younger’s neck.


“Seungwan-ah?” Joohyun lifts her head up to find asleep or the younger girl was just resting her eyes.

“Hm?” Seungwan’s still awake.

“Are you sleepy?” Joohyun asks as she puts aside Seungwan’s bangs from her forehead.

“Kiss me awake?” Seungwan opens one eye and smiles automatically when she finds Joohyun looking down at her with a soft expression.



Joohyun kisses Seungwan’s cheeks, her forehead, temples, nose, and chin. Seungwan’s face twitches as it tickles her a bit. She opens her eyes and looks at Joohyun.

“Aren’t you forgetting somewhere?” Seungwan pouts.

“Am I? Mind showing me where?” Joohyun smirks and Seungwan leans up to meet Joohyun’s lips again, but Joohyun’s doorbell buzzes and her forehead gently knocks against Seungwan’s.

“Who’s here at this time?” Seungwan asks as she peers at the clock on Joohyun’s wall that reads 10:00 pm.

“Maybe it’s a package? I’ve ordered a lot of things.” Joohyun shrugs and pulls Seungwan towards her to resume what they had been doing, but she barely gets to even reach Seungwan’s lips when the doorbell buzzes again.

“Yeah, I definitely don’t think package deliveries come at this hour.” Seungwan chuckles and Joohyun groans.

“Ugh, we should just kiss until they go away because what if I open the door and it’s a serial killer?” Joohyun tries to reason and Seungwan looks at her unimpressed.

“It’s fineeee, they’ll go.” Joohyun says before she joins her lips against Seungwan’s again.


“We’re bored! Open the door, or I’ll break the door down!” The voice is heard from outside and Joohyun’s eyes widen. Joohyun sits up and Seungwan falls back onto the couch. Seungwan slaps a hand over and jumps off the couch.


Joohyun moves around frantically and Seungwan freezes in her spot– not knowing where to go or what to do.


“Uhh, somewhere- hide somewhere! I’ll make them go!” Joohyun tells Seungwan and she nods quickly before she picks up her phone from the couch and stands behind the wall that separates the kitchen and living room. 


“Hey!!” Joohyun opens the door enough to peek her head out. She scans the people in front of her door and her heart picks up a quick pace.

“Look who we found!” Seulgi beams and flashes a grin as she has both arms around Tiffany and Taeyeon’s necks.

“What are you guys doing here?” Joohyun asks the odd group of four outside of her apartment.

“I said already, we’re bored. You just happened to live closeby, so we’re here!” Taeyeon grins. “And I have zero with me, if that’s okay?”

Joohyun hesitantly looks at the dog before sighing. The dog was as harmless as Taeyeon, anyways.

“It’s fine.” Joohyun smiles tightly.


Sooyoung smirks as she assesses Joohyun’s appearance.

Her hair is tousled, her lips are swollen and her cheeks are incredibly flushed.


“Do you have someone over?” Sooyoung raises her brows and Joohyun hesitates.

“...Yes.” Joohyun answers.

“Liar! You haven't had anyone over for like three months, you’ve gone clean.” Seulgi points at her and Joohyun grows more nervous by the second.

“Are you trying to avoid us?” Tiffany pouts cutely and Joohyun crumbles.

No! Not at all!” Joohyun waves her hands panickedly.


Joohyun barely gets another word in when Seulgi, Tiffany, Taeyeon and Sooyoung barge into her apartment.


Seulgi still has the decency to apologise.

“Sorry for the intrusion, unnie.” Seulgi smiles sheepishly and Joohyun’s kind of fearing for her life right now because Seungwan is now currently hiding somewhere in her apartment.


Sooyoung subtly glances around to find ‘someone’— preferably Seungwan, but the apartment is empty, so she must be hiding. Seulgi heads straight to her fridge to look for food and then she heads over to Joohyun’s pantry to rifle through her snacks.


Tiffany and Taeyeon sit on the couch with zero at her feet.


Joohyun’s eyes widen when Sooyoung announces she’ll be heading to the bathroom.

“Wait!” She calls out to Sooyoung. The girl turns around and has a knowing look on her face.

“Uhhh… the toilet’s clogged and I called maintenance so there’s like repair stuff.. in there.” Joohyun makes an excuse and Sooyoung doesn’t buy it, she can tell.



They settle for the time being and she wonders how Seungwan’s doing.


“I’ll make the popcorn!” Joohyun says as she scurries off to her kitchen. When they’re facing the TV, Joohyun pulls out her phone to message Seungwan.

Where are u hiding ! - Joohyunnie <3

Wannie~ - Ur room :D


Joohyun sighs in relief.

She knows her friends aren’t going to barge into her room, so she thanks Seungwan for being quite smart.


Joohyun waits for the popcorn to finish in the microwave and she glances at her friend’s on the couch and checks on the dog to find if it peed or something, but the dog was nowhere to be found.


“Arf! Arf! Arf!” Zero’s barking rings through the apartment and Seulgi follows his little body as he heads towards somewhere.

“Jjero-yah~ Where are you going~?” Seulgi sing-songs as she innocently follows the puppy.


Seungwan holds her breath when a dog enters Joohyun's room as she was hiding behind the room door.


She waves her hands frantically as she tries to get the dog to go back out.


“Shoo! Go please!” Seungwan crouches down and tries to lead the dog outside. Zero’s just happy to meet another person as he wags his tail and barks happily.


“Zero! There you are! What are you- oh my god!” Seungwan looks up at Seulgi and smiles sheepishly.

“Hi Seul.” Seungwan says and Seulgi gasps and has this scandalised expression on her face.

“Seungwan- what- I don’t even- huh?!” 


Seulgi walks out with the dog in her arms.


“On second thought, maybe we should leave Joohyun be because it’s actually quite late and she should rest!” Seulgi speaks quickly and tries pulling the girls up from the couch.


There’s a short beat of silence between all of them and a noise is heard from Joohyun’s room— and it isn’t the dog.


“AHAH! I KNEW IT!” Sooyoung screams and runs to Joohyun’s room.

“Wait no-” Joohyun runs after Sooyoung.


Sooyoung swings the door open and finds a crouching Seungwan.

“YES!” Sooyoung shouts and Seungwan sighs and rests her head against the wall.


Seungwan does the walk of shame as she exits Joohyun’s room into the living room.

“Seungwan!” Taeyeon gasps.


Sooyoung cheers and dances around because the date she had arranged for them actually went well because Seungwan was still here.


“Oh hey, Taeyeon-unnie?” Seungwan greets the woman on the couch.

“Oh, you know Tae?” Joohyun questions Seungwan and the younger girl just blinks.

“She’s my senior from middle school.” Seungwan says. 

“How do you know her?” Seungwan asks Joohyun.

“...met her through her work.” Joohyun says.

“Wait, how do you know each other?” Taeyeon asks.

“Seungwan’s um... my...uh-” Joohyun has no idea how to introduce Seungwan to the others.

“Best friend. I’m her best friend.” Seungwan interrupts and saves Joohyun.


A loud smack is heard as Taeyeon slaps a hand over because she just connected the dots of who Seungwan is to Joohyun.


“Wait- also, how do you know Seulgi and Sooyoung?” Joohyun feels like her head’s going to explode.

“I went to a concert one time at a bar, and all four of us got drunk together.” Sooyoung says and Seulgi grins. Joohyun just nods.


“Okay! Great, we all know each other! Now you two, sit.” Sooyoung pushes both Joohyun and Seungwan onto the couch. The four other girls crowd around them and stand as they glare down at Joohyun and Seungwan.


“What is your status now?” Taeyeon asks first.

Seungwan and Joohyuns share a look.

“Girlfriends or not?!” Taeyeon jumps at them and Joohyun flinches and opens .
“Girlfriends!” She blurts.


Seungwan blushes upon hearing that.


The four girls nod and share an agreement.


“Did you or not almost have before we came here?” Sooyoung smirks and the room feels so hot all of a sudden.

“No! We didn’t!” Seungwan just wants the night to be over.

“....we just kissed.” Joohyun turns away as she rubs her neck.

“Mhm, mhm, mhm, mhm.” 


“Do you love our Wannie?” Seulgi asks Joohyun and she nods haphazardly. 

“Do you love our Joohyun-unnie?” Sooyoung asks.

“I do.” Seungwan smiles warmly and Joohyun smiles too.


There’s another beat of silence and Sooyoung ends it with a clap of her hands.


“Okay! Home time!” The other two couples pack up and head out towards the door.

“Thank you for having us so suddenly!” Tiffany tells them and Joohyun chuckles at the girl’s politeness.

“No worries.”


“I hope everything goes well for you two!” Tiffany waves as she comes back to hug both of them.

“I’ll cut you if you up with our Wan.” Sooyoung threatens and then she tips it off by kissing Joohyun’s cheek.

“O-okay.” Joohyun shudders at the thought of dying by Sooyoung’s hands.


“I love you both so much.” Seulgi says it softly as she hugs Joohyun and Seungwan tightly.



The door closes and Seungwan collapses onto Joohyun’s shoulder.


“Fun night, right?” Joohyun lets out an airy laugh.

“Let’s get into bed.” Seungwan tugs Joohyun’s arm.


Joohyun lays in front of Seungwan and stares at the younger girl in front of her. She had wished to see Seungwan for so long and now she’s in front of her, but Joohyun just feels more stranger than before. Perhaps it was the butterflies in her stomach fluttering every time Seungwan had glanced at her tonight.


Joohyun’s in love with Seungwan, but Seungwan has loved her for far longer.


Joohyun feels as if her feelings cannot amount to the love that Seungwan had held for her in the seven years of their friendship. Joohyun doesn’t know if she can love Seungwan as much as the younger girl does her.


“Are you counting?” Seungwan asks and Joohyun shakes her head softly.


“What are you doing then?” Seungwan smiles and Joohyun’s whole being feels really warm and that wasn’t because of the fact that Seungwan had her legs tangled with Joohyuns.



Seungwan finds her cheeks blossoming into a cherry pink.



“Because I missed you.” Joohyun inches closer and Seungwan feels very shy now that Joohyun’s face was so close up to hers.

“I missed you too.” Seungwan moves closer and snuggles up under Joohyun’s chin.


“Can I kiss you?” Joohyun asks and Seungwan chuckles at how polite Joohyun sounds.

“What if I say no?” Seungwan giggles.

“I’ll cry.” Joohyun puts it bluntly and Seungwan rolls her eyes before she leans up to peck Joohyun’s lips.

“I love you.” Joohyun says and Seungwan feels giddy like a kid.

“I love you too.” Seungwan’s heart blooms and flourishes in the arms of her lover.


Joohyun is warm all over and is just so happy.

She was already grateful for Seungwan accepting her friendship, but now having Seungwan kiss her and hold her, she cannot express what she’s feeling without screaming at the top of her lungs about how much she’s in love with Seungwan.


Even though Seungwan had loved Joohyun earlier on and may hold more love, Joohyun will love her just as much. She’ll learn to love Seungwan in every way possible. She just wants both of them to be happy for as long as they can be.


Seungwan falls asleep first— tucked under Joohyun’s chin as her entire body drapes over Joohyun. Joohyun doesn’t have the heart to push the girl off of her, even if she can’t breathe properly. Joohyun thinks hard into the night until she also falls asleep after her brain betrays her and makes her sleep.


Seungwan wakes up first and props her head up on her elbow as she watches Joohyun sleep. It’s not a totally creepy thing and Seungwan perceives it as a sweet gesture from herself, although waking up before Joohyun to watch the girl sleep has always been so amusing for Seungwan. At their first sleepover, Seungwan discovers that Joohyun sleep-talks a lot. Sometimes she’ll recite Shakespeare, and sometimes she'll compliment Seungwan. Seungwan has to stop herself from laughing to not wake the girl.


“...Seungwan…. pretty.” Joohyun murmurs and reaches a hand to Seungwan, but then she finds an empty spot. Joohyun blinks awake and finds Seungwan had woken up before her and has been laying on her side to watch her sleep.

“Creep.” Joohyun says before turning away to sleep more.


Seungwan scoffs and moves and sits on top of Joohyun.

“It’s romantic.” Seungwan defends.

“Sure.” Joohyun looks up and smiles at the girl on top of her. Seungwan rests her hands on the bed frame and looks down at Joohyun. Seungwan then realises she’s straddling Joohyun and prompts herself to get off, but Joohyun just pulls her down.

“More cuddles.” Joohyun simply says and Seungwan chuckles and doesn’t complain. She just melts into Joohyun’s embrace.


“We still have to get up.” Seungwan’s voice muffles against Joohyun’s hair.

“It’s Sunday.” 

“It’s twelve pm.”



Seungwan heads to freshen up and Joohyun busies herself in her kitchen. She makes a simple breakfast of an omelette with spam chunks and toasts some bread. She cuts up an apple she found in her fridge and serves it on a plate for her and Seungwan to share.


Seungwan gets out of the bathroom and finds Joohyun standing in front of the toaster as she impatiently taps her fingers against the kitchen counter.


She slides across the tiled floor of the kitchen and slips her arms right around Joohyun’s waist and rests her chin on Joohyun’s shoulder. Joohyun hums and just lets Seungwan hug her from behind as she waits for the toast to be ready.


“You’re standing on your tippy-toes, aren’t you?” Joohyun teases and Seungwan falls short as she places her heels on the ground.


“Yes you are, shortie.” Joohyun pokes Seungwan from behind and Seungwan huffs as she removes her arms from Joohyun, but the older girl doesn’t let her and only brings Seungwan closer as she turns around to face Seungwan.

“You’re not even that much taller than me.” Seungwan pouts.

“I’d say it’s a good inch.” Joohyun says as she pats the top of Seungwan’s head.


Joohyun lends down a bit and steals a morning kiss from Seungwan. Seungwan smiles into the kiss and she feels so happy to be able to kiss Joohyun and wake up next to her. She wishes she could do this everyday.


“... is the toast burning?” Seungwan asks when she begins to smell something much like burning.

“Oh -”



Joohyun takes Seungwan down to the markets because the weekends always have the best deals of foods and cute crafts.


They take the train there and Joohyun begins talking a lot to Seungwan again and Seungwan feels as if things haven’t changed, and she’s grateful for that.


Joohyun holds Seungwan’s hand tightly as they walk around the markets and Seungwan feels like she’s taking care of a child instead of going out with her best friend because Joohyun keeps pointing at a lot of things as she drags Seungwan along, and Seungwan has to reel her back in from time to time.


“Oooh~ We should try that!” Joohyun points to something again and Seungwan just follows along with a smile gracing her face.


They stop at a small Pizza station and the old couple serving the pizzas resumes a conversation in Italian to take Seungwan and Joohyun’s order. Seungwan’s hand is still tight in Joohyun’s as she looks around the place full of people.


“Let’s sit there.” Joohyun leads her to a small table that had two stools there already.


The silence that settles between them isn’t uncomfortable at all, in fact it was kind of a shy atmosphere. Seungwan was looking at Joohyun really softly and Joohyun couldn’t help but grin fully as she looked at Seungwan.


“Order for Seungwan!” The man calls out.

“I’ll get it.” Joohyun stands up and rushes off to collect the pizza.


Joohyun comes back shortly with two cans of coke and a pizza box in hand.


Seungwan opens the box and laughs when she opens the box.The pizza Joohyun had ordered was a margarita pizza, but made in the shape of a heart. Joohyun looks proud of her order as she grins at Seungwan.


“Aren’t you a charmer, Joohyun-ssi?” Seungwan teases and Joohyun just smiles softly.

“Anything for the best girl.” Joohyun winks and Seungwan rolls her eyes as she bites into a pizza slice.


They finish up the pizza and move around each stall and tent to check out the crafts.


“Wanna do something fun?” Joohyun asks and Seungwan looks at her.

“What?” Seungwan questions.

“Let’s go exploring and buy an item for each other.” Joohyun says and Seungwan does like the sound of that idea.

“Okay. Meet back at that lemonade stand?” Seungwan says.


Joohyun retraces her steps and goes back to the stand of leather bound notebooks she had seen when they passed by it before. Over the years, Joohyun had noticed that Seungwan had always consistently kept diaries– well, journals, since Seungwan doesn’t like when Joohyun calls it a diary, saying it makes her feel like she’s in middle school writing silly love letters. Seungwan usually plans her days out in her journals, and writes her school notes, and a lot of things about Joohyun that she hasn’t seen, but the older girl doesn’t have to know. It’s almost the end of the year and Seungwan’s journal must be getting full, so she wants to make a nice gesture by gifting Seungwan a new one to use.


Joohyun spends time at the stand for a couple minutes feeling indecisive on whether she should get the traditional brown leather one with the elastic over it, or if she should get the pale leather blue one with strings to close it. She later chooses the blue one and the man watching the stand gives her a paper bag to put it in.  


Joohyun skips along happily as she had bought what she wanted. She goes back early to the lemonade stand and she thought she’d be the first one there, but instead Seungwan was.


“Beat me to it, huh?” Joohyun pouts and Seungwan leans forward to kiss it away.

Joohyun peeks around Seungwan and finds that her hands are behind her back.

“What are you hiding?” Joohyun asks and Seungwan just shrugs with a playful smile.

“Let me see mine first.” Seungwan smiles cutely and Joohyun almost wants to resist Seungwan’s pout.

“Hand.” Joohyun asks and Seungwan puts her hand out.


The paper bag plops into Seungwan’s palm and Seungwan beams with a grin.


“Ooh, there’s quite a weight to it.” Seungwan smiles and Joohyun laughs.

“Look at it, come on!” Joohyun roars in laughter and Seungwan looks at her unimpressed.


She opens the bag with one hand and gasps at what’s inside. She grins and thanks Joohyun with another kiss.

“Do you like it?” Joohyun asks.

“Do I like it? Hyun, I love it!” Seungwan beams. “I’ve been meaning to get a new one! Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, my love.” Joohyun grins happily seeing Seungwan’s reaction.


“Okay, now me!” Joohyun had always loved the gifts Seungwan had gotten her, so she was always excited even if Seungwan had only bought something simple like a plushie. Seungwan giggles at Joohyun’s excitement and pulls out a large square from behind her back. Joohyun gasps loudly as she looks at the vinyl in her hands. She reads the cover and jumps in the air. She hugs Seungwan tightly and Seungwan stumbles a bit at how abrupt the hug was.

“This… is… Wannie!” Joohyun widens her eyes as she moves apart from the younger girl to hit Seungwan square on the shoulder.

“Ow- what?” Seungwan hisses sheepishly.

“How much did you spend?! This must have been expensive!” Joohyun exclaims in shock at seeing how nice the record was.

“A little…” Seungwan shrugs and Joohyun just sighs and breaks out into a smile when Seungwan just stands there with her eyes crinkled away in a huge smile.


Seungwan had remembered exactly what she looked at before they went to eat pizza. She passed by a stall that had a large collection of vinyls, and she hoped the record she wanted would be there. She sifted through them for a little bit and it was quite easy to find because the person had sorted them alphabetically. She let out a happy noise when she found the record she wanted.


She bought it quickly and skipped her way back to the lemonade stand.


“Thank you, Seungwan-ah. I love it. I love you.” Joohyun kisses Seungwan’s cheek.

“You missed.” Seungwan points to her lips and Joohyun chuckles before she pecks Seungwan’s lips.


Seungwan had bought her a record of ‘Will you still love me tomorrow?’ by Amy Winehouse. Joohyun’s face lights up with love as she looks at the girl in front of her. 


Joohyun links their hands together and holds the vinyl close to her chest.

I love, love, love Son Seungwan.


Love is scary, but with Seungwan, Joohyun’s willing to go through everything— every up and downs they have and Joohyun will love Seungwan with all her heart.


The day ends as Joohyun rests her head on Seungwan’s shoulder on the train ride home. Joohyun plays with Seungwan’s hands and Seungwan watches the girl fiddle with them with a fond expression.


It’s quiet, since it’s an evening on Sunday. Seungwan likes how the carriage they’re sitting on is empty. She likes that it’s just Seungwan and Joohyun.


Wannie and Joohyunnie.

Seungwan and Joohyun.


Lovers with their homes within each other. 


There’s nothing in the world Seungwan would trade for Joohyun and both of them are eternally grateful for that day at camp, seven years ago.


Joohyun makes Seungwan run home because the older girl is really excited to play the record. Seungwan just laughs and lets Joohyun tug her along by the hand.


Seungwan leans back on the dinner table as Joohyun busies herself with her record player. She places the stylus down carefully and the noise of static plays before it moves into the song.


Joohyun turns around and extends a hand.


“Would you care to dance, m’lady?” Joohyun reenacts the night of Seungwan’s prom five years ago.

“Yes, Joohyunnie. I would love to dance with you.” Seungwan giggles as she takes Joohyun’s hand.


They’re clumsy with the steps since it’s been years since they’ve slow danced properly. Seungwan's arms are on Joohyun’s shoulders and Joohyun’s arms are around Seungwan’s waist. A difference to their position from years ago. It’s the same kind of feeling like those years ago. It’s kind of relaxing, homey, quiet and no loud boys occupy the place. 


Joohyun’s apartment also doesn’t smell like their high school gymnasium.


They’re older.

They’re adults.


Many things have changed, yet some have stayed the same. Their songs stay the same, their nicknames stay the same and the one constant thing that will always remain is their love for each other.


The song grows quiet as it ends.


“So, will you?” Joohyun asks.

“Will I what?” Seungwan brings Joohyun closer as she wraps her arms around Joohyun’s neck tighter.

“Will you still love me tomorrow?” Joohyun references the song and Seungwan smiles softly, even if she thinks it was very corny of the older girl.


“I’ll love you everyday, Joohyunnie.” Seungwan answers and Joohyun grins with her whole heart.

“I’ll love you the same, Wannie.” Joohyun leans in and Seungwan melts into the gentle kiss.


She smiles into the kiss and her eyes crinkle away into crescents.


Love, love, love.


Seungwan and Joohyun learn to love each other wholeheartedly.



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This is also a Minayeon fanfic from my ao3 I converted to fit Wenrene !


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bluorange #1
Chapter 3: Hi, author-nim. Thank you for writing such an amazing story. I hope someday you will write about WR again.
Chapter 1: rereading :')
They are so lovely together!
Chapter 3: 💗💙
mochick #5
Chapter 3: 💙💖
aglaonema #6
Chapter 3: 🥰
Chapter 3: wow what an amazing story, i like the anxiety at the beginning of the story 😅
zzzzzzz1 #8
Chapter 3: Man, i loved this 😭😭😭😭😭 i love how much they love each other. Thank you for sharing this with us, it's so well written and just amazing. Thank you!
milkyyy_way #9
Chapter 3: omg such a GOOD read!!! i really, really like your writing syle, author-nim! the way you convey their thoughts and emotions...chef's kiss! looking forward to read more of your works with wenrene pairing hehe
1703 streak #10
Chapter 3: Kinda happy this time Irene do all wooing... Nice change of pace from usual