who i am

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Taemin pov



It seemed as if Minho had gotten used to staying with the clan after just a few days and Taemin was glad to see him engage with the other members, the youngsters especially. While many had originally seemed to be sceptical about the traveler’s presence, something changed when the young ones were looking at him as if he was the greatest storyteller in existence. Their big eyes were sparkling when Minho talked to them, especially when he was pointing into the starry sky as they sat by the bonfire in the evening.

It was as if a new world opened up now that he was here, people were purposely seeking him out to ask questions, to show him their craft and from what Taemin could see, the latter listened and watched carefully, never dismissing something as mediocre or unimportant even.

Taemin had to admit that he hadn’t expected the stranger to make a name for him so fast. It almost seemed as if whomever he talked to would immediately fall for his charm, his calm, interested and reassuring nature making them part from Minho carrying a smile on their face.

There was something about him that made him admirable, lovable even and Taemin could feel it himself, the strange pull towards him, his entrancing way of speaking even if what he said was often hard to understand for him who had never properly learned besides survival- and martial art skills.

When listening to him speak from afar, Taemin sometimes wished he hadn’t given up on his studies as early as he had, wanting to understand the words that came out of the tall man’s mouth. But through giving up on proper education, he had gotten to where he was now, proficient in the skills needed for his rank, making him the flawless protector he was.

“Taemin.” The chief’s voice interrupted his thoughts.


“Your head isn’t with me. What are you thinking about?” he asked, looking at him closely.

Taemin shook his head. “Nothing. I am just tired.”

“Do you need to stay in your tent tomorrow?”

He shook his head again. “No, chief. I will ride out with the others.”

“Very well. Now, have you thought about what we talked about yesterday?”

“The traps are better when put there early. We need to know if they work. If they don’t work, we have time… we still have time before the festival.” Taemin replied.

They had discussed the issue with the other protectors last night around the bonfire and most of the twenty members had been convinced that it would be better to put up the traps early, making sure that there were enough animals in the area to provide enough meat for the full moon festival that was eventually coming up.

“You are planning on putting them up tomorrow?” the chief asked and Taemin nodded.

“We will ride out early and come back before the sun sets.”

“Do you need anyone to come with for the draft horses or will you handle it on your own?”

“We can handle it.”

The chief gave Taemin an understanding nod before sending him out and about. “I will have someone else wake me tomorrow. You take care of your work.”

As Taemin walked through the camp, his way lit by a torch, he found himself wondering if Minho could still be by the bonfire where he had seen him learn how to play one of their drums before visiting the chief. It was already getting late, and he knew that going to sleep would be a more reasonable choice, but it was as if his legs had their own mind, approaching the community area where he had last seen the stranger.

He was, in fact, still there, his face glowing in the orange flickering light of the fire that was burning in their midst and Taemin froze in his movement for a bit, not knowing if he would be welcome if he approached the chatting group of people.

Among them, he recognised Jinki, one of their blacksmiths talking to Minho agitatedly as well as a few girls who usually stuck to the northern community area. In the end, the decision was made for him because he was called over shortly, having been spotted.

“Taemin!” Minho shouted, waving his arm as if Taemin hadn’t already known where he was. It was weird to be called by his name and his name only. Ever since he had become a protector, people always used his title when talking to, or about him. And while Minho used the title to address everyone else, for some reason he never used it for him.

Taemin was unsure if it should make him uncomfortable because all he felt was a sense of relief, feeling like himself when being called plainly by his name. He didn’t have anything to prove in Minho’s presence and that was a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time. Somehow it felt good to receive special treatment, he enjoyed the familiarity and the fact that he was the only one.

With confident steps, he walked around the bonfire, discarding his torch in it, to join Minho and the others on their logs, being greeted by slightly hesitant looks on all faces but one.

Minho was smiling at him, his eyes sparkling like the night sky making Taemin wonder if it was a common trait for the people that lived where he came from.

“I learned how to play your drums! They are so beautifully crafted I wish I could take one with me on my travels. Do you know how to play it too?” Minho asked and Taemin was glad that he could understand.

“No…” He replied, not thinking much by it. After all, it wasn’t something protectors spent their time on.

“No?!” Minho exclaimed, immediately reaching for the drum he had hidden behind the log he was sitting on. “How come you never learned it? It is actually way easier than I have imagined – not to say I can play it anywhere near as proficient as Yeeun here.” He pointed at the girl sitting next to him who immediately blushed “You have to learn it. I can teach you!”

Taemin felt his insides twist in a long forgotten feeling when Minho got up from his log to walk over to his, sitting down next to him. Minho’s body was so close to his that Taemin could feel the warmth radiating from his arms, wondering how long he had been sitting by the fire already.

Under the wide eyes of the others, Minho proceeded to show Taemin what he had learned, the latter doing his best to follow his instructions that were sometimes complemented by Yeeun’s more knowledgeable ones, and it didn’t take long until Taemin was getting somewhere.

The initiate uncertainty, the initiate fear of failure soon ebbed out and Taemin was starting to have fun, hands hot from hitting the stretched leather, pulsing in the best way while Minho kept reassuring him that he was doing well.

He knew, as a fact, that he wasn’t doing as well as Minho said, after all he had grown up in this clan and knew what kinds of sounds these drums could produce and what he did didn’t come close to any of that, but it didn’t change that it felt good.

It felt good to do something without it having to be perfect. It felt good to be among a group of people he mostly just saw from afar and at once, he missed the time when he would just be Taemin. Being a protector was something he wouldn’t change for the world but in this moment, it felt as if he was back in his youngster-days, enjoying a beautiful summer night with others. The air was lighter, there was less purpose and Taemin couldn’t help but notice the tingling feeling where his thigh was pressed against Minho’s.

“Ahhh I wish you could join us more often. You were the person who brought me here and still I barely see you once a day – though I have to admit I am not even sure if that counts as you are out of my tent before I am in my right mind.” Minho said quietly after someone had come over, telling them to be

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 8: Such an interesting perspective and concept - a bittersweet ending but realistic - everyone wants that happy ending but that isn't reality for sure...I'm very excited for a sequel - will our Minho be troubled about leaving Taemin behind??
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 7: I can't wait for your sequel. I have subscribe to your Shinee Fanfic community discord channel, but I've no clue how that work. lol
Beau1996 1379 streak #3
Chapter 7: Very touching chapter - I love Taemin's determination to not regret Minho - I believe he will be able to do it!
Beau1996 1379 streak #4
Chapter 6: Taemin has an old soul but maybe that's the only way he can be with all he has been through - I know they will end be parted but I can't help wondering what would happen if Taemin left with Minho on his adventures??
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
Chapter 5: Poor Taemin - I want him to be happy again!!
Chapter 5: ...or a bazillion chapter sequel >.>
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 5: A sequel to this story??? ABSOLUTELY!!! This story is amazing, but left me wanting more... So a short sequel would be great... or at least an epilogue. ;) (I know... I'm always bugging you for more ...lol ;) )
Shinee2020 #8
Chapter 4: Poor Taemin... to be able to dream of a beautiful future shouldn't be something that scare him... (but it does make sense in his clan once you know about their customs unfortunately...) :(
Beau1996 1379 streak #9
Chapter 4: Taemin is holding such deep sadness - will he fine some happiness with Minho?
969 streak #10
I actually read it in the other platform.
You have painted such a different atmosphere and had meticulously weaved their love in the context of that culture. It is so beautuful.
They went on their separat ways. But what if they encounter each other again. Would it have a different ending? After all, Taemin's community doesn't really settle in the same place and Minho travels all the time. Will they still find that love again? I'm getting excited with the possibilities. Please give it a thought. Pretty please!!!