In Another Lifetime. (WR)


There’s a disturbance in the police precinct and Seungwan is trying to focus on closing the case on her desk, but she can’t really think clearly with all the commotion.


Seungwan groans before standing up.


She spots her fellow detective/childhood friend, Seulgi and approaches her.

“What’s going on?” Seungwan asks.

“No idea.” Seulgi shakes her head in disbelief as she watches the commotion. “A whole bunch of reporters and paparazzi came this morning and crowded outside of the precinct, but I don’t know what or who they’re here for.”


What a peaceful morning, huh?


Yerim, another detective in their precinct, also Seungwan’s favourite (at times) –  jumps up from her desk and brings her ipad with her to show the others.


“Check it, Irene Kim, Korean-American socialite, confesses murder.” Yerimm points at the screen.

“Holy !” Seulgi’s eyes widen as she curses.

“Who the hell is Irene Kim?”



The girl’s stare at Seungwan.


“Uhh, Irene Kim, step-daughter of Kim Juwon- CEO of Kim world Union, ring any bells?” Yerim says and Seungwan blinks.

“Two weeks ago, the CEO was reported dead and the case remained unsolved.” That rings a bell in Seungwan’s mind.

Oh snap, the step-daughter did it.” Seulgi quips.


The commotion outside becomes louder and the flashes from the camera brighten.


“Why couldn’t she choose a different precinct, ugh.” Seungwan runs a hand down her face.

“Because we’re her local police department, also I’m still so shocked.” Yerimm shakes her head in disbelief.



Well, she’s here.



The doors open and a woman with long luscious black hair and sunglasses perched upon her nose enters in a blouse and black trousers. She notices the very shiny watch on her wrist and Seungwan checks off that the girl is affluent, of course. Seungwan observes that she’s incredibly pretty, but pretty familiar too…


Seungwan just thinks, who is this girl to look so good while confessing murder.


Her sunglasses come off and her eyes meet Seungwan’s.


Seungwan is sent spiralling, Seulgi gawks.







In which Son Seungwan is a renowned detective in her force and outside forces too. Everyone knows the kind, caring neighbourhood detective Son Seungwan because she gets the job done under any circumstance. She’s assigned to almost every case and the people she knows always tell her not to overwork herself, but Seungwan doesn’t feel that way.


Enter Bae Joohyun, or in this story, Korean-American socialite, Irene Kim is involved in a murder case and all arrows point to her–  murder case of her step father.


And their paths cross again years after years. Childhood friends, classmates and now acquaintances, Seungwan’s afraid she’ll let her personal matters interfere with this investigation and Joohyun didn’t plan ahead to reunite with her Seungwannie. Joohyun can’t face the person that she’s ever been close with without feeling a rush of unkempt emotions and Seungwan just wants to keep it professional.



Before the story unfolds, it’s good to always know the past. Son Seungwan and Bae Joohyun were one of the closest pairs of people anyone could know. From kindergarten, to primary school and all the way to graduation of high school, Seungwan and Joohyun were best friends. In the sense where they’ve shared everything they’ve ever known with each other as foolish and innocent kids.


They shared many firsts together and were almost always together and the two didn’t want it any other way.


But of course, many good things don’t always last.


There’s tears, laughter, more tears and unintelligible words exchanged at the end of graduation. Joohyun’s mom married a rich man and they were moving to the city to live in a big rich neighbourhood. Joohyun doesn’t return back to Seungwan like she promised and Seungwan tries to learn acceptance in the years she grows from a teenager to an adult. She doesn’t see or hear anything about Joohyun for the next eleven years, when she’s already made a name for herself in the police department.


It’s chilling and weird for Seungwan to not necessarily recognise the girl in front of her.



You were my best friend, weren't you?




The whisper of the nickname is far too quiet for anyone else to hear and it only stays between the two.




“Wannie you’re going to get hurt!” Joohyun watches as Seungwan clumsily chases after the soccer ball. They were playing with the other kids in the park and many were younger boys and Joohyun was quite afraid to play with them.


Seungwan chases the ball with a stupid grin and Joohyun can’t help, but smile at the girl.


Seungwan runs too fast and her body can’t keep up.




Joohyun runs after the girl on the field— who is crying on the floor, clutching her knee.


“Let me see!” Joohyun carefully moves Seungwan's hands away and looks at her leg. Her knee is bruised and slightly scratched, but the fall was enough to make the girl bleed.

“Joohyun, it hurts!” Seungwan doesn’t want to cry in front of the other kids, but she can’t help it.

“Okay! I’ll go get your mom!” Joohyun doesn’t know it, but she’s crying too.

“Hyun, why are you crying?” Seungwan places a palm on Joohyun’s cheek and Joohyun blinks.


“Because you’re crying! And bleeding!” That just makes Joohyun cry even more.

“H-hey, don’t cry! I’m okay, Joohyun- I’m okay!” Seungwan reassures a sniffling Joohyun.

The two cry like idiots on the side of the field, while the other kids look at them funny.


Seungwan’s mom comes by and picks her up and Seungwan doesn’t let Joohyun go. Joohyun keeps her hand in Seungwan’s and follows Seungwan and her mom.


“Stay with me.” Seungwan asks eight-year-old Joohyun.

“I will.” Joohyun tells a seven-year-old Seungwan.




“The step-daughter didn’t do it.” Is the first thing that comes out of Seungwan's mouth in the middle of the precinct and her colleagues can’t help, but look at her confused.




Joohyun sits on the other side in the metal chair as she rests her hand-cuffed hands on the metal table.


Taeyeon, their sergeant handed the interogating job to Seungwan and Seungwan thinks it was a mistake. So far, her colleagues know nothing about the Seungwan and ‘Joohyun’ history— Thank god, Seungwan thinks.


She opens the door and greets Irene- Joohyun or whatever! With a polite bow and smile.


“I’m Detective Son Seungwan and I’ll be interrogating you this morning.” Seungwan gulps and Joohyun wavers.


Seungwan sits down and she notices first thing– Joohyun’s handcuffs.


“Wha- who handcuffed you?” Seungwan shakes her head as she reaches over into Joohyun’s personal space without care. Joohyun backs away a little because it’s all so familiar and unfamiliar. She uses one of the keys on her belt loop to remove the handcuffs. Joohyun rubs her wrists and Seungwan realises just how close she was to Joohyun.


Seungwan clears and sits back down.


“You’re here to confess to the murder of Kim Juwon, right Joohyun-ssi?” Seungwan wants to stay professional.

“Yes.” Joohyun wavers and Seungwan’s heart breaks.


Because all she sees is her best friend who left all those years ago. Her face is as still as stone as she maintains the natural look on her face, but her eyes. Her eyes give it all away, Seungwan thinks. Seungwan recalls all the times Joohyun used to lie to her as kids and Seungwan would always find the cause because Joohyun’s eyes would water, shake and show too much emotion.


It’s the same now.



All she sees is the girl who used to spend all her time with her. A girl who had a kind soul, a pretty eye smile, an adorable crooked smile– and Seungwan still sees a girl who used to hide behind Seungwan when things got tough and a girl who stuck by her through thick and thin.


Yet, it all just feels so different– considering all the circumstances.


The interrogation should usually start with ‘statement of purpose’ questions and so Seungwan tries her best to follow through. Joohyun answers curtly and Seungwan feels so weird.


“Miss Kim-”

“Bae, Seungwan. Joohyun Bae.” Joohyun corrects and Seungwan notes that down in unintelligible scribbles on her notepad.


  • Doesn’t want to be associated with step-fathers name, why??

  • She called me by my name, professionalism amiright





Taeyeon also notes that the person sitting in front of Seungwan was acting way different than before. When Irene Kim had walked into the precinct, she had confidence oozing from her and a cold wind that followed. Taeyeon was slightly terrified, but now… there really wasn’t anything to be terrified of now.


There on the other side of the glass was just Bae Joohyun, a little girl. A little girl who may harbour many secrets.




“Could you please state your name and age.” Seungwan asks.


Joohyun nods and Seungwan breathes in.


“Bae Joohyun, twenty-nine years old.”



Taeyeon stares at the girl on the other side of the glass. She’s young, pretty and probably had a life ahead of her. Taeyeon knows as a sergeant and long time employee in the police department to not perceive appearances, but there’s something else with that girl.


Irene Kim doesn’t seem like a murderer she’d picture.



“You are here today to turn yourself in for the murder of your step-father, Kim Juwon?” Seungwan should be trembling a little— she usually did, when it came to interrogating murderers or big criminals, but she feels calm and not in a good way.



“I’m going to run through your account of the night of the murder of Kim Juwon and afterwards, I’ll be questioning you about some things”, Seungwan speaks. “You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence, is that clear?”


For someone who just discovered her childhood best friend was a murderer, Seungwan couldn’t be anymore professional.




“From the top, what happened at night of the murder?”


Joohyun pauses as she thinks about that night. It leaves a sour taste on her tongue just to think about it.



“Juwon- my step-father, holds a party for the anniversary of the company every year. Everyone from his company, outside companies- just about everyone is invited.” Joohyun starts.

“What makes this party different from any other that would be thrown?” Seungwan questions.


“The other parties are monthly, but are small with most people usually just from the company. This gathering is the biggest of them all and literally everyone attends. The party wasn’t different from any other anniversary parties we’ve ever had, there’s rich people and Juwon makes me greet them, usually.” Joohyun says.


Seungwan notes it down.


“On this particular anniversary, we bumped into an unexpected couple”, Joohyun says and Seungwan urges her to continue. “I went to the college his fianceé used to attend and we talked-”


“Sorry, what were the names of said couple?” Seungwan interrupts.

“Jung Kyungho and Choi Sooyoung.”




“I kind of got to bond with the couple about an opportunity for me to do an engineering internship and it left a good impression on me, but Juwon was off.”

Seungwan noted that down.


“We finished up with the couple as he ended the conversation and suddenly he pulled me aside to the office upstairs and said he needed to talk to me.” Joohyun tells her.

“The office in which his body was discovered?” Seungwan questions.

“Yes.” Joohyun answers grimly.


“What was the ‘talk’ he needed to have with you?” Seungwan asks and she suddenly feels like what happens next isn’t good.

“It wasn’t a talk, he ually assaulted me and we had a physical altercation in the office and we both fell to the ground”, Joohyun says. “He got on top of me, but I reached towards his desk drawer and took out a kunai knife from his collection of ninja weapons.”



Seungwan wants to snort at how corny it is to have a collection of Ninja weapons, but she doesn’t say anything because that would be extremely unprofessional.



“I stabbed him right in the chest, he fell backwards and fled the party right after.” Joohyun says nonchalantly and Seungwan shivers. 


“To where did you flee?”

Joohyun hesitates.

“... my room to clean up and I returned to the party like nothing happened.”





“You’re hurting me- ow!” Joohyun shakes him off once they’re inside the office. He closes the door.


“Joohyun you can’t keep pulling these stunts anymore.” He spits. He approaches her and corners her to the wall. He’s too close for her liking, but it had been like that after her mother’s death. There’s a rough hand on her waist and Joohyun can’t help but flinch. She’s brought too close and he’s breathing down her neck.

“Don’t act like you’re tired of all this, you’re just a spoiled brat.” He brushes his rough palm against Joohyun’s cheek.


“You’re Irene Kim, my step-daughter, don’t you know that?” He says. “There’s no place for Bae Joohyun in this world. You have no place in this world, honey.”

“Get off me!” Joohyun roughly shakes him off and it leaves him stunned. There’s a loud crackle and Joohyun’s face is cast downward. He smacked her square on the cheek.

“Who raised you to raise your voice at a man?!” He growled. “Your bastard mother, I suppose.”

“Don’t speak about her like that.” Joohyun’s angry. She’s always been angry.


He roughly pinned her against the wall of the room by her wrists and Joohyun squirmed uncomfortably. She knew the grip he had was probably going to leave a mark. He used one hand to pin her hands and brought a hand down close to her thigh and Joohyun’s tears couldn’t stay put anymore.


“You’re mine, Joohyun. Don’t you get it? You can’t leave for some stupid intership, you’re by my side forever.” The sick man kissed Joohyun's neck as she sobbed. She used all her strength to push him off, but the rebound sent her to the ground.

“You ! What have I told you.” He made a move to crouch to where Joohyun was and grabbed her ankle to stop her from moving. Joohyun tried kicking him away, but she was far too tired for it. He made his way on top of her and pinned her down with his legs, she didn’t want to scream— it’d cause a scene.


She never wanted to be taken advantage of in her 29 years on earth and it was a cruel fate, but she wasn’t going down without a fight. She was Bae Joohyun, a girl who always planned ahead.


Reaching towards the desk drawer of the room, where Joohyun knew her step-father kept his most prized possessions, his collection of Ninja weapons from a time undocumented. She opened the drawer quickly and prayed she had enough strength and time. She pulled out a Kunai Knife and-




The plunge of the knife isn’t loud to outsiders, but to Joohyun’s ears, it’s a ringing sound that she’ll never forget. The knife wound, she’s pretty sure, is deep and strong enough to make the old man stagger and fall back onto the ground, flat on his back. Joohyun doubts the people down stairs at the party will hear any of this because of all the up they’re all probably doing.


Close to the chest or wherever, Joohyun hoped it’d rid her of him for good. Joohyun was definitely shaken up— with trembling hands and trembling figure, Joohyun used the study table to support her as she stood up. She killed her step-father? Never once in a million years would she ever have thought the torment would end like this.


Joohyun’s lips tremble as she sees the blood gush out from the stab wound and she moves to grab her bag. She places the bloody knife straight into the bag and cleans any remnants of his blood on her with a handkerchief she deposits into her bag after. With a shaky breath, Joohyun flees the scene and doesn’t turn back.




The interrogation room is engulfed in silence.


Seungwan really wished that she never met Bae Joohyun because at this moment, that’s all she sees. A good-hearted girl she used to know, but this murderer is someone else.


Joohyun wavers and panics a little at the silence in the room. She had initially thought she meet with a incompetent police officer who’d put her down as guilty and that would be it, but she didn’t expect to see Seungwan— not in this lifetime.


“Aren’t you going to arrest me now?” Joohyun asks and Seungwan tilts her head.


“You didn’t rehearse to see me, did you?” Seungwan whispers and it sends a chill down Joohyun’s neck– halting her. Taeyeon has a hand on the intercom button.


Joohyun gulps and Seungwan takes it as an answer.


“You’re not the killer, are you, Hyun?” Seungwan asks with a glint in her eyes.

Joohyun grits her teeth.

“Quit living in the past, Seungwan-ssi.”



“Son, outside… now.” Taeyeon says through the speaker. Seungwan huffs and leaves the interrogation room to the surveillance on the other side.


Joohyun catches her breath and stares directly at the people she knows are on the other side. Taeyeon pays no mind and Seungwan runs her hands through her hair roughly.


“What the hell was that, Son?” Taeyeon crosses her arms and she furrows her brows. She’s never seen her best detective so… distressed? Unprofessional?

“I’m sorry- sorry, I just- she’s- ugh!” Seungwan stomps like a kid and Taeyeon sighs.

“Why haven’t you arrested her? She confessed, didn't she?” Taeyeon waits after a beat of silence.

“She’s not the killer, Tae”, Seungwan looks up into her sergeant's eyes. “And you know so too.”


Taeyeon clenches her jaw.






Taeyeon enters the interrogation room and Joohyun stands up.


“You’re free to go, miss. If we have further inquiries we may request your presence.” Taeyeon says and Joohyun’s jaw is slack.


“You’re free to go, Ms Bae.” Taeyeon ushers her out.

“I’m the killer, I killed him.” Joohyun’s bottom lip trembles and Taeyeon notices.


This isn’t the behaviour of a killer, it’s a victim.



“We’ll see you around.”


Taeyeon leaves her and Joohyun moves her eyes around to search for Seungwan.


“What did you say to your sergeant?” Joohyun takes a hold of her wrist and holds Seungwan in place.

“Is that anyway to treat an old friend?” Seungwan stays nonchalant.

“I confessed! Aren’t I meant to get arrested- doesn’t it work like the stupid movies?” Joohyun says exasperatedly.


“Just what are you hiding, Hyun?” Seungwan looks at her tenderly and Joohyun’s afraid she’ll fall all over again.

“Don’t Seungwan, please.” Joohyun's eyes are glossy.

“Go home.” Seungwan removes Joohyun’s wrist and takes a seat at her desk.






Seulgi comes around and smacks the back of her head.


“Whaaaaat?” Seungwan rubs her head.

“Did you just tell Joohyun to go home?? There’s about a hundred paparazzi and reporters outside- you take her home, !” Seulgi scolds her and Seungwan doesn’t talk back because she knows Seulgi’s right.

“Why can’t you do it?” Seungwan pouts.

“Are you asking for another smack?”



Seungwan gets up with her car keys and finds Joohyun cowering behind the front desk.



“Come on. I’m taking you home.”



Joohyun follows behind Seungwan closely as the younger girl holds her hand.

Joohyun misses how Seungwan used to hold her hand.


They get into Seungwan’s car safely and she starts driving. Then Joohyun notices she never gave Seungwan her address.


“Seungwan, I haven’t given you my address..” Joohyun says from the passenger seat.

“I know.”

“You’re not really in a safe position right now since you decided to stupidly confess murder, and you’re house is probably surronded, so I’m taking you to my house.” Seungwan says and Joohyun stays mum.


“Talk when we get home.” Seungwan focuses on the road and not the fact that Joohyun is staring at her so familiarly.


Home— it sounds nice.




The two get to Seungwan’s cosy house and Joohyun feels the warmth and love from this place. There’s photos of everyone from the precinct and she can pinpoint the faces she saw before at the precinct. She travels along the wall and notices pictures from their childhood, grade school and high school… and Joohyun’s in every single one of them.


Joohyun’s heart feels heavy.



Seungwan heads to her kitchen and begins making two cups of tea, one with an unhealthy amount of sugar for her and a chamomile tea for Joohyun. Seungwan doesn’t speak and only taps her finger impatiently for the hot water to boil.


Joohyun moves to the kitchen and stands behind Seungwan before wrapping her arms around Seungwan.


“..why don’t you stop moving so fast for a second, hm?” Joohyun whispers in the crook of Seungwan’s neck and Seungwan stills.

“...because if I stop moving.. I’m afraid I’d break.”


Seungwan turns around and embraces Joohyun fully as she the girl's long hair.


Joohyun lets go and cries to her fullest.

She’s been strong for far too long and in the arms of her first love, she breaks.



“Must have been hard by yourself, all these years, huh?” Seungwan cries too.


Their tea is long forgotten and Seungwan travels back and can’t help but live in the past.







“You’re serious?” Seungwan doesn’t want her heart to break, especially when her best friend is standing in front of her with that look evident on her face.

“I’m going to the city for I don’t know how long.” Is the phrase that sends Seungwan spiralling.


“I don’t have a choice, Seungwannie, please understand.” Joohyun plays with the hem of her graduation gown.

“Why don’t you? You’re my best friend, why tell me when you leave in a few hours- why now?” Seungwan runs her hands through her hair roughly as she paces.


Joohyun reaches for Seungwan and pulls her into a hug— with Joohyun’s front pressing into Seungwan’s back.


“You should’ve just left. I can’t say goodbye, Hyun.” Seungwan cries.

“I can’t either, I’m sorry.” Joohyun wets the shoulder of Seungwan’s graduation gown, but she doesn’t really care, since this is probably the last time Joohyun ever cries on her shoulder again.


Twelve years right by each other and promises to stay forever is a dream Seungwan wishes she never dreamed of.


As eighteen and seventeen year olds, it’s the worst heartbreak they’ve ever experienced.


“Promise me you’ll always find me.” Seungwan sobs.

“I promise. I’m not gonna leave you behind.”


Loose promises about contacting forever are and stay as empty sayings.


And as eighteen and seventeen year olds, everything is too good to be true— especially when Seungwan never gets to confess what she wanted to after graduation.


It stays as unspoken words.




Seungwan has just gotten Joohyun back, she’s adamant on not losing her again.




“Why’d you do what you did?” Joohyun asks in the night beside Seungwan.

“Because you’re you.” Seungwan looks at Joohyun as if she holds all the answers to the universe and Joohyun feels undeserving of it.

“You shouldn’t have done it, Seungwan. I knew what I was doing.” Joohyun says softly.

“I know. You always plan things out, but you’ve never planned me.” Seungwan says.




I never planned to meet a chubby-cheeked, squirrel appearing girl in kindergarten.

I never planned to be her best friend.

I never planned for her to know everything about me.

I never planned for her to have such a hold on my heart.

I never planned to fall in love.

I never planned to leave.

I’ve never planned to break your heart.



Seungwan’s right.

Joohyun never planned for someone like Seungwan to enter her life.






Seungwan gets to the station early and heads straight to the briefing room, where she already called her team. Her captain initially disagreed with what Seungwan wanted to do, but with Sergeant Taeyeon backing her up, she was able to reopen the Kim Juwon case that was from two weeks ago.


She assessed the people in the room and smiled proudly. She hand-picked each member of her team and was always happy to work with them.


Seulgi and Taeyeon sat side by side— tired out of their minds and confused as to why the meeting Seungwan held was so early.


Yerimm was completely immersed in what she was looking at on her ipad, and absentmindedly greeted Seungwan at the door.


Their csi, Tiffany came in shortly after with a file of photos.


“Morning team!” Seungwan smiles and only Seulgi and Taeyeon dare glare at her.

“Not good morning, I see…”

“As you may have heard, Bae Joohyun came in a few days ago to confess to the murder of Kim Juwon and since then, the case has been reopened.” Seungwan briefs.


“The situation is so crazy dude, this morning I drove to work and I passed her street and so many reporters were crowded outside”, Yerim shakes her head. “How did she even get back in the house?”

“Uh, she’s not at her old house.” Seungwan says without thinking.

“Was she relocated?” Seulgi asks.




“Where’s she right now?” Taeyeon’s a bit confused.

“My house…. in my bed.. currently.”

“Ooh~ scandalous.” Yerim wriggles her brows and Seungwan sighs.

“Not like that! Ugh- whatever!”




“Anyways!” Seungwan places the photos Tiffany brought onto the whiteboard by holding them up with magnets.


“At 7:20 am, the morning after the party ended, a maid found Kim Juwon’s dead body and alerted the police, Joohyun and then the company.” Seungwan briefs.


Yerim raises her hand like a kid.


“Question, why do you keep calling Irene Kim Joohyun?” Yerim asks and Seungwan blinks.

“It’s her real name- now shh, no interruptions.”



“It was ruled a homicide during those two weeks and almost everyone at the party was questioned and all had an alibi, including Joohyun.” Seungwan says.

“Until three days ago, where she decided to confess about the murder and it seems like everything lined up and would be finished right, but no!” Seungwan exclaims.


“Now go, Sergeant Tae.” Seungwan signals Taeyeon to continue the briefing. She shook her head before standing beside Seungwan.

“We had the guest list of the party and the exact number of people, due to security precautions and last night, I reviewed the number given and the list. One person entered the party, but wasn’t on the guest list.” Taeyeon says.



Taeyeon zooms in on the picture on the projector screen beside the whiteboard.



“Joohyun is seen talking to a person in the darkest corner possible, since the camera is at a terrible angle, but we can obviously still see the two.” Taeyeon says.

“You think she hired an assassin?” Seulgi asks.

“Yet Joohyun confessed that the murder was done by her hands.” Taeyeon points out.


“She’s covering for someone.” Seungwan says.

“She’s sure rich enough to pay an assassin, but if she were to pay for a professional assassin, why would she cover for them?” Taeyeon says.

“We haven’t been able to find who Joohyun was talking to, but that’s seriously a mission right now.” Seungwan sighs.


“During the confession, she hesitated for someone who was recounting her murder- which seems like a fabricated story. The confession was so detailed and down to the point that it honestly felt strange.” Taeyeon says.



“And here’s something a little more odd.” Tiffany says as she pins another picture of the dead body. Seungwan was used to seeing dead people for sure, but she is still so grossed out by blood.

“There’s a streak- well, path of blood from behind the desk towards the exit.” Tzuyu points out.

“The coroner reported that Juwon died shortly after, within contact of the weapon, but I took a trip back to the coroner two days ago and guess what?” Taeyeon says.

“What?” Yerim was so invested.

“He’s no longer a coroner, which means one thing-”

“He was paid off.” Seulgi’s eyes widened.


Damn you Bae, always planning before-hand.



“So we’re splitting into teams and we’re gonna find our coroner.”









Seungwan and Seulgi ventured out together, while Yerim and Taeyeon went together.



“Supposedly, he either moved away, went on vacation or is at home right now.” Seulgi says in an ominous voice.

“Can you stop narrating?” Seungwan elbows her as they walk to his house.

“Whaaat? It’s fun like this.” Seulgi grins and Seungwan rolls her eyebrows.

“Is a murder case fun, Detective Kang?” Seungwan deadpans.

“Okay, gee, you don’t have to go all Detective Kang on me.” Seulgi makes a face and Seungwan rolls her eyes once again.


Seungwan’s phone rings and she takes the call.


“Gotten anywhere with your lead, Yerms?” She asks the other team.

“Yeah, he’s still definitely in town. We asked his local markets and they recalled seeing him around a few days ago.” Yerim says.

“Thanks Yerms, we’ll update after, we’re at his house now.” Seungwan says.

“Aye, Aye, Captain!” Yerim yells through the phone.


Seungwan shakes her head with a fond smile before putting her phone away.



“Can I knock?” Seulgi asks.

“Oh my jesus- just do it.” Seungwan shakes her head.


Seulgi knocks loudly until she winces at the redness, and Seungwan almost sighs.

“Seoul PD, open up! We have questions!” Seungwan says.


There’s no reply.


“Oh well-”

“Shh.” Seungwan places a finger to Seulgi’s mouth.


There’s rustling like a door moving.



“Do you hear that?” Seungwan asks and Seulgi nods. With her gun out, Seungwan moves around the house and suddenly the wind is knocked from her lungs. The man pushes Seungwan out of the way and flees from the house’s side window.


“Oh !” Seulgi chases after him and Seungwan rolls over to get up.

“Why do men run so fast?! I hate men!” Seungwan yells as she runs after Seulgi.

“Yerms, we have a runner, can you track us?!” She speaks into the transceiver clipped to her jacket.

Seungwan doesn’t wait for the reply, and she can’t really hear the other end of the call either, since she’s too busy running for her life.





The man runs and makes it all the way to his local market, where the other team were conveniently at.


“There, there!” Yerim pointed for the other girls to see. Yerim could picture where he was headed, so she went through a back alleyway and met him at the same place before she extended her elbow and winded him.


“Woo! Go Yerim!” Tiffany pumped her fists in the air.

“Hol… holy.. !” Seungwan puffs out as she uses the alleyway wall to hold herself up.

Yerim holds him in place on the ground.

“I didn’t do anything wrong!” He shouts.

“Well if you didn’t, why’d you run from us, dingus?!” Seungwan huffs.

“Who paid you off?” Seulgi asks.


“You used to work with us, Lee. How much were you offered?” Taeyeon says.

“... 200k in cash.”

“By whom?” Yerim asks.

“Irene Kim.”


Seungwan closes her eyes and sighs.


You’re not the murder, but god you’re guilty as hell.






They’re back at the precinct, sweaty as hell as they come back to the briefing room.


“Don’t you think you’re trying too hard to prove Joohyun’s innocence, Seungwan?” Taeyeon treads with caution.

“I’m not, I know she didn’t do it.” Seungwan sighs as she leans on the table.

“It’s been a decade since you’ve last seen her. Face it, she’s changed.” It feels like a bucket of cold ice was thrown at her when Taeyeon says that.

“You don’t… you don’t know her like I do.”





Seungwan returns home.


“Hyun? I’m back!” Seungwans calls out as she takes her shoes off at her door.


Silence returns and Seungwan frowns. She moves more into her house, and Seungwan spots a paper on her kitchen counter and she takes it in her hand as she sits to read it.






To my Seungwannie,


I will be forever grateful for meeting you and Seulgi in this lifetime. You guys have been my rock for the most of my life and I could never repay you two for all the times you’ve been by my side.


But perhaps you can’t be by my side in this situation. I’m guilty in every way possible, Seungwan. For not protecting my mother and she’s in the hospital because of me.

I’m guilty for not being a good step-daughter, for not being a good friend to Seul and for not keeping our promises.


You’ve done too much for me, but you cannot go any further. You’ll jeopardise your career this way and I don’t want you to be in any more pain, Wannie.


So maybe, In another lifetime, we’re still college students or maybe you and Seul are famous singers and I'm probably working as a successful journalist, and maybe you’d get your chance to tell me you love me the way I love you.


So, I thank my best friends.



Your Joohyun.





Seungwan cries silently as she rereads the letter more than the times she’s ever been able to hold Joohyun.



Damn you, Bae Joohyun.





Seungwan takes off into the night in pure hysteria as she gets into her car. She doesn’t care that it’s night time, she doesn’t care about anything, but Joohyun.


She calls Taeyeon's number as she starts the car.


“What’s Joohyuns' number or- or her address?” Seungwan breathes rapidly.

“Seungwan speak properly, I can’t hear you.” Taeyeon holds the phone close to her ear as she gets up from her couch in her office, and startles Tiffany, who was asleep on her lap.

“Joohyun sh-she left and I don’t know- I don’t-”

“Shhhh It’s okay, it’s okay, where are you, Seungwan?”



Taeyeon bursts out of the office with Tiffany in tow, and Seulgi springs from her desk chair, where she was dozing off.

“W-what’s wrong?” Seulgi wipes her drool.

“We have to get to Seungwan before she does something stupid.” Taeyeon says and Seulgi’s eyes widen. The three of them run out of the precinct and hop into the car.


“I have her on ‘find my friends’!” Seulgi mentions and shows the phone to the elders in the front seats.

“She’s.. she’s home?”




The three of them drove to Seungwan’s house and found Seungwan perfectly safe, in her car, asleep on the steering wheel.


Taeyeon let out a sigh of relief.


Seulgi opened the car door, thank god she left it unlocked.


“And~ team rescues the baby.” Tiffany whispers as Seulgi scoops Seungwan into her arms and carries her into the house.

“Did you just call Seungwan a baby?” Taeyeon asks, turning around.

“Yes- and don’t be jealous. You’ll always be my baby, darling.” Tiffany smirks before following Seulgi into Seungwan’s house. Taeyeon chuckles before following after.




They place Seungwan into her bed and turn off the lights for her to rest.


“She must really love Joohyun to be that devastated.” Taeyeon slides onto the couch.

“They must mean a lot to each other right, Seulgi? You grew up with them too, didn’t you?” Tiffany says, but doesn’t get a response, so she turns around and finds the younger woman crying silently.


Tiffany and Taeyeon get up from the couch quickly and come to Seulgi’s side immediately.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Tiffany coos sweetly.

“Why are you crying, Seul?” Taeyeon pats the girl on the back. Taeyeon’s eyes travel down to the wrinkled paper in Seulgi’s hands.

“Damn you, Bae Joohyun.” Seulgi sobs as she holds onto the letter.









Seungwan wakes up groggy the next day at 1pm and is extremely disoriented, when she gets up and takes a look at herself in the mirror.


She sees the dried tear streaks and her puffy red eyes.



Joohyun, Joohyun, Joohyun, Joohyun, Joohyun, Joohyun, Joohyun…




Her head pounds.


She hears rustling from outside her room and she exits and sees all of her colleagues on the floor of her living room.


“What the hell are you all doing here, in my house?” Seungwan asks and five pairs of eyes look up to her.


“You were right, Seungwan. Joohyun isn’t the killer.” Taeyeon says.

“Huh? W-what? What do you mean?” Seungwan approaches them.

“Yesterday me and Tiffany went to get the autopsy of Kim Juwon’s body to see how he was killed and we made many discoveries.” Seulgi says.


“But Joohyun she-”

“She turned herself in, yes, but she's actually not ‘arrested’ arrested. Captain still hasn’t closed the case, he’s waiting on us and Joohyun keeps begging.” Yerim says, interrupting Seungwan.

“She won’t tell anyone who she’s covering for, so we have very limited time to find the person.” Taeyeon told Seungwan.


Seungwan takes a seat on the floor with the group.


“Juwon obviously got stabbed in the chest right, we all know, but Joohyun’s plunge to the chest wasn’t even strong enough to hit anything else. It merely punctured his lung.” Tiffany points out.

“That doesn’t necessarily mean anything.” Seungwan says.

“We’ve had many cases of stabbings and people who have punctured lungs literally live for more than a few minutes- even hours if possible.” Tiffany says.

“The coroner initially wrote it off as an instant death, but later we interrogated Lee and he said Juwon lived for another 10 minutes after the knife wound until initial death,” Tiffany said. “And in the picture is how his body was found. Joohyun stabbed him while he was hovering above her, so he would have fallen onto his back after the impact, but his body was found on his stomach by the door and not on his back near the desk.”

“Joohyun fled right after stabbing him, right, but remember that streak of blood? He crawled on his stomach to the door to probably get help, but another person stepped in.” Yerim told Seungwan.

“The killer..” Seungwan gasps.


“The autopsy also showed a hard dent on the back of his head and Joohyun never mentioned anything about hitting him anywhere else, so she wasn’t present when he actually died.” Tiffany showed the area as she pointed at the scan.

“So, what? The killer was an amateur who just bludgeoned him to death?” Seungwan questions.

“No, that's what’s crazy about how his head was hit. It was a single hit- a precise one!” Yerim exclaimed.

“The killer wasn’t an assassin, but someone who knew exactly where the brain stem was, someone who knew exactly how to kill him. The killer’s a professional in the medical field.”


Seungwan stood up abruptly and the girls looked up.


“I think… I know who the killer is.”







“If Joohyun was able to pay off the coroner and alter the report, when she sure as hell has enough money to send the killer off to somewhere else.” Seungwan ignores whatever is being said as she gets her car keys and slips on the closet pair of footwear.

“Where are we going?!” Taeyeon got up and called Seungwan back.

“To the bank!”


Seungwan, get ready first! You’re not interrogating anybody looking like that!” Seulgi shouted and Seungwan ran back into the house at the sound of Seulgi’s booming voice.


Seungwan quickly got ready and freshened up. She put her hair in a low ponytail, slipped on her boots and swung her leather jacket on.


“Now to the bank!”




The two drive in Taeyeon’s car and Seungwan’s car. Yerim drove Seungwan’s car because the other girl was quite hysterical.


Taeyeon drove with Tiffany, while Yerim had Seulgi and Seungwan.


“What exactly are we going to do at the bank, Seungwan?” Taeyeon spoke through the call connected to the car’s bluetooth.

“Joohyun is affluent as we know already and we know she paid the coroner a hefty amount of money, which means she could have given money to the killer to disappear, hence why we can’t exactly find her.” Seungwan says as a matter-of-factly.

“How do you know the killer’s a her?” Taeyeon asks.

“Because I have my suspicions.”




The seven detectives head into the bank and strut like models, until the receptionist interrupts their entrance.


“How can we assist you today?” The lady speaks.

“We’re Seoul PD and we may need to speak to your bank chief.” Seungwan says with her badge in hand.

“Of course, I’ll page her.”


It’s a few minutes until a woman seemingly a few younger than the seven girls approaches them.


“I’m Myoui Mina, you’ve requested for me?” Her velvety voice captures the girls’ attention. Actually, all of Myoui Mina captures their attention. She’s petite, pretty and not the point right now!


‘Right, we have a few questions we’d like to ask.” Taeyeon speaks.

“Of course, let’s head inside the office.”



They sit around and Seungwan and Seulgi sit directly in front of Mina. Something feels odd about the meeting Seungwan thinks, but not in a bad way, just she thinks she’s met Mina before.


“We’ll cut to the chase. Is a ‘Irene Kim’ registered under your bank?” Seungwan asks and Mina types away on her computer.


“No Irene Kim.”

“Can you try Bae Joohyun?”



“Yes, Bae Joohyun is under our bank.” Mina confirms and Seungwan sighs.

“Has she recently made any large transaction?” Seungwan asks and the other detectives in the room just let Seungwan flow.

“Joohyun withdrew $2 million from her bank account two weeks ago.”




“Did she do it in person?” Seungwan asks.

“Yes. Miss Bae is particular about her own money and only she handles it herself.” Mina tells them.

“Did she ever say what the money was for?” Seungwan hopes.

“A holiday.”



“Thank you for your time, Mina-ssi.” Seungwan bows and leaves to the door, but turns around at the last minute.

“Also, I know you, don’t I?” Seungwan says and Mina smiles.

“Myoui Mina, officer Im Nayeon’s fianceé.” Mina says and Seungwan clicks her fingers. The others chorus an ooh~.





“Okay what now that you know Joohyun withdrew $2 million from her account?” Yerim asks as they exit the bank and are now in the car parking lot.

“Two weeks ago was around the time of the murder”, Seungwan begins. “Joohyun obviously gave the 2 million to the killer and you can do a lot with 2 million.”

“Move places, new identity and a fresh start.” Seulgi says.


“Has this trip confirmed your suspicions?” Taeyeon asks.


“Yep, and I know exactly who the killer is.”










Day of the murder:


Joohyun hesitates when she sees the dress hanging in her room. She knows who it’s from, yet she shudders. He’d been in her room again and she didn’t like it one bit. There’s a note on her desk and she holds it in her hand.





Irene darling,


We have the yearly anniversary of the Kim World Union and I expect you to attend, of course. Wear this dress beside me and I promise you’ll look ravishing.

An appointment with my stylists will be at 5, so you can look your best.


- Your father






Not my father.



A sick knot churns in Joohyun’s stomach and she lets the card fall to the ground. She peers at the dress— it’s red, short, off-shouldered and Joohyun can just smell the money dripping off of it. This was her life and she didn't like any moment of it. This day is meant to be special for Joohyun. She told Joohyun she was going to come, so Joohyun was excited for that part only.


On time, she obediently attends to the stylists who fix up her hair into a neat bun with her bangs neatly done. Another stylist helps her into the dress and pairs a pair of heels with the dress. “You look wonderful.” The stylist tells her, yet she doesn’t feel that way. Not wearing his things she doesn’t.


They’re hosting the anniversary at their huge mansion and Juwon is a sick, proud man.

He wraps Joohyun’s arm around his own and slides a hand dangerously low.

“You look wonderful, my daughter.”


“You’re not my father.” She wants to say.



The night is loud and full of people and Joohyun feels so tired staying by Juwon’s side all night. Yet she doesn’t stay by his side all night. Joohyun leaves for a short moment and isn’t by his side anymore. She sees her hiding stealthily in the crowd and Joohyun smiles. She glances at her step-father and sees that he’s in a deep conversation with investors, so she makes a move…










Seungwan’s home for the time being after Taeyeon insisted she should take a proper rest after the rushed bank trip she made.


Seungwan sat at her kitchen counter as she sipped on a glass of red wine, while reading Joohyun’s note again. She hasn’t seen Joohyun’s handwriting in years and she snorts. It’s almost exactly the same and obnoxiously neat. Joohyun was always so neat and prepared compared to Seungwan, but Seungwan never used that as a pressure point in their friendship. Seungwan found it funny the differences they had and how little similarities they had. But they complemented each other and Seungwan liked every aspect of Joohyun. And yeah maybe, in another lifetime, Joohyun was still Seungwan’s and Seungwan was Joohyun’s.


Seungwan wallows a bit into the night as she listens to the quiet rain outside her house.


A series of knocks are brought to her door and it sounds urgent. Seungwan gets up immediately and opens the door— perhaps she expected Joohyun, but the person on the other side surprises her even more.


“Hey, Wan, remember me?”









Night of the murder:


The night is loud and full of people and Joohyun feels so tired staying by Juwon’s side all night. Yet she doesn’t stay by his side all night. Joohyun leaves for a short moment and isn’t by his side anymore. She sees her hiding stealthily in the crowd and Joohyun smiles. She glances at her step-father and sees that he’s in a deep conversation with investors, so she makes a move.



She tells Sooyoung to follow her with a movement of her eyes.


She meets Sooyoung under one of the columns of the house and embraces her.

“I missed you.” Joohyun melts into the hug.

“The things I’d do for you, my favourite cousin.” Sooyoung sways as the two hug.


“How have you been doing? Last I heard you were doing intensive research on brain tumours.” Joohyun smiles like a kid in front of her cousin, who’s a couple years younger than her.

“Good, we’ve made a lot of progress. And you? Have you been looking after yourself?” Sooyoung asks.



Joohyun swallows and smiles the best she can.



“It’s hard, Sooyoung-ah. I don’t think I can do it anymore.” Joohyun sighed and Sooyoung frowned.

“He’s cruel, Joo. Why don’t you leave with me?” Sooyoung asks her.

“You know I can’t. I made promises and I have to keep them.” Joohyun shakes her head.

“Fine. Promise me this then”, Sooyoung says. “Promise to stay strong and take care of yourself.”



Joohyun giggles.



“I promise.”

“Now you promise to always put me as number 1.” Joohyun grins.

“I promise you’ll always be my number 1 and I’d do anything for you.” Sooyoung hugs her once again before Joohyun has to go off back to her step-father.




“Where have you been?” Is the first thing Juwon asks her.

“Sorry, just to the restroom.” She says an excuse and he dismisses it once he sees a young couple approach them and Joohyun in a breath— just get through the night, she tells herself, but how many more nights?


“Oh! Kyungho!” Her step-father ushers them over and Joohyun smiles warmly, then she notices the woman beside him.

“Darling, this is Kim Juwon, host and ceo”, Jung Kyungho introduces them. “This is my fianceé, Choi Sooyoung.”


Joohyun smiles for real.

She knows Sooyoung.

Choi Sooyoung was an alumni of her college and she left a pretty big name in the journaling department for her fruitful, and informative writing pieces, and Joohyun can’t help but fangirl internally.


“Nice to meet you Sooyoung, you are beautiful.” He kisses the back of her hand and her fianceé narrows his eyes.

“This is my daughter, Ire-”

“Bae Joohyun!” Sooyoung shakes her hand enthusiastically and Joohyun’s eyes widen.



“You know each other?” Juwon grits his teeth.

“Uh, she’s an alumni at the college I attended.” Joohyun replies almost immediately.

“Of course I know Joohyun, she’s the most popular journalist at Saint Parks college.” Sooyoung smiles and Joohyun can’t help, but grin.


Juwon doesn’t like anything about this interaction and Joohyun can tell.


“I am glad I funded my old college. Joohyun did so well in all areas and I wanted to scope her out to our company, but then they couldn’t find anyone with the name Bae Joohyun, bummer for me.” Sooyoung says.

“I-I didn’t know I would leave such a mark with my journaling work.” Joohyun is in complete disbelief that her idol knows her as Bae Joohyun and not Irene Kim.

“Of course you did, I mean your second best after me and that’s an achievement, Bae-ssi.” Sooyoung pats her shoulder and she feels so giddy.


“How about we set up an internship with our company and see if you want a place in our workfield?” Kyungho suggests and Joohyun almost accepts it, but a strong and piercing grip is placed upon her tricep.

“I-I’ll think about it.” Joohyun bites her tongue.

“Of course, contact us through Juwon here and we’ll welcome you.” Kyungho tells her and she nods.

“It was nice meeting you two, you make a lovely couple by the way.” Juwon tells them before dragging Joohyun away to his office upstairs.





“You’re hurting me- ow!” Joohyun shakes him off once they’re inside the office. He closes the door.

“Joohyun you can’t keep pulling these stunts anymore.” He spits. He approaches her and corners her to the wall. He’s too close for her liking, but it had been like that after her mother’s death. There’s a rough hand on her waist and Joohyun can’t help but flinch. She’s brought too close and he’s breathing down her neck.

“First you want to leave for a job far away from me, you attend college not under my name and you act like this? Don’t act like you’re tired of all this, you’re just a spoiled brat.” He brushes his rough palm against Joohyun’s cheek.

“You’re Irene Kim, my step-daughter, don’t you know that?” He says. “There’s no place for Bae Joohyun in this world. You have no place in this world, honey.”

“Get off me!” Joohyun roughly shakes him off and it leaves him stunned. There’s a loud crackle and Joohyun’s face is cast downward. He smacked her square on the cheek.

“Who raised you to raise your voice at a man?!” He growled. “Your bastard mother, I suppose.”

“Don’t speak about her like that.” Joohyun’s angry. She’s always been angry.



He roughly pinned her against the wall of the room by her wrists and Joohyun squirmed uncomfortably. She knew the grip he had was probably going to leave a mark. He used one hand to pin her hands and brought a hand down close to her thigh and Joohyun’s tears couldn’t stay put anymore.


“You’re mine, Joohyun. Don’t you get it? You can’t leave for some stupid intership, you’re by my side forever.” The sick man kissed Joohyun's neck as she sobbed. She used all her strength to push him off, but the rebound sent her to the ground.

“You ! What have I told you.” He made a move to crouch to where Joohyun was and grabbed her ankle to stop her from moving. Joohyun tried kicking him away, but she was far too tired for it. He made his way on top of her and pinned her down with his legs, she didn’t want to scream— it’d cause a scene.


She never wanted to be taken advantage of in her 29 years on earth and it was a cruel fate, but she wasn’t going down without a fight. She was Bae Joohyun, a girl who always planned ahead.


Reaching towards the desk drawer of the room, where Joohyun knew her step-father kept his most prized possessions, his collection of Ninja weapons from a time undocumented. She opened the drawer quickly and prayed she had enough strength and time. She pulled out a Kunai Knife and-






The plunge of the knife isn’t loud to outsiders, but to Joohyun’s ears, it’s a ringing sound that she’ll never forget. The knife wound, she’s pretty sure, is deep and strong enough to make the old man stagger and fall back onto the ground, flat on his back. Joohyun doubts the people down stairs at the party will hear any of this because of all the up they’re all probably doing.


Close to the chest or wherever, Joohyun hoped it’d rid her of him for good. Joohyun was definitely shaken up— with trembling hands and trembling figure, Joohyun used the study table to support her as she stood up. She killed her step-father? Never once in a million years would she ever have thought the torment would end like this.


Joohyun’s lips tremble as she sees the blood gush out from the stab wound and she moves to grab her bag. She places the bloody knife straight into the bag and cleans any remnants of his blood on her with a handkerchief she deposits into her bag after. With a shaky breath, Joohyun walks out of the room like the previous events had not occurred.


She makes her way to her room down the corridor and heads to her bathroom quickly. She washes her hands and cleans the knife thoroughly before she stashes it away behind her closet.



Joohyun jolts when she hears a loud sound from the office she just left.


Joohyun treads back to the office carefully and she bumps into a person.


“Sooyoung?” Joohyun’s voice shakes. She looks at her cousin and her eyes travel down to Sooyoung’s bloody hand and shirt.

“Soo… what did you do?” Joohyun trembles.

“I’d do anything for you, Joohyun. I told you.”


Joohyun tries to push past Sooyoung to see the scene, but Sooyoung holds her in place and hugs her. Joohyun cries into her arms like a little kid she never got to be.


“The things I’d do for you, Joohyun-unnie.”





Park Sooyoung wasn’t like any other kid growing up. She was smart, an honours student, shy and reserved. Her parents set her up for a successful career path and it was always study, study, study. Sooyoung never got to be a kid either, like Joohyun. She met Joohyun at a family gathering at a party and Joohyun took a liking to the girl immediately. Sooyoung was timid and didn’t want anything to do with the younger girl, but she smiled at her and Sooyoung shattered.


They grew up together, including Seungwan at most parts, so Sooyoung and Seungwan were acquainted.


As young kids, Joohyun had Seungwan as her shield, Seungwan had Seulgi as her shield and Sooyoung had Joohyun. Sooyoung was younger than Joohyun– and taller, but she was far too afraid for the world and Joohyun always promised to stay by her side and protect her.


That kept Sooyoung going, but as long as Joohyun held her hand along the way, everything was perfect.


Joohyun moved away at eighteen to the city, where sixteen year old Sooyoung was already advanced to college, studying neurology. Joohyun was glad she had someone in the city, and Sooyoung in return for all those times Joohyun had protected her from bullies and people who overlooked her, she took care of the older girl and helped Joohyun fit into the city scene.









“What are you doing here?” Seungwan asks as she lets a dripping Sooyoung into her house.

“To set things right.”





“Okay, okay- slow down!” Seungwan sighs as Sooyoung runs through the story.

“So the day of the murder, you were attending the party without an invite because..?” Seungwan motions with her hands for Sooyoung to continue properly.

“I got disowned before I moved to the city because I didn’t want to take over the company and Joohyun moved to the city too. We met often and stayed close and the party was the only place we could meet and not get in trouble.” Sooyoung says.

“Tell me what happens after.” Seungwan lets her continue.


“After talking with Joohyun in that dark corner, Joohyun went back to Juwon to greet more people, so I just wandered around and kept an eye on Joohyun.” Sooyoung tells her. “They met a couple last, I think and then Juwon was suddenly agitated and took Joohyun upstairs- and that’s when I feared for her.”


Seungwan’s lips are dry and she just needs to end all of this for once and for all.


“They were gone for a little too long, not that anyone noticed but anyways”, Sooyoung’s voice shook. “I headed upstairs and from the top of the stairs I saw- I saw it all. I saw Joohyun stab him.”

“Joohyun moved quickly and dashed out of the place and went to her room and I guess she was pretty shaken up because she didn’t see me.” Sooyoung says.


“And after?” Seungwan asks.


“I reached the office and I saw him crawling on the ground towards the door and so I-I panicked!” Sooyoung can’t stay still anymore and begins pacing.

“I took a trophy from the top of his book shelf and hit his brain stem directly and… and I killed him, he- he was dead.” Sooyoung says.



“...the trophy was never mentioned because it was at the top shelf and the murder scene was all found on the floor.” Seungwan rubs her temples at the new revelations.

“Joohyun- she found me after. She found me outside of the office bloodied up and cried. I cried too at some point.” Sooyoung sighs as she sits back down.

“Later, Joohyun took me home for a couple days, while the investigation was hectic and ongoing. She covered my tracks at the party as best as she could and always came to my apartment to check up on me.” Sooyoung says.

“Then after a week from the day of the murder, Joohyun gave me two million dollars in cash and made me get a new identity and shipped me off to a plane to Japan.” Sooyoung says.


“At first I was so overwhelmed I could barely keep track of anything, but then I noticed why Joohyun was moving so quickly to rid any trace of me. She was going to confess to the murder in my place.” Sooyoung swallows.

“I felt so dumb for not realising it in the beginning, but I headed back to Seoul as soon as I could and I came in yesterday night.” Seungwan holds Sooyoung’s hand for support as she notices the girl’s uncontrollable shaking.



“Are you sure you want to confess to the murder?” Seungwan asks and Sooyoung looks up into her eyes.

“Of course. I’d do anything for her and so would you.”


“Okay, we’ll go past the station tomorrow morning and we’ll write up a confession and-”

Seungwan’s phone rings.

“Sorry, one sec.”


“Yes Seul?” Seungwan picks up the call.

“You have to hurry and get to the station now!” Seulgi says quickly.

“Wait, wait- slow down, what happened?” Seungwan heard noises in the call and assumed the precinct was busy.

“Chief Jeon came in and he’s moving the case forward, Captain has no more authority, you have to bring the killer with you! Joohyun’s going to turn herself in!” Seulgi says and Seungwan runs to put her shoes on.


“What? What is it?” Sooyoung followed her to the door.

“On second thought, we can’t go in the morning. We gotta go now.”




Seungwan drives through the rainy night and Sooyoung rehearses what she’s going to say. A main difference between Sooyoung and Joohyun was that Joohyun always thought things through, but Sooyoung rarely did and the only thing she ever did plan was Joohyun.


Seungwan bursted through the precinct doors with Sooyoung’s wrist in a gentle hold.

“Everyone stop moving!” Seungwan shouted.


Chief had Joohyun in handcuffs and Seulgi was frantically pacing. They stopped at the sound of Seungwan’s voice.


“Soo?” Joohyun sees her and Sooyoung smiles the best she can.

“You’re not meant to be here? What the hell are you doing here?” Joohyun breaks and cries. Sooyoung cradles her immediately.

“What’s going on, Son?” Her captain asks and his chief stands expecting an answer.

“Found the killer.”








One week after the report of the case:


“Joohyun-unnie, slow down, please!” Sooyoung sighs as she watches her cousin pace around in her room. Joohyun was packing huge amounts of clothes and just about everything into a suitcase.


Joohyun didn’t reply and only kept track of her metal list of things she needed to check off.


“Where are we going, Joo?” Sooyoung was desperate, she just wanted to speak to Joohyun normally.

“Not me, you are.”


“What do you mean? Joohyun-unnie, stop for a second, please.” Sooyoung holds Joohyun’s hand and makes her stay still.

“I said I’d fix everything, okay?” Joohyun speaks softly.

Joohyun brings her palm to Sooyoung’s cheek.

“Do you trust me, Sooyoungie?” Joohyun asks.

“I do.”




Joohyun drives Sooyoung to the airport the following days after she finialised everything she needed to.


Sooyoung stays quiet.


Joohyun walks Sooyoung straight to the gate and pulls along her suitcase.


“Listen to me carefully.” Joohyun begins and Sooyoung nods.

“Your name is Harumi Hana, you’re Japanese and returning to home in Kyoto”, Joohyun says. “Your documents are all in this bag.”

Joohyun hands a bag to Sooyoung and she holds onto it.

“I rented a small house by the side of Kotohiki beach and you’ll live there for however long.” Joohyun says.


“I wired 2 million to a bank account and more information is in the documents.” Joohyun says.

“Message me with this phone when you get to Kyoto.” Joohyun kisses atop Sooyoung's head.

“Promise you won’t forget about me, Hana.” Joohyun smiles and Sooyoung wants to cry, but she doesn’t.

“I promise.”









Joohyun sits outside of the interrogation in a dazed state with Seungwan in front of her. Sooyoung is inside with the chief and captain and she worries.


Seungwan finds it hard to speak and Joohyun’s just tired.


“What are you going to do once the case is over?” Joohyun breaks the silence first and Seungwan looks up.


And Seungwan thinks.

There’s a lot of things she could do, probably.


“Hopefully Tiffany and Taeyeon get married, so I can go to their wedding.” Seungwan chuckles softly and Joohyun smiles for the first time in a couple of days. “Hang out with Seul like old times, hm.. go to a beauty salon with Yerim.. and treat the team to a good meal.” Seungwan smiles as she remembers taking all the good times the team has shared together.


“And what about you, Seungwannie?”






“... I’ll go home and sleep as much as I want.” Seungwan says and Joohyun frowns a little.



She never thinks about herself.



“...and maybe, I’d get my chance to tell you I love you the way you love me.” Seungwan says and Joohyun doesn’t want to cry anymore. Joohyun moves and falls into Seungwan’s arms.


“You’re an idiot.” Joohyun tells her as if they were teenagers again.

“Not any more than you.” Seungwan retorts and Joohyun either cries or laughs.




The door opens and Joohyun and Seungwan scramble to straighten up.


“Are we allowed in?” Seungwan asks her captain and he nods.

Joohyun rushes in and Seungwan follows after and stays by the door at a safe distance for the two to have some semblance of privacy.



They speak harshly, and then it slowly dissipates into gentle affectionate tones.



“Why did you come back, Sooyoung? I told you I was going to handle everything. I said I’d fix it.” Joohyun says as she sits in front of Sooyoung at the table.

“You can’t fix my mistakes, Joo-unnie. I did it, I should be the one that’s guilty, not you.” Sooyoung shakes her head and Joohyun feels her heart breaking.


“You do too much for me, Joohyun. You’ve done everything for me, you’ve been by my side since we were kids and you always protected me. Why can’t you let someone protect you? Why can’t you let someone take care of you?” Joohyun cries and Sooyoung holds her.


“... take it back, take it back. You can’t be the one that goes.” Joohyun sobs.

“Why not?” Sooyoung lets out a chuckle humorously.

“Because you didn’t do anything wrong, you can’t leave me.” Joohyun feels so pathetic and she can’t help it.

“You have Seungwannie and I hope she takes care of you for once”, Sooyoung pats her head. “I’ll be gone for a little bit and I’ll come back and we can all be happy together later on, okay?”

“Promise?” Joohyun looks up with glassy eyes.

“I promise.”




The case moves forward and Joohyun looks at Sooyoung one last time in the courtroom before the judge raises her mallet.


“Park Sooyoung is guilty for the voluntary manslaughter of Kim Juwon”, The judge’s voice booms. “Park will be sentenced to prison for 7 years with parole. Case dismissed!”




Joohyun finds Sooyoung after the court hearing and Joohyun frowns a little when she sees the handcuffs on Sooyoung.


“Smile. Stop frowning.” Sooyoung pouts and Joohyun wants to cry again. How does her cousin still be so bright in such circumstances?

“I’ll visit you everyday.” Joohyun says with determination.

“No, don't do that.” Sooyoung says and Joohyun makes a confused face.

“Visit me once a fortnight and leave time for your girlfriend over there.” Sooyoung points in the direction where Seungwan is leaning against the wall, waiting for Joohyun.

“She’s not my girl- you know what? I’m not having this argument with you again.” Joohyun points a finger in Sooyoung’s face.


“Promise me you’ll wait for me?” Sooyoung nudges.

“I promise.”

“Make sure you keep Seungwan happy.” Sooyoung tells her and Joohyun finds herself looking at the younger girl. Seungwan makes eye contact and smiles softly with a wave of her fingers.

“I will.”











7 years later:


Joohyun bounces her leg in the car incessantly and it keeps distracting Seungwan.

“Darling, are you that nervous? You saw Soo yesterday.” Seungwan smiles softly.

“Yeah behind a glass, but I’m not nervous actually, I’m so excited!” Joohyun grins and Seungwan can’t help, but smile too at seeing Joohyun’s full blown smile.

“Are we almost there yet?” Seulgi pops her head through from the back and Seungwan rolls her eyes.

“Why did we let her come too?” Seungwan sighs and Joohyun flicks her.

“Because Seulgi, your maid of honour, wants to see my maid of honour.” Joohyun scowls and Seungwan chuckles.

“Of course, my beautiful almost-wife.” Seungwan kisses her and Joohyun blushes as if it was their first kiss.

“Awwwww!” Seulgi swoons.

“Focus on the road, almost-wife.” Joohyun tells Seungwan after she recovers from the kiss.



The car stops and the three girls get out and wait in front of the big fence.


“Eeeeeee I’m so excited!” Seulgi and Joohyun bounce around Seungwan, hand in hand. Seungwan laughs at their antics before she checks her watch that shows Sooyoung would be released just any second.


The gates buzz and a girl with outgrown bangs runs towards them at full speed.


“Sooyoung!” Joohyun and Seulgi meet Sooyoung halfway and the three hug it out. Seungwan watches fondly before draping herself on all three— causing all four of them to collapse onto the ground.

“We missed you!” Seulgi showers Sooyoung with kisses.






Funny story on how Seulgi and Sooyoung actually met— Sooyoung was already in prison and Seulgi was still a detective along those seven years. In the third year, Sooyoung was let out for parole and spent most of the day with Joohyun and Seungwan. Joohyun and Seungwan were at Seungwan’s house chilling, and Sooyoung had gone on a quick run around the neighbourhood, when Seulgi bursted through Seungwan’s house with her spare key and started crying hysterically.


“Woah, woah, why are you crying?” Seungwan panicked and Joohyun guided the girl to the couch to sit.

It was a good five minutes of Seulgi sobbing and many unintelligible words were exchanged.


“ My…”

“Yes, your what…?” Seungwan was spending time with Joohyun just fine, but now she had to worry about Seulgi.

“Lala!" Seulgi exclaimed before falling onto Joohyun’s lap to cry more.


“Your cat? What’s wrong with Lala? Did she die??” Seungwan asked Seulgi who was still in a hysterical state.

“Nooooo she ran awayyyyyy.” Seulgi cried even harder and Seungwan sighed.

“Your.. your cat.. ran away..?” Seungwan deadpanned and Joohyun elbowed her.

“It’s okay, Kang Seul, we’ll find him.” Joohyun Seulgi’s hair.



The front door opened again and Seungwan assumed Sooyoung had returned from her run.


“Hey guys guess what I found-”



Seulgi jumped straight into Sooyoung’s arms and Lala dropped down and trotted into the house like her owner hadn’t been hysterically crying over her disappearance.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Seulgi kissed Sooyoung’s cheeks and Sooyoung turned visibly red.

Seungwan fell to the ground in laughter and Joohyun couldn’t help, but laugh with her girlfriend.


“Oh, I’m sorry!” Seulgi recomposed herself and Sooyoung was frozen.

“I-it’s okay.” Sooyoung stuttered. Never in a million years would Sooyoung have thought that going on parole would let a pretty girl end up in her arms– and never in a million years would Joohyun and Seungwan anticipate seeing Sooyoung stuttering in front of someone.


“I’m Seulgi.” Seulgi kissed her cheek again and stuck out her hand.


“Sooyoung, her name’s Sooyoung.” Seungwan cackled.








“Glad to have you back, Soo.” Seungwan patted Sooyoung’s shoulder and Sooyoung grinned so hard her cheeks began hurting.

“Where to now?” Sooyoung bounced excitedly.

“You have a wedding to attend.




Wedding day:

Joohyun cries once she sees Seungwan in her gown as she walks the path of flowers with her dad. Seungwan was already crying before she even set foot on the path and she was incredibly happy. As a kid she always dreamed of a wedding, but she never even had the thought of marrying her best friend and just someone as beautiful as Joohyun.



“Joohyun, stop crying, you’re going to forget your vows.” Sooyoung whispers to her.

“I can’t.” Joohyun keeps crying and Sooyoung stifles her laugh.



Seungwan’s dad takes a seat in the audience and Seungwan stands in front of Joohyun.



“Friends, family and colleagues. We are here today to celebrate the marriage of Bae Joohyun and Son Seungwan.” Seulgi speaks.


Seungwan had the idea to ask their longtime best friend Seulgi to officiate the wedding, instead of getting a priest and Seulgi was more than happy to witness this day.


“I’ve known these two for a good portion of my life and they’ve been glued together since they were still learning how to spell.” Seulgi holds her tears.

“I am so happy and grateful to have been able to grow up beside Joohyun and Seungwan, just to officiate their wedding. I say that this is my greatest achievement.” Seulgi cries anyway.

“Aw, Seul~” Seungwan pouts and Joohyun sniffles.



“Now for your vows, Joohyun?” Seulgi stands back a little for the couple to say their vows.

Joohyun smiles and blushes.

“Sooyoung was right when she said if I cried I would forget my vows.” Joohyun ducks her head shyly and Seungwan falls in love over and over again.

“But, I don’t need rehearsed lines to say how much I love Seungwan.”


“Son Seungwan, who I met in kindergarten. Bright smile and cute chubby cheeks, I fell in love at that instant. Maybe I didn’t at five years old, but I knew I wanted to spend the most time I had with her.


Seungwan has always been my shield and I will always be so grateful for the times she’s taken care of me, until now. Our lives have been crazy since the beginning, but I would never want it any different if it meant I wouldn't meet Seungwan in this lifetime. I’d never want to ever lose you again. I love you, Wannie.” Joohyun cries again.



“Seungwan?” Seulgi cues her and Seungwan takes a deep breath. She glances at Joohyun’s recovering mother, who was in a wheelchair and she gave a nod to Seungwan.





Seungwan begins with Joohyun’s nickname that she learnt Joohyun’s mother had for her, after many conversations she shared with the elder woman.

Joohyun cries at Seungwan’s opening line.



“When I was younger, I asked on my fourth birthday to make a friend in kindergarten and wished so hard that the following week, I met two of my favourite people. We three grew up together and we stayed close as a trio. I think Seulgi knew before me how much I loved Joohyun in a way best friends don’t.”



Seulgi smiles warmly at Seungwan.



“Then I lose my chance to ever tell Joohyun I love her, but now, today, I stand and proudly say that I love Bae Joohyun. Always have and always will love Joohyun. And maybe for a few birthdays later, I ask for Joohyun to come back to me in this life or another and fate shuffles the cards and finally lays them for me to meet Joohyun again in this life. The story continues, I go on one knee and have my chance and now we stand here at our wedding. I am so happy and so grateful for you, Joohyun. I love you and I’m so proud of where we are now.”



“I love you.” Joohyun chokes out and Seungwan grins.

“I love you too.”



“Rings.” Seulgi says and Yerim hands them over from keeping them safely in the palm of her sweaty hand.


Seulgi hands them the rings and they hold it in their hands.


“With this ring, do you, Son Seungwan, take Bae Joohyun as your longtime companion and wife?” Seulgi says.

“I do.”

“Do you, Bae Joohyun, take Son Seungwan as your longtime companion and wife?” Seulgi smiles softly at Joohyun.

“I do.”


The rings are slid onto fingers.



“By the power vested in me and the online course I took to officiate, I now pronounce you married! The brides may kiss!” Seulgi cheered and the guests began clapping and cheering. Seungwan kept the kiss short and simple and saved the rest for later.




Hand in hand, Joohyun and Seungwan walked down the path of flowers as best friends, companions and wives.

Once separated, now rejoiced.



And yeah, Maybe in another lifetime, Seungwan and Seulgi are still cramming cases at the precinct and Joohyun is behind bars alone, but not in this lifetime.


Because in this lifetime, Seulgi and Seungwan are promoted and Seungwan’s married to Joohyun, and Sooyoung and Seulgi get their happily ever after. In this lifetime Joohyun isn’t behind bars and is working at J&C entertainment and doing the things she loves as a journalist.


In this lifetime, everything goes the right way and everyone is happy— just as it was promised.









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I'm converting some of my twice fics on my ao3 (@9minamiminari) bc I want to lol, I hope u enjoy <3


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Chapter 1: A crime WR story now that's rare! I always check the tags before i read and was sceptical if it really was a happy ending and it is! I swear to god i have trust issues with WR authors because sometimes they do it for funsies and giggles tho i gotta admit that they're really good with angst. I had to be pessimistic at times so it wouldn't hurt so much.

Thank you for writing! This is so sooo good btw
Chapter 1: So many things happened but yaaay happy ending for the couple
Chapter 1: I am so moved seeing how much Joohyun and Sooyoung loves each other ad cousin 😭😭 Anyway I love the happy ending l 💖💙💖💙 like Sooyoung said Joohyun needs someone too to loves and protecting her 💖💙💖💙
aglaonema #4
Chapter 1: Nice
Chapter 1: yeay happy ending
WenRene_77 15 streak #6
Chapter 1: SJF😊💙💝 thank u author..
Chapter 1: My friend recommended this to me because of the crime!AU (I just love a good detective or crime thriller haha) and wow, i enjoyed this a lot! I do appreciate how the story is more lighthearted towards the ending, and how well it wrapped up. I love how you included Seulgi and Joy here too ❤️

Thank you for writing!!
Chapter 1: I love it. Enjoy reading it.
ShinHye24 1340 streak #9
Chapter 1: So heavy!!! Ufff, Sooyoung ah may you live a happy, healthy and long Life :)
WluvsBaetokki #10
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1521547/1'>FIN.</a></span>
Awwww I'm so glad that they found each other again and lived happily ever after