chapter two.

Fondness Within Pages
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Jimin has been rereading the same texts on the same page for almost an hour now. She decided to spend her lunch break inside the college library to review some of the equations that would probably be included in the Math and Sciences Quiz Bee that the whole council has prepared for Engineering Week. 

It has been a long while since she encountered these jumbled numbers and letters, since her current program subjects mainly focus on applied Sciences. Reading a broad Mathematics book that has countless Multi-variable Calculus formulas and equations couldn't help but make her head ache.

“Jimin? You're not gonna have your lunch?”

The student body president looked up after having the other side of her face squished on the hard cover of the book. It was Yeji, and she was holding two clubhouse sandwiches in her hands. 

“Oh, hey. I'll probably be skipping today since I have to study for the quiz bee,” she replied, showing off all the books she borrowed from the library. Yeji let out a deep sigh before sitting on the chair across from Jimin, handing her the other sandwich. 

“You used to remind me that skipping meals isn't good, especially when you have to review. Studying on an empty stomach would only lead to poor understanding of lessons and concepts.” Yeji uttered, copying how Jimin reprimanded her years ago when she skipped breakfast and lunch to study for an important examination. “Here, let's share my sandwich. I don't take no's for an answer.”

Jimin had no choice but to eat, since Yeji was very persistent and probably wouldn't let her study in peace if she didn't accept the food. The both of them started to munch carefully, making sure that no crumbs would fall on the table since the school librarian is pretty strict when it comes to eating small meals inside the library. 

“Got any idea who the other contestants were?” Yeji asked as she used her free hand to flip through the pages of her Pharmacotherapy book. The girl has an upcoming examination and there were a lot of terms that needed to be memorized, so she had to take extra time to review. 

“Not really,” Jimin responded after finishing her sandwich. “I haven't checked the bulletin board yet since I was the first one to sign my name up. I haven't returned since then.”

“Well, it'll probably just be the same contestants from last year, except maybe there would be freshies who are interested in joining. Either way, I'm sure you'll be placing first again, as always.” Yeji encouraged, making the other girl smile.

“You really have high hopes in me, do you?” 

Yeji let out a soft laugh. She gently closed her book, and rested her chin on the back of her palm, her eyes now staring at Jimin's dark brown orbs. 

“I always have high hopes for you, since I'm pretty much aware of how hardworking and intelligent you are. You've always shown a strong desire to succeed and get whatever you want in life, no matter how difficult it is. I guess that's one thing I loved about you,” she answered truthfully. 

“Is this a confession? Do you still like me, Hwang Yeji?” Jimin teased, making the girl roll her eyes and slightly hit her arm with a pen. 

“You wish. Anyway, I guess I'll be heading first since I have class in Oncology in ten minutes. Don't forget to go to the dean's office after your last class and ask him to sign the other papers for the events next week,” Yeji said as she stood up to gather her things. Jimin just nodded before waving goodbye to the girl and focusing on the book in front of her when Yeji's silhouette disappeared. 

Students were starting to fill up the spaces in the library and Jimin was the type of person who fails to focus on studying when there's too much noise or the place she chose was crowded, so she just grabbed some of the books she took that she wouldn't be needing anymore to return in back to the shelves. As she walked, she witnessed a few students sitting on the floor and chitchatting behind one of the shelves. The others were just using their phones and not really reading or reviewing anything. 

“Excuse me,” she said, immediately gaining the attention of the mentioned students. “Freshmen?” 

The students nodded, still looking clueless as to why they were being asked, but chose to respond anyway.

“Well, I'm pretty sure you guys were oriented about the usage of the college library before classes officially started. You only enter this place to study, do your homework, or borrow books that you need for school purposes. Loud chattering and most especially, using your phones inside is not allowed,” Jimin uttered, silencing the students that were just being noisy a few minutes ago. 

Jimin was still able to guess that the students had no idea who she was, so she slightly fixed her uniform and shortly introduced herself with a small smile.

“Yoo Jimin, the student body president,” she stated. The way the students' eyes widened in surprise was a funny sight, but she tried her best not to laugh to exert dominance and leadership. 

“We're really sorry, Miss Yoo. We won't do it again, just please don't take us to detention,” one of the students said with an apologetic look. He already placed his phone inside his backpack and made sure it was turned off as well.

“I don't really take students to detention, unless a teacher or a university head asks me to. You guys are lucky I was the one who found you. Return to your respective classrooms if you don't have any important business here anymore,” she softly asked, but her tone still sounded intimidating, which made the young students follow in just a blink.

When the students were gone, Jimin proceeded to put the books she borrowed on the exact shelves where she got them. She only left one book with her, and it was the same Mathematics book she was reading minutes ago. She was about to head out when she heard a familiar voice from the farthest corner of the Algebra books section.

“With the use of partial differentiation, we get d over dx multiplied by the square of xz over x plus y...” 

Jimin's ears perked as she slowly walked closer to where the voice was coming from. The words suddenly made her remember the equations she was reviewing earlier. 

“Add the same equation to d over dx; multiply it once again by the square of y, then write equals d over dx times zero.” 

The student body president almost dropped the book she was holding when she took a slight peek. There, sitting beside the farthest corner of the shelf, was Kim Minjeong, reading the same book that she borrowed. She was too focused to even realize that Jimin was only a few inches away from her.

It was highly impossible for this to be a coincidence, since Jimin knew they were in the same year and same program. 

Minjeong reviewing the equations in that book only meant one thing. 

She was rivals with her once again. 

Jimin felt the same level of annoyance she had when she saw Minjeong's name take up her spot in the rankings. She then quickly walked to where the blonde girl was seated. 

“You're joining the quiz bee next week?” She straightforwardly asked, surprising the other girl because Jimin didn't even let her presence be known at least. Minjeong holding her chest in shock was adorable for the student body president, and she looked like a toddler staring at her cluelessly. 

But that was the least of her concer

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Woah, hey! I'm terribly sorry about the super late update. I bet you guys thought I abandoned this already. Anyway, I've been very busy because of thesis + defense + midterms week but I'm back now, I guess? 🥴 Hope everyone's doing fine!


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Chapter 1: will this continue?🥺
163 streak #2
Chapter 7: This is all a misunderstanding like it really is, Jimin was kissed by force and I don’t know if Yeji did it intentionally because she might have seen Minjeong which I lowkey doubt cause she doesn’t appear to be that type of person. For me it looks like she truly wanted to act on her feelings for the last time but of course I could be wrong. I just hope Minjeong listens to what Jimin has to say, I also understand why she’s so upset and can’t honestly blame her. Thank you for the update and I’m so glad you’re back. Can’t wait to see what happens next!!!
Chapter 7: I knew it! God, Jimin is on such a struggle bus. First she kisses Minjeong and then Yeji kisses her even though it was clear that she wasn't feeling that whatsoever. Then Minjeong saw it and that causes another misunderstanding, like damn girl, just listen to her explanation. There's literally so much drama, but I'm living for it.

Thanks for the update! And, stay safe out there author, take care of yourself.
Taitai84 1234 streak #4
Chapter 7: Yeji must have seen minjeong going to the washroom
284 streak #5
Chapter 7: Heartaches again 🥺 gonna wait the next chap for sure, see you authornim!
icantreact #6
Chapter 7: Oh no!! Minjeong please listen to Jimin explanation...
oofiee 1081 streak #7
Chapter 7: oh no im now sad
Chapter 7: Hehe here comes drama~
Chapter 7: jimin is surprisingly pretty awful with communication. telling minjeong about her feelings first before kissing her out of the blue would’ve made things so much more clear. but she realy just kissed and ran. even when she hated minjeong for beating her, she just did a total switch up of attitude instead of talking it out with her. minjeong even mentioned that she doesnt have a lot of friends so jimin really has to work on communication off feelings if she’s serious about her.

thanks for writing 🙌
Jamess #10
Chapter 7: well take care first of yourself buddy no rush 😁😁….thks for the update 😁😁👍👍👍