How can you mend this broken woman?

Mend A Broken Heart - Gyulsun Short Story
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“Oh, you’re here!” Jisun said interrupting Gyuri while playing with her phone.

Gyuri looked at Jisun who wore a white sleeveless mini dress with her dark brown hair down. Gyuri’s favorite of Jisun’s hair. Gyuri’s heart skipped a bit. She always found Jisun beautiful but today was an exception because she’s really really beautiful.

“You’re beautiful” Said Gyuri while Jisun sipped her water and Jisun almost spilled the water upon hearing her statement.

“What did you say?”

“You’re beautiful” She repeated innocently.

“Huh?” Jisun looked at her confusedly.


“You just complimented me?”


“Wow, never heard that in my life”

“Was I never?”

“No, never,” Jisun said sarcastically.

Gyuri chuckled. She suddenly remembered Jiheon's words about this.

“Jisunah, how should I greet him, is that Bonjour or Bonjor?”

“Just ‘hello’ would be enough Jang Gyuri, don’t make our daughter embarrassed”

“Can you actually believe that we will finally meet Emeric today?” Gyuri asked.

“I know right? But I was afraid he might not show up again. He even missed charye this morning” Jisun answered.

“Jiheon said that the flight got delayed?”

“And you believe that?”

“No to be honest. And Emeric is not even my family, he actually doesn’t have to do the memorial service Jisunah.”

“Omo gatekeeping alert. He could be Jiheon’s husband you know. Anyway, if this Emeric is real you should pay me,” Jisun said again.


“We had a bet, remember? You said that maybe Emeric is only an imaginary boyfriend of our daughter, then you suggested a bet”

“Ya Roh Jisun!” Gyuri raised the tone making everyone look at them.

“It’s been years, please. Can we just trust Jiheon?” Gyuri said quietly.

“You’re not fun. Ah, I should sit next to you to avoid the awkwardness”

Jisun then moved to sit beside Gyuri, it made Gyuri’s heart beat faster than usual.

“Eommadeul!” Jiheon called for her mothers.

Jisun waved her hands and now they realized that Jiheon was in someone else’s arms. A good-looking man with ginger hair.

Jiheon headed toward them, and Gyuri already smiled at the couple.

“Now give me my 100.000 won,” Jisun said while grinning.

“Jisunah!” Gyuri widened her eyes to her.

“Hello, you must be Emeric,” Jisun said while shaking his hand.

“Hello nice to finally meet you, Miss Roh and Miss Jang” Emeric also shook Gyuri’s hand.

“Eomma, Mom, this is dr. Emeric Toussaint. My boyfriend”

“Nice to meet you Emeric. Please have a seat” Gyuri said.

Jiheon, Emeric, Jisun, and Gyuri then spent the evening together. They talked about everything, mostly about Emeric. They only heard about Emeric from Jiheon but right now they could ask things to him. Finally, the parents can meet him in person. They were dying to know the man who has been in a relationship with her daughter for 5 years. Turned out, that Emeric joined Doctors Without Borders last 3 years. When he was back home, he only spent it with his family and sometimes with Jiheon when she was there. And this past year, he was finally done with his duty and opened a practice in Boston. Emeric confessed that right now he wanted to pursue a specialty in Aesthetic and planned to move to South Korea to be with Jiheon as well.

“So enough about me. I am curious, how did you guys meet?”

Gyuri coughed upon hearing the question.

“Emeric, you know that we’re divorced right?” Jisun answered. 

“I know from Jiheon. But, you guys seem really cool parents. Of course, you’re so cool, you raised a good daughter. I am just curious, you guys have a different background and you were married then you are not. But, you guys are okay with this setting. My parents are also divorced, but I swear to God, I would never put them in a one-room together”

They all laughed.

“We met at the TV station. Gyuri was one of the hosts of a cooking program. I was the invited chef for one episode, a royal Korean dish episode. Yeah we started from there”

“Actually, I knew her before that” Gyuri intercepted. 

“Huh?” Jisun looked confused. 

“There was one time when I happened to visit her restaurant with my friend. I love Korean food so he brought me there. Funny that there was this customer who got mad over the restaurant’s service and made a scene. Jisun then came from the kitchen and she faced that man and asked the man to leave the restaurant. She was so cool considering her petite figure, you know, she threw away the man, apologized to other customers, and gave us free dessert. I thought she was so cool” Gyuri chuckled to herself remembering the past.

“Then the PD of my cooking program said that we would do a royal Korean dish episode, I begged him to invite her and he did it”

Jisun looked at Gyuri,

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Chapter 6: This is sooooooo cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 6: "love is sweeter the second time around" I AGREE NOW