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Mend A Broken Heart - Gyulsun Short Story
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Hello again!

I realized that on this account I only wrote stories about TWICE's shipping (mostly Michaeng). All because so far, I have never been able to find ships that I really wanted to write about, like the ships in the TWICE group.

I've known K-pop music since 2009 and am still a fan to this day. Of course, I have a few groups that I like as I stated in my bio. A little TMI, that this account's name, molkkangmolkkang is a catchphrase, often said by Eunjung from the T-ARA on the We Got Married because I used to really like T-ARA

I've really liked fromis_9 since their pre-debut days from Idol School and during the pandemic, I realized that I shipped Gyulsun just like everyone else out there. This couple was finally able to make me write again outside of the TWICE stories that I had made.

I apologize to my fellow readers who may have received notifications of my new story, but this story is not about TWICE. If I have the opportunity and the idea, of course, I will write about them again.

And I'd like to welcome any of the Flover friends who may have come across this story. I really hope you will enjoy the story.



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Chapter 6: This is sooooooo cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 6: "love is sweeter the second time around" I AGREE NOW