One hellish day in hell

Between all angels and demons, I had to fall in love with you

Angels and demons are interesting creatures. Although angels are supposed to be these holy, innocent beings, they can be quite cruel. As their main job is to retrieve good willed humans' souls to guide them to either reincarnation or eternal rest, they're constantly in touch with death. And death in itself is very cruel. It doesn't help that there's lots of violence involved with people deceasing. And seeing it too much and constantly kind of wrecks anyone's behavior.

On the other hand, there's demons. Their main job is to collect bad people's souls and then purify them. This can lead to absorb accidentally a little of that wickedness, the origin of some demons evil behavior. Though it only affects them for a short time.

Or it should. Some demons just loved to act like wicked gremlins.

Although there's no real animosity between them, there still exists this sort of rivalry permeating their relationship. However, problems rarely raise between them, as there's some sort of unsaid agreement of not getting on each other's business and to respect their territories.

That's why, whenever Kyuhyun goes to hell to visit his so adored hyung, chaos ensues.

"Yesung!" A white figure appeared in the portal in the office. His fluffy wings fluttering before being hidden. He directed a dazzling smile to the demon seated in front the desk. The angel got closer to him and he stood up.

"Kyuhyunie! What are you doing here?" It was still two hours before Yesung's shift ended. They would usually met on their house at the bridge, the neutral territory connecting heaven and hell.

"I finished early, so I thought of coming and going home together." They finally reached each other, wrapping the other in a hug. Kyuhyun's lips met Yesung's for a moment before smiling lovingly at him.

"Aww, how sweet. But I still have some work left to do." Yesung's voice was apologetic.

"I don't mind the wait. I just want to be with you."

Yesung arched a brow. "Are you sure? You know it's very dangerous for you to be in hell."

"Yes, Ye, I know. I'll wait here."

"You really have to stay in my office."

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at him. "Come on. What do you take me for? A five years old kid?"



"I'm just kidding." Yesung smiled at Kyuhyun's scoff. "Alright, you can stay. But you have to keep your word."

"Yes, hyung, I won't leave your office until you leave."

Yesung studied his expression before nodding. "I'll finish this quickly so we can go home." They smiled at each other before going to their respective seats; Yesung at his desk and Kyuhyun in the couch next to him.

They stayed like that for an hour. Yesung doing his work, Kyuhyun playing some games and occasionally going to help Yesung with his paperwork. They also chatted about nonsense and their day on. As Kyuhyun wanted to hurry and go home, he restrained his teasing nature.

As Yesung was about to finish, his work phone rang. He frowned at it before answering. Kyuhyun got curious about the call. He paused his game and observed Yesung talk.

"Hello? Yes. What's the matter? I see. Uh? Right now? Even if it is an emergency... I understand. I'll be right there."

Yesung ended the call and sighed. He saw Kyuhyun's curious gaze and answered the unsaid question.

"They need an emergency purification and I'm the only one who can do it at the moment. It shouldn't take more than ten minutes." It seemed Yesung planned to apologize, but Kyuhyun cut him out before he could do so.

"Go, don't worry. As I said before, I don't mind waiting." He gave him a reassuring smile. It make Yesung relax and mirror it. He got ready and gave a kiss to Kyuhyun before leaving.

"I'll be right back."

Kyuhyun waved at him while he departed. Yesung had to hurry up and finish this. It never felt good making Kyuhyun wait for so long.






Yesung was finally returning to his office. He hadn't been as fast as he hoped, the case being more difficult than he expected. But that's what you get when a newbie is in charge of a purifing process without supervision. It takes time to learn when's the right moment to stop the retribution process and begin the purification.

Sighing, he pulled open the door. He just hoped Kyuhyun didn't get too bored.

"I'm sorry, Kyu. It took longer than expected and—"

He stopped in his tracks. The room was empty.

Yesung cursed under his breath. Of course this was happening. He shouldn't have left him without supervision. But he was stupid enough to leave an angel here. All alone. In hell. The place full of demons.

Another curse escaped his lips.

He searched the room for some clues while pinching the bridge of his nose. When he caught sight of orange hair and fur cat on his couch, he knew exactly who took Kyuhyun.

He strode to the door and rushed to the most likely place for them to be.

He just hoped he wasn't too late.










He was late.


Very late.









When he arrived at Heechul's room, the angel and older demon have already played eight pranks and had three more on wait.

Heechul was laughing maniacally while Kyuhyun smirked wickedly. They were probably planning another one.

When they took notice of his presence on the room, Kyuhyun's face changed completely, morphing to a bright smile. He even accidentally let some of his glow show. Heechul's expression remained the same, although more teasing.

"Yesungie! Is everything done?"

"Yeah." He crossed the room and got closer to the two hunched figures. They kept merrily planning chaos. They didn't look guilty about all the emotional and aproperty damage they did. "I'm not sure if I want to know, but how much damage did you do?"

Kyuhyun gave him the most innocent look ever. "What are you talking about?"

Yesung wasn't going to be fooled by his act. He knew the brat too well.

Although Kyuhyun was usually teasing everyone and had a little bit of evilness in his nature, it was always to a reasonable degree. However, his behavior became hectic if left loose in hell. Since it was the place in where evilness was purified, some holdovers would kept on the air. Demons were somewhat used to them, but angels weren't. Unlike demons, who would get affected only under high doses, angels would react to the minium of wickedness on air.

"Don't try to fool me. I already heard most of it on my way here, just don't know the extent of it."

Kyuhyun dropped the act and smirked. He sure was the evil maknae.

"Hyung, I think it's better if you don't know." He put a finger on Yesung's nose and laughed amusedly. Yesung may have found it endearing on different circumstances, but right now, it looked scary.

Yesung groaned. He turned to Heechul. "Just how much impurity did he get?"

"Pretty much, I'd say." Yesung glared at him. The older raised his hands in defense. "Hey, don't look at me like that. When I went to your office he had already went out twice. Don't blame me for his high."

Then Yesung directed his glare to Kyuhyun.

"Your window was open so I went to close it. I saw Zhou Mi and called him, then Kangin joined us. I only gave a walk around your garden with them." Although they were called offices, demons' individual workplace was more similar to lofts than the usual set of cubicles or rooms used by humans.

"Didn't I tell you to not go outside without me!?"

"Technically, I agreed to not go out before you did. And you were out when I left the office." Kyuhyun smiled at him. A very. Irritating. Smug. Smile.

"In short, it's your fault, Ye. Who leaves an angel alone in hell?" Heechul intruded in the conversation. Yesung saw his amusement. Of course he would find this entertaining.

"I was very alone, hyung. How could you leave me?" Kyuhyun followed soon after. The mock hurt permeating his voice wasn't enough to hide the teasing tone leaking out.

These two would always team up against him. Sometimes he thought introducing them to each other was the worst mistake in his life.





After more teasing, some apologies to poor victims of a pair of idiots and dragging a supposedly innocent and pure being, they went home. Right now, Kyuhyun was sleeping on Yesung's lap, tired after laughing maniacally for hours. At least it downed his high. Yesung didn't think he could hear more about Kyuhyun's evil plans to overthrow Leeteuk and take his place as the leader of angels.

Yesung was caressing Kyuhyun's hair, fingers running though brown locks. Right now, his cursed lover looked so peaceful and harmless. But looks deceive. Those pure white wings and holy glow were just a bunch of lies. As Yesung was thinking on pinching his cheeks for being such a rascal, Kyuhyun opened his eyes.


Kyuhyun woke up with a growl. He felt as if he had a hangover, just that there was the plus of heartache. It just happened that the heart was the source of his powers and detoxifying himself from hell's impurity required a lot of energy.

"I still don't understand why it is like this. I'm supposed to resist impurity and wickedness and kept it out. Even purify it, but it always gets on me when I go to hell." He rose from Yesung's lap and sat properly.

"That's because those are the remains of a purification process. It's different from the one in earth. It is simpler, not containing any thoughts nor will. It's pure evilness. The simpler it is, the more difficult it is to process."

"Why does this sound like how humans process sugar..."

"Because it's similar."

Kyuhyun wanted to argue back that that there was no relation between humans and angels, so the way they process things would be different, but his sort-of-hangover came back just in time to attack him. He groaned once again, clutching at his head with one hand and his chest with the other. Yesung grabbed a potion and handed it to him.

"Drink this. I'm going to cook something for you, come once your dizziness reduces."

Kyuhyun nodded slowly before drinking the beverage in one shot. It was a energy restoration potion. It helped him with the pain in his chest, but he still needed more time to get up without getting dizzy.

After recovering enough to get up without tripping, he walked to the kitchen and saw Yesung making some tea while cooking something Kyuhyun couldn't see. He got behind him and enveloped him with his arms. He buried his face on his shoulder, trying his best to not bother him too much.

"I'm sorry. I should have stayed inside." His voice was quiet but sincere. Yesung glanced at him and ruffled his hair. "It's okay. I shouldn't have left you alone." Kyuhyun tightened his hold on him. "But I insisted on waiting for you."

Yesung shifted to face Kyuhyun. He cupped his face, bringing the younger's face up.

"I'm not mad at you. Let's just be more careful next time."

Kyuhyun's eyes brightened at his words. "Can I keep visiting you then?"

"Of course."

Kyuhyun looked relieved and shined a little. As he wasn't fully recovered yet, it was difficult to control his glow. Kyuhyun cursed before making it disappear. Yesung couldn't help chuckling at this. Kyuhyun loved the sound of it, but still didn't like that he was laughing at him. He opted to kiss him to shut him up. And because he wanted. Yesung let out another chuckle without breaking the kiss.

Despite it being a medium to shut Yesung up, the kiss itself was very sweet. It was just to show each other how deep was their love. They had overcome silly things like this and more serious hardships in their relationship. But not because love can do anything, if not because both where willing to work on their shortcomings and problems. They were willing enough to keep being in love and stay with each other.

When they pulled apart, Kyuhyun left butterfly kisses in Yesung's face before moving his lips to Yesung's neck. He left a trace of kisses in the sensitive skin, getting more and more lustful in each one. "Is this the right timing to ask you if you want to have comfort ?" His lips brushed the demon's skin when he talked.

Yesung slapped Kyuhyun's back while fighting back a blush. "Yah! How can you ask things like that? Where did your innocence go?"

"You were the one who took it away. Don't you remember, hyung?" A devious smile formed on those plump lips. Yesung remembered, very clearly, but now wasn't the time to fall for this naughty angel. Their food may burn at this rate.

Yesung pushed Kyuhyun, gaining a pout from the younger. The demon returned to his task and turned his back to Kyuhyun. The angel decided to give some space to his lover and wait for his answer. After some time, Yesung pursed his lips before whispering something. "After dinner."

Kyuhyun beamed at this. This night was going to be memorable. Not that there is any dull moment with Yesung by his side.

Kyuhyun really wanted to behave, but when he received rewards unintentionally for his bad behavior, it became difficult to abide to his act of kindness. That and being naughty was very funny. Especially with Yesung underneath him, pinned down in bed.

They had dinner and then rushed to their room to do some nightly activities. Yesung wondered how he could always fall for Kyuhyun's tricks, but as it brought good things in times like this, he wasn't going to complain. At least not too much.


Surely, they would be more careful next time Kyuhyun decided to give him a visit, but Yesung was certain that after a year or two today's chaos would happen once again. Maybe he should be the one going to heaven to visit Kyuhyun.

At least Yesung was sure he wouldn't make any property damage.







Author's notes: so I had this silly idea of an angels and demons au after reading an unfinished kyusung fic of this same theme (just that the other had a serious and well built plot unlike this)

The idea of evil angel!Kyuhyun and goodhearted demon!Yesung hadn't left my mind ever since, but I just recently finished writing this. In fact, I had the idea of what I wanted to write, but couldn't find the right words to do so. (if you see the creation date of this, you'll notice this is older than my other story.)

I have some other two chapters planned for this, but it'll take some time for them to be published.


I hope you enjoyed this first installation, see you next time 🐧❤️🐢


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390 streak #1
Chapter 1: Babe! You said "two chapters" again. Whereeeeeee? I'm a very greedy reader, thank you~ T^T
Elf_cloud24 #2
Chapter 1: I always liked whatever it was about kyusung ^-^
Liza-Nan #3
LIking this and looking forward to the next chapter..... Yesung in heaven?
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 1: This is very interesting and fun, can't wait for more!
P.S the drawing is so cute!!!
390 streak #5
Chapter 1: Wooooo, I cant wait to know about Yesung in heaven xD


2 chapters again? BRING IT ON! (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)