
Who I Am - Part I

Ahyoung was looking to the trees passing by through the window. After classes were done, Sanghyuk and her decided to go straight home, none said a thing since they left the school. Ahyoung was thinking over and over what she was getting into. Even when it apparently wasn’t a big issue, somehow she couldn’t help but feel uneasy about all that happened that day.

“Sanghyuk.” She called, not looking at him.

“Yes?” The boy asked without taking his eyes off the road.

“What do you think about my friendship with Jonghyun?”

Ahyoung already expected Sanghyuk to remain silent for some seconds, the boy always did that when he tried to look for the right words to say what he was thinking.

“You already know my answer to that, don’t you?” Sanghyuk finally answered.

“But I want to hear it from you.” Ahyoung retorted.

The girl turned to look at him, Sanghyuk was now frowning.

“Since the beginning, I remember I told you to not approach him.” Sanghyuk started to say, completely serious. “Being by Jonghyun’s side will inevitably bring you trouble, no matter if you’re his enemy or friend.”

Ahyoung remained silent for him to continue.

“However, I don’t have a bad impression of him anymore, I don’t think there’s a valid reason for you to stay away from him since he has changed quite a lot.” Sanghyuk made a pause in which he sighed heavily. “Despite that, I’m now more worried about your actual relationship with him than before…”

Ahyoung frowned since Sanghyuk didn’t finish what he was saying.

“Why so?” She asked trying to encourage him to keep talking.

Sanghyuk then turned to see her for a second, the boy had a concerned expression, even had a glimpse of sadness, and looked down almost immediately, to then look back to the front.

“Let’s just say I have my reasons to be concerned.” Sanghyuk answered vaguely.

Ahyoung then sighed and remembered what Sanghyuk told them during the break.

>> “If this relationship between you two evolves, things will get out of hand, you have to be aware of that.”

Maybe he also noticed something? Probably it’s not only in my head. Ahyoung thought, half relieved and half worried.

The girl sighed heavily and leaned on the seat again, looking to the window.

“I don’t wanna go home.” She said after a moment of silence.

Sanghyuk frowned.


“Don’t know.”

Sanghyuk snorted lightly, Ahyoung didn’t listen to him. He knew her better, she just wanted to do something that would keep her busy since she didn’t want to think about whatever was on her mind; and he clearly knew what it was about, actually, who it was about.

“Then where do you want to go?”

“Can you take me to your home?” Ahyoung asked looking at Sanghyuk.

The boy clearly tensed up upon that request, he held the wheel a bit tighter.

“I don’t think there’s anything interesting for you there.” He answered with seriousness.

“I’m just curious about the place where you live. The place where all those kids live.” She finished saying in a low voice.

Sanghyuk sighed, he didn’t want to take her there, it wasn’t a nice place, at least not for someone like her. But he also knew, she sooner or later would have to go, so having her first experience there shouldn’t be too bad if she was guided by him.

“Alright, we’ll go there.” The boy simply answered.

“Thank you.” Ahyoung said with a little smile.

They didn’t take long until they reached Sanghyuk’s home. Ahyoung frowned when she saw that gray building, they parked next to it. Ahyoung got out of the car and looked at her surroundings, it was a silent and gray street, for some reason there weren’t colors there, it only made everything look gloomy.

“It’s not what you expected, right?”

Ahyoung turned around to see Sanghyuk, who was looking at her with a sad smile.

“No, actually I didn’t know what to expect. But I’m surprised that there aren’t any colors here.”

Sanghyuk looked around and nodded to then look at her again.

“Yeah you’re right, I also don’t like it but that’s how it is.” Sanghyuk said in a monotonous way. “Shall we enter?”

Ahyoung nodded and Sanghyuk led the way. The insides of the building weren’t too different from the outside, everything was gray and more than dorms it looked kind of like the training camp.

“I can see they really like the gray color.” Ahyoung sarcastically said.

Sanghyuk chuckled before answering.

“That’s for sure, don’t know who’s in charge of decoration but they should be fired.”

Both laughed a bit and continued walking. Some people recognized Ahyoung, specially the older ones and the trainers. Ahyoung didn’t expect to receive that much attention but she politely greeted everyone who approached her. They spent some time like that until Sanghyuk took her to his room.

Sanghyuk’s room was not that big but it could be considered huge since the other kids and trainees shared rooms. Ahyoung was curious about why Sanghyuk had a room by himself but she could infer why, so she opted to not ask about it.

The boy closed the door once they were inside and he put his backpack on the floor, he then looked at her.

“You can sit wherever you want, just leave your stuff somewhere.”

Ahyoung smiled to him and nodded, she then went to sit on the chair that was next to a little desk. Sanghyuk went to sit on his bed. They remained silent for some seconds until Sanghyuk spoke again.

“I know this is maybe a bit too intimate but it’s the only place where we can talk and spend some time at ease.”

“I know, don’t worry.” Ahyoung reassured him with a smile.

Sanghyuk then looked at the ceiling and sighed.

“I have my own room since what happened with Ren, everyone was scared to share a room with me. Ren insisted to sleep with me but I refused to.” Sanghyuk explained.

Ahyoung could sense in his voice and see on his expression, the sadness and guilt the boy was bearing. She was aware that it’d be hard for Sanghyuk to overcome that incident. Sometimes she thought that he would most likely live with that chain for the rest of his life, though she hoped it wouldn’t be the case.

“Well, being feared also has its benefits, right?” Ahyoung , trying to light up the mood.

Something that actually worked out since Sanghyuk chuckled and leaned on the bed nonchalantly. Ahyoung smiled at him, she liked to see Sanghyuk relaxed, it also made her relaxed. She really hoped the day would come where Sanghyuk would be at ease and not worried about anything.

Suddenly, the door was opened and Sanghyuk as well as Ahyoung turned in that direction to see who it was.

“So you first go and make a commotion down there to then hide in here?”

Sanghyuk just rolled his eyes and leaned again on the bed, while Ahyoung just chuckled a bit.

Ren went inside the room, followed by Jessica. Ahyoung fixed her gaze on the girl who smiled at her and made a little bow.

“Nice to meet you miss Ahyoung, my name is Jessica.” The girl politely said.

Ahyoung was about to answer when Sanghyuk spoke first.

“There’s no need for formalities Jess, just call her Ahyoung.”

Ahyoung glared towards Sanghyuk at the same time that Jessica widened her eyes in surprise. Sanghyuk then turned to see Ahyoung and was faced with her angry stare.

“What? Don’t tell me you weren’t going to tell her that.” Sanghyuk asked her while he sat.

“Shut up Sanghyuk.” Ahyoung just answered.

She then turned back to look at Jessica who was still surprised, almost as if she was worried that Ahyoung was going to do something to Sanghyuk. Ahyoung chuckled.

“Relax Jessica, that’s how we talk to each other.” She reassured her.

Jessica visibly relaxed and showed a smile again.

“As expected from our princess, she’s so easygoing and nice.” Ren .

Ahyoung snorted with a smile and looked at the boy.

“As talkative as always, right Ren?” Ahyoung asked with irony.

Ren just smiled at her, Sanghyuk chuckled.

“See? I told you she’d be angry with you by calling her like that.” Sanghyuk said.

“And I told you she loves it, right Ahyoung?”

Everyone turned to see her, but the girl kept her gaze on Ren and tilted her head.

“Well, you wouldn’t be Ren if you stopped calling me like that.”

Ren frowned a bit and snorted.

“I can see you’re more comfortable with me now that you know the story between Sanghyuk and me. What? You pity me?” The boy provoked her.

“Ren.” Sanghyuk said as a warning.

“Why would I even pity a lunatic like you?” Ahyoung asked with a light chuckle.

Sanghyuk looked at her with widened eyes, as well as Jessica, while Ren just laughed and walked to Ahyoung, putting a hand over her shoulders.

“You never disappoint me princess, the more I know you, the more I like you.” Ren said still in between laughter.

Ahyoung also chuckled and shoved his arm off. Sanghyuk relaxed and then turned to the door which was now closed, he then looked at Jessica.

“Jess, where’s Sunny?”

Jessica tensed up and looked away.

“She… well…”

Sanghyuk frowned and was about to ask something else when Ren spoke up.

“She’s busy right now, we invited her so she could meet Ahyoung but she wasn’t able to come. She hopes there can be another chance.”

Ahyoung just nodded, since she didn’t know who they were talking about, but she didn’t miss Sanghyuk’s thoughtful expression and Jessica’s nervousness upon the mention of that name.

Sunny… Ahyoung thought.

“Well, we’re having a good time but I need to take Ahyoung home.” Sanghyuk suddenly announced.

Ahyoung sighed heavily and stood from the chair.

“Yeah, if we delay further my parents could worry.”

After that, Sanghyuk and Ahyoung bid farewell to Ren and Jessica and went out of the building.

Ahyoung’s house wasn’t that far from Sanghyuk’s, so the moment they were in the car and Sanghyuk started driving, Ahyoung spoke.

“Who is Sunny?”

“She’s another one of our friends, for some reason I haven’t been able to introduce her to you.” Sanghyuk explained her.

Ahyoung nodded in understanding and then asked her next question.

“Is something worrying you about her?”

“Why do you ask?” Sanghyuk asked back.

“Well, Jessica’s nervousness after you asked for her and also your concerned expression after what Ren answered. Don’t know, it just seemed a bit odd to me the reaction of you three.”

“She’s been acting strange lately but I’m sure there has to be an explanation, you don’t have to worry about that.” Sanghyuk explained her.

“You do worry a lot for her.” Ahyoung said with a little smile.

“Yeah, you could say so.” Sanghyuk answered.

Ahyoung was able to detect a glimpse of fondness in that answer, she really wanted to ask Sanghyuk more about Sunny but she was sure the boy wouldn’t say more, it was clear that he still didn’t want to open up completely about her and she respected that. But what was sure, was that Sunny was an important person for him.


They quickly reached Ahyoung’s home. Sanghyuk parked the car and Ahyoung started gathering her belongings but what surprised her was that Sanghyuk was also getting ready to get out of the car.

“Are you coming?” Ahyoung asked surprised.

“Yeah, there’s something I need talk with Leeteuk.” Sanghyuk simply answered.

“I see.”

They went out of the car and directed to the house, once inside, Ahyoung’s parents greeted them and they invited Sanghyuk to eat, the boy at first refused but ended up sitting at the table with the whole family. After the meal time was over, Ahyoung was instructed to go to her room, even when Ahyoung was curious about what they were going to talk about, she trusted Sanghyuk so she obeyed the instruction. Sanghyuk, Leeteuk and Seohyun went to the studio. Once inside, Sanghyuk closed the door.

“What do you have to tell us with such urgency Sanghyuk?” Leeteuk asked him with concern.

Actually, the one who asked to have a talk with them was Sanghyuk, since he needed to ask for advice from them.

“Is everything alright with Ahyoung?” Seohyun asked with worry.

Sanghyuk turned around and faced the leaders, who were looking straight at him. The boy sighed before talking.

“Things are good for now, however, they started to take kind of a complicated turn.” Sanghyuk started to say.

Sanghyuk then told them about what was happening between Ahyoung and Jonghyun. Also about what happened with Tiffany and more recently with Wonshik.

Ahyoung’s parents were surprised at first, they didn’t expect Jonghyun and Ahyoung to end up getting along well. But they also were worried about what happened with the other two.

When he was finished giving his report, the silence filled the place, that until Leeteuk sighed heavily and started talking.

“You think Ahyoung is in danger right now?”

“Not for now, though I can’t assure how long that will last.” Sanghyuk sincerely answered. “Tiffany and Wonshik are kind of unpredictable, but we also have Sojin and Taekwoon on our side so I trust that even if they try something, Ahyoung will be safe under our protection.”

Leeteuk nodded in understanding and the next one to speak was Seohyun.

“And about Jonghyun, since when have they started being that close?”

“A little more than two months.” Sanghyuk answered after thinking about it for a moment.

“And you’re reporting this to us until now?” Seohyun asked lifting one eyebrow.

Sanghyuk looked down, Leeteuk wasn’t saying a thing, he was only looking at the scene in front of him, also waiting for Sanghyuk’s answer.

“At first I didn’t think things would evolve to this point, I thought it would be just a normal friendship.” The boy explained. “I know I should’ve reported this sooner, I apologize for my incompetence.” He finished saying with a bow.

“A normal friendship?” Leeteuk repeated. “What do you mean with that?”

Sanghyuk lifted his gaze to meet Leeteuk’s, they looked at each other for some seconds until Leeteuk sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes.

“I understand.” The leader said, Leeteuk then opened his eyes again to look at Sanghyuk. “You’ve been disobeying my orders for quite a while now, and now you come to us with this report. You don’t expect that there won’t be any repercussions, right?”

Sanghyuk nodded firmly.

“I already prepared myself for whatever punishment you want to assign me. I know you told me I should obey you over Ahyoung but I apologize to you, my leader, since my loyalty is with Ahyoung and it’ll continue to be like that.” The boy answered with determination.

Seohyun snorted with a smile, which took Sanghyuk aback. Then Leeteuk stood from his chair and started to walk towards Sanghyuk, who was confused since the leader was showing him a smile.

Leeteuk stopped in front of Sanghyuk and put a hand over his shoulder.

“I knew I wasn’t mistaken by choosing you as her bodyguard, that’s exactly what I was expecting.” Leeteuk said with a smile.

“Sir?” Sanghyuk asked in confusion.

“Why would I want a bodyguard for her that answered to my orders? What I really need is a person completely loyal to her, someone who will follow and protect her no matter what. Even from me.” The leader explained.

Sanghyuk relaxed the moment he understood Leeteuk’s point, Seohyun stood from the couch and also approached Sanghyuk.

“We’re entrusting our daughter to you, you’re doing a great job Sanghyuk, keep on with that.” Seohyun started to say. “Remember you pledged to protect her, if you dare to betray her one day, you won’t escape from us.” She finished saying in a more threatening tone.

Sanghyuk gulped silently, actually he was more afraid of Seohyun than Leeteuk, despite her gentle and calm personality, she could be really fierce and scary when angry. The boy nodded firmly.

“I already decided to follow and protect Ahyoung with my life, you can rest assured that I’ll keep my promise.”

The leaders nodded, then Leeteuk started to walk back to his chair.

“For now just keep an eye on them, we can’t do anything since nothing serious has happened.” Leeteuk started to say, he then reached his desk and put his hands over it, facing Sanghyuk. “But remember this Sanghyuk, everything can change in a second, be aware of your surroundings all the time.” The leader finished saying with a serious tone.

Sanghyuk couldn’t help but to frown because of those words and the way he said them, almost as if he was expecting something big to happen, as if there was something even bigger he should be wary of. He knew he wouldn’t get answers if he asked about it so he just gave a firm answer.

“Understood.” Sanghyuk said with the same seriousness.

After that conversation, Sanghyuk silently went away.


The next day, Sanghyuk parked in front of Ahyoung’s home just as usual, he still had some minutes before the girl came out, so he remained inside the car, thinking about the conversation that took place the previous day.

He was sure Leeteuk was hiding something from them. What could be so bad for him to not even share that with him?


The boy snapped out of his thoughts and turned to his right side, Ahyoung was already inside the car and was looking at him with a concerned expression.

“You’re early.” Sanghyuk said looking away, trying to calm down his surprise.

“No, actually I’m late.” The girl pointed out.

Sanghyuk looked at the clock and saw she was right, he got so immersed in his thoughts that didn’t notice how many time passed, he didn’t even notice Ahyoung entering the car.

“Are you alright?” She asked with worry.

“Yes.” Sanghyuk answered, starting the car. “I’m just still a bit sleepy.”

“Yeah sure.” Ahyoung answered, not convinced at all.

“You don’t believe me?” Sanghyuk asked with a little smile.

“Of course I don’t believe you.” Ahyoung answered also with a little smile, turning to the window. “But I know this most likely has to do with the conversation you had with my parents yesterday and I also know you won’t tell me a thing even if I ask you.”

Sanghyuk snorted with a smile.

Smart girl. He thought.

“I’m sorry.” He could just say.

“Don’t worry, I’m used to it, besides, I trust you, so I know whatever you’re keeping from me, you must have a reason to not tell me about it.”

The conversation ended there. They didn’t delay much to reach school, both got out of the car and walked to the classroom. The first period passed and the break arrived, Ahyoung was a bit surprised when Hongbin suddenly stood in front of her desk.

“Hey, what about having lunch together?” The boy asked a bit discouraged.

Ahyoung sighed, she assumed he was expecting to be rejected but she was no longer angry with him and thought it’d be a good idea to have a talk with him after all that time.

“Sure, why not?” She answered with a little smile.

Hongbin looked at her with surprise that was then replaced with a smile.

“Wanna tag along?” Ahyoung asked to Sanghyuk.

The boy was looking towards the door with a frown, Ahyoung was about to also look in that direction when Sanghyuk looked at her.

“You want me to go with you?” He asked her.

Ahyoung didn’t answer for a couple of seconds in which she was studying Sanghyuk’s face, she then knew the boy had other plans in mind.

“If you have something else to do, go ahead, it’s okay.” She politely answered.

Sanghyuk showed her a little smile and nodded, the girl then went with Hongbin.


When Ahyoung was gone, Sanghyuk sighed heavily and looked towards the door again, he stood up and went outside of the classroom. He directed towards a specific empty classroom and once he was inside, he closed the door behind him.

“Should you really just let her go with that demon like that? Aren’t you worried about him doing something against her?”

Sanghyuk looked towards Ren who was sitting over the desk.

“We agreed I’d give her freedom to do her own stuff, besides, I’ve already studied Hongbin, he won’t do anything against her.” Sanghyuk explained.

The boy walked towards an empty seat in front of Ren and sat there.

“Are you sure? Sometimes things aren’t what they seem.”

Sanghyuk frowned when he noticed that particular tone in Ren’s voice.

“What’s wrong?” Sanghyuk asked a bit worried.

“Sunny.” Ren answered, looking down.

Sanghyuk stood from the chair and walked towards his friend.

“What happened to her?” He asked clearly concerned.

“Relax, that’s not it, she’s okay. Well, not completely.” Ren answered still not looking at Sanghyuk.

“What in the world are you trying to say? Just spit it out.”

Ren finally looked at him, Sanghyuk could see the worry in his friend’s eyes, so he softened his expression upon that.

“Something is off with her.” He finally said. “Jess also thinks there’s something wrong, she told me that yesterday after you and Ahyoung were gone.”

“Ahyoung also noticed there was something wrong by how Jess reacted when I asked for Sunny.” Sanghyuk said in a thoughtful way, looking to the floor.

“But that’s not all.” Ren continued. “I’m now sure there’s something going on with her.”

Sanghyuk lifted his face towards him again and remained silent for his friend to continue. Ren sighed heavily and looked at Sanghyuk with a completely serious expression.

“I saw her talking with Tiffany.”

Sanghyuk widened his eyes in surprise to then frown again.

“That can’t be.” He said almost in a whisper.

“I also didn’t want to believe it, if someone told me so I would’ve laughed, but I saw her Hyuk.”

Sanghyuk thought about that for a moment, he put a hand on his forehead.

“Ahyoung and Jonghyun are now close friends and Tiffany isn’t exactly happy with that.”

“Well, everyone knows that, that’s why I called you here, I believe they’re plotting something against Ahyoung.”

“They?” Sanghyuk asked putting down his hand. “You think Sunny is allied with Tiffany?!” He angrily asked.

“I don’t know.” Ren answered firmly. “But what other explanation can there be? Why would Sunny even talk with Tiffany? It doesn’t have sense!” The boy finished rising his voice.

Sanghyuk sighed and put a hand on his friend’s shoulder.

“Calm down, we’ll look into this together, I’m sure there has to be another explanation.”

Ren snorted and looked away.

“I don’t know Sanghyuk, these last months she has changed, it’s as if I don’t know her anymore, she’s not the Sunny I used to know.”

Ren’s voice was tainted with pain, Sanghyuk just remained there giving support to his best friend, after all, Sunny was one of the few people that mattered to Ren, actually Sanghyuk dared to say that she was the only one his friend truly cared about.

“Let’s keep an eye on her, I know we can solve this mess before things get out of hand.” Sanghyuk said once Ren was calmer. “I have to go back now, to check on Ahyoung.”

Ren nodded and he got off the desk, both started to walk towards the door, but before Sanghyuk could open it, Ren spoke again.

“You have to be careful Hyuk.” Sanghyuk turned to see him. “A lot of eyes are on Ahyoung, maybe more than what we imagine.”

Sanghyuk nodded and opened the door.

“Don’t worry, I already know that.”


Sanghyuk and Ren went separate ways. Sanghyuk went to look for Ahyoung, he found her sitting with Hongbin in the cafeteria, when he made sure everything was okay, he let himself get lost in his thoughts for a while. Thinking over and over about what Ren said about Sunny, he also didn’t want to believe it, there was no way she was now allied with Tiffany, they didn’t even know each other and the demon didn’t stand assassins. How in the world those two would be allies?

Sanghyuk sighed heavily and looked to the blue sky.

What the hell are you doing, sister?



A/N: Surprise! Sanghyuk has a sister, stay tuned to know more secrets that still have to be revealed.

As always, thank you so so much for reading, comments are appreciated ^^ stay safe and have a beautiful day <3

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2033 streak #1
Chapter 30: Wait what???? Definitely didn't expect that twist at the end. And how did him of all people know of it? That's the million dollar question now.... guess the happiness that the other students didn't really care about their relationship was short lived... Anyway, wonder how things would develop further. Can't wait to read more. But now that I have caught up with all the chapters soo far, I hope to see an update soon ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 29: This chapter was fluffy indeed! Yay!! I definitely enjoyed reading them and I'm glad that her parents are supportive of them. Can't wait to see how things would develop herein. But will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 28: I'm more excited after reading your a/n. I mean you said more fluffs to come and who wouldn't be excited at that? Anyway, coming back to the chapter, I guess I'm kinda glad that they had this meeting of sorts to discuss the matter? Also, I hope Jaehwan continues to be a nice guy and eventually gains Jonghyun's trust. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #4
Chapter 27: Oh my my!!! Why Hakyeon, why??? I was kinda hoping him to not jump ships. Although, Ahyoung and Sanghyuk's interactions were cute and so, I still miss Jonghyun's presence here. Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 26: I'm glad Ahyoung was smart enough to see through Hongbin. And wonder how Sanghyuk didn't notice Wonshik there. Or did he realise that but still kept eyes on Hongbin since he was nearer than the other? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 25: I'm really curious of what Sunny and Tiffany were talking about that Hongbin eavesdropped on. Although I have got a theory about it. And can't wait to see how Ahyoung will react when she finds out this secret. I mean with the way they all were reacting, including her parents, I can assume it's really big. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 24: Oh my my! The revelation is approaching? I'm pretty excited to know about it. But it's a tragedy. So kinda wary as well. Also, Jonghyun's parents are finally revealed. Definitely wasn't expecting him to be his father. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 23: Yay! They are finally dating!!! And they kissed!! And wonder what Tiffany is upto without reacting much upon hearing their dating news. It's a lot concerning. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 22: For a moment when she found the diary like that, I thought maybe ghosts were part of this trope too. You know the story already has demons and vampires, so why not ghost as well right? LoL... But after Seohyun and Leeteuk talking at the end, I assume it's a human. And I wonder what's the secret they're trying so hard to hide. Also wonder what Ahyoung is gonna do with her mother's love advice. And how Seohyun would react when she finds out who that person is. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #10
Chapter 21: I'm glad that Jonghyun took the first step and confessed. Now I just hope that she doesn't refuse to acknowledge her own feelings. And it's kinda sad that Jessica left like that. Poor fellas! Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^