After a Late Dinner


In Which Kyuhyun and Yesung  watch a movie and Kyuhyun plots revenge.


This is my 8th story ..Yayy!! 

This is another one from the No Words Needed Continuum, but its set after To See a Sunrise.It is a later stage of the relationship.As always it can be read as a oneshot. I was drained after Avoidance and needed a lligher moment.My fluff is terrible as usual, but still give it a try and let me know what you think :) 

Comments are Necessary at this point :)


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Chapter 1: 🥰
400 streak #2
Chapter 1: Kyuhyun = truly whipped

(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
fatimakys #3
Chapter 1: soooooooo sweet
Chapter 1: Ughhhhhhhhh super cute! Holding hands.. Kissing of foreheads! (Both of them to each other, waaa) and adorable supportive but teasing friends LOL.. This is my third time reading this but it still gives me all the rights feels ^^
LazyLlama #5
Chapter 1: I've started reading all your stories again (though I had to make a new AFF account to make sure I could read many of them offline for the time I'm in my hotel room and don't have WiFi) and realised how much I missed your stories and how glorious they are. Even though I'm reading them for (at least) the 5th time, they are still as fantastic as the first time I read them.
Chapter 1: Hahaha, possessive Kyu NEVER gets old ^_^, is it weird to say I like him best like that? XD. Gosh Kyu, you and your crazy antics. And I love how Yesung is just the soothing voice that calms the crazy down. Great fic, I will always come back to this <3.
Chapter 1: awww this was just awwww. Probably one of my favourite stories so far!!!
ice420 #8
Chapter 1: Awwww.. this is one of my most read chapters ^^ I just adore this one. Dunno why. I just do. Soo sweet and real. I think it's the members' presence that makes it that way, and the teasing and the jokes. So nice. I love it. I do wish you'd write something like this again. KyuSung being sweet with playful teasing members. Somewhere not inside the bedroom but then of course ending with them cuddling ^^ Darn.. wishful thinking? I miss KyuSung!!!
middle11992 #9
i live on your posts btw... :) THEY ARE MY CAFFEINE FIX! TTATT I WISH U THE BEST DEAR AUTHOR! sgfalrgfulgre kyusung has never been so cute or real!!! waaaaaah! ultra happy rt now! btw your style of writing is great! i love your descriptive touch! Fighting! ^^
ice420 #10
OMG... This is like my fave installment so far. Kyu is soooo sweet that he gives me toothache just by reading :D I.AM.LOVIN.IT!! Please oh please do continue. And oh, I wonder what kind of torture he's gonna inflict on EunMin *lol* But the sleeping scene was really.. LOVIN IT!!!!