
Happy Accident

** i am aware that the Master’s is male and have no female equivalent, which is dumb, but in here, there is one!**

Ever since she won the prestigious Master’s at the young age of 17 years old, making her the youngest winner ever, Byul’s life has been a whirlwind of fame: something she never expected nor wanted.  She became a golfer for goodness sake.  This is like, the most lonely sport ever.  Your opponent is 100 meters from you, at least.  


She remembers the week she got back, when she suddenly found herself having a million different places to be.  Before, it was just the golf course, school, and home. When it was competition time, that’s the only time she’ll be elsewhere.  But now, it’s studio this, studio that, photoshoot here, interview there.  There was barely any time for her to rest.

As an introvert, this was very taxing for her.  However, it’s been a few years since then, and at the age of 23, Byul is now very comfortable with the fame, and even plays it up for the cameras.  Despite not primarily being in the entertainment business, her natural charisma makes her great for television.  Unexpectedly, she found herself having somewhat of a career on variety shows.  


It also helps that she won 4 Masters so far, making her the youngest with the most wins, and on her way to break the record for most wins of all time.  She’s basically Korea’s pride when it comes to sport, so the TV network loves to have her on, as a national pride thing.  


Today, she’s not Byulyi the golfer, but rather, Byulyi, the…singing judge.  She mentioned in passing at another show that she was in a choir as a kid, and somehow, that makes her qualify to be a judge.  Good thing it’s only for one episode.  Luckily, her friend, Hwasa, famous singer and model, is also on the show, so if anything, she’ll just copy Hwasa’s answer. 


“Hello Byulyi-shi! Please, right this way.” 


She smiles and bow slightly at the assistant as she gets out of her car, ready to head into the studio for make up.


“Hello, and thank you.” 


Byul follows the assistant to her dressing room, while nodding and slightly bowing to those that she came across.  


The door barely opened when a slightly shorter girl with hairpins in her hair came flying at her, “UNNIEEE!” 


Byul laugh as she caught onto the girl, not even stumbling with the force, 


“Hey Hyejin,” she greeted fiercely, hugging her friend tight.  It’s been almost 3 months since they last met up and she misses her younger friend.  


The others in the room, such as Hyejin’s manager, and their make-up and styling artists, smile fondly at the scene.  They too miss Byulyi.  


After seperating, Byulyi bowed to the others in greeting and of course, had to make fun of her friend, “Thanks for looking after this kid, she hasn’t set anything on fire right?”

“Yah!  I’m not a kid!  And it was one time!” 


“Hm?  Sorry, do you guys hear something?” She pretends to cup her ear and stretches her neck out, “I can’t hear lies.” 


The other laughs at a pouting Hyejin who threw a water bottle at her golfer friend.


Byulyi caught the bottle, “Thanks!  How did you know I was thirsty?”

“Uunniiieee,” the singer whined to her manager, hoping for some back up, only for her manager to shake her head, chuckling.


The younger one crossed her arm and pouted, muttering under her breath about being surrounded by meanies.  


“OH Byulyi-shi, congrats on winning the Open!”  the hairdresser addressed her, turning attention away from Hyejin for a bit.  With that, the others also chime in with their congratulations. 


“Ah,” Byul smile bashfully, reaching up to scratch her cheek, “thank you,” 


“Are you aiming for your 5th Masters win this year?” 


“Ah, well,” she shyly mutters, “I want to win but…” she trails off with a shrug.


“Oh come on!  You’re amazing, you’ll win this no problem!” 


The others nod and also send her encouraging words.  Byul just smiles thankfully at them, embarrassed at the attention and their faith in her, while Hyejin smirk at the situation.  It’s always amusing to see Byul turns shy.


“Unnie - you’re treating us to lunch right?” Hyejin slyly pitch in amongst all the happy talk, 




Byul’s hair stylist lit up, “Ooo, lunch on Byulyi?  What are we getting?” 


“I want tteokbokki!” 



“Black Bean Noodle!”




Everyone was yelling over one another for lunch preference, while Byul just sat there glaring at Hyejin, who stuck her tongue out at her unnie as revenge.


“Ok ok how about that really good restaurant down the street?  They have everything.” 


Everyone seems to agree with the manager’s proposal, then all turn to stare at Byul expectantly.  


The girl can only sigh before pulling out her phone to order delivery.  She gave the phone to Hyejin first, who raised it up like she won the world’s cup.  


“Unnie is the best!”

“Wait - seriously?  We’re just joking Byulyi, you don't need to buy us lunch.”


“Yah oppa!  I’m not joking!” Hyejun shouts but her attention is on the phone, or rather, the food menu.  


Before they can reply, Byul cuts in, “No, it’s all right, my treat!  Please get what you want, don't worry about the cost.  Get some dessert too!”

“Waaahhh the life of a golfing legend.”


“Byul-ah, how much do you get in prize money for these tournaments?”


“It depends on the tournament, but it’s about 3.5 billion won for the winner, and about 300 million won for the finishers.”

“You get money even if you don't win?”  Hyejin’s manager was shocked.  


Byul nods, explaining, “Yeah, but only if you finish.  If you pull out in the middle for whatever reason, you don’t.” 


“Damn, I knew I should have continued playing golf in school.” 

“What did you do instead?” 


“I joined the math club.” 


“Unnie has a brain?” 


“Ahn Hyejin! Just order your food and let the adult talk!” Her manager bark in fake annoyance. 


The youngest one there pouted, “I already ordered…” 




“Oh!  Byul-unnie!” Hyejin suddenly remembered,  “You’re going to meet Wheein and Solar later!”


“I am?” 


“Yeah, they’re guesting on the show as well.  You know who they are right?”


“Of course I do!” Byul answered offendedly to which Hyejin laughed. 


“Ah, should I order more food for them?”


“Nah, you don't need to feed everyone here Byul.  Unless you’re trying to get on their good side?” Her manager wink with a smirk, knowing Byul’s preferences.  


Byul whined, “Annniii, unniieee” 


“Bet!” Hyejin suddenly raised her hand, “Unnie will be smitten by them immediately.” 


“I’m not stupid enough to take that bet kid.  Of course she’ll be.” 


The maknae crossed her arm with a cute pout, “not a kid…”


While Byul also sulk, “I have pride ya know.” 


“Yeah, the rainbow one.” 


A knock interrupted their talk, “Please be ready to go on set in 5 minutes.” 


“Time to go see unnie gay panic.” 


“AAyyyy come on I’m not!” 


The pair stood up to head out, but before they got out the door, Byul’s manager called, “Want me to add in extra food?”


Byul bit her lip before muttering her consent, “yes please” 


“So prideful.” Hyejin laughs even as she got pushed out the way by Byul.


Yongsun - 

Yongsun never dreamt of being a singer, or actor for that matter.  A lot of her idols and acting friends would tell her they dreamed of this as a kid, and begged their parents to send them to singing or acting school.  She’s not one of them, you know, those people that knows what they want to be at age 5 and worked her life for it. When she was 6, she wanted to be a giraffe.  At age 8, she wanted to be a pokemon trainer.  Age 10 see her wanting to be a professional clown.  


So no, unlike those people, she wasn't born with a passion for performance.  That’s something that developed overtime as she continued to work in this industry.  


How she got started was interesting. She just finished her graduation and on her way to the parking lot where her family was waiting for her, when she tripped and fell. Luckily, no bones were broken.  However, she did scream very loudly and embarrassed herself.  A talent scout happened to be there at this time, and heard her scream.  Apparently, she have a very melodic scream.  Said scout came over, basically forced her business card into her hand, and demanded she come to audition at this company.


Seeing as she really had no plan for the future, beside a very loose “i’ll go to college and figure it out”, she decided to go audition and surprisingly made it.  


And that’s how she found herself in this industry.  Despite never dreaming of this career path, Yongsun is nothing if not determined.  She’s now part of this, signed a 7 year contract and everything, and she is determined to succeed and make a name for herself.  


5 years in, and she would say she succeeded, since being a judge on a singing show is pretty evidence of her skill.  




She snaps out of her thought and looked at her friend pouting in front of her. 


“Ah Wheeinie you just got here?”

Fellow singer and arguably her best friend, Jung Wheein, stood up and cutely stomped her feet, “Ani! I’ve been here for ages!  You’ve been ignoring me.” 


“Aigoo” Yongsun coo as if she’s talking to a baby (to be fair, Wheein is everyone's baby), “Sorry Wheeinie, I was thinking, not ignoring you, promise”  She smiles widely, her dimples showing.


Wheein narrows her eyes at her unnie to make sure she’s not being lied to.  


“Whatcha thinking about??” She blops down on the chair next to Yongsun.


The older one shrugs, “the past i guess?”

Wheein made a disgusted face, “Geez, you’re old!  Only old people think about the past.”

“Yah!  I’m only 24!” 


“Tell that to your gray hair.” 


Yongsun eyes widen.  She almost fell out of her chair as she scrambled to the mirror to check for any gray hair, much to the amusement of everyone in the dressing room, including Wheein, whose laughter rang beautifully over everyone else.


“Hahahahha Unnie you should have seen your face hahahah”


“Oh haha very funny.”


“Hahhahahah one more time, unnie.”


“What? You want me to fall off my chair again?”


“Unnie one more.” putting up a single finger, Wheein pleaded.


Unable to resist, Yongsun faked to scramble off the chair again, except this time, she miscalculated, and actually fell off the chair.






Her hair style, still laughing along, helped her back up to her seat.


Yongsun pouted as she rub her , “ouch..”




“Aiishhh” Yongsun shook her head at her laughing friend, a fond smile on her face.  Even though she ended up hurting herself, she’s happy that Wheein found humor in it.


“Who’s going to be the special judge today?”  Yongsun inquired after Wheein calmed down, although she’s still occasionally chuckling to herself. 


Her manager answer after a few second of checking her phone, “Hwasa and Moon Byulyi”


“Moon Byulyi…?” Yongsun tilt her head, where has she heard this name before?


Wheein blinked a few times, “Oh! the golfer?” 


“Yup!  She recently won another tournament and they invited her to special judge.”

“...How does winning a golf tournament translate to judging a music show?” Yongsun asks in true confusion.  She’s not trying to be condescending, it just doesn’t make sense to her. 


Her manager simply shrugged, “You know how these shows are, it’s all about ratings.  Byulyi is and has been one of the hottest guests for the network, and coming back right after a win is a huge boost.”


“Unnie is too much of a professional!  Besides, the special judges score doesn’t affect anything, it’s just for fun to compare against.”  


“I’m not - “ Yongsun sigh, knowing Wheein is just trying to rile her up, “okay Wheein-ah.”


“I’m excited to meet Hwasa though! I heard we’re the same age! I hope we can be friends, i need some young friends..”




“Yongsun-ah, I think you’ll like Byulyi.” Wheein’s hairdresser pitched in.


“I will?”

“Mhmm, She’s handsome.” 


“You meet her before unnie?” Wheein is curious, she has seen pictures of Byulyi and seen her guest on a few shows, but nothing more than that.


“Only once, I went to drop off my niece at soccer practice, and ran into Byulyi on her way out.” 


“She also plays soccer?” 


The hairdresser shrug, “I think she said in an interview before that she plays a few sport?  I didn’t talk to her or anything, just passed by her in the parking.”


Suddenly, Yongsun exclaim in shock, “OMG” 


“Weh weh??”

“She’s rich!” Yongsun held up her phone to show her google search of Byulyi, and one of the results is about her net worth.  She’s worth almost 700 Billion won.


Wheein grabbed the phone and flail around, “Unnie, this isn’t just rich, this is filthy rich, this is…this has a gold toilet rich!” 


 “OMO! And she owns a couple buildings?!” Wheein spins Yongsun around so that they’re face to face, “Unnie, don’t up now.”




“She’s hot, she’s single, and she’s rich!  This is your chance!”

“How do you know she’s single?” 


“Oh ho! You aren’t denying!”


“...she is pretty cute.” 


“Cute??? Yong-unnie are you blind?  Has old age caught up to you?” 


 Wheein clicked on a picture of Byulyi, a candid shot of her walking on the golf course, in a white polo, stylishly French Tuck into some black pants (not a full tuck like other golfers, but a french tuck!), with a blue cap on and purple hair (!!!) tied in a ponytail. 


She shoves the phone super close to Yongsun’s face, forcing her to lean back to get a good look at the picture.


“This is not cute! This is - this is a revelation.  Good lord…” 


Wheein jank the phone back to use herself to look at more pictures.  


“If you let me see for more than a second, maybe I’ll have a different answer.”


Wheein ignore her, too focus on cyber stalking this golfer now. 


A knock interrupted them,, “Please be ready to go on set in 5 minutes.” 


“Wheen-ah, phone please, we have to go.” 




“You’ll meet her in person in 5 minutes.” 


Wheein looks up in shock, as if this thought never occurred to her. Which, perhaps it didn’t.  


“Oh no oh no I'm not ready.”


“Come on,”  Yongsun grabbed her by her wrist and dragged her out.


“Nooooo” Wheein whine, digging her heels onto the floor, trying to stop them, “Unniiieee not yeeetttt” 


The older one ignores her and continues to drag her along the hallway, causing the staff to laugh at their antics.  They’re used to Wheein weirdness and Yongsun’s impeccable patience at this point, seeing as these two are regular judges. 


Just then, the door right as they were about to pass was janked open and a wild Hwasa flew out. 


Yongsun immediately stop as to not run into her.  She open for a greeting when Byulyi came out the same door. 

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Chapter 15: Just finished. this is good! Hopefully you are alright and maybe find the time to go on with this =)
Tugvasconcelos1 #2
Chapter 15: I wish this story would come back, it's really good!
Why are they so cute!! What's Yongsun's gift to her? And what is she planning with Yonghee??
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: This is so good, authornim 😍 Please update when you can. AND dangdang live performance is so cute isn’t HAHAHA 🫶🏻
First of all, whattt?! You get golf for sports in grade school?! Thats so coooool.. Anywayssss *starts reading
LucianaN #6
Chapter 15: Thank you!! I love this!
Chapter 11: haha omg these two...😂
_moongalaxy #8
Chapter 11: ahahahahahaahhahaaha poor baby wheeinie😂
R.I.P to byul's body for the smacking she received🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
Skye1234 #9
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update.
Chapter 10: Hahahahah lol!!! I lost at whistle part 🤣