018: Knowing

Her New Normal
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The quiet static of a room can be deafening. The way the blanket moves as you force yourself out of bed can sound like the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. But in the same way one bad thing can make you feel like it's impossible to live at all, one good thing can remind you that the sun actually does shine, even on your worst days. Oh Sehun got out of bed. 


"So how was the zoo?" Jongin asked, wiggling his eyebrows, as he leaned against the wall next to the water fountain. Sol wiped the excess water from around , using the coverage of her hand to hide her smile. 

"It was fun," she said, cooling her expression. 

Jongin watched her expression carefully, "What am I going to do when you start dating and leave me all alone?" He asked in a woe-is-me voice. He was clearly joking though, nothing would make him happier than if Sol and Sehun got together. Maybe it's hard to believe, but Jongin heavily considers himself a hopeless romantic. "Actually, scratch that. I'll just third wheel your guys' dates." He winked at her. 

Sol shook her head, an amused smile playing across her lips, "We aren't dating, stop being stupid." She took a small, backward, step away from the water fountain, "I'm going to my lecture, I'll see you later!" She sent a dramatic air kiss his way, because...she was in a good mood. Sol bit down on the inside of her cheeks to stop the stupid grin that wouldn't stay off her face. 


Sehun was already sitting down when Sol walked into the room. It felt odd being the one to take the seat beside him, but at this point it felt like the seats were assigned, and she wasn't about to move just because she was scared about what it might make him think. They weren't dating. They were friends, and friends sat together in class. She had to keep reminding herself about things like that. She could still feel the trepidation in her stomach as she sat down, he hadn't even looked at her yet. Even as she sat her notebook down, he didn't greet her. What was going on? Something in her mind told her that she couldn't say hello first, that she couldn't acknowledge him first, because if she did then he would win. Win what? Her attention, a part of her heart again, another piece he can use to cut her whenever he feels like it. A cut from Oh Sehun hadn't killed her yet, though... so maybe she should just say hey, ask if he got home alright. No. 

Sol dragged her eyes away from him, focusing on the paper in front of her, scribbling little spiraling circles. 

The air felt like it was suffocating her. 

Why was she panicking? Friendship is a two way street, she needs to grow up. She wouldn't be ignored, and even if she was she wouldn't let it affect her. She's better than that. "Hey." She finally spoke, turning her head to face him again. 

Sehun's head snapped up, and he smirked, until he wasn't. "When did you sit down?" He asked, a frown line forming between his eyebrows. 

She had a suspicion that her face was a mirror of his, "A couple of minutes ago...are you alright?" She asked, concern coating her tongue. 

He didn't bother smiling again, "Yeah, I guess I'm just tired." It wasn't true, and she knew it. But, because he wouldn't give a reason why he was suddenly acting so withdrawn and uncomfortable around her; her mind explained for him. He was clearly regretting last night, and he felt bad because he'd now screwed himself over by dragging her back into his life. That had to be the reason right?  "Oh, the lectures starting." He said in a monotone as the professor walked towards the podium. 

Sol looked away, trying to act like nothing just happened--or trying to act like it didn't hurt that nothing had. 


Everything was crashing down around him. Sehun had convinced himself that if he just got to school, and if he just saw Sol's face, all of the stupid thoughts running rampant in his mind would just stop.  A whole 'the earth stopped spinning when I saw you' moment, but instead all of his doubts got louder. The back of his mind screamed that his dad left, 'isn't this what you always said you wanted?' echoed in his head. At a volume higher, he wondered to himself if he would be like that one day too. If he'd just leave when things got tough..he'd done it once before, so what's to stop him in the future? Why did he ever think he deserved anything or anyone? Oh, but you do deserve to have your dad walk out on you, his head reminded him before he could find the flaw in his earlier thoughts. It was a never ending cycle of screaming and it was starting to give him a headache. He wasn't trying to ignore Sol, but the voices wouldn't stop and it was kind of feeling hard to breathe. 

He spent the entire class focusing on his breathing, trying to catch the scent of Sol's peach shampoo because, as creepy as it sounds, it helped keep him on this planet right now. As soon as the professor walked out of the room, Sehun was prepared to turn to Sol and tell her that he was sorry, that something happened and he just needed today, and that he'd call her tomorrow. But, when he worked up the nerve and turned to face her, Chanyeol was standing behind her seat talking. 

"Pleaseeee, Sol!" He begged, hands balled up in front of him. 

Jinsol looked at him with judgmental eyes, "Why me?" She asked. 

"Because, you're my only single female friend. I don't even need you to ever call the guy again, I just need you to leave a good impression--after that you can tell him you decided you aren't ready to date again, or something." Chanyeol was rambling, hands still pleading in front of him. "Please, Sol, just one date," he held one finger up, "I really like this girl  but she insists on bringing her stupid friend on the date." 

Sehun could feel his face fall little by little. "You can't be serious." He finally said, scoffing. 

It was the wrong thing to say, to even show that he'd been listening to the conversation. Sol turned to him, irritation lighting up her eyes--that was something Sehun always found endearing about Sol; the way her eyes blazed when someone upset her, instead of backing away from a fight she always charged right towards it. He hated when he was on the receiving end of that stare though. 

Sol dragged her eyes away from him, looking back over at Chanyeol, "Fine," she said while no

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Chapter 24: I do feel bad for Baekhyun, he really went through a lot. Picking up sides in your parent's argument is really stressful.
Chapter 24: i feel bad for baek cause of what hes been thru but i feel sadder for sol and sehun.... hopefully thats baek deciding to be abit more open abt their relationship growing

hope youve been well :) its been awhile
Chapter 23: Ohk now Baekhyun is being too much now. I just hope best for sehun and sol.
Chapter 22: I feel bad for both sehun and sol. Well at some point I do agree with Baekhyun but situations can be different with different people.
Chapter 5: Hi! I only began reading this story and it has such a promising beginning! I could relate to both Sol and Sehun. One of my best friends recently went abroad to study and I wonder when she comes back, will there perhaps be too many words between us and perhaps we'll have no idea where to begin. I am enjoying this story so far. The addition of Kyungsoo adds to the spice!
Chapter 16: I wish this story was a physical book in my hands so that I can highlight and sticky-note my favorite parts. The writing is good, especially when it comes to Sol's inner thoughts,
Chapter 14: I am loving the way this story is unfolding. The character interactions. The inner thoughts. No word is wasted. It feels like I'm reading a complete chapter every time that isn't just filler. Really enjoying your story <3
Chapter 13: This was a fantastic chapter! Your writing skills continue to amaze me. I can feel the melancholy oozing off these characters.
Chapter 3: I don't know what their problem is, but Sehun definitely needs to mind his own business with that phone scene lol. He seems like trying to get her attention with it, and all that for what? Acting disinterest doesn't help at all, boy.
seranghaexo #10
Chapter 11: It feels like a slow burn type of fic I can’t wait to see how it goes and hoping it’s not gonna be too sad 😞 love it so far thank you author ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️