The Belligerent Stars in Our Eyes

it's all about a journey (getting to you)
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It's a quaint morning in a quaint Cafe once chosen purposely by Red Velvet's manager for them to reprieve quietly without any unwanted attention, usually while waiting for their next schedule. Now it's becoming their second favorite hideout to unwind.


"I think I might be a aromantic aual, after all."


Sooyoung and Yeri's frantic debate about shortcake stop immediately.


Seulgi lifts her head from her phone, attention finally ripped from the game she'd been playing religiously day and night (to the point that they have to separate the phone physically from her hand before every performance).


Joohyun's teacup (raised in the middle) paused and she almost spilled the content on her sweater, earning a deserved shriek as the cup was evacuated immediately. No one bothers checking her expression when their stare screams say what?! at Wendy, or Son Seungwan, the hamster of the group, the apple of their eyes, the yin to their yang, the–


"I mean…" Seungwan put down the novel she's been reading, tapping her chin with one finger instead. "I haven't been interested enough with opposite to the point where I get into a relationship with them, I got easily bored with displays of godly-looking man, even when they are still feast on the eyes… Now that I think about it, perhaps it's a sign that I just can't be in a relationship, after all!" With the emphasis on kinda muttering under her lips.


Irene spat her tea, with Seulgi slapping her back, unhelpfully rectifying the whole choking situation.


"Unnie…" Yeri's brow furrowed, a little light of understanding flashed. "Do you even know what that means?"


"Of course!" Seungwan nodded furiously, lending her phone to be passed between the members so they could read the meaning of the words she said before. "I hardly bat an eye to boys or girls when I was a student, not that interested when my mom played matchmaker, it all makes sense now, doesn't it? I should have thought of it before."


Yeri's frown deepened.


Sooyoung sighed repeatedly.


Seulgi makes a pained sound.


Joohyun is terrifyingly silent.


And for once, Seungwan is oblivious to the total silence surrounding her.


"Ah!" She stood up abruptly, causing four pairs of eyes to blink animatedly in surprise. "I have to go to the toilet. Been holding it since forever!"




As soon as she's out of sight, they round up closer, creating a holy circle of trinity. Looks were exchanged.


"So… who's going to say something?"


Joy raises her hand.


"I'm confused. I'm pretty sure she's into me."


A bellowed chorus of what the hell and are you insane, coupled with several swear words echoed across the table.


"Is this one of your delusions?"


"It's not! I mean, just last week, unnie, she…"


Recollection 1: Rainy Days


Park Sooyoung, the tallest of the member, the one who considers herself the most 'out there' when it comes to dating scene and knowing all the how-to of getting a better deal every single time, finding herself hilariously out of character when flashing two stubs of ticket to a musical show near Gangnam, to which Seungwan fortunately says yes.


But it's not like she ever rejects Sooyoung for everything. At this point it might not be too farfetched to assume that Seungwan has a soft spot for her; the spot that she intends to exploit as much as possible. Only for the day to end with this walk along a rainy pavement. Seungwan puts herself at the outer part of the pedestal while they walk with an umbrella for each. The talk consists of nothing and everything; talking to the older woman has always been so easy, this dynamic they were having.


A little too enthusiastic of a banter when Sooyoung's heel is not stepping right into position and she falls unceremoniously on her . Talk about embarrassing. "Sooyoung-ah!" Before the maknae can recover from the humiliation, Seungwan pulls her up and puts her arm around her shoulder as they walk to a bench nearby.


It's not like Sooyoung didn't realize a hand circling her waist, keeping her steady and ever so gallant.


Seungwan crouches and checks her feet, rubbing along the heels. When Sooyoung felt a sting, it confirmed a sprain. The older woman is light on her feet, coming back with ointment for muscles and pain relief patch.


"Oh unnie." The taller woman, for once, sounds apologetic this time, keeping her eyes on the diligent member. "I think we're going to be late for the show." But Seungwan is still busy, cleaning the scrapes with disinfectant and plastering those with bandaids. A minute goes by until she regards Sooyoung, showing a toothy smile under a radiant sun.


"Then I just have to spend time with you, Sooyoung-ah."





A louder chorus of boos and disapproval in the air later.




"How else could I explain it?!" She fumed, crossing her arms. "I bet all of you didn't get this kind of treatment like, ever!"


A raised hand. Of course, followed with a gasp once they knew who did it.


"I have solid proof that she's into me!" Seulgi stammered.


Recollection 2: Portafilter


Kang Seulgi and Son Seungwan, a duo of best (business) friend duo, is only in this camera for a reason: A YouTube episode special of their work as a barista in a Cafe for a day. It's a simulation of how the fans can imagine them as college students looking for a part-time job and, one way or another, find a job in the whitest Cafe Seulgi has ever seen.


It all starts light and campy, but the both is into the task assigned to them. Seulgi nodded once and then twice to the owner's calm voice while he's explaining, before making a sharp turn and hitting a cup away with her elbow. She shut her eyes, bracing for the first mistake she will be making that morning.


The expected sound never came, and Seulgi got the cup handed in her hand. Seungwan clicks her tongue in a playful way, flicking Seulgi's forehead. Seulgi grunted at the impact. "Be careful."


Seulgi is always careful. At least, she intends to.


They start making the coffee. Seulgi mainly deals with the Portafilter and Seungwan learns how to pour over better. As the hamster passed, she stifled a laugh upon noticing Seulgi's expression while pouring the cream onto the dalgona latte that she's been so focused on (plus the customer's worried glance).


As she gets closer, Seulgi feels a presence, along with a whisper that makes the hair on her neck stand at end. It started out of nowhere, creeping as a warmth surfaced in her cheeks.


You're too cute, Seul-ah.


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113 streak #1
Chapter 2: re reading this again 🥹🫶🏻
Chapter 2: No the last line LOL poor Irene, I’m rooting for her!
Chapter 2: as the only wensana representation fic right now, go sana go!!! woo her with your appetite for sweets!!!
Chapter 2: complete already??
Chapter 2: this is holy sht good!!! lmao oh poor wannie xD
aglaonema #6
Chapter 2: Lol
Chapter 2: Everyone try to get Wendy
It fun to read. Thank you
Chapter 2: Ahahaha go Irene! Get Wannie
Chapter 2: definitely Sana its little devil haha! I like that you added it. I'm still Team wenseul and maybe also wenri but Sana will definitely intersify more the game!
Chapter 2: Sana yahhh hahaha so cute :3