Daily KyuSung Fics As Promised


7 KyuSung oneshots since I got the SS9 in BKK tickets, including both fluff and . Enjoy!


The 7 stories: synopsis and genre 


1) 1988 (fluff)

- behind the scene of the shocking 1988 during the Mango Mini Homepage shooting 

2) Too Many Beautiful Girls (fluff)

- Jongwoon, the royal advisor, was assigned to find the best crown princess candidate for Crown Prince Kyuhyun

3) Heartbeat (fluff, comedy)

- Yesung woke up and he suddenly could see people's affection level for him, with Kyuhyun's as the most unbelievable one

4) Never Meet Your Idol (fluff)

- Jongwoon applied for a housekeeper job for his idol, the famous musical actor Cho Kyuhyun, and faced a hard truth

5) 5 Years Old Or 5 Persons (fluff, a bit )

- 5 years old or 5 persons scenario but KyuSung

6) Hate U, Love U (slightly , comedy)

- Kyuhyun ed up his Yesung hyung, literally and figuratively, and faced a consequence

7) After-Sales Service (pwp)

- Jongwoon bought toys and got a private after-sales service from the handsome shopkeeper (who turned out to be his crush)


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487 streak #1
Chapter 7: don't - I REPEAT - do not ask why I am here again, rereading this master piece LOL
Chapter 6: Dense Kyu.. Luckily his hyung has so much patience and love for him, or else. And sweet Ryeowook who bring them together
Poor Hyukjae though hahaha
Chapter 5: I felt hot already hahahahaha 🤣
Chapter 3: Kyu's love to Yeye increase to ∞ as well as my delulu level. This story is so cute and so... real 🥹
Chapter 3: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1515287/3'>Heartbeat</a></span>
Awwwww, I just finished reading 'Heartbeat' and I. Love. It. So cute and fluffy, and the hearts reactions! It was soooo good, really, really loved it. Thank you~~~!
Ok, I just finished all, and it's a little hot in here. I really liked all the story's and I hope you'll continue writing kyusung, because you're awesome and your storys well writes and entertaining. Thank you so much for the fic~~~! Have a great week!
Kyusungftw #6
Chapter 7: Awww caring kyuhyun is so sweet. This story sooooo y yet fluffy 💕

Wow 7 days of kyusung fics. What can be better!!! Love it so so so so so much. Thank you for making me happy 😘
Kyusungftw #7
Chapter 6: Pabo kyuhyun! I so love it when ryeowook or heechul come to the rescue. Uri sassy saviours
Lion_5678 #8
Chapter 7: This is my best 7 days ever. You might feel like you wrote a sloppy M, but worry not! Because it is the bomb!
Chapter 7: I was on vacay so I didn’t get to read this when it was uploaded, but what a nice ending to this 7 day fic festival lol! It really quenched my thirst for sum 👁👅👁 (sorry for the weird emoji) Loved the aftercare, so cute! I’m imagining what the reaction of Kyus fans when they found Jongwoon is his bf, and Jongwoon being possessive saying “he’s mine!”
_MyName_ #10
Chapter 7: This is amazing, yes to consent and communication!! Although now I wonder if Kyuhyun got the part time job to prepare for his future with Jongwoon, since he clearly doesn't need the money...? :D that wouldn't really surprise me :D