Part 2

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Chapter 2



It has been a couple of months since Seulgi and Jennie happened. They remained friends with benefits while everything stayed the same with their friends. 


Lisa though was still looking for the person that Jennie made out with that particular night. The thought of Jennie kissing someone else made her stomach churn-- she and Jennie remained friends but they never dated anyone after that. They still spend time together but Jennie is often absent-minded, it feels like she's there beside you but her mind is somewhere else. Lisa blames the person in Jackson Wang's party. She kept following up Nayeon if she saw the person with that kind of jacket again but to no avail, the shorter woman didn't see anyone else with that kind of jacket. She described it as a black hoodie with a huge dragon insignia on the back. 


"So how are you?" Lisa asked Jennie, they were in their favorite restaurant back when they were still dating. They were facing each other with Lisa looking intently at Jennie who was busy playing with her pasta. 

Jennie cleared before speaking, "Fine, I guess. University is keeping  me busy at the moment," she drew a long breath before speaking again, "I guess that's it for it for me." she awkwardly smiled at her.


Jennie didn't want to make things awkward with her and Lisa so she decided to remain friends and agree to their get-together. She thought it was sweet that Lisa's reaching out to her, trying to rebuild what was left of them. She also doesn't want to make things weird between their group of friends. 


"I'm finally going on a date this weekend," Lisa smiled proudly.  Jennie did the same. "I'm proud of you. About time you go see someone else." She was genuinely happy about it. She doesn't have any romantic feelings for her ex anymore. She just--- cares. It was the last remaining feeling she has for Lisa. 


Lisa nodded her head slight, "What about you?"

Jennie shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not interested in dating at the moment."

"Hmm.." Lisa hummed quietly, "You're free to date anyone now, you know that, right?"

Jennie smiled, "Of course." she might regret opening up to her ex but Lisa's one of the few people who actually listened to her. "The reason for that actually because I have someone in mind right now." 

The blonde tilted her head, "Oh, then what?"

"They like someone else."

Lisa felt relief after hearing that. "How so? Are you sure about that? because it's you," she pointed a finger at Jennie, "that we're talking about it. Feels impossible for someone to not like you."

Jennie scoffed. "Stop putting me on a pedestal. This is why we didn't work out." her mood turned sour after hearing that. She hates it when people flatter her instead of listening. Just because she's pretty doesn't mean she always gets what she wants.  She's not Irene.


Speak of the devil-- Irene went inside the restaurant they were in with Seulgi behind her. They saw them and waved.


Jennie's mood seem to lighten and this somewhat made Lisa sigh in relief. She thank the gods for Irene.


Seulgi was the one who went to them first while Irene ordered, "Hey guys, fancy seeing you here." she teased the two which earned a glare from Jennie. "We were just about to be done here." Jennie said. Seulgi glanced down and saw that her pasta was barely touched by her. "Oh," she cleared awkwardly, feeling the tension.


"I'll see you guys later then," Seulgi waved--but it was really meant to Jennie.  Jennie's obviously stressed-- and when Jennie's stressed-- she needs  a good release.



"You and Irene, how are you guys?" was the first question Jennie asked Seulgi. Seulgi was busy looking for her discarded top. "Fine, I guess. Still friends?"

Jennie raised an eyebrow, "Nothing new? No plans of confessing?"

"Nope, she's been acting weird these few months though, like she's been more gentle? I don't really know how to phrase it but it feels like she's looking out for me way than before." the thought made Seulgi smile, "I like it."

Jennie rolled her eyes, "What about me?" 

Seulgi found her shirt and wore it. She then faced Jennie who was pouting at her, she was covering herself with her blanket. "You're mine." Jennie rolled her eyes at her. "So stupid." but it made her blush and made her heart beat faster. Seulgi is indeed stupid but she's not to blame for her erratic heartbeat. They're just friends with benefits-- she honestly wants to move on from this mess but she doesn't want to let go of Seulgi. Seulgi's actually a good person that caught up in this. She doesn't even know why Seulgi is still here-- did she take pity on her? she doesn't know. 

She asked the taller woman about why she agreed to be buddies and all she ever said was "I like doing it with you. If you want to stop just tell me." 

Jennie's satisfied with what they have at the moment. She's preparing herself for the heartache that will come her way when Irene will finally confess to Seulgi-- because let's be honest, Irene likes Seulgi. Everyone knows already except for Seulgi. She's quite dense for a person. She's grateful for it though because if she's not-- all these would come to an end. 




Lisa, Jeongyeon, and Seulgi are currently at the university rooftop. Lisa called the both of them and told them it was urgent.

"What's up?" Jeong asked Lisa who was leaning on the railing. Seulgi remained at the door since she was the last person to appear.

Lisa puffed a long one before speaking, "I'm pissed."

"With what?" Seulgi asked, walking to where Lisa was and sat, leaning on the railing like Lisa who remained standing. Jeongyeon shrugged her shoulders, waiting for Lisa to talk.

"Jennie. I told her i'm seeing someone else and she's glad? told me that she likes someone else.." 

Jeongyeon raised both of her eyebrows, "And you're pissed because?"

"she's probably thinking about the person she made out in Jackson's party."


Jeongyeon and Seulgi both groaned in frustration. "This again?" Seulgi was the one who spoke this time. "Seriouslly, Lisa, get over it,"

Lisa shook her head, "I know Jennie more than you guys do. There must be something in that person. She agreed to kiss her. I need to know why."


Lisa then looked at Seulgi. "Did she say anything to Irene?" Seulgi cleaed nervously, "Not that I know of. Besides, what happens in their circle stays in their circle. I don't ask she just tells me."

"I swear to god, I'm gonna find her." Lisa gritted her teeth. Seulgi could only pray in silence.




 "Seulgi," Irene came home drunk that night. Seulgi immediately got up and helped Irene sober up. "Yah, what's gotten into you? You're suddenly coming home drunk." 

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Chapter 2: they handled it so maturely i love it .. but give lisa and jennie they're happy ending
Chapter 2: Nayeon was so evil for this haha thank god they solved it immediately coz if not good luck to seulgi 🤣
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 2: reread this still hope jennie happy ending too😭😭😭
turtlenaut_ #4
Chapter 2: ughhh give us our jenseul back 😭
Existencyace #5
Chapter 2: Not you giving the best chemistry and a solid reason for JenSeul to be together yet end it all with a sweet fluffy Seulrene as the end game, I can't even be mad about it although I'm hoping for the other ending 😭
Chapter 2: yung jenseul ko bhie???
262 streak #7
Chapter 2: Oh... I kind of liked Jenseul here... But Seulrene is my OTP so I'm happy! So glad Irene didn't kill Seulgi hehe
jenlisaxx #8
Chapter 2: Nayeon the root hahahahaha
Chapter 2: Nooo my jenseul trope didn't happen TT.TT
shinchan222 #10
Chapter 2: Jensoo endgame please 😂 i want Jennie to be happy too. And I'm glad seulrene worked out, i was worried Irene would get super angry and breakup with seulgi or something.