The Poisonous Betrothal
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22: XXII

A whiff of sweet nectar tingles me awake. The scent intoxicates me with its entrancing wings, and lures me with its poisonous fangs. 

She nestles against my chest, and I can see the tips of her lashes vibrate ever so slightly against the warm breeze. The clock rushes me with its ticks, so I let myself land a peck on her forehead before slipping out of the sheets.

I tried not to make a sound as I sneaked into the bathroom. Cold moist splashed my skin as it rinsed away the lingering warmth from the night before. Last night was an example of our true desires, and I know for sure that things are spiralling dangerously out of my hands. But I know I’d love her to stay, from the way I’m terrified of her safety, to the relief when we share our warmth under the sheets. 

And when I pushed open the bathroom door, the sleeping beauty had already vanished from the sheets. I bring eyes across the desk, and she is already near the door. 

I know I shouldn't let my messy, tangled thoughts affect my head. I have important things to deal with today. 

But before I knew it, my legs had already brought myself to her silhouette, and my arm stretched itself out to tug on her wrist. 


She does not utter a word. Her long black hair barely moves amongst the frozen grounds. 

She must be leaving. 


Because daylight is our enemy, and even after we pull off our masks, she still puts it back on when morning comes. 

But I don’t want that. 

I want that mask to be shredded into pieces and for it to never come back again. 

“Are you leaving?” Again?

I don’t know what else to say. 

She tenses for a moment, before settling for a nod. 

I should’ve known this would happen. Perhaps to her, last night was just a mistake. Her tears and her embrace were just mistakes, and of course, I was just a mistake. 


I could let her go. I could let things flow like the months before, and act like nothing happened.

But I can’t. 

I don’t want to let her go. 


“If… if…” My mouth is getting terribly dry, and I’m trying to force those words out of my throat. 

“If I don’t want you to leave, will you still go?” 



Finally, after all the lies and games, when truth escapes my throat, it up all the air in my lungs, and I feel like I’m drowning into this endless sea of longing. 

Yet her silence is the best answer. 

I should loosen the grip on her. I should let her off. 

But my fingers still cling onto her wrist desperately. 

She whirls around and watches me open and close my mouth like a fish breathing underwater. 

And then, she chuckles. 

The melodic outburst turns into a giggle and a large beam forms on her lips. 

“Will you let me off?” She laughs as she pats my clenched fingers on her wrist. 

“I was just going to call my maids in for some help.” She sends me a knowing smile and heat creeps up my cheeks. 

I’m still confused. Maids? For what? 

She takes a brief scan around my room, then turns back to me with a glint in her eyes. 

“I have lots of belongings coming in. Do you have any room to spare, my lord?” 

The rock in my heart vanishes, and somehow, air has returned into my lungs. I slid my fingers down her wrist to caress her soft palm. 


“The floor is all yours, my lady.” 


Deep-cushioned oak chairs circled around the marbled table in the heart of the room, its length stretching large enough for all the High Lords and their delegates. 

“Amongst the heated chaos, I appreciate the efforts for all of you to attend this conference.” I began. 

“So you have called us to do what, exactly?” The duke, Lord Hwang of Electrico challenged, bracing his forearms on his muscled, gleaming thighs.

I scanned past their faces. Some maintained a respectful curl on their faces, some were emotionless, and some failed to hide their annoyance. 

“It is quite time-consuming to travel all the way to the capitol, especially when most of us have a mess to deal with.” Lord Kang Minhyuk said coldly. 

“None of us has more mess than you do, Lord Kang.” Lord Oh Sehun scoffed. 

With my secret orders, uprisings have begun along the districts, and it had been the most severe in district 6 and 8. The citizens were long tired and angry under the two districts’ strict measures. And so, right now Lord Kang and Lord Kwon have to deal with both the rebels and the drought. 

“At least my problems do not include uncontrolled wildfires.” Lord Kang retorts, and immediately Sehun and Lord Choi Siwon, the son who succeeded his father, darken their faces. As the lands of wind and fire, they know best of what catastrophe a drought can bring. 

“Rest assured, the meeting will not take too long.” I said plainly. 

“The King is well aware of the hardships of every district, and his majesty has decided to be lenient towards the lack of supplies, however, the King will only allow it to be delayed through Autumn. We do not have much time left.”

An eerie silence stretches across the room. 

“Most of us are struggling against the natural disaster, and I know some may be some districts battling against the Revolutionaries.” 

“I am aware that the capitol sent in sentinels to certain districts who are in need of them, however, from what I have heard, many are still struggling with the famine.” 

“Therefore, I am suggesting a new form of aid on behalf of district 12 to your fellow districts.”

“What is it, my lord?” Someone asked. 

They stared at me, confused and intrigued. 

I rose to my feet. 

“District 12 will send relief aid to every district who requests it.”

The dozen pairs of eyes blinked slowly. 

A millisecond later, jaws drop to the floor, and gasps roared through the room. 


Disbelief sprawled through almost every single high lord, with mouths opened agape, raised brows and widened eyes.

“D-District 12?” 

“M-My lord, do you mean… district 12? Your district 12?” Lord Kwon fumbled over his words.

“Yes. My own district will be responsible for the relief supplies, including financial and material assistance.” I answered calmly. 

An astonishing silence followed, and each of their faces almost looked like they were struck by lightning.

None of them expected my district to survive this drought— let alone to provide aid for others. They all think I’m barely feeding my people alive, with our years of hardships. The King doesn’t know my underground food bunk, and of course, the lords wouldn’t either. 

But I’m ready to let the world know of district 12’s abilities. The King is too weak to deal with me. Even if he opposes my actions, he needs my help to end the drought. Kai is busy handling the rebels with the sentinels his father ordered. Myungsoo is locked up without his duke status. 

It is the perfect time to show the other 11 districts what my district can do. 

What a district without the capitol can do.

What my district could do without the capitol. 

“I will not be alone.” My eyes drift to the right. “I would like to invite a few of you to join me.”

“Lord Bae, Lord Son, Lord Jung, would you consider sending in supplies for the country?.”

District 2 was unharmed entirely. As water nymphs, they are surely surviving the dry heat. It's a different case for the rebels, but at least now, they are safe and sound. 

District 4 is dangerously squeezed between wind and fire, but they’re doing okay. Crops are still growing, people are still pretty well-fed. They might be the safest district in all, since Lord Son is good at managing his people. Although I suspect Naeun’s vision had a role in ensuring their safety. 

District 7 is equally as unharmed. Ice acts as important as water in a drought, especially with such horrendous heat.

I let the lords ponder for a moment. Lord Bae frowns and Lord Jung flinches. 

My wife’s father raises a curl on his lips and nods respectfully towards my way. “If this is the case, I am honoured to work alongside you, my lord.”

I gave him a nod. I have written to him in advance already, and he knows we would have to join hands regardless.

“Pardon me.” Lord Kwon raised his hand. “My lord, what exactly do you mean by aid?”

“My aid will include wheat, livestock, crops and water. Regardless of how many of you will want to receive, I shall have enough for all.”

Lord Oh sneered. “And you’re just going to give these to us for free? This is surely very nice of you, my lord. Too nice, in fact.”

“Forgive me, my lord, but why is district 12 the one providing the supplies?” Lord Choi also opened his mouth. “Is his majesty aware of your actions?”

The King doesn’t know. But even if he does, he can’t do anything about it. I won’t allow a single sentinel into my district. 

“The King is greatly concerned about the drought, and his majesty has already extended delays in exports.” I answered. “However, his majesty’s tolerance will not last long.” 

“The famine is a national emergency, and as the head of the cabinet, I have the duty to act in the best interests of his majesty and Elantris. And that will mean feeding the population.”

Kang Minhyuk barked out a laugh. “Feed the population—- have you fed your own yet?”

I ignored him and turned to Lord Oh instead. “Yes, I will be distributing for whoever who requests the aid— for free. No deals, no terms, no bargains. I am merely offering an opportunity to save your people.”

My words bounced across the room. The air was filled with ringing silence as weighty stares landed on me. 

Duke Electricon broke the stalemate.  “Please, bear with me—or us for our… bewilderment, Marquis.” He sneered. “Surely, none of us would have expected district 12 to be able to provide food for the country. Is this the result of indulgence from the capitol?” 

“I would also like to question the legitimacy of the supplies.” Lord Heracles follows quietly. 

Lord Choi forced a smile. “We mean no offence, but up till a few years ago, district 12 does not seem likely to be able to provide aid…”

I kept my chin held high amongst their suspicion and taunts. “It is true that my district has a history of struggling the most in decades— but over the years, thanks to my people’s eagerness and unyielding perseverance, we are able to sustain ourselves, and generate enough to give for the country.”

They sent glances to each other, perhaps still unwilling to believe the power of coal miners. 

“If any of you still have doubts, perhaps I should invite you to pay a visit to district 12?” I smirked.

Immediately, many kept their eyes to themselves. Despite their doubts, they are afraid of stepping into my territory. After all, I have the reputation as a fearful mind-controller. 

“Lord Bae and Lord Jung, any thoughts?” I asked the two lords again, but my focus was on the latter district. 

“Apologies, my lord. I’m afraid we are not in the position to support other districts.” Lord Bae is quick to refuse extending kindness. I expected this. 

But my main focus is not on the powerful water nymphs. 

I’m keeping my attention on the Crown Princess’s family. 

Lord Jung cleared his throat. “I’m afraid… we need more time to consider… my lord.” There is a whiff of hesitation in his gaze. 

“I am expecting huge participation from House Glacies, Lord Jung.” I pestered him. 

His pupils trembled ever so slightly. “I don’t understand what you mean, my lord.”

“I hope you would consider your decision wisely, on behalf of her royal highness.”  I ripped off a knowing smile. 

The others remained confused. 

I want House Glacies to show their real colours. “House Glacies is allowed to reduce exports by 20%. Surely that 20% could have a much better use, wouldn’t it?”

My words created an explosion on the battlefield, as vicious shock waves flooded immediately. Gasps and rumbles followed, and once again, the room was loud with astonishment. After all, district 7 is the only district—beside mine, in history— to have their exports reduced. 

No one knew what happened inside the marbled walls, but one person played a crucial role. 

The Crown Princess. 

Of course, mixed reactions filled the room, widened eyes, envious side-glances, clenched jaws and aggrieving scorns. Lord Jung darted his pupils, and I could see the debate in his eyes. District 7 has something else unknown from me— perhaps something else with the King.

“I shall give you 3 more days to consider this.” 


“And for the others—” I bellowed, silencing the loud gasps and chatters in an instant. 


“5 days for you to decide your districts’ fates.”

“No more.”




The Queen has asked us to gather for prayers for the sake of drought. Honestly, the capitol could have easily solved this with a flick of their fingers, yet they sit with their arms crossed, just like what they’ve done for the past 75 years. On the way to my seat, I was brushed by Hayoung with a smile. She clenched my arm quickly. “Were you okay? I heard the news.” 

I nodded with a smile. “Don’t worry. We were fine.” She meant the assassin attack last week. 

She scanned me from head to toe with concern, while I sent her a pat and a wink. “Did you forget all the fights I had with Soojung? Surely the assassins could never touch a hair on my head.” 

She heaved a sigh as I settled into my seat a few rows in front of her. 

As soon as I sat down, almost all eyes were on me. I was expecting more from them about the assassination, yet the ladies only leaned forward with glints in their eyes. 

“Have you heard about the cabinet meeting this morning, Marchioness?”

I raised my brows in confusion. 

Immediately, a crowd of ladies huddled around me, and I tried my best to keep myself composed. 

What is going on? 

“The Marquis announced that district twelve would be providing emergency relief to the rest of the country.” 

Emergency relief? 

District 12? 

My heart clenched itself and I tried to suppress myself from any sort of expression. Taemin didn’t mention a single thing. “Oh, really?”

They leaned in further, invading my personal space as they caught the flicker of surprise in my orbs. 

“Aw, don’t act like you’re surprised. I’m sure you’ve known for a while, haven't you?” One sniggered. 

“How cruel of you to hide such a bombshell statement from us!” Another chuckled darkly. 

“I did not know that district 12 had risen to become one of a kind! To be able to provide aid for the population? That’s surely extraordinary.” Someone else faked a smile. 

A lady beside me, some Countess or Baroness of some kind, looped her arm around me and stared at me with her sauce-panned eyes. “Be truthful to us, my lady. What is going on with your district! Do you know anything about aid? My father was surely curious this morning.” 

“Yes, yes. My brother also attended the cabinet, and he thought it would be fabulous to learn what the Marquis has done with his district!” 

I was given enough time to calm myself down, given that it took a while for their muffled chatters and exclaims to die down. I scanned through them one by one, mentally remembering each district’s daughters, sisters, or wives. 

On the outskirts of the crowd, stood Lady Bae and her sidekick, Lady Kwon, who failed to hide their envious gazes, as I took all their spotlights in a whisk of wind. 

The ladies pestered me with dangerous questions, forcing me to trek on no-man’s land. I know that one word mis-said from my lips, the next day Taemin and I will be stripped off our titles and we will be left with nothing. 

But what they don’t know is, I’m as clueless as they are. I have no idea why, or how, district 12 is able to provide aid. I have no idea why Taemin decided to reveal his assets in front of the high lords. 

Taemin’s plans have always been out of my reach. 

I’ve learned it the hard way ever since he refused to take Krystal away from the royal family. 

“Please, don’t pester me with politics.” I squeezed out a smile. “I have no idea of what’s going on—”

“Did you not pay a visit to district 12?” Someone else exclaimed. “Surely you would be able to tell us what it’s like?”

Well, I’m sorry to let you down, but I’ve never been!

“My father has been intrigued. How is it possible for a starving district—” Someone sent her a look, but she went on. “—to provide food for the rest of the country?”

Honestly, I want to know too. But first I’d have to deal with the dangerous question. Taemin and I never talked about 12, and we have not even visited 12 as a couple. I did wonder why at some point, but I guess it’ll make it easier for our divorce later.  

But of course, there’s the lovey-dovey persona that we created, so obviously I would have to avoid this trap. 

I huffed out a sigh. “Unfortunately, I have yet to visit my husband’s home district. We were planning to go soon, but he was preoccupied for an extra few weeks.”

They kept their sceptical stares on me. 

Well, time to bring back my theatrical skills.

“And then came the Crown Prince’s wedding, and we were finally, finally able to go…”


Sad thoughts. Come on! 

My father dying. 

My mother dying. 

My sister dying. 


My family’s corpse.


Immediately, warmth gushed and moist collected on the rims of my eyes. 


I sniffed. 


“That was when the assassins came.”


Everyone gasped, as if just remembering what circulated amongst the courts last week. 

I knew they all forgot about it. No one but Hayoung asked if I was okay. All the others were thrown off guard by the exclusives this morning, and these ladies are only concerned about their own district’s future and whether their position will be affected upon district 12’s aid. 

The court was always like this, filled with narcissism and self-centeredness. 

I watched embarrassment flicker past their faces, as the ladies dusted it with faux concern. 

“O-Oh… right! The attack! Oh gosh, Marchioness, it must be frightening.” 

“How unfortunate! Were there any injuries?”

In just three sentences, I have transformed the crowd from a pestering flock of birds to muffled voices of pity. They mirrored my sigh and come pat my hand, with some joining in on discussing how his majesty’s health is spiralling downwards, how Prince Myungsoo might be banished soon in the favour of Kai’s ascension, and how hectic the whole drought and rebellion situation is.

While the ladies are successfully diverted away, I let my thoughts sink in. 

District 12 has provided aid in relief for the drought. 

Taemin will be ending the drought. 


The drought that I told him about.


I have a million questions in my head, but I can’t help but to feel my heart sink. 

Such an important announcement—and yet I have to hear it from someone else’s ears. This morning, all he did was place a kiss on my forehead and tugged my wrist to ask me not to go. 


Nothing more. 


He could’ve… he could’ve… at least told me… so I-I’m mentally prepared… right? 


A series of hushed whispers broke through my trail of thoughts. The huge doors swung behind me, and we all stood in respect. 

The Queen led her procession into the room. She was followed by the Crown Princess, Princess Jennie and Duchess Yeji. 

Concubine Kwon was nowhere to be seen, after the poisoning attempts she did to Krystal. 

We curtsied at their presence. The Queen nodded at us, and then she led the royal family to kneel beyond the ancestor statues and said their prayers. We follow through.  

And when we rose, someone whispered. “District 7 were granted a 20% reduction in their exports!”

My heart stopped.

“What? You mean… district 7? When was that?” Their whispers were increasingly loud.

“My brother heard it this morning in the cabinet meeting as well!” 

“Did the King do it for the Crown Princess?” 

“No wait— you’re saying the Crown Princess did something that even the Queen’s district 1, Concubine’s district 8, or the favoured district 2 can't do?”  

Yes. Soojung did something that none of them could do. 


My husband was the first who gained a reduction. 


And then, it was my best friend. 


The Crown Princess was cocooned by an eager crowd. The ladies—who used to sneer behind her back— now flood towards her with respectful gazes and fanning smiles. Her pupils sunk in icy darkness, yet glazed with a layer of deceit at the same time. She stretched her lips to a painted-on smile, as if

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HELLOOOO!!! NEW CHAP IS UP!!! Sorry for making everyone wait so long and I just realised it's been almost A YEAR? 😭 I'm extremely sorry -- hope this new chap will make up for it and I promise I won't make you guys wait too long next time!!!


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Chapter 25: holy crap that pool scene 😳
Winter_Sakura #4
Thank you for coming back! Good chapter... can't wait for the next one
changjo95 #5
Chapter 25: This is so good please update soon ( don’t keep us waiting for so long ) thank you for your hard work 😊
6v6_francella #6
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Oh, and god, did this Taemin make me blush and giggle! <3
6v6_francella #7
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Wah...Chapter 25 on May 25th! Lol, jokes aside, I LOVE how this chapter ties so many loose ends and creates such a strong foundation for the . I have fallen in love with both your writing and how Naeun seems so oblivious to how much she adores him. You've written the female protagonist so well tho - she's so strong and smart, and uh! perfect....💖
Chapter 25: Thank you author nim, love your update <3 hope taemin and naeun can make up soon :"(
samz02 #9
Chapter 25: authornim welcome baaaaack 😭🥹 planning to re-read the story because I have a goldfish memory and forget easily lol, thank you for updating and looking forward to what’s to come!
Chapter 25: FINNALLY 😭😭😭😭