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Hello , dear friend. 

The year is 2134. We as a humanity have evolved to the point where loneliness has gone extinct. Now everyone has a soulmate! What’s a soulmate, you might wonder. Well, it’s a special person with whom you have a strong connection. You love and care about each other strongly, the feelings that grow between soulmates are unexplainable and unmatched.

However there are some things that you need to know. 

Soulmates must be with each other no matter what, if not, both of them will die.


Haechan couldn’t finish reading as tears fell down on the paper, making it impossible to read what was written. Furiously Haechan ripped the pages of the book until there was nothing left but anger and pain still resided deep inside him. Damn all the soulmates, damn anyone who invented this concept. If it wasn’t for the whole soulmates, none of this would have happened. He would gladly die if only he could avoid the tragedy that happened. And it all is his fault.


Few years ago


Mark didn’t know when exactly he fell for Lee Haechan but he fell hard for the young man with jet black hair and chocolate brown eyes and the warmest smile in the world. 


Both of them have been friends since childhood but only recently did Mark notice how his heart skipped a beat every time Haechan would look at him. It was all a big surprise for the young boy. 

The biggest surprise was when his feelings were returned. That day was forever engraved in Mark’s mind. 


“ What was so urgent that you had to bring me here so early in the morning?” Haechan lightly scolded Mark, tiredness clearly audible in his voice. 


It all made Mark even more stressed . When he was rehearsing in his mind , it seemed easier to say those three words. “I love you” was all he wanted to say. To hear those words back would be a miracle. It could even ruin their friendship.  But for Haechan Mark was ready to risk it all.


A warm hand pressing on his shoulder is what brought Mark back to reality. He lifted his head up only to be met with a pair of loving eyes looking into the deepest corners of his heart. At that second Mark remembered all the reasons why he loved Haechan. 


First , his kind and pure heart. Haechan was that one person always making sure that everyone was happy, that everyone felt loved . If he saw someone crying or feeling down , he would do everything in his powers to help that person.


Second, his passion for everything he sent his intention on.


And third, basically everything else about him.

 Maybe love has made him blind but everything about Lee Haechan was perfect. From head to toe, from inside and from outside Haechan was simply perfection, a unique piece of art that couldn’t be found anywhere else. 


Now that Mark remembered all those reasons,he got every bit of his courage and , as he held Haechan’s hand in his, said with a gentle but serious voice “I love you .” 


Few seconds passed but for Mark it felt like an eternity. Every muscle in his body tensed up, waiting for any reply, negative or positive it didn’t matter to Mark anymore. He has done what needed to be done. Now he won’t have to live in regrets .


A small smile spread on Haechan’s lips, making him even more beautiful than he already was. His eyes shined in joy, all of that combined had a special effect on Mark. His heart beats got louder and louder with each passing second, that he was sure Haechan could hear it as well.


“I love you too, Mark. You know that very well.”Haechan replied, his voice sounding like a beautiful melody. 


Even if he had gotten the reply he wanted, Mark had to make sure that they were talking about the same thing.


“No, I mean , I really love you. Just seeing you brings enormous joy to me. Knowing that you are safe and sound by my side is what makes me get out of bed in the morning. If you are happy, I am happy, if you are hurt then I am hurt as well. When I think that I can’t love you even more, you prove me wrong. I am in love with your whole being. You are my world, you make each day better with your presence. You… Mark stopped in the middle of his sentence as the first tear escaped from Haechan’s eyes. 


The ground shook under Mark’s feet, time stopping. That’s it, his world has crushed like his heart, millions of pieces scattered everywhere. Mark expected for tears to come but all he felt was pain. Guess it was too painful to even cry


. Oh, well, at least he tried.


When Haechan’s hand came in contact with Mark’s cheek, he expected to be slapped, hit, bruised, instead the hand slowly moved across his cheeks, fingers softly pressing into his skin as if Haechan was tracing some invisible path. 


“I am so sorry , Haechan. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just… “ Mark didn’t get to complete his sentence as a finger was put over his lips.


“It’s okay, Mark.” Haechan’s voice was like a soothing melody, making the pain go away. 

“It’s just no one has ever said something so beautiful to me. “


Haechan didn’t need to speak as Mark already knew what he was going to say but he let Haechan say it, his heart needed to hear it.


“I love you too Mark, more than you could ever imagine.” A smile appeared on Mark’s lips , his heart cheering in victory. He couldn’t even react when Haechan’s soft lips pressed against his, the two sharing their first kiss under the oak tree, their special meeting place where both shared thousands of beautiful  memories , adding new ones now.


6 months ago.


Today was the day. The day when they will  find out that they are soulmates. Of course they are going to be soulmates, there was no other possibility, Mark was sure of it. They had a strong bond, both of them could read each other like an open book, no words were needed, their eyes explained everything they wanted to say. With each passing day their bond got even stronger and stronger. As it was told in the guide book. 


Soulmates was a concept that has existed for centuries. It was a cure

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Chapter 1: I love the idea of doulmates, and you wrote this one very well. The connection between Mark and Haechan was great, and I was surprised when they had turned out to NOT be soulmates, but the ending helped clear that up. It's just sad how it ended. I felt bad for them both.