Chapter Nineteen

The Walk Back Home

Author’s Note: This story is set in an alternate universe, in an imaginary town and country, and during an ambiguous time period.


“I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” Yunho said without pausing as he strummed his fingers against the guitar’s strings. 


Jaejoong was sitting behind a desk. He had a large cheeky grin on his face. “What. I helped you get a ninety on your test; this is my reward.”


“I swore when I said I would do anything, I thought you would just ask me to buy you something.”


“Where’s the fun in that?” he said with a wink. 


“You’re a mean person.”


“Really? I’m saving you from spending money and this is how you repay me? With unkind words.”


“My humiliation is more severe than a few pennies.”


“Okay. You can buy me food, too.”


“Nope. This is your reward.”


“Okay. Then play properly.”


“I am!”




Yunho laughed. “Now you’re telling me I .”


Jaejoong chortled and covered his mouth when he realized what he did. “No,” he choked out behind his hand. “No!” He cleared his throat and dropped his hands. “Play a Christmas song.”


“I don’t really know any. I was in an indies band. Heck, we took pride in playing obscure .”


“Cool! You should have just said so! Still, play something festive.”


Yunho arched an eyebrow. “You like the holidays?”


“Yeah, and?”


“Nothing. I just thought that’s…” He trailed off.  “Nothing." It was something new.


Sometimes, Yunho felt like he knew all that was to know about Jaejoong and then he would drop a tiny bomb like this and he would be stunned and ended up feeling as if they were strangers just now getting to know each other.


"Is Minah coming for the Holidays?”


Yunho loved Jaejoong’s older sister. She was one of the nicest people he knew, and ridiculously smart too. 


Jaejoong arched an eyebrow. “Why? You still have that little crush on her?”


He rolled his eyes. “She is beautiful.”


“Eww. I don’t approve.”


“We’re in the twenty-first century. Go kick rocks.”


“Yeah, I definitely don’t approve now.”


“She is too good for me, but your opinion is not considered.” Yunho strummed a few cords. 


“I am her only brother.”




“I matter.”


“How many boyfriends have she introduced you to?”


Jaejoong paused and squinted at a laughing Yunho. “Rude! Anyways, she’s not coming for Thanksgiving; she’ll be down for Christmas, though.”


“Nice. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her.”


“She’ll be excited to see you.”


“You told her I was here?”


“In passing.” Jaejoong looked up from his phone. “Plus, you’re all over my social media.”




Jaejoong laughed at his exaggerated reaction. “Relax.”


“Hey! At least get my permission!”


“We’re friends, duffus. And if you want to monitor, just create social media accounts.”


“I have YouTube.”


“That doesn’t count.”




“What do you have to hide? By any chance, are you a criminal?”


“You’re ridiculous.”


“Smile,” Jaejoong said, lifting her phone as if he was going to take a picture of him. 


“You wish for death?”


“Terrified.” He grinned at Yunho and snapped a picture.



Yunho had mentioned his inclination for music in passing, therefore, he never expected his father to not only hang on to that, but to take him out to see a live band.


It was nothing grand, just a little concert at a rundown pub, but the fact that he remembered that was what had Yunho feeling all sorts of ways. But mostly uncomfortable.


“You’re alright?” his father asked, hanging Yunho his drink. 


He shook his head. “No, I am fine. Thank you.”


Having fun?


Yunho wondered if it would be rude if he answered Jaejoong.


Since his father had never used the phone in his presence, whenever they were together, Yunho tried to do the same out of respect.


His father sipped his drink, eyes on the stage. He nodded gently to the music. “They’re not too bad, right?” he asked, turning to look at Yunho.


Being honest, he didn’t care for them. Still, he smiled at his father and said loudly to be heard over the music, “They’re alright!”


The older man’s smile got brighter, he nodded at him and turned back to gazing at the stage.


It’s not too bad.


Jealous. You should have invited me.


I didn’t think you’d want to come to something like this.


Not really, but I’d have fun, regardless. 

Not only am I easy going, I always have fun with you.




Yunho decided that was enough text messages for him tonight. He needed to be present and focus on bonding with his father.


He couldn’t wait to tell his mother about this night. She would be ecstatic.



Author’s Note: Hello friends, how are you all?

I've been doing grand.

The summer heat has been getting to me and I am desperately missing autumn (writing about it is making me more lovesick).

I want to take a moment to thank everyone that subbed to this little story of mine.

It's just been such a joy writing this fic and I'm so happy that I'm sharing my joy with another.

Anywho, I'm just checking in to see if you all are enjoying the story.

Comment your thoughts, if you have any (I appreciate each and every comment).


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The story is almost over! I’m so sad bc this was my slice of leave and now I’m going back into hiding bc I’m going through a two years long writer’s block🥹🥹🥹


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Reader00071 0 points #1
Chapter 27: I loved the story, it was interesting.
Reader00071 0 points #2
Chapter 22: It must be so difficult to have feelings for a friend, the friendship can never go back to it’s initial state if both friends don’t have the same feelings.
Reader00071 #3
Chapter 15: Your story is so good, i cant put it down. I love how the injured friendship is slowly healing, I love how YH stands his ground sand doesn’t let JJ totally manipulate him. Thumbs up to you, very good story.
Reader00071 #4
Chapter 9: YH is too easy, I would have never trusted a traitor friend. JJ could have just manipulated you right now. I hope JJ has really changed.
Reader00071 #5
Chapter 8: This is getting more and more interesting as the story evolves. Great writing dear author.
Reader00071 #6
Chapter 3: Wow, love this high school drama, poor YH he hates everything yet I think deep down he likes everything.
Reader00071 #7
Chapter 1: Poor teenager YH, growing pains. The story is quite interesting so far.
leanonme #8
Chapter 27: This is super cute, their dynamic is to die for! Thank you for sharing this story ❤️ truly warms my heart !
Brownsugar40 #9
Chapter 27: I loved this story
NinePlusOne #10
Chapter 27: Thanks for returning to Yunjae even for a bit! It was a fun read!