Making A Move

Bad Boy

The next morning, when Soobin saw Yeonjun coming towards him, he sped up his steps so he could get close to Yeonjun quicker.

“Hey, Soobin, how are you?” Yeonjun asked, cheerful as ever.

“I’m fine. How are you, hyung?” Soobin asked, a smile on his face but concern evident in his voice.

“I’m alright,” Yeonjun replied, blushing. Soobin thought pink suited him just right.

“Can I – can I walk you to your first class?” Soobin shyly asked.

“Of course,” Yeonjun replied and they began walking, side to side.

It was both a comfortable and tense silence. Comfortable because they were close enough to be able to not talk but tense because of the situation. They both had things to say but they didn’t know where to begin. Just when Soobin had finally mustered up the courage to talk, someone came up to them.


They both looked to the girl who had just stopped in front of them. Soobin didn’t know her but Yeonjun seemed to.

“Hey, Yoojin sunbae,” he greeted, smiling.

Soobin looked at Yeonjun and was surprised to see, for the first time, a fake smile on his face. His eyes didn’t close and he looked a bit irritated by the girl’s sudden appearance.

“I wanted to know if you’d like to have lunch together?” she asked, putting her hair behind her ear and batting his eyelashes. That made Soobin feel sick for a second.

“Sunbae, as I already told you, I eat with my friends at lunch. You don’t have to ask every day as I’m always going to decline your offer.”

Yoojin looked pissed for a split second but her smile widened right after.

“It’s okay. See you around, Yeonjun!” she said and walked away.

The two guys stood there for a moment, as if frozen.

“Wow, she didn’t even acknowledge me,” Soobin said as they resumed on walking.

“Don’t mind her. You wouldn’t want her to acknowledge you anyway.”

“Does she ask you this every day?”

“Yeah. At first it was okay, I mean, I didn’t know her but you know I’m always up to make new friends. But after a while, she became quite insistent, asking me every single day. It all began when I started eating with you. I don’t know why, but it seems to bother a lot of people,” Yeonjun said, giggling.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve heard a lot of people complaining about us hanging out. How I shouldn’t eat with you or even talk to you and stuffs… How you’re bad news and that you’re going to tarnish my reputation. As if,” Yeonjun scoffed before continuing, “I don’t know if you heard people talking but I really don’t give a what they think of us hanging out. I like spending time with you and I hope it’s mutual.”

Soobin took a moment to process everything and smiled the same kind of smile Yeonjun had seen that very first day in the cafeteria.

“It is mutual, hyung.”


Over the next few days, Yeonjun found Soobin smiling at him that wide smile he only reserved for Beomgyu. It always made his heart flutter and butterflies erupt in his belly and he knew he was ed. Taehyun kept on teasing him for finally having found someone to have a crush on and HueningKai ditched them a few times because he was sick of their bickering. Another thing Yeonjun had noticed about Soobin was that he had started wearing colours. It wasn’t anything too noticeable: purple socks or white sneakers and one day, Yeonjun saw him wear a pastel blue BTS bracelet.

Yeonjun loved those changes but it didn’t mean that he didn’t like the all-black Soobin as well. It was fascinating to see Soobin wear colours and a smile on a daily basis. It made Yeonjun wonder what he was like outside of uni, when he was at home or hanging out with Beomgyu. Yeonjun was also curious of how Soobin could manage being someone else almost 90% of the time. It was inconceivable for Yeonjun to try and be someone he wasn’t. He had always been honest, with himself but also with others, even if that meant he had to hurt someone by telling the truth. He hated lying, even more if you had to cover up a lie with another one. But he never considered Soobin a liar, he always thought he must have reasons to act the way he did.


“I really like your socks, Soobin-ah,” Yeonjun stated as Soobin was walking him to class.

It had quickly become their new morning routine and Yeonjun couldn’t be happier. This morning, Soobin was wearing pink socks.

“Oh, thanks,” Soobin replied, blushing. “I wasn’t sure of the colour but Beomgyu told me it’d be alright so…”

“He’s got taste. Pink suits you Soobin-ah,” Yeonjun replied, linking arms with Soobin. The latter tensed at the sudden touch. “Hope it doesn’t bother you. I like making skin ship with people I’m close with.”

“We’re close?” Soobin asked, almost incredulous.

“You’ve seen me cry, haven’t you?”

“Well, if that’s all it takes to be close to you…” Soobin jokingly said.

“It’s a privilege! Did you know that my tears turn to gold?”

“I bet they do. Just like everything you touch, hyung,” Soobin replied, smiling.

Yeonjun looked at him for a couple of seconds before smiling back.

“Thanks. That’s the nicest thing I’ve ever heard.”

“I’m just telling the truth,” Soobin said, shrugging. “I’ve always noticed this kind of superpower you had. You’re golden, hyung.”

Yeonjun was rendered speechless, his eyes welling up with tears.

“If you keep this up, you’re gonna see me cry again and that’d be very embarrassing for me,” Yeonjun quietly said once he deemed his voice ready enough.

“Don’t be embarrassed, hyung!” Soobin exclaimed, laughing. “When someone compliments you, just take it and call it a day.”

“Thank you, Soobin-ah.”


“You know, I think you should invite Yeonjun over,” Beomgyu said, some days later as he was hanging out with Soobin in their shared room.

“And why would I?”

“To show him who you are. You began wearing more pink clothes since he told you pink suits you. I’m not complaining, I love seeing you wear colours but you like him and he likes you back so why don’t you just go for it?”

“I don’t know if he likes me back but I know he appreciates me more than Kai or Taehyun do. And wearing colours again in public doesn’t make me feel stressed or awkward so I guess that’s a good sign. But to invite him over? Just the two of us? That’s kinda risky.”

“Because you could find yourself do things you wouldn’t wanna do yet?” Beomgyu asked and Soobin nodded. “I can stay with you,” he offered.

“Nah. I want to spend some time with him only. And you’re embarrassing,” Soobin joked, earning a glare from Beomgyu.

“Then go find yourself another best friend!”

“Too late, you know too much about me. Either you stay my best friend or I’ll have to kill you.”

“Let me help you get yourself a boyfriend then.”



The next Friday, after having walked Yeonjun to his class, Soobin invited him for a movie night. Yeonjun had gladly accepted, the brightest smile on his face. At lunch, Soobin acted like nothing had happened and talked casually with everyone. Yeonjun understood he wanted to keep it a secret so he didn’t say anything and when they parted, he just said ‘See you on Monday!’ and walked away.


“Did you wait for long?” Soobin asked when he arrived in front of his room and spotted Yeonjun standing in front of it.

“Nah, I just arrived,” Yeonjun replied, smiling.

“Let’s go in then,” Soobin said, opening the door, letting Yeonjun in first.

As expected, the room was exactly the same as Yeonjun’s own dorm. A long living room with a two places couch, a coffee table and a little TV under a wide window facing the door. The bathroom and one bedroom on the left and the kitchen and the second bedroom on the right.

“Which one is yours?” Yeonjun asked, turning to Soobin.

“Take a guess,” Soobin said, winking.

Yeonjun looked at the two closed doors. They were totally identical, no distinguishing feature whatsoever.

“The one on the left?” Yeonjun said, taking a wild guess.

“Why do you think so?” Soobin asked, a little smile gracing his lips.

“I don’t know… The closest to the bathroom, the better, isn’t it?”

“You guessed it right. I like the smell of soap and shampoo and I tend to go to the toilet during the night. Beomgyu, on the other side, likes to eat some snacks in the middle of the night,” Soobin explained, taking the lead to his room.

He opened the door, letting Yeonjun enter first again before sending his bag flying towards his desk.

This time again, Yeonjun noticed how similar Soobin’s room was to his own. Yeonjun too had the left room so Soobin’s was scarily identical to his own but one thing: Soobin’s room was clean. Not that Yeonjun wasn’t a tidy person – okay, maybe he was a bit messy but we all are – but unlike Soobin, he had posters on his walls.

“Not really personal, I know,” Soobin said, flopping down on his bed.

“What?” asked Yeonjun, suddenly noticing that he had been looking around the room for far too long.

“My brother told me I had to make this room mine as I’d be staying in it for at least a year. But I didn’t really know what to do,” Soobin admitted, looking at his desk.

Yeonjun looked at Soobin’s desk too and noticed photographs. He got closer and saw two framed pictures: one of Soobin and Beomgyu, freshly out of high school, and another one of Soobin and his brother.

“You could have hung them on the walls,” Yeonjun said.

“I didn’t want to make holes in case I moved rooms like I did last year.”

“Understandable. I have posters up in my bedroom.”

“I bet you do. I bet your room screams ‘Yeonjun!’ when you enter,” Soobin replied, standing up.

Yeonjun looked at him for a few seconds, confused and not knowing what to say.

“That’s good by the way, it means it’s very personal. You’re unapologetically you. not afraid to show who you are.”

Yeonjun perceived some kind of bitterness in Soobin’s tone of voice but not directed at him. He let it slide, thinking Soobin would speak about it when he’ll feel like it.

“Come on, we’re going to watch the movie in the living, it’ll be better,” Soobin said, getting out of the room first.

Yeonjun followed, knowing better than to ask questions and quietly closed the door’s room. He made his way to the couch where Soobin was sitting, turning the TV on.

“What are we watching?” Yeonjun cheerfully asked, his mission being lifting Soobin’s spirits up.

“I thought we could watch Avengers: Infinity War.”

“Seriously?” Yeonjun asked, incredulous.

“Yeah. Why?” Soobin asked back, looking at Yeonjun.

“I’ve already seen it.”

“I have too. But isn’t it fabulous that we can watch an amazing movie again and again until we get sick of it and decide to watch something else?”

Yeonjun stared at Soobin for a few seconds and laughed out loud.

“I hope you have something to eat because I can’t watch a movie without a little snack,” Yeonjun said, plopping on the couch and making himself comfortable.

“Who do you take me for?” Soobin replied, chuckling as he got up and walked to the kitchen.

He came back with any sort of snacks and a few cans of beer.

“I hope you like beer because that’s all I have,” he said, sitting back down while Yeonjun search for their movie on Netflix.

“That’s perfect,” Yeonjun said before pressing play.


“I love this movie so ing much,” Soobin said as the credits rolled out.

“Me too, it was so good. Kinda sad but I stopped crying after the fifth time I watched it,” Yeonjun said, stretching out.

Soobin giggled and took what was left of the snacks and beers, making his way back to the kitchen. When he came back, a long silence took place between them. It was the same as a few days ago, where a lot needed to be said but no one was ready to talk yet.

After what felt like forever, Soobin heard Yeonjun clear his throat out.

“I wanted to thank you for the other day. For what you told me and what you did. I didn’t know I needed it before you came. I mean, I guess I knew but I was too proud to ask for it. So, thank you.”

When he was done, Soobin turned to looked at him and delightfully saw that Yeonjun was blushing, looking at his own hands. It was so endearing to hear him talk so confidently but act so shy when he thought Soobin wasn’t looking.

“You’re welcome. I hope you know now that there’s no shame in asking for help. I don’t think I stressed it enough last time so I just wanted to be clear,” Soobin said, as serious as ever as he finally met Yeonjun’s eyes.

If Yeonjun felt intimidated under his gaze, he didn’t let it show.

Another silence took place, shorter this time. Yeonjun was again the one to break it.

“Why… Do you…” he began, unsure. Soobin smiled, encouraging him to talk. “Did you use to wear colours?”

When Soobin didn’t reply, Yeonjun gasped.

“Sorry!” he almost whispered.

“Why are you apologising for?” Soobin asked, confused.

“I think I crossed a line, didn’t I?”

“Not at all. I did use to wear colours. I think your next question would be why did I stop?” Yeonjun nodded, not breaking eye contact for even a second. “I never liked people looking at me. I’m pretty introverted and I hate being the centre of attention. Which, I know, doesn’t go well with my major,” Soobin said, chuckling. “But I really do feel like that. I thought that if I stopped wearing colours, people would stop looking at me. As surprising as it can be, it worked. People tend to look when something bright pass them by, it’s curiosity which make people look around. ‘What was that? why was it shining so bright?’ Those are the questions specific to curiosity. Very few people look at what’s dark, colourless because no one’s a stranger to darkness, we all have it in us,” Soobin marked a little pause. “That’s why you’re so popular. You shine so bright you don’t only awake curiosity, you also draw people to you, like a magnet. You have this kind of charisma, an aura that draws people in and make them like you no matter what.”

“Do I, now?” Yeonjun asked, snorting.

“Of course. The fact you don’t seem to realise it makes it even more attractive. I kind of envy this. The confidence you radiate which makes you fearless.”

“Me? Fearless? I don’t think we know the same Choi Yeonjun,” Yeonjun said, smiling widely. “What happened the other day is a proof of how fearful I am. The confidence you’re talking about is just a façade because I lack confidence. If I look confident enough, I’ll surely have it someday, don’t you think? The trick is that sometimes is does the job. When I’m on stage, when I’m with my friends, it works. The rest of the time, in the practice room, when I’m alone, it doesn’t. That’s how you found me the other day. Afraid that I wasn’t enough, that I’d never be and that I’d fail in the one thing I know about, the one thing I am confident in. But even if you’re wrong about me, I’m flattered you think so highly of me.”

“Don’t say I’m wrong,” Soobin said, getting closer to Yeonjun. He was still processing what Yeonjun had said but he needed to make something clear. “The way you see yourself and the way I see you are both valid. There’s no right or wrong way to see you, there’s only a valid way to since it’s all specific to the person. Is that clear?”

“Wh-what if I say it is not?” Yeonjun asked, getting even closer to Soobin. Their faces were so close, if one of them just leaned closer, they would kiss…

“Then…” Soobin began, leaning a millimetre closer, his breath ghosting over Yeonjun’s lips, “I guess I’ll have to make it clear in a better way,” he added, his voice deep.

“Please do,” Yeonjun said, closing his eyes.

A second later, Soobin cupped Yeonjun’s face and made their lips collide. It was a sweet but impatient kiss. An addicting feeling it was for each of them to feel the other’s lips on theirs, like a breath of fresh air. They had to get closer but they were already tangled together, so close but still not feeling close enough. They hadn’t waited that long, they hadn’t known they were waiting for it but it felt right in time. Actually, it all felt just right.

When they parted for air, they both looked like a mess, their clothes wrinkled, their lips red and puffy but they had never looked more beautiful in the other’s eyes.

“You’re gorgeous,” Soobin said.

“Same goes for you,” Yeonjun replied, laughing.

They looked at each other for a moment, not saying anything, just smiling like fools.

“I really like you,” Yeonjun then admitted.

“I really like you too,” Soobin said, kissing Yeonjun on the forehead.

“I’m sorry to break the moment but if we’re a couple now, you won’t be able to avoid the spotlight.”

“I don’t care,” Soobin stated, taking Yeonjun in his arms, getting ready for at least a long hour of cuddles. “If you’re by my side, I’ll be okay.”


“I can’t believe it. I just can’t.”

Taehyun had been saying those same words over and over again since they had sat in the cafeteria.

“I actually can,” said Kai. “You, more than anyone, should know that when Yeonjun wants something, he always, and I mean, always, get it.”

“I can’t believe people ever thought Soobin was a bad boy. He’s so soft, it’s actually unbelievable. And now that he’s got a boyfriend, they are disgusting,” said Beomgyu.

“Shut up,” said Soobin, from across Beomgyu. He was playing with Yeonjun’s fingers while the older was eating. “We’ll see you when you’ll have a partner, Mr. Unlabelled. Who’ll be the most disgusting, I’m eager to know.”

“Oh, that’d still be Tyunning. If you look closely, they’re always undressing each other with their eyes like the animals they are,” Yeonjun casually replied.

“You son of a –” began Taehyun before Kai put a hand on his mouth, muffling the last word.

“Yeonjun-ah, is Soobin your boyfriend?!” someone in the crowd surrounding them asked.

“If I say yes, will y’all go away?” Yeonjun asked and when the crowd replied ‘yes!’ he shouted, “Yes, Choi Soobin is my boyfriend now go the away!”

“Thanks, babe,” Soobin said, kissing Yeonjun on the cheek.

“You’re welcome.”

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