Try not to fangirl...and get caught

Reflection: Her

The exhibit was dark, the only light coming from the soft glow of the lamp on the mirror. I turned my head, glancing at the man's face for the first time since coming into the room. His face was gently cast in shadows, but something about his profile was familiar....very familiar.
I must be too excited for the concert tomorrow, I thought to myself, because there is absolutely NO way that Kim Namjoon of bts would be in this museum right now.
Just I just think Kim Namjoon?
I gasped softly to myself.
The name on the mans card popped into my head Nam J. Kim.....
This cannot be happening, I mentally screamed at myself, you HAVE to stay calm. You have to pretend to not know. You CANNOT cause a scene.
*calm calm calm calm calm calm calm calm* I chanted to myself.
"Are you alright?" The man asked. "Totally fine," I replied, willing myself to speak normally "I just realized I still have one more plack to finish before we close, I can't have any extra work tomorrow!" I nodded my head at him, turning on my heel and walking away as quickly as I could without seeming rude. As I turned, I my keys slipped out from my hand. We both bent down to pick them up, Namjoon getting first- held them out to me. *WHARHTJEKEKDBDJEJSJ* I screamed in my head, hardly processing what was happening. Unfortunately, he picked it up by the frayed strap and the force of swinging from his hand caused the strap to snap, making my keys fall from his hand back onto the ground.
I quietly smiled to myself, he really is the god of destruction, I mentally giggled, bending down to scoop up my keys from the ground for the second time.

", I'm so sorry" he said, frantically apologizing "let me get you a new one!"
"It's ok, really! This one was really old about to break anyways." I replied, trying to calm the frantic man down.
Now that we were facing each other I confirmed my suspicion that the man in front of me was, infact Kim Namjoon the leader of BTS.

"Thanks" he quietly muttered, looking away from me. He seemed mildy concerned now that we were facing each other, I wondered if he was afraid I would recognize him.
"Well, I should get going" I said, softly bowing my head. " please enjoy the rest of the museum, and don't forget to stop by our coffee shop, I highly recommend the cafe au lait, you can get any picture fromee our gallery on the top!"
"Thank you, I'll try that" he said, slightly nodding back.
I walked out of the exhibit congratulating myself on acting normal in front of my favorite idol of. all. time.
I walked to the storage closet next to the front desk, opened it and walked inside quietly shutting the door behind me, covered my mouth with both hands and started screaming and jumping up and down in excitement. KIM NAMJOON TOUCHED MY KEYS!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHFHDHEUEJRBEJSKWKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After a few minutes, I finally calmed myself down, smoothed the front of my cream blouse and tan pencil skirt and calmly walked out of the closet. Deciding that I needed a coffee to calm myself down with, I grabbed my lanyard and phone and headed to the museum cafe. As I walked I debated whether or not to text Minha about this or not. Minha and I both loved BTS, and were going to go to the concert tomorrow together (if she wasn't throwing up). Nahhhh, I'll tell her in person, I thought smirking to myself. Her reaction would be something I want to film. I'm pretty sure that she would literally pass out. πŸ™„
Minha was a bit much sometimes.

I entered into the cafe and ordered an iced Americano. I slipped onto a stool at the counter, idly watching the barista Loui make my drink, placing my keys and lanyard on the counter next to me.
"Do you want that extr shot today y/n?" Loui asked getting ready to grind the extra beans. "Not today Loui," I grinned "I don't need an extra boost today!"
"Realllyyyyy" Loui smirked, "something really good must have happened for you to NOT need that extra caffeine, you little addict". Loui was partially teasing, but he wasn't wrong...most days I needed the extra shot of espresso to get me through the afternoon. "Lets just say I had a VERY pleasant surprise" I said and winked. "Sounds naug-" Loui started saying while handing me my drink. But then cut himself off, changing his tone and exclaiming "welcome to the museum cafe sir!"
I looked behind me and saw Namjoon ( heart) walking into the cafe.
"Thanks Loui" I said, blindly reaching for all my stuff as I slid off my stool, trying to get away before my inner fangirl unleashed herself on this poor, unsuspecting hunk of y man. If I saw those dimples in real life, I knew I would be a gonner.

But unfortunately, in my haste I knocked over my drink, sending it all over the counter. "I'm so sorry Loui!" I said "give me a rag and I'll get this cleaned up for you." Loui nodded, tossed me a rag and went to take Namjoons order. "Want me to make ya another?" Loui called to me. "Yes please" I muttered, ashamed of myself for causing a ruckus and a mess.
Namjoon quietly took the seat next to mine at the counter.
"Are you ok?" He asked me as the sounds of the espresso machine hard at work sounded around us. "I'm fine! I'm sorry if I startled you." I managed to squeak out, quietly looking at my hands. "Did you get a latte art?" I asked. "I did. Which one do you think I should have gotten?" he asked. "Oh definitely exhibit 2 one" I said. "The flowers looks so pretty printed in the milk."
Namjoon looked at me a little skeptically " you really think I would get flowers?"
"Well, maybe not...but you asked me what you SHOULD have gotten." I replied, not believing that I was sassing the leader of BTS. "What did you get?"
"I got this." He angled the mug Loui had just given towards me giving me a full view of the artwork on top of his mug. I stared at it in disbelief. The genius leader of BTS had chosen MY piece to have laser printed onto his latte foam. My small, unimportant art exhibit sat there on his cup. It was official. I could die and be at peace. Mentally I was screaming.
"That work you recommend really struck me, I think the artist did a good job of helping people explore themselves more deeply."
I almost pinched myself I was so sure i was dreaming. "I think the artist would be really pleased to hear you say that." I said smiling.

"Here ya go y/n, iced Americano." Loui said, handing me a new cup. "Try not to drop it this time, and if I don't see ya till next week, have fun at your concert thingy. Who are you seeing again? BTW?"
"BTS" i muttered, glancing at the man next to me out of the corner of my eye, he had visibly tensed.
"Well, whatever, have fun girl. And please don't show me any videos of the concert. I really don't want to hear you go on and on about that rapper-" Loui splutterd to a stop, raising his eyebrows as I frantically cut him off- "Will do, thanks for the coffee Loui."
I glanced at the man beside me, he had chocked on his coffee when Loui had said rapper..
He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye.
"So." he said, raising an eyebrow. "You're an army."

Hiiiiiii! How is the story going so far? I've never done this before, so apologies if it doesnt flow well, writing in 1st person is hard. Let me know what you think β™‘

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