A Royal Heir

For Deok-Im & San : Forever After // The Red Sleeve Cuff AU πŸŒƒβœ¨πŸ’«
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Year 1782

The beautiful norigae that Deok-Im wore dangled as she walked beside the king.

It was a month after the birth of the new prince. Thankfully, the UiBin had recovered and was given a go sign by the royal physicians to finally attend events with the king.

Today, there will be a grand celebration for the birth of a first heir. It'll be an important event attended by the primary members of the royal family and of course..... important political figures in Joseon.

With his arms wrapped around the UiBin's waist. Yi San had insisted that she need not walk behind him and that she still needed to be careful whenever she moved around.

The king held onto Deok-Im's hand and spoke in a gentle tone.

'We can just stay for the speeches, if you feel tired later just tug my sleeve then we can just leave.... Okay?'

Trying not to roll her eyes at San's statement, Deok-Im shakes her head and replies in a tone laced with disapproval.

'No, jeonha.... This will be a celebration to honor the prince. As his biological mother, I intend to honor that and be simply thankful.

Once we arrive, jeonha should ask the queen to sit beside you..... I'd be much comfortable to just stay by the sid---'

But even before the UiBin could finish speaking, the king interjects in a strict tone.

'No, no.... You'll be sitting beside me. I'm not sending you to the side. Just like what you said.... You are Sun-ie's mother, then that means you are also being celebrated today.

The queen will sit beside mother, I am the king and I decide who sits beside me.....and as always, I want you beside me.'

Deok-Im could only sigh in defeat as she silently nods her head.

She didn't really have much of a choice. Although, she had a healthy and friendly relationship with the queen.... She just couldn't help but sometimes feel uncomfortable with her due to the complicated actions and decisions of the king.

'Court Lady Seo, You can just let UiBin carry the prince once we arrive. There is no need to follow protocol and have the maids hold him.

I want Sun to be with his mother.'

Court Lady Seo politely agrees as she protectively cradled the infant prince who was wrapped in a precious silk comforter.

The court lady followed behind the royal couple as they walked down the stone path.

As they arrive in front of the huge pavilion, Court Lady Kwon nods at one of the Eunuch and ord

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