What Lingers in the Past

Cursed by the Moon

            Days passed relatively peacefully. Han Dong could feel that the bond between Gahyeon and Sua was getting stronger. Even she was surprised by how fast it was growing. Although the one who was most surprised was without any doubt Sua. Somehow she was even more overwhelmed than when she first arrived at her house.

            Han Dong had noticed pretty quickly that the vampire was the kind to brood. Lots of dark emotions were trapped inside that overworking brain of hers. Lately, some of them were escaping. It didn’t take a lot of effort to guess that this had to do with what happened with Minji. A murderer she had been called. Of course it wasn’t something that the kitsune didn’t already know. She saw it behind her when they first met, those little blue flames from the Spirits World tied to the vampire’s soul by regret and guilt, but Sua couldn’t feel them. The curse of the Moon had severed her connection with the other plane. She had a weight in her heart, but she couldn’t know where it came from.

            It shouldn’t be affecting Han Dong so much, however the fox could feel that tugging in her heart as well. She could try to rationalise this by telling herself that she was just being sympathetic, but in truth she already knew what it meant. A connection was forming. She cared, more than what she had planned about this stranger living in her house.

“You seem to be spending a lot of time in your thoughts lately.”

            Siyeon was looking at her with her amused smile. Minji needed their apartment for the afternoon so she had come to visit her mom and Gahyeon.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that there are still wounds that need to be healed.”

“Which one are you talking about?”

            As she asked the question, the werewolf averted her gaze on Gahyeon who was sleeping on the sofa next to them. Han Dong followed her and gave a tired smile.

“Both actually, but one is more concerning. I hope this afternoon’s conversation with Minji will bring some good.”

“She seemed determined about it. I think she really wants to start over with Sua.”

“But…” Han Dong anticipated the downside.

“What she has to say, it’s not easy to hear. Especially for Sua. I’m afraid it will only strengthen her guilt.”

“But Minji needs to say it, we can’t deny her that.”

            Siyeon exhaled deeply. This whole situation made her uncomfortable. Why did Minji think it was necessary to tell her story to Sua so soon? As if to prove her right, Gahyeon suddenly woke up. Her ears perked up and turned backward, her head jerked in all directions as if she was looking for someone.

            Han Dong saw it too and called the young fox to her. Once she was seated on her lap the older fox tried to calm her down.

“It’s ok Gahyeon. She can handle it.”

“What’s happening?” Siyeon asked worriedly.

“Sua’s struggling.”

The werewolf hummed in understanding. “She really feels everything.”

“Family bonds are strong. It’s often hard to learn to trust the other enough to let them be. When you were younger I used to worry a lot too. It was hard to let you deal with some of the hardships alone.”

“But sometimes it’s necessary in order to grow.”


            The two exchanged a knowing smile. Dong was proud of the way Siyeon had grown. When she saw that endearing smile with crescent eyes and her little nose crunch, she felt a quiet sense of peace. The kitsune had promised herself when she had taken the cub in that she wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. That smile was proof that she had succeeded.

            That feeling was soon disturbed by the little wheels turning behind Siyeon's eyes.

“Wait. Are you worried about Sua too?”

            Han Dong started a little at that question. She wasn't expecting her daughter to catch up on that so quickly.

“I - It’s simply because we’ve been living under the same roof for a long time. I started developing some interest.”

“Some 'interest'.”

            Siyeon repeated while quoting with her fingers. The trace of a smirk was forming at the corner of the werewolf's lips. The fox knew perfectly what she was aiming at and she immediately put a stop to her insinuations.

“Don’t put too many thoughts into it. I simply started to care a little more. It doesn’t have to go further than that.”

“Yeah, but she's also been caring a little more too. She asked me questions about you the other night.”

            Dong scoffed with that deep rich voice that could be mistaken for disdain.

“I really wonder why.”

            And she really did. She wasn't the one being taken out of her depth. There was a little more animation in her house and now she had to be careful which fridge she had to open if she wanted proper food instead of blood bags, but overall her life hadn't changed much.

“Maybe it's because, sometimes, she can feel your loneliness.”

            This time there was stupefaction written on the kitsune’s face as if she was only realising it now. Maybe it was because she had lived with it for so long that she had gotten accustomed. She had gotten so accustomed in fact, that she unconsciously drew people away. But not Sua. With Sua she always knew when to stop. They were bickering of course, with how Han Dong was, it couldn’t be any other way, but none of them wanted the other gone. That was probably the reason why the bond had formed. Siyeon waited for an answer, growing anxious by the second, afraid that she had said something a bit too accurate to be heard so casually.

            Han Dong studied the werewolf for a while. Still surprised by that statement. The more she thought about it, the more she realised it was true and that in itself brought something else to be surprised about.

“Tell me. When did you become so discerning?”

            There was a pause. Their smiles stretched on their lips, giving a glance of their white teeth until they both laughed at their situation. Han Dong would have never thought the day when Siyeon would have more insight than her would come so soon.




            In another part of Tokyo, another conversation was taking place. The first step towards reconciliation, if Sua accepted it of course. Minji didn’t want to force her to accept her apology. She also felt that it was necessary to explain exactly why she had snapped like that the other night. She knew there was a chance that this would look like an excuse, and in a way it was, but it was also what she deemed fair. What Sua decided after that conversation was up to her.

            When the vampire came in, Minji was alone to welcome her into her home. It was a nice apartment decorated with a lot of plants and flowers that made everything breathe and perfumed the rooms with a delicate fragrance that wasn’t too overpowering.

            Sua was led to the main room where the short-legged table had been laid for two people. They sat on their knees on the two cushions that were there and Minji started serving the drinks.

“I have tea or, if you prefer” —She brought up a glass bottle that was standing on the floor on her side of the table— “I have this.”

            Sua squinted. Was this what she thought it was? It looked like a wine bottle but the inscriptions on the tag gave away it’s true nature. “Red Sun”. That was the brand Leedo used for his hidden transactions.

“Minji, is that blood?”

            The red-head shifted uncomfortably at Sua’s shocked intonation. She answered in a small voice, almost as if she didn’t want to be heard.

“I contacted the Lodge and asked if I could have some for a guest.” She paused to see Sua looking at her with a growing smile stretching her lips which only fanned the flames of her embarrassment even more. “Just drink the damn thing,” she spurted out, rolling her eyes.

            Sua took the bottle, still amused by the other’s shyness, and opened it to pour the thick ruby liquid in her glass. Minji watched her, intrigued. The vampire noticed that she was trying to formulate her thoughts.

“Does it ever feel weird to feed on others’ life force so easily?”

            Sua stopped to look at Minji. She wasn't trying to be mean with her question, she could tell. When the host's eyes crossed that of her guest, she looked down in shame.

“I’m sorry, that’s a stupid question. It’s not like you have a choice anyway.”

“If it’s too much for you, I can just drink tea.”

            Minji raised her gaze again. Sua had not stopped staring at her, but it wasn't a cold stare like she thought it was. The vampire was studying her, trying to see where Minji's limit was. It was normal to be disgusted. Even vampires were once they got over the blood craze caused by the transformation. Sua herself had a hard time. Seeing it in a bottle made it easier, almost trivial. However, she understood that for Minji it was still blood that used to belong to someone else.

“Minji, it’s fine. I’ve been drinking ordinary drinks for a long time now. It doesn't really do anything to me, but I’m used to it.” Sua went on.

            She kept staring. Minji was uncertain. She didn't want to be rude or to appear intolerant. But Sua was looking at her with a reassuring smile so maybe it was okay to take things slow.

“I–I would like it if you could drink something other than blood in front of me for now.”

            The vampire nodded and put the cork back on the bottle then hid it away.

“I’ll bring the bottle with me then, and I’ll just have tea for now.”

            Glasses were changed and the teapot was brought on the table. They took a long sip. Keeping their hands on the warm handless cups, one holding it, one supporting the bottom.

            In this quiet moment meant to appreciate the vegetal and slightly sweet taste of the matcha tea, Sua took note of the extreme quality of the beverage. It was rare to find a drink that actually tasted like something on her tongue.

            Minji caught a glimpse of her delighted smile and took some pride in it. She began the conversation with new-found confidence.

“So… I don’t think I ever got to introduce myself properly to you. You may have felt that I’m a child of the Sun, but I didn’t tell you I was a dryad.”

Sua's eyes widened in surprise. “Really? But, I thought your kind had retreated into the Spirits World.”

“Most of us have, but some of us stayed. We’re no more than a dozen left in Tokyo I believe. But anyway. If you know that, maybe you know a little about what our purpose is.”

            Sua remembered one conversation she had with Yoohyeon, back in Paris. It was a long time ago. Whether it should be counted in centuries or decades, she couldn't say, but it was a time when she wanted to learn more about the Folks in the Forgotten Times.

            Yoohyeon was a Fae and one of the First Borns. She had many stories that she liked to tell. Many involved the dryads that she regretted dearly.

“Nowadays, we call them spirits of nature or spirits of the trees, but they're more than that. They were the ones who protected the land and made things grow before Men learned to play with Nature's laws. They are… ”

“You’re the will of the trees.”

“Oh.” Minji's eyebrows perked up. “I hadn’t heard that expression in a long time. Yes, that’s what we are. We are guardian spirits meant to protect the land and the people who take care of the trees. Although, right now, we’re just trying to survive.”

“It must be nice though. To be born with a purpose.”

            The remark had unintentionally escaped her. Sua closed immediately, eyes wide opened like someone who had just made a terrible mistake.

            Minji stared at her, surprised by that comment. She would have never guessed it was something that the vampire could be concerned about. But then, vampires were humans once and humans had always struggled with notions such as fate and purpose. Always at the mercy of one and in search of the second.

            However, the fact that Sua still seemed to struggle with that after centuries indicated that the vampire wasn’t at peace with herself. Minji felt bad as she realised she and people like her may be part of the problem. It’s not easy to be at peace when people constantly remind you of the weight of your sin.

            She didn’t ask Sua what had prompted that comment. Her face was enough of a giveaway to know she didn’t want to talk about it. Maybe if they ever managed to become friends she could bring the subject up again. The thought made her smile. She did want to be closer with Sua.  But first she had to finish her tale.

“Sometimes it can become a burden,” she answered in a gloomy voice. “Dryads are meant to be guardian spirits. We only protect and care for everything nature has created. But sometimes events can happen that darken our thoughts and cause hatred to brew in her heart.”

“What could bring a tree to develop such hatred?”


            Minji had become stern. Sua understood they were approaching the heart of the matter. The thing that was buried deep into the dryad's heart. She listened patiently.

“Bodies buried under a tree will rot and poison its roots. If the blood keeps flooding under it, the tree will slowly be won by this urge to kill whatever poisons its soil. As if it was consumed by the same violence that caused it pain.”

            Minji's voice had taken a specific sharpness, as if she wanted every word to be carved into Sua's memory. The vampire didn't need to ask to understand where this was going, but she did anyway because it felt like the right thing to do.

“Minji… Is that what happened to you?”

            Her host's eyes lost their gleam. She nodded.

“Vampires used my tree as a burial ground. They kept killing those innocent people and when they were done emptying them from their blood they’d bury them at the foot of my sakura. Maybe it was their way of offering them a beautiful resting place. I don't know.”

            Minji gulped to ease her dry throat. She still remembered the smell of death overwhelming her and that feeling, as if her whole body was rotting alive, as if her blood was turning cold and coagulating in her veins until her heart wouldn’t be able to beat. Like her body was in decomposition and her limbs could fall off. And yet, she was alive.

“The feeling of death creeping under my skin, it hurt so much.”

            Her voice was cracking but she remained dignified. She remembered what the tree would whisper to her at night. “Kill them”, “free us from this pain.” She had to fight so hard to resist this urge. She had a feeling she would break something within her if she did what she was told. Dryads were never meant to feel hatred so deep in their hearts. Thinking about those days made her whole body shiver.

            Sua watched helplessly. She could think of nothing to soothe Minji and shake away the pain she could hear in the dryad’s voice when it broke in the middle of her sentences.

“What happened after?” She heard herself ask.

            She deserved to be slapped for that question. As if that was important to know? What mattered was that Minji suffered and that those responsible for that pain weren’t that different from her.  Minji didn’t seem to take it badly. Her voice managed to stay steady when she answered.

“I think the Lodge took care of it. I’m not sure. One day they just stopped. But the bodies stayed for months until they decomposed completely into the earth.”

            The dryad composed herself. She took a long inspiration and exhaled deeply to let the emotions pass. All the while she observed her guest. She saw the guilt trapped in her eyes and wondered what exactly could have spurred it. Sua had no reason to feel guilty. She wasn't the one who buried the bodies of her victims under Minji's tree. Unless of course there had been other bodies and other trees that Sua was more familiar with. It didn’t seem impossible. Surprisingly it didn’t seem to matter to Minij as much as it used to either.

            The vampire had lived many lives. One as a human, one as a murderer and one as someone trying to atone for her sins. Now the Moon was playing with her by putting a kitsune in her path. It could be chance that brought those two together, but Han Dong didn’t seem to agree and neither did Minji. The more she looked at it, the more it looked like fate. And with fate came purpose. There was now someone who trusted her more than anything. Sua couldn’t let the guilt eat her away.

            The silence of the room became too loud with their thoughts. Minji didn’t know what to add that could help the vampire feel better and Sua was wondering whether she should answer Minji’s honesty with her own. Would she hate her if she knew?

“Is there something you want to know about me?” The vampire asked, hoping the answer would be “no”.

            Her host looked at her very carefully. If she was honest with herself there was. However, it didn’t feel right. She hadn’t invited Sua to exchange their sad stories and expose her in such a vulnerable state.

“No. You don't owe me that. I told you my story because I acted terribly with you and I wanted you to know the full picture before choosing to forgive me or not. What you do with your own story is up to you. I won't ask you to share something that still burdens you.”

“What if it could affect Gahyeon?”

            Minji huffed. “Siyeon told me more about you two. Did you know that kitsunes can only be attuned to others' feelings if the bond is shared both ways? It means that Gahyeon cares about you at least as much as you care about her. Which means a lot, by the look of it.”

            Sua’s mouth went slightly ajar and her eyes quickly ran away from Minji’s gaze. The dryad smiled at how that simple fact seemed to make the vampire shy. She went on.

“I was wrong about you. I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened in your past, but the person sitting in front of me now can be trusted.”

            Sua still couldn’t look her in the eyes. It was surprising to see that she didn’t know how to handle compliments.

“You’re too good,” the vampire said under her breath.

Minji welcomed the compliment with a beaming smile. “It’s my purpose to help things grow. Can you forgive me?”

            Sua finally raised her gaze to look at Minji. She was being serious again.

“I think I can.”




            When Sua came back from Minji’s home, Siyeon was already gone and only Han Dong was left sitting on the sofa with Gahyeon sleeping next to her. She entered the room with some shopping bags that she left at the foot of the table and saw that the older kitsune was reading peacefully, one hand casually passing through Gahyeon’s fur to ease her to sleep. She didn’t show it as much, but she was indeed caring a lot about the cub and not just because she had promised Yoohyeon she would help those two getting it together.

            Han Dong raised her eyes from her book when she heard the footsteps coming in.

“How did it go?”

“Better than I thought. How was Siyeon?”

“Better than ever.”

“Good. And Gahyeon?”

“A little worried but she handled it.”

            The both of them looked at the fox sleeping peacefully on the couch. Curled in a ball of fur, her head hidden in her tail. Sua felt bad for letting her emotions affect Gahyeon so much. She sat on the couch next to Han Dong, placing Gahyeon between them as if to shelter her.

“Does she have to feel everything I feel all the time?”

“She’ll learn to turn it down with time. Right now your connection is still growing and she needs it as a reassurance.”

“Reassurance for what?”

“Reassurance that you won’t leave her.” Sua grew stiff suddenly. Han Dong jumped in immediately to calm her doubts. “She’s just found you, it’s completely normal, don’t worry.”

            She had said it with such assurance that the vampire didn’t question her. There were a lot of things she didn’t understand about how kitsunes saw the world. They seemed to have a deeper connection to everything. Very attuned to others and to all that surrounded them. Until now she hadn’t really tried to learn too much. She was content with what Han Dong spared to share.

            However, the more she learned to raise Gahyeon, the more she wondered how the older kitsune had grown up. It was in a different time, probably a very long time ago, but she was curious. Did she have to go through the same hardships? On that night, she felt like she could ask.

“Did you feel like that too with your own family?”

            Dong looked at Sua in surprise. She had never dared to ask those kinds of questions before. Not that the kitsune was specifically waiting for it to happen, but it was nice to see she cared a little more.

“Yes. I was so happy to find them, I was always worried it wouldn’t last. Eventually, I learned to trust them.”

“Were they humans or Folks?”

“Humans. I took the place of a child they had lost and they raised me as their own. That’s often how it was with kitsunes at the time. I shapeshifted to make them believe I was growing up and when the last one joined the world of the dead, I continued alone.”

            Sua tried to count in her mind how long it could mean. Humans could live up to more than a hundred years in their current days but back when Han Dong was born it was probably way less. Which meant that she hadn’t spent a lot of time with them and probably a few centuries afterwards without a family of her own until she found Siyeon.

“Do you miss them sometimes?”

“I will never forget the kindness they gave me.”

            Even after she kept on alone, meeting other groups, getting to know the Folks and all this new community made of people like her, who were born from the Moon and Sun in times forgotten by most, the memory of her family had stayed.

“What about you? Are there people you miss from your time as a human?”

            Sua blinked at the question. It had gotten past her that a conversation was meant to be shared. When thinking about her mortal life, she could only remember the coldness of the people around her, the austerity of the sphere she had been raised in and the things that were expected from her. All was grey and blurry except for one spark that kept shining in her memory.

“There is one. I - I caused her a lot of pain, but I like to believe that our best memories were also spent together.”

“Passionate relationships are often like that.”

            The vampire frowned slightly. She hadn’t said anything about a relationship, how could Han Dong be so sure? It really wasn’t fair that the kitsune seemed to always be one step ahead. For once she wanted to push her luck a little.

“Do you know a lot about that topic?” she asked with a smirk and a teasing intonation.

Han Dong huffed and looked at Sua with that sarcastic smile of hers. “Why? Are you interested?”

            The kitsune would never know what Sua was about to reply with her eyes opened so wide and her lips parted in confusion, because Gahyeon chose that moment to wake up. She looked happy to see Sua and Sua was in turn very happy to see her awake at this convenient time.

“Gahyeon-ah, if you’re gonna sleep on the couch, maybe you should go in your room for the night.”

            The fox looked at her hesitantly. She didn’t want to sleep alone in that room. Sua knew that too, but she had to try anyway.

“All right, I’ll go with you. Actually, I also got things for you this afternoon. I’ll show them to you.”

            Gahyeon gave her an eye-smile and went upstairs immediately. Han Dong looked at the scene with more perplexity.

“You really should just talk to her. Even if she can’t answer in that form it doesn’t mean that there aren’t things she wants to hear.”

“I’ll get to that.”

            The two stared at each other, trying to perceive the traces of a potential conflict but there wasn’t any animosity in Han Dong’s words, just as there wasn’t any irritation in Sua’s voice. One way or another, this situation was being handled. Sua took the bags she had when she came in and followed Gahyeon upstairs.

            The fox was waiting for her on the bed, sitting straight and expecting her with her piercing eyes. The vampire sat next to her and took out the content of the bags to show them.

“I went to Harajuku today and I bought some clothes for you. I don’t really know if it’s your style or not. I tried to remember how tall you were for the size. Of course, right now they’re not really useful but it’s just… I just… I thought you would like to know you have them if you need them.”

            Gahyeon stared at her incredulously and Sua suddenly felt really stupid. But there was some logic behind that purchase. While roaming through the stores of the commercial streets, she had the revelation that Gahyeon didn’t own anything. Since the kitsune was spending her days in her fox form, she didn’t really need a lot of stuff and she couldn’t really tell if there were things that she wanted outside of the necessary accommodations. So the vampire had the idea that maybe it would be nice to get her some human stuff as well so that she would never feel at a loss.

            She realised now that to the fox it may look like an attempt to make her shapeshift and truly it wasn’t that. She would never force her to do anything she didn't want.

            Sua sighed deeply. Looked like she would have to talk after all.

“Listen, Gahyeonie. I want something to be very clear: you don’t owe me anything. I will always protect you no matter what you do. So if you don’t want to shapeshift, don’t.

“All you need to know is that I’m here. I understand, at least I think I do, how hard it is for you to be left alone at night. And if you need me to stay with you until you fall asleep we can do that. If you need me to keep telling you you’re safe, I can do that. You can wake me up during the night after a nightmare, I won’t be mad.

“However, I think we need to figure out a way for you to be able to sleep alone, because I won’t always be here for you, and it’s something you need to face and deal with on your own terms. Only you can really control your fear. So from now on, I will stay with you and reassure you, but we’ll try to help you sleep alone in your room. Would that work for you?”

            In the wake of such a long soliloquy, something unexpected happened. The fox turned into a girl. She didn’t look older than fifteen. Her long black hair framed her face and reached the middle of her back. Her skin wasn’t as pale as the first time Sua had seen her. She seemed healthier as well.

            Gahyeon looked at Sua with shiny eyes and trembling lips that were barely containing her sobs. was tightening around the words she wanted to say, preventing them from getting out. The tears rolled silently along her cheeks.

            Sua’s first reaction was a hug, although the feelings behind it were still confusing, even to her. She was proud to see Gahyeon breaking her shell. She was afraid that the kitsune might feel overwhelmed. She was helpless against such a raw display of vulnerability.

“I’m afraid of the dark. I can’t — She choked — I can’t be alone at night. I’m sorry I’m bothering you with this.”

“No.” Sua cooed against her ear. “No, no, no. You’re not bothering me, Gahyeon. It’s okay, we’ll figure it out. You’re not alone in this. It’s normal to be afraid, I never said you shouldn’t be.”

“I’m always — I’m always afraid they’ll come for me.”

“I know. I understand. But they won’t come for you anymore, because I’m here now. I won’t let anyone hurt you, Gahyeon. I swear.”

“Can you make them stop in my dreams too?”

            There was a long uneasy pause. Sua shouldn’t lie to her. She shouldn’t take on a mantle she knew she couldn’t fill either.

“I’m sorry, I can’t protect you there. But with time, you can protect yourself. I’ll help you with it. Han Dong will too.”

            The girl seemed to calm down in her arms. Her small body had stopped shaking and she was clinging to her shirt, her face hidden in her chest.  Sua enveloped her completely in her arms. She wished she could make her feel warm. However, the lack of blood in her veins prevented that. She moved to pick a piece of clothing that could help, but as soon as she did she felt Gahyeon pulling her closer.

“Please don’t leave me alone.”

            Sua was reminded of the explanation Han Dong gave her earlier. She pressed her lips on top of the girl’s head and left a kiss there.

“I won’t, little one.”




            Han Dong opened her eyes. She wasn't one to wake in the middle of the night, yet for some reason her brain had decided to suddenly switch on the light and urged her to be active. She looked at the clock radio. 5:36am. This was way too early. Her body slowly awakened, becoming more aware of everything around her and in the house, including the clinging sound coming from the kitchen.

            Han Dong woke up, dressed herself a little more and walked down the stairs cautiously. She already guessed what she was about to find, or rather who she was about to find. The kitsune made sure not to make any sound when she entered the kitchen. There she faced a strange scene: Sua, still in her clothes from the day, making tea at 5am.

“Did you have a nightmare?”

            Dong's voice startled the vampire. She huffed at the joke and kept sipping from her handleless cup. Her body didn't benefit from it but she was finding comfort in the hot drink.

“I was helping Gahyeon sleep in her room tonight.”

“You talked to her?”

“I talked with her.”

Han Dong paused for a few seconds, taking note of the nuance.

“She shape-shifted?”

            Sua nodded, still drinking her tea. She didn’t quite know how to process the information herself. Too many things happened, and too many painful memories went back to her that day. Being able to calm Gahyeon down and make her feel comfortable enough to shift into her human form felt very unreal.

            Some of Minji’s words and Leedo’s advice kept repeating in her mind over and over and over. Was she enough? Was this just luck? Would she hurt Gahyeon one day without wanting to? She said she would protect Gahyeon, but what if she was the danger? Maybe the young kitsune was right to be afraid of the dark.

            Han Dong stayed silent. Her first instinct had been to tease nicely. Something along the lines of “See? It wasn’t that hard,” but she knew better.

“Meeting you was the greatest luck she could have had. You’re doing just fine.”

“You really mean that?”

“I do. And I don’t want to brag or anything, but I’m often right about things.”

Sua smiled at the shameless boasting. “Maybe you just don’t know enough about me.”

            Han Dong looked at her with her scrutinizing gaze, pondering whether she should say what was on her mind or not. The hurt in her chest told her it was time.

“I know you’re hurt. I can feel that. You’ve hurt people too. Actually, more than just hurt. I see it. All those things floating around you like ghosts. I think it’s time for you to let some of them go.”

“I don’t know how to.”

“You can try talking about it.” Sua stared at her with uncertainty mixed with something else. Was it fear? Han Dong understood she was entering dangerous territory. “Or not. I won’t force you.”

            Sua sighed. Her mind seemed to be miles away while her eyes were determined to stare at her cup. She knew she wasn’t going to get any sleep, not after that conversation, and Han Dong already knew she was a murderer. All she lacked now was the full story. Surely it wouldn’t hurt.

“Do you want some tea?”



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Just finished reading the whole series, (I started in from the last one and then went to the beginning).
So the series was very enjoyable, and the plot was great. The speed of the stories where overall quite nice, I would have liked to spend some more time at certain moments (in order to help us empathise more with the characters) but! I understand that the story might feel long or like it's getting dragged just for the sake of more chapters (or angst) afterwards. Hence I think you did a good job with that as well.
Again really enjoyed all four stories in the series, and thank you for taking the time to write them!
Chapter 4: Wooow. The world-building, the details, the characters and their emotions are all well-portrayed. I’ve always been a fan of fantasy, and to read a story where it ties all kinds of character is really delightful. Thank you for this story. Excited for the next chapters!