One Step Closer.

Stuck With U
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Hiah didn't hear anything from Baekhyun for the rest of the next day. Though she did have a talk with his parents who called her from the States. They were elated at the idea of having her as their daughter-in-law. Even Baekhyun's sister-in-law was chirping happily about what she and Hiah could do together whenever Baekhyun and Hiah would visit them in the States or whenever Baekhyun's family would visit Seoul. 

Seeing how appreciative they were regarding the marriage, Hiah thought to herself perhaps it wasn't that bad. After all, she had always knocked off random guys' advances just because she didn't know them properly. She'd always adored the idea of marrying someone whom she'd know for years. And in actuality, Baekhyun was just that. 


It was Sunday late afternoon when she finally received a text from her best friend - err her fiancé? God, it still felt so foreign and plainly embarrassing to call him her fiancé. 


From: BaekBoo



She didn't know why but her tummy churned funnily just at his short 'hey'. 


To: Baekhyun

Hii :)


She couldn't tolerate the previous name of Baekhyun's contact number, so she changed his name into simply 'Baekhyun' before replying to the text.


From: Baekhyun

Are you free tonight?


It was supposed to be just a casual question from his side, but why did she stop for a second after reading his text? Why did the tag fiancé make her see everything in a different context? However, knocking her forehead for thinking too much about a simple question, she typed her reply in a playful way, just like usual.


To: Baekhyun

Yeah. No more blind dates, Yeyy! I'm free~~~ *Lots of laughing emojis*


From: Baekhyun

Shouldn't someone thank ME for that? ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ


Hiah scoffed at his antics. He was really flexing the fact on her face! But at least she was thankful that things didn't seem as awkward between them as it had felt on Friday night.


To: Baekhyun

What do you want? :/

Name it, peasant! I shall grant your wish! :D


From: Baekhyun

I need to get something for Bora's birthday. Help meee! T-T


Hiah couldn't help but smile at his text. He would always be so nervous whenever it'd be regarding his adorable niece. As far as Hiah remembered, Bora, Baekhyun's niece, would be three years old in the upcoming month. 'Why does he want to get a gift this early?' She wondered to herself before typing out her reply.


To: Baekhyun

Alright. But I want burgers for dinner.



From: Baekhyun

Ofc! I wouldn't let my fiancée pay!!! :P


Hiah's heart skipped one or two beats at that. How was he able to be so casual with all these marriage ideas when she was a mess in handling it? 



From: Baekhyun

I'll pick you up at eight? 


Another text from him finally made her stop fidgeting with her phone and give the awaiting male a reply.


To: Baekhyun

Deal! ^^



True to his words, Baekhyun was at her home by seven forty five - even sooner than the given time. And Hiah was still hiding inside her bedroom. She had peeked her head out to take a glimpse of Baekhyun's outfit, and she was embarrassed as seeing how he was adorning a casual outfit. Curse her younger sister Jiah for filling stupid thoughts into her head and manipulating her to think it was a date. Holding onto her sister's excited texts, she had actually ended up putting on a floral mid thigh length dress. Now, Baekhyun wouldn't let her live with it if he saw her like this. 

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, Hiah! Why would you think he indirectly asked you out on a date! He clearly mentioned he wanted to choose a gift for his niece! Ugh! So embarrassing!" She continued to scold herself as she stripped off her dress in a haste, rummaging through her closet to pluck out a plain white t-shirt. She paired it up with a light green knee-length flowy skirt. She didn't know why she picked up white, or maybe she knew, maybe she did see Baekhyun adorning a white jacket and instinctively wanted to wear something in white as well.

"Yah! Hiah! How long are you going to make the poor guy wait?" Her mother slammed her fists into the door to Hiah's bedroom, causing the girl to screech inwardly as she was busy in wiping her makeup off. 

"I'm almost done!" She yelled at her mother, putting on a light pink lip tint instead. She hurriedly grabbed her sling bag and opened the door. Her mother was still waiting out of her door.

The older woman looked offended upon seeing Hiah. "Oh God! What to do with my stupid daughter! Yah! He's taking you out for the first time as your fiancé, and this is how you're going?" 

"We're just going to the mall, Mom!" Hiah defended herself, thinking whether she had outdone her efforts into making her outfit too casual? 

"Finally!" Before her mom could scold her some more, Baekhyun also noticed her and came towards her. He did stop for a moment to glance at her outfit. "Nice skirt. Let's go?" He complimented as if it was very natural for him to do so - that even in front of her mother, and grasped her hand to take her out. 

Hiah fought back the stupid blush that couldn't seem to stop appearing on her face as she followed behind him. How could he be so nonchalant as if they'd been engaged since childhood or something? Was she being the odd one here? Also, why was she suddenly noticing how nice he looked with his perms? She'd always found him adorable and cheeky, but then why was he suddenly appearing to be more on the attractive side? Had she never noticed how manly his aura would get whenever he'd protectively hold her hand and take her somewhere? 

How could things change this drastically over such a short period of time? 

Or such feelings were already there for a long time, but she just chose to ignore them because they had been best friends since mid school? 'What's wrong with your head, Hiah? Stop thinking bull!' She immediately scolded herself for her nonsensical thoughts.

"So, have you thought about something?" Baekhyun broke the silence as he revved his car's engine up. 


"Bora's birthday gift! Do you have anything on your mind regarding it?" Baekhyun clarified his question for her since the girl seemed a bit lost.

"Oh! Last time you gave her some dolls. So, this time we should definitely avoid dolls." Hiah proposed her not-so-helpful idea. 

"C'mon! Give me something solid!" The male groaned, looking stressed at the idea of finding the perfect birthday present for his niece. 

"Okay, why don't we ask Bora herself?" Hiah sighed and calmly offered. "She'll be awake by now, right? Let me call Boa Unnie." 

"Okay." Baekhyun nodded. Maybe it was the best option for them.

Hiah dialed for a video call and it was received within the third ring. "Hii, Unnie!" She greeted Baekhyun's sister-in-law cheerfully. The two girls had always been friendly, so it was easy for them to get even closer now that their relationship would change.

"Hi, Hiah! What's up?" Boa seemed like she was in the kitchen, preparing something. Hiah could already see little Bora running around behind her mother. 

"Actually I wanted to speak to Bora?" Hiah shyly asked. She was not a nervous ball like Baekhyun whenever it came to kids, she was rather shy. 

"Oh, of course! Bora, baby come here! Aunty Hiah wants to talk to you!" Bora was there within a blink, excited to see Hiah. 

"Hello! Aunty! You're so pretty!" Little Bora spoke in her broken hangul, poor kid was still struggling between learning her mother tongue alongside English. 

Hiah giggled at the cutest praise she'd ever received, feeling actually very pretty now that the little one had mentioned it. "Thank you, Bora. But you're the prettiest!" She cooed at the adorable girl. "Oh, say hi to your Uncle, here!" She turned the phone to Baekhyun's face so that Bora would be able to see the said male. 

"Uncle! Where are you going?" The kid asked her uncle excitedly upon noticing the male in the driving seat.

Baekhyun chuckled at his niece. "I'm taking your Aunty Hiah out, gonna get her some burgers. She loves them!" He then scrunched his nose at Hiah, too cutely.

"Hmm… going on a date, aren't we?" Baekhyun's sister-in-law piped in from behind, the teasing was very clear in her voice even if Hiah wasn't able to see her right now. Her face warmed up at that.

"Uhh…stop it, Noona! We go out all the time!" Baekhyun brushed his fingers through his permed hair and chuckled awkwardly, denying the other woman's claim. 

"Alright, alright! I'll stop and won't tell anyone that YOU'RE TAKING HIAH OUT ON A DATE!" 

Hiah palmed her face, it was on fire by now as Boa had perhaps let the whole house know of the fact. Baekhyun's parents also lived together with his elder brother and Boa, so that meant there was a high chance of the older pair to hear Boa's shout. 


"Mommy, what's a date?" Bora, being the curious little one, asked her mother. 

"Ask your Uncle! I'm going, bye~" And Boa left the phone with her daughter, leaving Baekhyun and Hiah to handle the little one's curiosity.

"Uncle, what's a date? Is it like an amusement park? Or Disneyland?" Bora plopped on her toy bike and asked, eagerly waiting for the answer.

"Bora, Sweetie, when Mommy and Daddy goes out somewhere nice, it's called a date." Hiah tried to explain as nicely as she could, without making it sound weird. 

"So, Uncle is taking you somewhere nice?" Bora grinned and asked like a wise girl.

Hiah scrunched her nose at the cute being, and then at her unnecessarily adorable Uncle, "Nope, your Uncle doesn't know any nice places. So, he's only taking me to a burger shop!" 

"Yah! Who told you I don't know any nice places!" Baekhyun immediately protested. 

Hiah ignored the whining male beside her and focused on his niece on the screen, "So, dear Bora, why don't you tell us if you want anything nice for your birthday? We will get it for you!" Seeing that they would be arriving at the mall within a few minutes, Hiah asked.

"Bora will get it, really?" The little girl chirped, her face glinting at the offer.

"Yes, why not? You just have to tell us!" Hiah cooed and nodded her head vigorously. She was unaware of the affectionate gaze of her fiancé upon witnessing all the cute exchanges between her and his niece.

"Okay!" Bora nodded, imitating Hiah's nodding style and making the girl giggle. "Okay, Mommy told me if Uncle Baek marries Aunty Hiah, I will have a little cousin! Bora wants a baby cousin!" 

The car abruptly stopped as Baekhyun ended up coughing loudly, choking on nothing but air. Whereas Hiah wanted to bury her face under the ground. It hadn't even been two days of her and Baekhyun's marriage being fixed, and her would be in-laws were already dreaming of a baby? She didn't know how she would face Baekhyun now, who by the way was currently drinking water from a bottle like a man living in the desert. 

 "Ah, Sweetie, it takes time to bring a b-baby into this world, you know?" Hiah cleared and tried to handle the kid.

"Yeah, little one. Even if Uncle is like… super fast, it would still take us at least nine and half months!" Baekhyun peered over from Hiah's shoulder to explain, it let the proximity between their bodies cease, letting them feel each other's body warmth. "Maybe you'll get your baby cousin on your next birthday?" He even bargained about it. 

How was he so confident that they'll have a baby within that period of time? Why was it doing things to her? Why did her chest thrummed being a part of his future plans? 

Hiah helplessly let the mischievous butterflies torment her tummy at his proximity and words. She had never heard Baekhyun planning his future, his marriage or kids. So, hearing him sharing something like that was bound to play with her tummy butterflies. 

"Okay!" Bora pouted, but didn't throw a fit like a spoiled kid. "Then get me paints! Bora wants to paint but Mommy won't let me!" 

A visible sigh left past the both of them. "Alright. Paint it is." Baekhyun murmured, still hovering over her shoulders. They exchanged a few more words with the adorable little one before finally ending the call.

"Oh, we've already arrived?" Hiah noticed just then that Baekhyun did stop the car at the right place. 

"Yeah. Can you wait for me till I park the car?" He gently asked her. Usually, he'd be like, 'Yah, get off! Don't get lost in the crowd!' So, hearing him asking for it so gently did surprise her a little.

"Okay." Hiah nodded and left the car without poking him about it. She went to wait at a suitable and comparably vacant space to wait for him so that he'd be able to locate her easily.






Within an hour, Baekhyun and Hiah were done choosing Bora's gift. It was easier since they now knew what the little one actually wanted. Baekhyun had gotten the largest set of acrylic paint and some needed painting tools for his niece. While Hiah chose a really cute dress for Bora, she just hoped she had chosen the right fit for the little one. 

Hiah also took the chance to get some outfits and accessories for herself since she usually didn't go to malls out of laziness. Baekhyun being Baekhyun, he sat down at the waiting zone of the boutique where Hiah was a regular customer, and told her to take her time while he'd be playing some games on his phone. 

Hiah was in a way glad that he didn't tag along, because she had to get some private stuff for herself as well. Though when it was the time for payment, Baekhyun immediately rushed towards the payment counter all of a sudden, and beat Hiah by handing his card to the cashier. 

"What is this, Baekhyun?" Hiah frowned and blinked at the male. 

"It's nothing, Hi. I'm just paying!" He grinned at her. 

"But why? I have my card with me!" Hiah insisted, not wanting him to spend his money on her when it wasn't even her birthday or any special occasion.

"I know. I just want to! Let me pay for your things, hmm?" He gave her an adorable grin, which was enough to melt her. 

Though she stood firm, shaking her head in disapproval. "Nope. Either I'll pay or I won't get anything at all."

"C'mon, Hi! Can't I spoil my fiancée?" He had turned back to the female cashier and asked the last question to the said woman.

The woman smiled and nodded encouragingly. "Of course, Sir. You certainly can!"

"You didn't even see what I got! Now you want to pay for them!" Hiah muttered under her breath, still not willing to concede.

"Hmm? Okay, then let's see what you got!" He exclaimed and started peeking over all of the bags. Hiah tugged on his sleeves to stop him but Baekhyun wasn't someone to be stopped. "Hmm, nice color, you'd look pretty in it." He casually commented upon seeing the content of the first bag. 

Then he moved on to the second one, "The pants are of good material." He left another comment. "Oh you're planning to wear this scarf with a shirt? Finally, you've listened to my genius suggestion!" He commented upon checking the content of the third bag. 

 He cleared his throat when he stopped at the fourth bag, noticing they contained nothing but her undergarments. His ears immediately changed their colors as he stared down at the lacy bra he had fished out from the bag out of excitement. Hiah wanted to smack his head so bad right now, especially after noticing how the cashier was giggling under her breath seeing Baekhyun's obvious flustered reaction. "Umm uhh n-nice design, very cute bow, it'll suit you. I m-mean, I hope it will suit you even though you'd be wearing it under your dress and I won't be able to see it. I mean, I didn't mean that I want to see you in it only! I mean… Ughh!" The male faked a few coughs to stop himself from all the stupid blabbering he was doing while still holding her undergarment between his fingers. Huffing after that, he let the piece of clothing drop back into the bag and cleared his throat again, "Now that I've umm seen what you've got for yourself. Can I pay for them now?" 

"Are you going to listen to me even if I say no?" Hiah shortly glared at the male, praying in her head that he wouldn't notice how she was on the verge of transforming into a huge red tomato out of abashment. She wanted to get the hell out of here as soon as possible after whatever happened here, and letting his stubborn do whatever he wanted was undoubtedly the fastest option. So, despite being unwilling, she conceded.

"No~" He chuckled, back in his playful zone and happily handed his card over to the cashier, the woman looked relieved to finally settle the payment. 

Hiah was sulking all the way outside. She wasn't even laughing at anything funny Baekhyun was trying to tell her from time to time. 

Being seated inside the car again, Baekhyun turned up the radio and hummed along to the randomly appearing songs, most of them were romantic songs. Though he intentionally changed the romantic lyrics into something funny to make her laugh. He succeeded a few times but he couldn't fully break her annoyed façade wholly. 

"Hey, you left the

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39 streak #1
I really missed our cute couple 🤗🤩😍
Chapter 6: I love this story!! Baekhyun and Hiah are too cute! Can’t wait to see how their relationship develops!
Chapter 6: I love this! These 2 are so cute. I wonder how long Baekhyun has liked her?
and their friends? icing on the cake🤣
39 streak #4
Chapter 6: Really really missed them so much... and their relationship development was so cute and lovely.. hope to read more about them..
Chapter 6: I really miss this story
it gives a totally different vibe, you experiencing the whole zoo in your stomach or something even better which i believe i can't describe well since english in not my first language..any way the point is, this is so special and amazing! Looking forward to see where the fate will take these cuties into :)
Grats on the promo
Chapter 6: I miss this storyy
keyseopie #8
Chapter 6: Rereading this again cause I misses them 🥹🥹 btw, is baekhyun gonna buy a ring for her tho?
39 streak #9
Chapter 6: My whole expressions while reading: 😊🙂☺️🙃🙈😅😆😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☺️☺️☺️☺️🤭🤭🤭😌😌😌😌😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😀😃😄😄😄😄😄😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🥺🥺🥺🥺😍🤩🤗😘😘😘
Cried cause couldn't stop laughing, smiling (my cheeky and tummy hurts now😄🙈🙂😍), cooing at the cutest and lovely couple's sweet conversations and moments with each other.. they are the sweetest and too cute.. glad that they were finally getting on next level.. omg... so their friends were the real culprit who accidentally did the greatest work ..hehe... aww.. lucky people to have such good friends.. loved the way their relationship is developing... hiah is really cute and hilarious.. morning incident was too hilarious.. poor baekhyun..hahaha... the couple and their little cute activities really stole my heart.. and become one of my favorite couple 👫.. so happy for them.. loved the way baekhyun supported her ..that's so sweet of him.. the last part made me emotional though.. aaahhhhhh I'm just in love with them.. thank you authornim for updating and writing such an awesome and sweetest chapter. ❤️🤗🤩😍 this chapter was really so refreshing for me after a stressful day. 🧚‍♀️👏👍🤗❤️😘
SummerLuv #10
Chapter 6: Hahahaah their friends are so annoying yet fun. Way to a chaotic morning 😂 & I think Baekhyun might have been interested in Hiah since forever, given his actions and words since the engagement. I hope Hiah would fall for him or realize her feelings for him soon!!