And that's how they met

Magic Double Date Night: How we all met
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A/N: I’ve wanted to write this for the longest, showing how the two couples did meet for the first time. This is still a personal favorite series of mine so I do still have ideas/thoughts for it, and of course if anyone is interested please enjoy!! Thank you :) 



An auburn-haired woman teleported into her house with a heavy sigh as she placed her briefcase onto the kitchen island. It could be quite exhausting traveling from the monster realm back to the human realm like this. But such sacrifices must be made when your wife is a very important CEO in the human realm, and you are a lawyer in the monster realm.


“I swear all this traveling back and forth will be the end of me.”


Of course, Sooyoung is being dramatic. She is a witch who can travel in multiple ways to get to the monster realm. In fact, it takes virtually no time to get there. Though before she and her wife got married she was asked if the travel would be a problem. And of course, it wasn’t going to be a problem, not really. Nothing would have stopped Sooyoung from being with her vampire. The only issue is being a part sometimes but that was no real reason not to marry Kim Yerim.


Speaking of which.


“Babe!” Sooyoung calls out, only to hear her own voice echoing through the house. “Damn this huge house. Where in hell are you? You’re supposed to be waiting for me with my wine glass and slippers?” Sooyoung sighs again for an entirely different reason. 


Did they not just have a heartfelt talk about how someone, not naming any names, but certain people who happen to be her wife, should be waiting for her with her favorite wine as well as her slippers. Yerim already knows the hell she deals with in some of these cases. The least the witch expects is for her wife to be supportive. It’s not like she doesn’t do the same when her wife comes home from long hours at the record company.


“Stupid vampy.”


Sooyoung didn’t immediately notice the small bat flying around. Yerim finds amusement in little things like this, tricking her witch into thinking she’s not here when in fact, she is. 


“Silly witch. If only she would look into the living room.”


If Sooyoung had looked in the living room. Specifically on the coffee table where there was a glass of Sooyoung’s favorite merlot. Where she would also find her red fuzzy slippers too, if only she’d look.


“Such a silly woman.” Yerim sighs now. The vampire supposes it would be easier to reveal herself, only where’s the fun in that? It’s much more fun to watch Sooyoung be bothered. Besides, it’s not like she will leave her wife like this all night. Oh no, Yerim knows better than to mess with her witch too long. In general, it’s not that bright to mess with someone who can cast spells and curse you if they want to.


“Well, I see my favorite wine and my slippers.” Sooyoung can be heard talking. “Now where the hell is that useless wife of mine.”  She teases out loud, knowing that her vampire must be around here somewhere. There’s no way Yerim isn’t and besides the witch knows how her vampire likes to mess with her. You aren’t with someone as long as they’ve been and not know the other well.


“Useless wife!” The little bat screeched in annoyance, blowing her cover immediately. Sooyoung turned around to where she heard the noise and saw her wife flying around, probably shouting at her from the looks of it. Sooyoung could do nothing to stop her own laughter. Seeing Yerim in bat form flying around and yelling was just too much.


“Y-Yerimie….you’re just….so silly…” She inhaled through her laughter. “Now, if you don’t stop messing around and get your winged- down here.” The witch put both her hands onto her hips and stared up at the small bat. 


“Uh-oh. She’s taking that tone.” And because she knew when to stop messing with her wife. The small bat landed on the ground and back to a more human form. 


“Finally, now how long have you been up there.” 


“Uh….” The dark-haired woman thinks. How long was she up there. “I…”


“Well, who cares. You’re here now so time for welcome home kisses.” 


“Hey, you had your wine and slippers. Now you want kisses too.” Yerim is only exaggerating. But Sooyoung does not take well to that, not after the day she’s had in the monster realm.


“After all this time you're still withholding affection. See if I don’t divorce you yet, Yerim.” It’s a meaningless threat of course. Sooyoung wouldn’t leave her, in fact when they first met it was really the witch who pursued her, and made it impossible for Yerim to see escape. In other words, Yerim eventually fell in love with the woman because she was relentless, but it was a quality the vampire liked about the witch. As she truly had never met anyone like Park Sooyoung and she knew she never would again. 


“Come here, silly witch.” Yerim reaches up for her face, which is always cute to Sooyoung because of their height difference. 


“About damn time.” The witch can be heard before eagerly accepting her wife’s kiss. It’s all she’s been thinking about to be perfectly honest. Today hasn't been the easiest day in court and it’s not like the trial is even over. She’ll have to go back when court is back in session, and that means being away from Yerim again. Sensing her stress, the vampire places her hand to the small of her witch’s back. Sooyoung calms down at the gentle touch and settles even further into Yerim’s kiss. Her wife can be affectionate when she wants to. She just likes to have this grumpy persona which can be cute at times.


“Sit down. I’ll bring you your wine.” Yerim speaks when they break for air. 


“Thank you, finally some good service around here.” 


Yerim shakes her head and laughs. Sooyoung is ridiculous as always, though that doesn’t stop her from getting the wine she placed on the coffee table earlier.


“Can I ask you a question?” 


“Yeah, baby. What’s on your mind?” She accepts the wine glass.


“Why did you want a coffee table when you don’t even drink coffee?”


Sooyoung is so glad she didn’t start drinking her wine because she would have spilled its contents all over the place from laughing. Yerim looks at her earnestly too indicating that she honestly wants to know.


“Yerim, babe. Really?” 


“Yes, really. For as long as I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you drink coffee.”


Before she can even begin to explain the importance of nice home decor. Yerim’s business phone rings and Sooyoung wants to scream, because it’s late and why can’t work wait until morning. However, with Yerim her schedule can be quite hectic and business doesn’t always want to wait.


“Hello, Kim Yerim. Oh, hey…” She pauses and listens to the person on the other end. “I didn’t know it was tonight. How come no one told me, oh company email that was sent two days ago, of course… yeah I’ll be able to attend. If it’s for work, thanks, have a good night.” Yerim ends the call and looks like she wants to scream.


“What’s wrong, Yerimie?”


“Nothing, just some work event I need to go to, sounds important. Well, I better put you to bed first.”


Now at this, Sooyoung coughs over her wine. “What did you just say! You better put me to bed! A normal wife would have offered a date night, but no, not you.”


“Date night…” Now truth be told, the only reason it hadn’t crossed her mind to ask Sooyoung if she wanted to go too. Was not because she wouldn’t want her wife with her. She enjoys having Sooyoung’s company for a lot of work things because they can be quite boring being around that many humans. 


“Soo.” Yerim speaks in a soft tone that stops Sooyoung from her rant. “I didn’t ask you because I don’t want you to come with me. I thought you’d want to go to bed. I know how hard your case is right now, and I don’t want you overdoing it because I have something to do here.”


Sooyoung stops and looks at her with a soft gaze. Now that’s her sweet vampy. While she appreciates Yerim for being sweet and thinking of her. This is still an opportunity for a date night. One that they should not miss all because Sooyoung had a rough day at work.


“Aw, vampy, you do care. Well, don’t worry about me, I want to go with you. Besides, it gives me a chance to look hot in my new red dress!”


And of course Sooyoung takes off running to get ready leaving Yerim to laugh. There’s her wife. “Such a silly wife…”


Yerim supposes she better get ready too. Now that she thinks of it, there’s nothing better than being with your magical half on a date night surrounded by a bunch of humans.


Maybe tonight wouldn’t be so bad after all. 



Meanwhile, across town a stunning woman dressed in a beautiful dark purple dress made her way to a movie studio. No one stopped her or asked her any questions as to where she was going, or why she was even there at this time of night. In fact, some of the guards, and staff waved to the woman as she passed. But to be fair no one would have stopped her anyways as she made her way to the movie studio owner’s office. And without knocking the woman entered to see the very person she came here to see. Sitting at her desk staring hard at various movie scripts. 


Joohyun chuckled to herself. “She probably doesn’t even notice I’m here. She looks so hot focused though…” The raven thinks as she momentarily has other thoughts on her mind about the studio owner. Who does indeed look very attractive with her glasses on reading scripts. If she bites down on her lower lip like she does it’ll be all over for Joohyun. That’s why she knew she better hurry up before that happens and so in an instant she’s over to the bespectacled woman. A pair of arms wrapped around Kang Seulgi as she was just about to turn the page of a movie script.


She could have screamed for security, after all there is a strange woman in her office. Only there is no reason to.


“I heard the CEO was working late tonight, so I came to pick her up. Have you seen her?” There’s this soft husky voice in her ear followed by some kisses.


Seulgi smiles. “Excuse me, ma’am but my wife is a succubus and she will be very jealous that you’re coming onto me.”


Joohyun has to hold back a laugh and tightens her hold around Seulgi’s waist. “Oh, a succubus you say? I think the CEO is married to a succubus, did you know that?”


“I might have heard. Though the CEO is also a bit of a werewolf...” Seulgi'' turns her face toward Joohyun, or rather her lips to greet her other half properly with a kiss. She would have been home hours ago if not for all these movie scripts on her desk. Seulgi should have anticipated that Joohyun would come to meet her instead of waiting at home alone, that’s not her wife’s style. She doesn’t really like being home alone if she can help it. 


“Hey, Hyunnie.” She whispers affectionately after they break away for air, and right away Joohyun sits down in her lap. 

“Hi, Seul.” Pale arms go around broad shoulders. “How long are you going to be here for, hm?” She pouts in such a cute way that makes Seulgi feel very weak for her. Like if Joohyun said let’s go home right now. Seulgi probably would shut everything down so that they could. However, she has to stay strong because even after this she can’t exactly go home. There’s a work event she must go to, that she can’t back out of. A lot of other important people in other fields will be there, and if anything it will be a good chance to network. 


“I was actually going to leave in another half-hour. I would have called you before I left, Joohyun. I always do.”


“I know.” The succubus agrees. While absentmindedly playing with her wife’s purple and silver tie. She personally picked out this tie for her and is always happy whenever her CEO wife wears the things she picks out for her. “Did I ever tell you how good you look in a suit?”


“Yes, you have many times.” Seulgi agreed. “Now, Hyunnie. I hate to ruin the mood…”


“Uh-oh…” She looks at her with suspicious bright brown eyes. Something told the succubus that she did the right thing by coming in person to the studio. Seulgi looks  troubled like she has something on her mind. “What’s wrong, baby?”


“Well….” There’s no easier way to say it than to just hurry and say it. “I wasn’t exactly going to be able to come straight home tonight. There’s a work thing I need to attend to right after I leave here.”


Joohyun is just staring at her with those impossibly bright eyes. With a look that isn’t really telling the werewolf anything, whether she should be scared or not? Though she isn’t actually afraid of her wife. Even from the time she first met the woman she’s not ever feared for her life, though under other circumstances as a succubus Joohyun would instill fear in most any other creature. Their situation is unlike any other and their relationship is certainly unique.


 Because from the moment it was realized that Joohyun didn’t hurt Seulgi at all whenever they had , combined wtih their own chemisty and feelings that soon turned into this intense love. There was no way they’d let go of one another. That’s why here they are years later married and masking themselves amongst humans, which they’ve gotten away with quite well.


Seulgi is working as a movie studio owner and Joohyun a movie actress and model. It helps that they already blend in and humans don’t really suspect them. That and as far as they know they’ve not ever run into any other supernatural beings here in the human realm. That’s not to say there aren’t others here like them, but so far it’s just herself and Joohyun, which does make it easier to blend in. but sometimes lonely in a sense not having friends or even another couple who could relate to them. 


“Are you upset?” Seulgi gently pokes one of her cheeks. “I can’t tell.” She smiles with eyes forming pretty crescent shapes.


“So let me get this straight. You were going to just leave me all alone in our house, when you could have asked me if I wanted to go. I’m already dressed for the occasion.” She gestures to her very stunning dress, which come to think of it: she is very dressed for an evening out. 


Seulgi blinks a few times. “Hyunnie, did you come here dressed to go to the event? Did you already know I had somewhere to go?”


“Maybe…” The raven speaks in a singsong voice and laughs at the slightly bewildered expression on Seulgi’s face. Of course, she already knew about the work event that her wife is supposed to go to. That’s partly why she came here tonight, not only to see her early. She was hopeful they could go together. “Aw, don’t look at me like that. We haven’t been out together on a date night in a long time, Seul. You’ve been busy, and so have I. It would be a perfect chance to have a night out.”


Now that Joohyun has mentioned it, this would be a very good chance for a date night out. It has been a while since they were out together, though Seulgi doesn’t think this will be a very romantic idea of a date night. She also knows Joohyun won’t care so much about that, as long as they’re together. Besides, they can always make the most of any situation, and

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Chapter 1: I'm looking forward to their first double date. I'm quite interested whether it would be chaotic for both parties OR chaotic to the unsuspecting people who are also out and about doing their own thing should the two couples go out in a public setting (supernatural or human world).😆
2078 streak #2
Chapter 1: succubus irene is hot. she sure captures everyone’s attention
Chapter 1: This is one of my favourites series toooooooo
Taitai84 1235 streak #4
Chapter 1: When I first read the title I thought I meant how the couples got together, didn’t expect it to be about the two couples meeting each other.

So consistent with their characters that they didn’t start on the best footing, but go on to be such close friends ^^

Looking forward to reading their first double date!
zjkdlin0121 #5
can't wait to read this